996 resultados para Approximate Sum Rule


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The isoscalar giant monopole resonance (ISGMR) in nuclei is studied in the framework of a fully consistent relativistic continuum random phase approximation (RCRPA). In this method the contribution of the continuum spectrum to nuclear excitations is treated exactly by the single particle Green's function technique. The negative energy states in the Dirac sea are also included in the single particle Green's function in the no-sea approximation. The single particle Green's function is calculated numerically by a proper product of the regular and irregular solutions of the Dirac equation. The strength distributions in the RCRPA calculations, the inverse energy-weighted sum rule m(-1) and the centroid energy of the ISGMR in Sn-120 and Pb-208 are analysed. Numerical results of the RCRPA are checked with the constrained relativistic mean field model and relativistic random phase approximation with a discretized spectrum in the continuum. Good agreement between them is achieved.


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Correlations between the behavior of the nuclear symmetry energy, the neutron skins, and the percentage of energy-weighted sum rule (EWSR) exhausted by the pygmy dipole resonance (PDR) in Ni-68 and Sn-132 are investigated by using different random phase approximation (RPA) models for the dipole response, based on a representative set of Skyrme effective forces plus meson-exchange effective Lagrangians. A comparison with the experimental data has allowed us to constrain the value of the derivative of the symmetry energy at saturation. The neutron skin radius is deduced under this constraint.


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QCD求和规则是强子物理中的一种非常有效的非微扰方法,它从流的算符乘积展开开始,引入算符乘积展开式的真空期望值,把微扰和非微扰效应分开处理:微扰效应包含在展开系数中,非微扰效应则由算符的真空凝聚值表示。然后利用色散关系,把算符乘积展开式的真空期望值与一个含有强子物理参数的色散积分联系起来,这样就能够计算有关强子的物理量。 本文首先系统介绍了QCD求和规则的基本原理、基本方法,然后结合Dominguez,Gend和Paver的工作[14],展开式保留了的算符d=4凝聚值,采用新的参数化渐近自由阈以下谱函数的方法:即根据文献[25],用实验上了解得比较清楚的两个共振态的贡献来参数化谱函数,计算了s夸克的质量,得到了在动量标度为1Gev时,s夸克的跑动质量为219MeV。在误差范围内,这是一个理论上可以接受的结果,本文计算得到的跑动质量的值能为考察动量转移为1GeV时的质量效应提供参考。 关键词:QCD求和规则 算符乘积展开 色散关系 Borel变换 夸克质


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In this paper, we present electron-impact excitation collision strengths and Maxwellian averaged effective collision strengths for the complicated iron-peak ion Cr II. We consider specifically the allowed lines for transitions from the 3d(5) and 3d(4)4s even parity configuration states to the 3d(4)4p odd parity configuration levels. The parallel suite of R-Matrix packages, RMATRX II, which have recently been extended to allow for the inclusion of relativistic effects, were used to compute the collision cross sections. A total of 108 LS pi/280 J pi levels from the basis configurations 3d(5), 3d(4)4s, and 3d(4)4p were included in the wavefunction representation of the target including all doublet, quartet, and sextet terms. Configuration interaction and correlation effects were carefully considered by the inclusion of seven more configurations and a pseudo-corrector (4d) over bar type orbital. The 10 configurations incorporated into the Cr II model thus listed are 3d(5), 3d(4)4s, 3d(4)4p, 3d(3)4s(2), 3d(3)4p(2), 3d(3)4s4p, 3d(4)(4d) over bar, 3d(3)4s (4d) over bar, 3d(3)4p (4d) over bar, and 3d(3)(4d) over bar (2), constituting the largest Cr II target model considered to date in a scattering calculation. The Maxwellian averaged effective collision strengths are computed for a wide range of electron temperatures 2000-100,000 K which are astrophysically significant. Care has been taken to ensure that the partial wave contributions to the collision strengths for these allowed lines have converged with "top-up" from the Burgess-Tully sum rule incorporated. Comparisons are made with the results of Bautista et al. and significant differences are found for some of the optically allowed lines considered.


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We discuss the relation between continuum bound states (CBSs) localized on a defect, and surface states of a finite periodic system. We model an experiment of Capasso et al. [F. Capasso, C. Sirtori, J. Faist, D. L. Sivco, S-N. G. Chu, and A. Y. Cho, Nature (London) 358, 565 (1992)] using the transfer-matrix method. We compute the rate for intrasubband transitions from the ground state to the CBS and derive a sum rule. Finally we show how to improve the confinement of a CBS while keeping the energy fixed.


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The interplay between Rashba, Dresselhaus, and Zeeman interactions in a quantum well submitted to an external magnetic field is studied by means of an accurate analytical solution of the Hamiltonian, including electron-electron interactions in a sum-rule approach. This solution allows us to discuss the influence of the spin-orbit coupling on some relevant quantities that have been measured in inelastic light scattering and electron-spin resonance experiments on quantum wells. In particular, we have evaluated the spin-orbit contribution to the spin splitting of the Landau levels and to the splitting of charge- and spin-density excitations. We also discuss how the spin-orbit effects change if the applied magnetic field is tilted with respect to the direction perpendicular to the quantum well.


