311 resultados para Aplicativo
In universities, in any type of faculty or research institute, it is possible to observe innumerable informatics applications: database management, organization of catalogues, expediting diagnoses and many other applications. Within this context, distance learning could facilitate the learning of various professions. Distance education is the process of teaching-learning and the professional has to be prepared to deal with the new tools that are made available, using them to his/her benefit, and consequently in his/her professional capacity, to guarantee greater productivity and interaction with the various spheres in the work field. Methods: The aim of this research is to develop a course on the use of the Dentistry software application EasyDental, using the teaching at a distance methodology by means of the Moodle platform. The proposed course was composed of 14 modules, in order to enable a progressive and a rational learning. Conclusion: It could be concluded that this platform allowed the preparation of the proposed distance course, in a practical and versatile manner, considering the resources and activities it has. However, to use this platform, one must have dominion of the basic concepts of informatics, and the tools of the Moodle platform.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
Post-Occupancy Evaluation of buildings considers user satisfaction, building pathologies and performance, as well as users interventions in the built environment. The possibility of identifying interventions regardless of the user could provide a significant gain in the efficiency of Post-Occupancy Evaluations. We foresee the application of Augmented Reality (AR) to improve the identification of renovations by overlapping the construction information model with an image of the actual building. This article validates the use of AR on existing smartphone and tablet applications. This study proposes the incorporation of AR into the planning, execution and application of Post-Occupancy Evaluation. For the planning, this study proposes the development of a new research tool. With regards to the execution, this study examined the data collection conditions on site through the visualization of overlapping models. For the application, this study proposes displaying the results through the use of RA information layers. The transparency oft he RA model was used to allow comparison between the virtual model and the real model. The development and adaptation of the virtual model and the solution developed for the experiment of the RA proposal are presented and discussed. The experiment points to shortcomings that still make the proposed technological solution unfeasible.
Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE
The audiovisual market carefully observes a tendency in television consumption habit: viewers are increasingly watching television content while surfing the internet through mobile devices like tablets, smartphones and laptops. Known as second screen, viewers interact simultaneously across these devices, sharing information about the programming on social networks, seeking additional information about the contents well aired, in addition to being likely to purchase products and services on platforms of mobile-commerce persuaded by the scheduling of programming through commercials. Given this, the aim of this article is to propose and prototyping an application visually in second screen with emphasis on business model with possible application on TV Unesp, where the viewer to interact with the programming through the application is exposed to previously scheduled ads, links to mobile-commerce and posts indicating purchase suggestions.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
O objetivo do estudo foi desenvolver e avaliar um aplicativo multimídia em plataforma móvel para o ensino da Mensuração da Pressão Venosa Central (PVC). A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em três fases (Levantamento das necessidades; Metodologia de desenvolvimento do aplicativo multimídia e Avaliação do aplicativo multimídia). A multimídia foi o método escolhido por favorecer um ambiente motivador e dinâmico, integrar imagens e textos num aplicativo disponível para celulares, constituindo-se um meio móvel e autônomo de aprendizagem. Os resultados permitem demonstrar a viabilidade do desenvolvimento da ferramenta para subsidiar a prática pedagógica e abrem perspectivas para acreditar que, na educação em Enfermagem, a tecnologia disponível pode descortinar novos modos de aprender significativamente.
Ampliación de software dedicado al análisis de imágenes mediante la introducción de nuevas opciones en el procesamiento de video digital, mejoras en la interacción con el usuario. Para ello se ha estudiado el funcionamiento de la aplicación, integrando el lenguaje Python como herramienta de gestión y ejecución de la aplicación. En esta parte de la aplicación se ha integrado: - Traducción de la UI a una versión castellana. - Modificación y eliminación de cualquier filtro añadido para el procesamiento de video, no únicamente el último. - Descripciones de puntero y en la barra de estado de elementos de la aplicación. - Iconos en la barra de herramientas de los filtros añadidos más importantes. Por la otra parte, la del tratamiento digital de video, Avisynth se dispone como el eje de estudio, el cuál ejecuta sobre lenguaje de bajo nivel (C++) las operaciones pertinentes a través de librerías de enlace dinámico o *.dll. Las nuevas funcionalidades son: Convolución matricial, filtro de media adaptativa, DCT, ajustes de video generales, en formato RGB o YUV, rotaciones, cambios de perspectiva y filtrado en frecuencia. ABSTRACT. Improvement about a digital image processing software, creating new options in digital video processing or the user interaction. For this porpuse, we have integrated the application language,Python, as the tool to the application management and execution. In this part of the application has been integrated: - Translation of the UI: Spanish version. - Modifying and removing any added filter for video processing, not just the last. - Descriptions for the pointer and the status bar of the application. - New icons on the toolbar of the most important filters added. On the other hand, Avisynth was used tool for the digital video processing, which runs on low-level language (C ++) for a quickly and to improve the video operations. The new introduced filters are: Matrix Convolution, adaptive median filter, DCT, general video settings on RGB or YUV format, rotations, changes in perspective and frequency filtering.
