892 resultados para Antitumor agents
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Tuberculosis (TB) is a major infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 1.8 million people die from TB and 10 million new cases are recorded each year. Recently, a new series of naphthylchalcones has been identified as inhibitors of Mtb protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). In this work, 100 chalcones were designed, synthesized, and investigated for their inhibitory properties against MtbPtps. Structure-activity relationships (SAR) were developed, leading to the discovery of new potent inhibitors with IC50 values in the low-micromolar range. Kinetic studies revealed competitive inhibition and high selectivity toward the Mtb enzymes. Molecular modeling investigations were carried out with the aim of revealing the most relevant structural requirements underlying the binding affinity and selectivity of this series of inhibitors as potential anti-TB drugs.
The ability to induce apoptosis is an important marker for cytotoxic antitumor agents. Some natural compounds have been shown to modulate apoptosis pathways that are frequently blocked in human cancers, and therefore, these compounds provide novel opportunities for cancer drug development. Phyllanthus, a plant genus of the family Euphorbiaceae, exhibits multiple pharmacological actions. Of these, Phyllanthus niruri extracts exhibit significant antitumor activity, which is consistent with the traditional medicinal use of this plant. To examine the apoptotic effects of a spray-dried extract of P. niruri (SDEPN), human hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HepG2, Huh-7), colorectal carcinoma cells (Ht29) and keratinocytes (HaCaT) were exposed to the extract for 4, 8 and 24 h. Flow cytometry and caspase-3 immunostaining were used to detect apoptosis, while analysis of variance was applied to identify significant differences between groups (P < 0.05). At all timepoints, the SDEPN induced significantly different cytotoxic effects for HepG2 and Huh-7 cells compared with control cells (P < 0.001). In contrast, the SDEPN had a protective effect on HaCaT cells compared with control cells at all timepoints (P < 0.001). In caspase-3 assays, activation was detected after cell death was induced in Huh-7 and HepG2 cancer cells by the SDEPN. In combination, these results indicate that the SDEPN is selectively toxic towards cancer cell lines, yet is protective towards normal cells.
Die DNA stellt aufgrund der genetischen Krankheitsursache nach wie vor ein überaus attraktives Target für das Design antitumoraktiver Zytostatika dar. Ein wesentlicher Schwerpunkt der heutigen Forschung besteht vor allem in der Entwicklung niedermolekularer, sequenzspezifischer DNA-Liganden zur gezielten Ausschaltung defekter Gene. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erfolgte daher in Anlehnung an die antitumoral wirksame Leitsubstanz Netropsin - ein AT-selektiver Minor Groove Binder mit Bispyrrolcarboxamid-Grundstruktur - erstmals der systematische Aufbau einer neuen Serie bioisosterer Hybridmoleküle, bestehend aus einem interkalierenden Strukturelement (Acridon, Naphthalimid, 5-Nitronaphthalimid, Anthrachinon, 11H-Pyrido[2,3-a]carbazol) und Thiophenpyrrol-, Imidazolpyrrol-, Thiazolpyrrol- bzw. Bisimidazolcarboxamid als rinnenbindende Oligoamid-Einheit (sog. Combilexine). Die chromophoren Systeme am N-Terminus wurden hierbei über aliphatische Linker variabler Kettenlänge mit der Carboxamid-Kette verknüpft. Als C-terminale Funktion kam sowohl die N,N-Dimethyl-1,3-diaminopropan- als auch die um ein C-Atom kürzere Dimethylaminoethylamin-Seitenkette zum Einsatz. Unter Verwendung modernster Reagenzien aus der Peptidkupplungschemie ist es gelungen, ein präparativ gut zugängliches, reproduzierbares Verfahren zur Synthese dieser bioisosteren Combilexine zu entwickeln. Anhand biophysikalischer/biochemischer, zellbiologischer und physikochemischer (1H-NMR-spektroskopischer und röntgenstrukturanalytischer) Methoden sowie Molecular Modelling Studien wurden erstmals bezüglich der DNA-Bindung, der Topoisomerase-Hemmung und der Antitumor-Zellzytotoxizität in einem breiten Rahmen vororientierende Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehungen an bioisosteren Liganden erstellt. Wenngleich zwischen den in vitro und in silico ermittelten Befunden keine konkreten Gesetzmäßigkeiten zu erkennen waren, so ließ die Summation der Ergebnisse dennoch darauf schließen, dass es sich bei den Naphthalimidpropion- und Acridonbuttersäure-Derivaten mit C-terminaler Propylendiamin-Funktion um die aussichtsreichsten Kandidaten in Bezug auf die DNA-Affinität bzw. Zytotoxizität handelte.
