965 resultados para Apparent Viscosity


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Gels consist of soft materials with vast use in several activities, such as in pharmaceutical industry, food science, and coatings/textile applications. In order to obtain these materials, the process of gelification, that can be physical (based on physical interactions) and/or chemical (based on covalent crosslinking), has to be carried out. In this work we used dynamic light scattering (DLS) and rheometry to monitor the covalent gelification of chitosan solutions by glutaraldehyde. Intensity correlation function (ICF) data was obtained from DLS and the exponential stretched Kohrausch-William-Watts function (KWW) was fitted to them. The parameters of the KWW equation, β, Γ and C were evaluated. These methods were effective in clarifying the process of sol-gel transition, with the emergence of non-ergodicity, and determining the range of gelation observed in about 10-20 minutes. The dependence between apparent viscosity on reaction time was used to support the discussion proposed.


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Amidos nativos e modificados têm grande importância na indústria de alimentos, sendo empregados principalmente como espessantes e/ou estabilizantes. As limitações das pastas e géis obtidos a partir de amidos nativos tornaram necessário o desenvolvimento de muitos tipos de amidos modificados para aplicações alimentícias. Neste trabalho, algumas amostras de amidos modificados (n=20) disponíveis no Brasil foram recebidas de empresas produtoras e analisadas em relação a algumas características físico-químicas e propriedades tecnológicas. Um levantamento do uso de amidos modificados em alimentos também é apresentado, revelando crescente interesse pela indústria nesses ingredientes. Constatou-se que, enquanto alguns alimentos industrializados, como maioneses contêm em suas formulações amidos modificados, outros como condimento preparado de mostarda contêm apenas amido nativo. As análises físico-químicas permitiram concluir que alguns amidos modificados apresentavam teores elevados de acidez, relacionados à presença de reagentes utilizados em sua obtenção, não havendo presença de carboxilas nas suas macromoléculas. de maneira geral, os resultados de algumas propriedades tecnológicas avaliadas, tais como viscosidade aparente das pastas, resistência a congelamento/descongelamento e propriedade de expansão, estavam de acordo com a descrição dos produtos. As fontes mais observadas nas modificações foram, em ordem decrescente de importância, a mandioca, o milho ceroso e o milho regular.


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O processo de co-cristalização consiste na concentração de um xarope de sacarose até a supersaturação, quando então é adicionado o material a ser encapsulado. A partir daí, a mistura é submetida a uma intensa agitação que induz à nucleação e à aglomeração do produto. Neste trabalho, a encapsulação de suco concentrado de maracujá em sacarose por co-cristalização foi avaliada, determinandose o efeito da fração de suco adicionada e do pH do suco sobre a umidade, solubilidade, densidade aparente e ângulo de repouso do produto final e acompanhando-se a cinética de cristalização em um reo-reator, constituído de um cristalizador acoplado a um reômetro rotacional de cilindros concêntricos, cujo cilindro interno foi substituído por um agitador. A cinética de co-cristalização foi representada por um modelo empírico ajustado aos dados obtidos. A co-cristalização foi acelerada em função do aumento do pH e da redução da porcentagem de suco. Os produtos co-cristalizados apresentaram menor umidade e maior solubilidade em baixas concentrações de suco. A densidade aparente e o ângulo de repouso foram similares aos da matriz encapsulante e situaram-se na faixa em que se encontram a maioria dos pós alimentícios.


