66 resultados para Apolipoprotéine CIII


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INTRODUCTION : Il a été démontré que le nombre de lipoprotéines apolipoprotéine B (apoB) est un prédicteur du développement du diabète de type 2 (DT2), mais le mécanisme est inconnu. La résistance à l'insuline (RI) et l'hyperinsulinémie compensatoire (HI) entraînent l’épuisement des cellules β et la progression vers le DT2. De plus, l'activation du système de l'interleukine -1β (IL- 1β) est impliquée dans la pathophysiologie du DT2. Notre objectif était donc d'étudier si l’apoB est associé à la RI et à l’HI chez les humains et si cette corrélation est médiée par l’activation du système IL-1β. MÉTHODOLOGIE : 47 femmes ménopausées, non diabétiques, obèses ou en surpoids et 28 hommes, âgés de 45 à 74 ans ont été recrutés. La sécrétion d'insuline (SI) et la sensibilité à l'insuline ont été mesurées par un clamp Botnia modifié. La 1ère et 2ème phase de SI furent mesurées lors d'un test de tolérance au glucose intraveineux (IVGTT) d’une heure, suivi d’un clamp hyperinsulinémique euglycémique (HEIC) de 3 heures (taux de perfusion d'insuline de 75 mU/m2/min) pour mesurer la sensibilité à l'insuline lors des 30 dernières minutes du clamp (état d'équilibre). La sensibilité à l'insuline est exprimée comme étant le taux de perfusion de glucose (GIR) seul ou divisé par le taux d’insuline à l’état d’équilibre (M/I). RÉSULTATS : Chez les femmes, l’apoB à jeun corrélait avec une augmentation de la 2e phase de SI, la SI totale et la sécrétion totale de C-peptide (r=0,202; r=0,168; r=0,204) et avec une diminution de la sensibilité à l'insuline (GIR r=-0,299; M/I r=-0,180) indépendamment de l'adiposité. L’IL-1Ra à jeun (indicateur de l’activation du système IL-1β) corrélait positivement avec la 2e phase, la SI totale et la sécrétion totale de C-peptide (r=0,217; r=0,154; r=0,198) et négativement avec la sensibilité à l'insuline (GIR r=-0,304; M/I r=-0,214). L’IL-1Ra était également corrélée avec l'apoB (r=0,352). Une fois corrigé pour l'IL-1Ra, toutes les associations entre l'apoB et les indices de sensibilité à l'insuline et de SI ont été perdues. Malgré des glycémies similaires, il n’y avait pas de corrélation de l’apoB avec les indices mesurés chez les hommes. CONCLUSION : L’apoB est associé à l’HI et la RI chez les femmes non diabétiques obèses et en surpoids, potentiellement via l'activation du système IL-1β. Ces différences sexuelles doivent être prises en compte dans l'exploration de la physiopathologie du DT2.


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Les effets bénéfiques des lipoprotéines de haute densité (HDL) contre l'athérosclérose ont été attribués, en grande partie, à leur composante protéique majeure, l'apolipoprotéine A-I (apoA-I). Cependant, il y a des indications que l'apoA-I peut être dégradée par des protéases localisées dans les plaques athérosclérotiques humaines, ce qui pourrait réduire l'efficacité des thérapies basées sur les HDL sous certaines conditions. Nous décrivons ici le développement et l'utilisation d'une nouvelle sonde bioactivatable fluorescente dans le proche infrarouge, apoA-I-Cy5.5, pour l'évaluation des activités protéolytiques spécifiques qui dégradent l'apoA-I in vitro, in vivo et ex vivo. La fluorescence basale de la sonde est inhibée par la saturation du fluorophore Cy5.5 sur la protéine apoA-I, et la fluorescence émise par le Cy5.5 (proche infrarouge) est révélée après clivage de la sonde. La protéolyse in vitro de l'apoA-I par des protéases a montré une augmentation de la fluorescence allant jusqu'à 11 fois (n=5, P ≤ 0.05). En utilisant notre nouvelle sonde apoA-I-Cy5.5 nous avons pu quantifier les activités protéolytiques d'une grande variété de protéases, incluant des sérines (chymase), des cystéines (cathepsine S), et des métalloprotéases (MMP-12). En outre, nous avons pu détecter l'activation de la sonde apoA-I-Cy5.5 sur des sections d'aorte de souris athérosclérotiques par zymographie in situ et avons observé qu'en présence d'inhibiteurs de protéases à large spectre, la sonde pourrait être protégée des activités protéolytiques des protéases (-54%, n=6, P ≤ 0,001). L'infusion in vivo de la sonde apoA-I-Cy5.5 dans les souris athérosclérotiques (Ldlr -/--Tg (apoB humaine)) a résulté en utilisant un système d'imagerie moléculaire combinant la fluorescence moléculaire tomographique et la résonance magnétique,en un signal de fluorescence dans l'aorte plus important que celui dans les aortes des souris de type sauvage C57Bl/6J (CTL). Les mesures in vivo ont été confirmées par l'imagerie ex vivo de l'aorte qui a indiqué une augmentation de 5 fois du signal fluorescent dans l'aorte des souris ATX (n=5) par rapport à l'aorte des souris (n=3) CTL (P ≤ 0,05). L'utilisation de cette sonde pourrait conduire à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires qui sous-tendent le développement et la progression de l'athérosclérose et l'amélioration des stratégies thérapeutiques à base de HDL.