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The interplay between Rashba, Dresselhaus, and Zeeman interactions in a quantum well submitted to an external magnetic field is studied by means of an accurate analytical solution of the Hamiltonian, including electron-electron interactions in a sum-rule approach. This solution allows us to discuss the influence of the spin-orbit coupling on some relevant quantities that have been measured in inelastic light scattering and electron-spin resonance experiments on quantum wells. In particular, we have evaluated the spin-orbit contribution to the spin splitting of the Landau levels and to the splitting of charge- and spin-density excitations. We also discuss how the spin-orbit effects change if the applied magnetic field is tilted with respect to the direction perpendicular to the quantum well.


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Isoscalar collective modes in a relativistic meson-nucleon system are investigated in the framework of the time-dependent Thomas-Fermi method. The energies of the collective modes are determined by solving consistently the dispersion relations and the boundary conditions. The energy weighted sum rule satisfied by the models considered allows the identification of the giant resonances. The percentage of the energy weighted sum rule exhausted by the collective modes is in agreement with experimental data, but the agreement with the energy of the modes depends on the model considered.


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We explore the ability of the recently established quasilocal density functional theory for describing the isoscalar giant monopole resonance. Within this theory we use the scaling approach and perform constrained calculations for obtaining the cubic and inverse energy weighted moments (sum rules) of the RPA strength. The meaning of the sum rule approach in this case is discussed. Numerical calculations are carried out using Gogny forces and an excellent agreement is found with HF+RPA results previously reported in literature. The nuclear matter compression modulus predicted in our model lies in the range 210230 MeV which agrees with earlier findings. The information provided by the sum rule approach in the case of nuclei near the neutron drip line is also discussed.


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Symmetry restrictions on Raman selection rules can be obtained, quite generally, by considering a Raman allowed transition as the result of two successive dipole allowed transitions, and imposing the usual symmetry restrictions on the dipole transitions. This leads to the same results as the more familiar polarizability theory, but the vibration-rotation selection rules are easier to obtain by this argument. The selection rules for symmetric top molecules involving the (+l) and (-l) components of a degenerate vibrational level with first-order Coriolis splitting are derived in this paper. It is shown that these selection rules depend on the order of the highest-fold symmetry axis Cn, being different for molecules with n=3, n=4, or n ≧ 5; moreover the selection rules are different again for molecules belonging to the point groups Dnd with n even, and Sm with 1/2m even, for which the highest-fold symmetry axes Cn and Sm are related by m=2n. Finally it is shown that an apparent anomaly between the observed Raman and infra-red vibration-rotation spectra of the allene molecule is resolved when the correct selection rules are used, and a value for the A rotational constant of allene is derived without making use of the zeta sum rule.


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Anti-spoofing is attracting growing interest in biometrics, considering the variety of fake materials and new means to attack biometric recognition systems. New unseen materials continuously challenge state-of-the-art spoofing detectors, suggesting for additional systematic approaches to target anti-spoofing. By incorporating liveness scores into the biometric fusion process, recognition accuracy can be enhanced, but traditional sum-rule based fusion algorithms are known to be highly sensitive to single spoofed instances. This paper investigates 1-median filtering as a spoofing-resistant generalised alternative to the sum-rule targeting the problem of partial multibiometric spoofing where m out of n biometric sources to be combined are attacked. Augmenting previous work, this paper investigates the dynamic detection and rejection of livenessrecognition pair outliers for spoofed samples in true multi-modal configuration with its inherent challenge of normalisation. As a further contribution, bootstrap aggregating (bagging) classifiers for fingerprint spoof-detection algorithm is presented. Experiments on the latest face video databases (Idiap Replay- Attack Database and CASIA Face Anti-Spoofing Database), and fingerprint spoofing database (Fingerprint Liveness Detection Competition 2013) illustrate the efficiency of proposed techniques.


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In the last years many states in the charmonium mass region were discovery by BABAR, Belle and CDF collaborations I discuss some of these discoveries, and how the QCD Sum Rule approach can be used to understand the structure of these states


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We use QCD sum rules to study the possible existence of a D(s)(D) over bar* - D(s)*(D) over bar molecule with the quantum number J(PC) = 1(++). We consider the contributions of condensates up to dimension eight and work at leading order in alpha(s). We obtain m(DsD*) = (3.96 +/- 0.10) GeVaround 100 MeV above the mass of the meson X(3872). The proposed state is a natural generalized state to the strangeness sector of the X(3872), which was also found to be consistent with a multiquark state from a previous QCD sum rule analysis.


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Chiral loop corrections for hadronic properties are considered in a constituent quark model. It is emphasized that the correct implementation of such corrections requires a sum over intermediate hadronic states. The leading non-analytic corrections are very important for baryon magnetic moments and explain the failure of the sum rule (mu(Sigma+) + 2 mu(Sigma-))/mu(A) = -1 predicted by the constituent quark model. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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A statistical model of linear-confined quarks is applied to obtain the flavor asymmetry of the nucleon sea. The model parametrization is fixed by the experimental available data, where a temperature parameter is used to fit the Gottfried sum rule violation. Results are presented for the ratios of light quark and antiquark distributions, d/u and (d) over bar/(u) over bar.