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Microemulsions (ME) containing soya phosphatidylcholine (SPC/polyoxyethylenglycerol trihydroxystearate 40 (EU)/sodium oleate (SO) as surfactant cholesterol (CHO) as oil phase and aqueous buffer were studied. Pseudo-ternary phase diagrams of the investigated systems were obtained at constant SPC/EU/SO weight ratio 3.5:3.5:3.0 by titration, in order to characterize the proportions between the components to form clear systems. The dynamic light scattering results showed that the size of the oil droplets decreases significantly with the ratio of surfactant/oil phase added to system. Depending on the composition ME system could exhibit a thixotropic behavior. The apparent viscosity increased 25- and 13-folds with cholesterol concentration for drug-free and drug-load ME, respectively. It was also verified that the octanol/aqueous buffer partition coefficient (K-O/B) of doxorubicin (DOX) was pH dependent increasing abruptly above pH 6.0. It was possible to incorporate 2.24 mg/ml of DOX into ME. The incorporation of DOX in the ME systems increased the droplets size for all surfactant concentrations used in the system. The results suggest that DOX interacts with the microstructure of the ME at the studied pH increasing significantly the drug solubility. It was possible to conclude that the investigated ME can be a very promising vehicle as drug-carrier for administration of doxorubicin. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Depending on the composition, the mixture of surfactant, oil and water, may form supramolecular aggregates with different structures which can significantly influence the drug release. In this work several microemulsion (ME) systems containing soya phosphatidylcholine (SPC) and eumulgin HRE40 (TM) (EU) as surfactant, cholesterol (O) as oil phase, and ultra-pure water as an aqueous phase were studied. MEs with and without the antitumoral drug doxorubicin (DOX) were prepared. The microstructures of the systems were characterized by photon correlation spectroscopy, rheological behavior, polarized light microscopy, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results reveal that the diameter of the oil droplets was dependent on the surfactant (S) amount added to formulations. The apparent viscosity was dependent on the O/S ratio. High O/S ratio leads to the crystallization of cholesterol polymorphs phases which restricts the mobility of the DOX molecules into the ME structure. Droplets with short-range spatial correlation were formed from the ME with the low O/S ratio. The increase of the cholesterol fraction in the O/S mixture leads to the formation of ordered structures with lamellar arrangements. These different structural organizations directly influenced the drug release profiles. The in vitro release assay showed that the increase of the O/S ratio in the formulations inhibited the constant rate of DOX release. Since the DOX release ratio was directly dependent on the ratio of O/S following an exponential decay profile, this feature can be used to control the DOX release from the ME formulations. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A proteólise do leite UAT/UHT durante a estocagem à temperatura ambiente é um dos fatores limitantes de sua vida de prateleira. Neste trabalho, dois lotes de leite cru contendo 10 amostras cada e, posteriormente ao processamento, dois lotes de leite UAT/UHT contendo 25 amostras cada foram colhidos em um laticínio para a contagem de microrganismos psicrotróficos (leite cru) e para o estudo do comportamento reológico e o índice proteolítico (leite UAT/UHT durante 120 dias de estocagem). Para a contagem de microrganismos psicrotróficos, foi utilizada a técnica da contagem padrão em placas. Para a determinação do índice proteolítico, foi determinada a presença de glicomacropeptídeo livre por espectrofotometria a 470 nm. A determinação dos parâmetros reológicos foi efetuada à temperatura ambiente, em quintuplicata em um reômetro de cone e placa. Houve aumento da proteólise no decorrer do armazenamento e aumento da viscosidade aparente após 60 dias de estocagem, provavelmente relacionados à presença de proteases de bactérias psicrotróficas do leite cru.