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Investigar, verificar y exponer la realidad de la acción cultural que llevaron a cabo los Jesuitas en la Universidad de Cervera durante el periodo en el que fueron profesores (1714-1767), el hecho de su expulsión (1767) y las reacciones que este hecho suscitó en el ambiente de la Universidad. La figura de 23 Jesuitas profesores de la Universidad de Cervera en las Facultades de Filosofía y Teología y en la Escuela de Gramática y Humanidades: biografía, obras y contribución intelectual. Investigación histórica basada en fuentes manuscritas y en fuentes impresas. Se ha buscado en 19 archivos y bibliotecas. De los archivos aprovecha el material inédito. De las bibliotecas recoge las obras escritas por los Jesuitas profesores de Cervera. Estudia la documentación y bibliografía de cada personaje, su biografía, la relación con otras personalidades relevantes de la época, sus obras y bibliografía crítica completa. Bibliografía y material inédito. Unos aspectos cuantitativos muestran que los 23 Jesuitas estuvieron siempre presentes durante sus 53 años de permanencia en la Universidad. 5 no publicaron nada y 18 sí. El total de obras publicadas es de 113, de las cuales 56 se publicaron antes de su expulsión. Sólo uno ocupó un cargo de gobierno. Todos utilizaban el latín como vehículo de cultura. Su contribución intelectual principal es en el campo de las ciencias humanas. Del estudio de sus obras se desprende que todos ellos participaban de una mentalidad colectiva identificada con el espíritu del monarquismo, aunque no todos pensaban igual. Su expulsión no fue bien vista en la universidad.


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We have recently demonstrated that hypertriglyceridemic (HTG) mice present both elevated body metabolic rates and mild mitochondrial uncoupling in the liver owing to stimulated activity of the ATP-sensitive potassium channel (mitoK(ATP)). Because lipid excess normally leads to cell redox imbalance, we examined the hepatic oxidative status in this model. Cell redox imbalance was evidenced by increased total levels of carbonylated proteins, malondialdehydes, and GSSG/GSH ratios in HTG livers compared to wild type. In addition, the activities of the extramitochondrial enzymes NADPH oxidase and xanthine oxidase were elevated in HTG livers. In contrast, Mn-superoxide dismutase activity and content, a mitochondrial matrix marker, were significantly decreased in HTG livers. isolated HTG liver mitochondria presented lower rates of H(2)O(2) production, which were reversed by mitoK(ATP) antagonists. In vivo antioxidant treatment with N-acetylcysteine decreased both mitoKATP activity and metabolic rates in HTG mice. These data indicate that high levels of triglycerides increase reactive oxygen generation by extramitochondrial enzymes that promote MitoK(ATP) activation. The mild uncoupling mediated by mitoK(ATP) increases metabolic rates and protects mitochondria against oxidative damage. Therefore, a biological role for mitoK(ATP) is a redox sensor is shown here for the first time in an in vivo model of systemic and cellular lipid excess, (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Foram analisadas experimentalmente 10 (dez) lajes lisas de concreto dosado com metacaulim e concreto de alta resistência (fcc =60 MPa). submetidas a carregamento simétrico. objetivando analisar a influência da variação do índice de retangularidade dos pilares (CIII;{. mm = 1. 3 e 5) e de armaduras de cisa1harnento na resistência ao puncionamento das mesmas. As armaduras de cisalhamento foram constituídas por estribos abertos inclinados. As lajes tinham dimensões de (1.800 x 1.800 x 110) mm e as principais variáveis foram à variação do índice de retangularidade dos pilares e distribuição dos estribos inclinados em tomo dos mesmos. Analisou-se os resultados de cargas de ruptura. flechas. mapa de fissuração. ductilidade. deformações no concreto e nas armaduras de ftexão e cisalhamento, e os modos de ruptura atingidos. Os resultados experimentais foram comparados com os resultados estimados por diversas normas. São também apresentados os resultados obridos numericamente para as lajes ensaiadas e comparados com os resultados experimentais. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que o aumento do índice de retangularidade faz com que as forças cortantes se concentrem nas extremidades do pilar, o que sugere que nessa região as armaduras de combate ao pmtcionamento são mais solicitadas. Os estribos inclinados foram eficientes no aumento das cargas de ruptura e alteraram inclusive o modo de ruptura de algumas lajes. Observou-se ganhos de até 32% quando os estribos foram distribuídos em tomo das extremidades dos pilares. A baixa capacidade resistente à flexão limitou a resistência última.