Os sistemas interativos estão cada vez mais presentes como recursos tecnológicos utilizados pelo homem, sendo que para que a interação ocorra é necessária uma adaptação destes aparatos às reais necessidades do homem. Para garantir a qualidade de interação é preciso focar no princípio da usabilidade do sistema, desenvolvido por Jakob Nielsen, (1994) aprimorando com isso aspectos de acessibilidade, flexibilidade e eficiência no uso, para que o recurso tecnológico torne-se um objeto de modificação nesta relação. Objetivo: desenvolver um painel interativo utilizando a tecnologia Kinect e com isso fornecer informações sobre autocuidado e prevenção de incapacidades da hanseníase para pacientes e profissionais da saúde. Metodologia: Está baseada no modelo consensual que propõe uma solução para o problema de projeto e apresenta-se dividida em quatro fases: (1) projeto informacional; (2) projeto conceitual; (3) projeto preliminar e (4) projeto detalhado. Resultados: foi produzido um protótipo contendo imagens, texto e vídeos com informações sobre a Hanseníase. Este é composto por material coletado nos manuais produzidos pelo Ministério da Saúde para orientação de cuidados na Hanseníase e um vídeo inserido para demonstrar como seria o acesso a este recurso, acessados por meio dos movimentos dos membros superiores no qual a pessoa posiciona-se, em frente ao painel, a uma distância de 80 cm, e seleciona o que deseja ver com uma das mãos, que se torna a \"mão virtual\" movida na tela e seleciona o material instrucional. Os requisitos funcionais e não funcionais foram organizados contendo a caracterização das imagens de forma legível e nítida e opções de textos buscando a compreensão e o acesso da população. Foram desenvolvidos 16 vídeos que ensinam como realizar os exercícios para prevenir incapacidades e possíveis deformidades, estimulando assim o autocuidado. Conclusão: O desenvolvimento de material educacional sobre a Hanseníase que utilize as novas tecnologias é escasso e pouco explorado pelos profissionais da reabilitação na hanseníase. Investir em ações que visem tornar a pessoa mais informada sobre sua doença e segura sobre seu tratamento, pode contribuir para a autonomia em parte dos cuidados e as novas tecnologias podem funcionar como importante aliado neste processo.
The different characteristics and needs of mobile device users, the situations in which these devices are operated and the limitations and characteristics of these devices are all factors which influence usability and ergonomics; two elements highly required for achieving successful interaction between users and devices. This research aims to identify characteristics of interface design for apps in mobile device applications, focussing on design, visual publishing and content editing, and the actual process of creation of these interfaces, with a view to guarantee quality interaction through touch technology, in observance of service limitations, the opportunities offered by the devices and the application requirements. The study will examine the interface of the mobile device application titled “Brasil 247” which provides news broadcasts using the concept of usability and ergonomics mainly in the field of adaptation, searching and browsing informative articles, as well as clarifying the processes and techniques necessary to carry out interaction tests which seek to evaluate the usability of interface.
This research aims to systematize a proposal of developing a mobile tablet application in order to help implementing the Semantic Differential technique – SD, under the approach of Participatory Design. In 1975, Osgood et al. created the Semantic Differential technique. Since then, many experiments use it to measure the affective perception of individuals concerning objects and concepts by means of compounded scales of bipolar adjectives, based on the theoretical models that support the technique: the conductible, spatial and metric models. During the application of the technique with potential users, the researcher must simultaneously manage several contexts, that is, audio recorder, when authorized, and observe and record spontaneous reports of the respondent. It is noticeable that often occurs a cognitive overload during this event. Thus, the use of a single application whose interface is assigned to its users and respondents could assist researchers in applying the SD technique. This research aimed to understand the processes inherent to the task of implementing the Semantic Differential technique and obeyed the following steps: a) training of users, b) background questionnaire c) interview with Focus Group, and d) cooperative evaluation. Besides these procedures, one can also observe the degrees of facilitation or difficulty concerning the use of the conventional model, which is the development and application of scales with the aid of printed material, pencil, pens, clipboards, and recorder software for editing the document and data analysis. This paper comprises reactions and impressions from the experiences of users of SD technique. Considering the data recollected from the user’s observation, the hypothesis of the experiment proved to be right. It means that the development of the application for mobile tablet employing the technique of Semantic Differential is viable, since it assembles all the steps in one only tool, increases the accomplishment of the task between user/researcher and user/respondent resulting in their mutual satisfaction.