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Rheological studies were carried out in the fermentation broth of a polysaccharide-producing microorganism free of soil. This microorganism was designated 4B. The bacteria 4B was inoculated in the fermentation broth, which consisted of a carbon source and mineral salts, and it was incubated in a rotating agitator at 30 degreesC for 72 h at 210 rpm. A rheometer of concentric cylinders equipped with a thermostatic bath was used and the readings were taken at 25 degreesC. A study was made of the influence of the fermentation time and the readings were made after 24, 48 and 72 h of incubation, using, separately, sucrose and glucose as carbon sources. The influence of the salt concentrations was determined in each carbon source; the salts used were NaCl, KCl and CaCl2 in the concentrations of 0.4%, 1.0%, 2.0% and 3.0%. It was observed that the fermentation broth behaves as a non-Newtonian fluid and it presents pseudoplastic behaviour. Calculations were made of the flow behaviour index (n) and the consistency index (k) of the samples after 24, 48 and 72 h of fermentation, and it was observed that the 72 h sample presented higher k and consequently higher apparent viscosity. of the carbon sources used, the sucrose presented higher viscous broths after 24 and 48 h, and the glucose after 72 h of fermentation. With relation to the effect of the addition of salts, the CaCl2 presented a higher influence on the viscosity of the fermentation broths. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and density of yellow mombin juice were determined at 8.8-49.4 °Brix and at temperature from 0.4 to 77.1 °C. Apparent viscosity was also measured between 7.8 and 30 °Brix and at temperature from 0 to 60 °C. Yellow mombin juice was produced from fruits of two different batches and the concentration process was performed using a roto evaporator or a rising film evaporator, single effect, with recirculation, under vacuum, to obtain concentrated juice. In order to obtain different concentrations, concentrated juice was diluted with distilled water. Multiple regression analysis was performed to fit thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and density experimental data obtaining a good fit. Arrhenius and power law relationships were proposed to fit apparent viscosity as a function of temperature and juice concentration at typical shear rates found during processing. The rheological parameters together with experimental values of pressure loss in tube flow were used to calculate friction factors, which were compared to those resulting from theoretical equation.


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Response surface methodology was used to establish a relationship between total solids content, milk base, heat treatment temperature, and sample temperature, and consistency index, flow behaviour index, and apparent viscosity of plain stirred yogurts. Statistical treatments resulted in developments of mathematical models. All samples presented shear thinning fluid behaviour. The increase of the content of total solids (9.3-22.7 %) and milk base heat treatment temperature (81.6-98.4°C) resulted in a significant increase in consistency index and a decrease in flow behaviour index. Increase in the sample temperature (1.6-18.4°C) caused a decrease in consistency index and increase in flow behaviour index. Apparent viscosity was directly related to the content of total solids. Rheological properties of yogurt were highly dependent on the content of total solids in milk.


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In this work, cassava starch was modified by treatment with sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) at different concentrations (0.8, 2.0 and 5.0 % of active chlorine) and selected physicochemical properties of the oxidized starches were investigated. The native and modified samples were evaluated considering moisture, carboxyl content, apparent viscosity, susceptibility to syneresis, mid-infrared spectroscopy and crystallinity index. The treatment with NaClO resulted in alterations in carboxyl content of the oxidized starches that increased with increasing concentration of the oxidant. Oxidized starches also showed higher susceptibility to syneresis, as assessed by the release of liquid during freezing and thawing. Apparent viscosity analysis showed decrease in peak viscosity of the oxidized starches. X-ray diffractograms showed that the oxidation influenced the extent of cassava starch relative crystallinity found to lie between 34.4 % (native) and 39.9 % (2.0 % active chlorine). The infrared spectra are sensitive to structural changes on starch macromolecules and presented characteristic peaks as C-O-C of the six carbon glucose ring absorbs at 1,150-1,085 cm -1 and due to axial deformation these bands changed with the crystal structure of the starch samples. © 2012 Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India).


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Polyols are widely used as sugar substitutes and provide texture to foods. Guar gum has many applications in food industry such as increasing product viscosity and improving texture. Knowledge of rheological properties of gum/polyol systems is important to permit replacing sugar while maintaining product texture. In this work, rheological properties of 0.1, 0.5 and 1 g/100 g guar solutions containing 10 and 40 g/100 g of maltitol, sorbitol, or xylitol were studied. The behavior of these mixtures was evaluated by steady and oscillatory shear measurements, and after a freezing/thawing cycle. Apparent viscosity of guar solutions increased with addition of polyols and with the increase in their concentrations, except for 40 g/100 g sorbitol addition to 1 g/100 g guar gum, in which the apparent viscosity decreased. Addition of polyols also increased the dynamic moduli of the systems. In mixtures of guar with 40 g/100 g polyol, the phase angle (δ) was below unity, but was dependent on frequency, which is characteristic of concentrated solutions with a certain degree of structuring. FTIR spectroscopy was studied to provide information on possible interactions between guar gum and polyols. Analyses carried out after freezing/thawing showed no changes in the viscoelastic behavior of the solutions. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.