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Purpose: Dyslipidemia is characterized by high lipid blood levels that are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, which are leading causes of death. However, it is unclear whether dyslipidemia is a cause of the dry eye syndrome (DES). Therefore we determined in transgenic mice models of dyslipidemia, whether there is an association with DES development. Methods: Dyslipidemic models included male and female adult mice overexpressing apolipoprotein CIII (Apo CIII), LDL receptor knockout (LDLR-KO) and ApoE knockout (ApoE-KO). They were compared with age-and gender-matched C57BL/6 mice. Ocular health was evaluated based on corneal slit lamp assessment, phenol red thread test (PRT) and impression cytology. Blood lipid profiles and histology of meibomian and lacrimal glands were also evaluated. Effects of high-fat diet and aging were observed in LDLR-KO and ApoCIII strains, respectively. Results: Body weight and lacrimal gland weight were significantly higher in male mice compared to females of the same strain (P < 0.05). Body weight was significantly lower in LDLRKO mice receiving high lipid diet compared to their controls (P = 0.0043). ApoE-KO were hypercholesterolemic and ApoCIII hypertriglyceridemic while LDLR-KO showed increases in both parameters. The PRT test was lower in male LDLR-KO mice with high-fat diet than control mice with standard diet (P = 0.0273). Aging did not affect lacrimal structural or functional parameters of ApoCIII strain. Conclusions: DES development is not solely dependent on dyslipidemia in relevant mice models promoting this condition. On the other hand, lacrimal gland structure and function are differentially impacted by lipid profile changes in male and female mice. This dissociation suggests that other factors beside dyslipidemia impact on tear film dysfunction and DES development.


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The copines, named and first described by Creutz et al. (1998), comprise a two C2 domain-containing protein family that can aggregate phosphatidylserine membranes in a calcium-dependent manner. Although no enzymatic function has been attributed to copines, their carboxyl terminus shows homology to the A domain found in integrins that allows binding of magnesium ions. The secondary structure of A domains resembles a Rossmann fold, which can bind dinucleotides and is present in a number of intracellular enzymes. Due to a crossreacting activity of Mik b 1, an antibody to the IL-2R b chain, we were able to serendipitously clone human copine III (CIII). CIII is 65% identical to copine I (CI) and the 5 kb CIII transcript is expressed ubiquitously as determined by a multitissue Northern blot. A polyclonal antibody generated against the carboxyl terminus of CIII recognized CIII in immunoblots and immunoprecipitations. Phosphorylation of CIII was observed on serine and threonine residues, as determined by phosphoamino acid analysis. ^ Experiments were designed to determine whether or not any enzymatic activity, specifically kinase activity, was intrinsic to or associated with CIII. In vitro and in gel kinase assays were performed using transfected HA-tagged CI and CIII, immunoprecipitated endogenous CIII and purified endogenous CIII. The exogenous substrate MBP was phosphorylated in all in vitro kinase assays containing CIII protein purification and column chromatography expertise with me. ^


