52 resultados para Arquivologia


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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This work seeks to develop an observation about the monumental historical heritage from the perspective of Information Science, and still draw a possible connection between the context of the monumental heritage and documents, focus on the archival (manuscripts), in the intention of justifying the inclusion of the latter together the first, among the units legally and socially understood as forms of representation of history, collective memory and identity. For this, we support in the literature in the fields of anthropology, history and architecture, to contextualize the monuments, and Information Science and Archival Science to understood documents and information, and set up a projection.


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In the contemporary society, the recurring preoccupation about the effective use and appropriation of information has forced a progressive maturing of Information Science and its extention to new fields of study. In archival management, some gaps can be found concerning the treatment of photographs that have not been solved either theoretically or methodologically. This study approaches one of these gaps: the one related to the processing of the informational content of the photographic documents in archives. After a literature review, several recommendations are proposed regarding the identification, organization, representation, retrieval and access to the informational content of photographs in archives.


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This work analizes the documentation produced by the Municipal Council of Black people in Brazil, both as archival documents and as a rescue innitiative of blacks’ memory. For this purpose, we used the interdisciplinary basis of archival science, the concept of social memory and the history of black movements in Brazil. Legal aspects of Black People Council foundation were raised to provide an understanding of the relations it established with the local government and the municipal city hall. The study of Black movements was fundamental to understand the constitution of this archive, which ensures, in some way, the identity and social participation of black people, beyond the reminiscence of past events from the black people’ group experience. Thus we perceive how the black movement becomes official and legal through the documentation associated to local government; and, in the same way, we observe how their official memory is constituted.


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Presents a developing laboratory within History of Culture, subject taught in the Library and Archive Studies at UNESP (Marilia). The project is based upon the foundations of research line Information and Technology: students from the second under graduation year participate in the improving of 27 entries in Portuguese language Wikipedia. The aim is to capacitate for scientific reading and writing in digital media, habilitate for the information identification and recuperation and for the interpretation and understanding of formal and contents aspects and its reorganization. It includes activities of search, selection, remix and republishing of texts, images, audio and videos in the convergence of diverse hypertext information sources, supported by tutors with strategic abilities in digital environments. In this sense it was adhered to the international Wikipedia Foundation University Campus Ambassadors project. It’s also aimed to induce sharing and collaboration behaviors with the purpose of creating necessary habits for the informational empowerment in Brazil. As methodology is to optimize the work of individuals already trained in wiki culture and to create in within the subject information sharing programs with a more specialized bias, giving greater credibility to the digital environment. The environment syntaxes helps in the learning of the complementary skills of reading and writing and offers itself as an open repository from which information can be reused. It is, thus, an empowerment strategy in the search of autonomy and self reliance considering intersemiotic knowledge in the edition, visualization and understanding of information in the social web. A second step of a verifying research on the environment’s credibility after the consolidation and dissemination of the entries improvement work is proposed.


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The role of the librarian and archivist in school settings is shown, currently in the initial stages. Starting up this hypothesis, the PET of Librarianship of the FFC/UNESP prepared the design in PET at School with a view to submitting importance of these professionals this environment. Thus, it is expected that the performance of the stock of PET Librarianship in schools is another catalytic to the formation of responsible professionals and concerned with the society around them as idealized the political projects of pedagogical courses of Library and Archival of FFC/UNESP. Experiments of this nature bring the discussion of knowledge acquired in the classroom and the possibility of social transformation by information professional.


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The archival institutions should for the elevation of the statistical indices of social and economic to integrate with sustainable development yours communities through regional entrepreneurship and improving informational. The Commerce and Industry Association of Marília (ACIM) archive provided to analyze the influence of the files on regional growth to development sustainable of industries and trade. The management theory and archives processes, set up data to create a model template guiding sustainable which suggested the results provided for: Transparency in the processes; global and local integration; culture and collaboration of the community; physical and human factors; improvement for work management and; to utilized to generate the economy of the ecosystem as a form of natural resources.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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O presente estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de refletir a relevância do Ensino de Filosofia no contexto histórico brasileiro em consonância conjectural paulistana. Apontamos através do Decreto nro. 6.283 de 25 de janeiro de 1934, o qual instituiu-se sendo a primeira Universidade brasileira (Universidade de São Paulo) nas palavras de Vita “iniciativa pioneira no Brasil” (1969, p.16). Inspirada no modelo universitário tradicional da cultura filosófica francesa, a Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras adotou desde os seus contíguos metodológicos aos procedimentos intelectivos, favorecendo o desenvolvimento da interdisciplinaridade da formação cultural. Uma confluência marcada por intensos envolvimentos ideológicos estruturados do progresso moderno, infundindo competências científicas na faculdade profissional incorporada à universidade, bem como formar professores para o ensino secundário (SCHWARTZMAN, 2006, p.163). Sendo assim, a Faculdade de Filosofia seria o núcleo propulsor. Porém, o modelo centralizador de pensar o Ensino da Filosofia, a atribui uma superioridade técnica intelectual e saber acumulado, pouco distingue da competência escolar conquistada em outros países, pelo potencial formativo dos professores filósofos Jean Maugüé (1955,1982) e João da Cruz Costa (1945, 1960, 1961,1967). Mauguë aponta-nos quão a formação em Filosofia está diretamente atribuída ao docente e ao aluno, que a ela se dedica. Pela obra Ensino de Filosofia e Diretrizes, ele apresenta-nos também a concepção de docência: o docente-intelectual, comprometido com a (re) construção dos significados epistemológicos, legitimados por uma prática pedagógica entre o já conhecido e ao conhecer, ou seja, entre o ensinado e ao ensinar. Nesse sentido, é notável que os argumentos do docente e do filósofo se imbricam, ao ponto de serem confundidos e potencializados durante a formação. Assim, Cruz Costa, também trabalha, quando assume a cátedra, porém ressalta que o processo formativo adquire sentido pela História das Ideias como construção do pensamento filosófico e, portanto, o ensino se faz quando se toma consciência da concentricidade histórica, ideias que lhe concede significado conjugado às técnicas de erudição, o que fez advertir aos seus alunos para as vicissitudes pelas quais passaram em nossa terra, as correntes filosóficas estrangeiras, e, sobretudo, para a curiosa significação que elas têm apresentado no envolver de nossa história (VITA, 1950, p.22). O conhecimento histórico é o caminho norteador a ser percorrido, necessário ao devir humano, isto é, a conciliação entre o conhecimento teórico e as condições históricas.