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Body fat distribution is a cardiovascular health risk factor in adults. Body fat distribution can be measured through various methods including anthropometry. It is not clear which anthropometric index is suitable for epidemiologic studies of fat distribution and cardiovascular disease. The purpose of the present study was to select a measure of body fat distribution from among a series of indices (those traditionally used in the literature and others constructed from the analysis) that is most highly correlated with lipid-related variables and is independent of overall fatness. Subjects were Mexican-American men and women (N = 1004) from a study of gallbladder disease in Starr County, Texas. Multivariate associations were sought between lipid profile measures (lipids, lipoproteins, and apolipoproteins) and two sets of anthropometric variables (4 circumferences and 6 skinfolds). This was done to assess the association between lipid-related measures and the two sets of anthropometric variables and guide the construction of indices.^ Two indices emerged from the analysis that seemed to be highly correlated with lipid profile measures independent of obesity. These indices are: 2*arm circumference-thigh skinfold in pre- and post-menopausal women and arm/thigh circumference ratio in men. Next, using the sum of all skinfolds to represent obesity and the selected body fat distribution indices, the following hypotheses were tested: (1) state of obesity and centrally/upper distributed body fat are equally predictive of lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoproteins, and (2) the correlation among the lipid-related measures is not altered by obesity and body fat distribution.^ With respect to the first hypothesis, the present study found that most lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoproteins were significantly associated with both overall fatness and anatomical location of body fat in both sex and menopausal groups. However, within men and post-menopausal women, certain lipid profile measures (triglyceride and HDLT among post-menopausal women and apos C-II, CIII, and E among men) had substantially higher correlation with body fat distribution as compared with overall fatness.^ With respect to the second hypothesis, both obesity and body fat distribution were found to alter the association among plasma lipid variables in men and women. There was a suggestion from the data that the pattern of correlations among men and post-menopausal women are more comparable. Among men correlations involving apo A-I, HDLT, and HDL$\sb2$ seemed greatly influenced by obesity, and A-II by fat distribution; among post-menopausal women correlations involving apos A-I and A-II were highly affected by the location of body fat.^ Thus, these data point out that not only can obesity and fat distribution affect levels of single measures, they also can markedly influence the pattern of relationship among measures. The fact that such changes are seen for both obesity and fat distribution is significant, since the indices employed were chosen because they were independent of one another. ^


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Seasonal lipid dynamics of various developmental stages were investigated in Pseudocalanus minutus and Oithona similis. For P. minutus, the dominance of 16:1(n?7), 16:4(n?3) and 20:5(n?3) fatty acids indicated a diatom-based nutrition in spring, whereas 22:6(n?3), 16:0, 18:2(n?6) and 18:1(n?9) pointed to a flagellate-based diet during the rest of the year as well as omnivorous/carnivorous low-level feeding during winter. The shorter-chain fatty alcohols 14:0 and 16:0 prevailed, also reflecting biosynthetic processes typical of omnivores or carnivores. Altogether, the lipid signatures characterized P. minutus as an opportunistic feeder. In contrast, O. similis had consistently high amounts of the 18:1(n?9) fatty acid in all stages and during all seasons pointing to a generally omnivorous/carnivorous/detritivorous diet. Furthermore, the fatty alcohol 20:1(n?9) reached high percentages especially in adult females and males, and feeding on Calanus faecal pellets is suggested. Fatty alcohols, as wax ester moieties, revealed significant seasonal variations in O. similis and a seasonal trend towards wax ester accumulation in autumn in P. minutus. P. minutus utilized its lipid deposits for development in the copepodite stages III and IV and for gonad maturation in CV and females during the dark season. However, CVs and females depended on the spring phytoplankton bloom for final maturation processes and reproduction. O. similis fueled gonad maturation and egg production for reproduction in June by wax esters, whereas reproduction in August/September co-occurred with the accumulation of new depot lipids. Both species revealed significantly higher wax ester levels in deeper (>50 m) as compared to surface (0-50 m) dwelling individuals related to a descent prior to overwintering.


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The under-ice habitat and fauna were studied during a typical winter situation at three stations in the western Barents Sea. Dense pack ice (7-10/10) prevailed and ice thickness ranged over <0.1-1.6 m covered by <0.1-0.6 m of snow. Air temperatures ranged between -1.8 and -27.5°C. The ice undersides were level, white and smooth. Temperature and salinity profiles in the under-ice water (0-5 m depth) were not stratified (T=-1.9 to -2.0°C and S=34.2-34.7). Concentrations of inorganic nutrients were high and concentrations of algal pigments were very low (0.02 µg chlorophyll a/l), indicating the state of biological winter. Contents of particulate organic carbon and nitrogen ranged over 84.2-241.3 and 5.3-16.4 µg/l, respectively, the C/N ratio over 11.2-15.5 pointing to the dominance of detritus in the under-ice water. Abundances of amphipods at the ice underside were lower than in other seasons: 0-1.8 ind/m**2 for Apherusa glacialis, 0-0.7 ind/m**2 for Onisimus spp., and 0-0.8 ind/m**2 for Gammarus wilkitzkii. A total of 22 metazoan taxa were found in the under-ice water, with copepods as the most diverse and numerous group. Total abundances ranged over 181-2,487 ind/m**3 (biomass: 70-2,439 µg C/m**3), showing lower values than in spring, summer and autumn. The dominant species was the calanoid copepod Pseudocalanus minutus (34-1,485 ind/m**3), contributing 19-65% to total abundances, followed by copepod nauplii (85-548 ind/m**3) and the cyclopoid copepod Oithona similis (44-262 ind/m**3). Sympagic (ice-associated) organisms occurred only rarely in the under-ice water layer.