Der Transkriptionsfaktor Hypoxie-induzierbarer Faktor (HIF) gibt dem Organismus die Möglichkeit, sich auf zellulärer Ebene an unterschiedliche Sauerstoffverhältnisse anzupassen. Vor allem Tumorzellen weisen aufgrund ihres ungeregelten Wachstums und der daraus resultierenden unzureichenden Durchblutung (hypoxisches Milieu) eine erhöhte HIF-Expression auf. Die erhöhte HIF-Expression stellt somit ein interessantes Ziel in der Tumortherapie dar. Dendritische Zellen (DCs) besitzen eine bedeutende Rolle in der Generierung und Modulierung von Antitumor-Immunantworten. Aus diesem Grund ist es überaus wichtig zu wissen, welche Effekte Antitumor-Agenzien, im Besonderen HIF-Inhibitoren, auf DCs und somit auch auf die Generierung von adäquaten Immunantworten besitzen.rnIm ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde aus diesem Grund der Einfluss der Antitumor-Agenzien Geldanamycin (GA) und Topotecan (TPT) auf den Phänotyp und die Funktion von DCs untersucht. Hierfür wurden Monozyten aus humanen, mononukleären, peripheren Blutzellen isoliert und unter DC-differenzierenden Konditionen kultiviert. Diese immaturen monozytenabgeleiteten DCs (Mo-DCs) wurden mithilfe eines Reifungscocktails ausgereift. Die Applikation der Antitumor-Agenzien erfolgte während der Differenzierungs- bzw. Ausreifungsphase. Abhängig vom Reifungsgrad der Mo-DCs konnte ein differentieller Einfluss von GA bzw. TPT auf die DC-Aktivierung beobachtet werden. Eine Behandlung von unstimulierten Mo-DCs mit GA resultierte in einer partiellen DC-Aktivierung basierend auf einem noch unbekannten Mechanismus. Ebenso führte eine Behandlung von unstimulierten Mo-DCs mit TPT zu einer funktionellen Aktivierung der DCs, die mit einer vermehrten AKT-Expression korrelierte. Die jeweilige Koapplikation der Antitumor-Agenzien mit dem DC-Reifungscocktail führte zu einer reduzierten DC-Aktivierung, die sich in einer verminderten NF-κB-Aktivierung, einer verringerten Oberflächenexpression der getesteten kostimulatorischen Moleküle, einer verringerten Migrationsfähigkeit und einem reduzierten Zellstimulierungspotential widerspiegelte.rnDie autosomal dominant vererbte Tumorerkrankung von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) wird häufig durch genetische Mutationen des als HIF-Negativregulator fungierenden VHL-Gens hervorgerufen. Patienten, die an dem VHL-Syndrom erkrankt sind, weisen oft benigne oder maligne Tumore und Zysten in den verschiedensten Organsystemen auf. Wie schon zuvor erwähnt, besitzen DCs eine essentielle Rolle in der Initiierung und Aufrechterhaltung von Antitumor-Immunantworten. Deshalb wurde im zweiten Abschnitt der vorliegenden Arbeit untersucht, inwieweit ein partieller Verlust von VHL Auswirkungen auf die Ausprägung desrnPhänotyps und der Funktion von DCs hat. Mittels Cre/lox-Technologie wurden transgene Mäuse mit einem heterozygoten Verlust von Exon 1 bzw. Exon 2 des VHL-Gens generiert. Aus diesen Mäusen wurden Knochenmarkszellen isoliert und unter DC-differenzierenden Konditionen kultiviert. Die immaturen knochenmarkabgeleiteten DCs (BM-DCs) wurden mit LPS ausgereift. Weder der heterozygote Verlust von Exon 1 noch von Exon 2 des VHL-Gens bewirkte eine Veränderung der Oberflächenmarkerexpression, der in vitro-Migrations- undrnEndozytosekapazität, sowie der allogenen T-Zellstimulierungskapazität. Allerdings zeigten Mäuse mit einem partiellen Verlust von Exon 2 im Vergleich zu Kontrollmäusen nach Immunisierung und Provokation mit dem Modellallergen OVA eine verminderte Atemwegshyperreaktion, die möglicherweise auf die beobachtete Abnahme der Migrationsfähigkeit in vivo und die verminderte OVA-spezifische T-Zellstimulierungskapazität der DCs zurückzuführen ist.
We herein describe in full detail the first total synthesis of the antitumor agents neolaulimalide and isolaulimalide as well as a highly efficient route to laulimalide. A Kulinkovich reaction followed by a cyclopropyl-allyl rearrangement is used to install the exo-methylene group. The C(2)-C(16) aldehyde fragment is coupled with the C(17)-C(28) sulfone fragments by a highly (E)-selective Julia-Lythgoe-Kocienski olefination to deliver the key intermediates of all three syntheses. Various conditions for the Yamaguchi macrolactonization are applied to close the individual macrocycles. Finally a carefully elaborated endgame was developed to solve the problem of acyl migration in the case of neolaulimalide. All compounds were tested against several cell lines. The cytotoxicity of neolaulimalide could be confirmed for the first time since its original isolation and it could be shown that it induces tubulin polymerization as efficiently as laulimalide.
Liposomes, also known as nontoxic, biodegradable, and non-immunogenic therapeutic delivery vehicles, have been proposed as a carrier for drugs and antitumor agents in cancer chemotherapy. Echogenic liposomes (ELIP) have the potential to entrap air or bioactive gas to enhance acoustic reflectivity in ultrasound and are used as a contrast agent. The innovative part of this study is based on a novel concept to encapsulate nitric oxide (NO) gas into ELIP, deliver it to breast cancer cells, and control its release via direct ultrasound exposure. Studies on the effect of NO in tumor biology have shown that a high levels of NO (> 300 nM) leads to cytostasis or apoptosis by decreasing the translation of several cell cycle proteins and stimulating cancer cell death by activating the p53 pathway. The central hypothesis is that NO gas can be packaged and delivered through a delivery methodology to breast cancer cells to facilitate tumor regression with minimal systemic toxicity. The primary goal of this thesis is to develop an echogenic liposomal solution that has the ability to encapsulate NO, to release NO locally upon ultrasound exposure, and to induce breast cancer cell death. NO-containing echogenic liposomes (NO-ELIP) were prepared by the freezing-under-pressure method previously developed in our laboratory. It was necessary to evaluate stability of NO-ELIP and release of NO from NO-ELIP by measuring echogenicity using intravascular ultrasound images. Breast cancer cell lines, MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468, were selected to investigate the cytotoxic effects of NO liberated from NO-ELIP and their response to NO concentration. Ultrasound-triggered NO release from NO-ELIP using ultrasound activation was studied. It was demonstrated that NO-ELIP remained stable for 5 hours in bovine serum albumin. Delivery of NO using NO-ELIP induced cytotoxicity and programmed cell death of MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468 after 5 hours of incubation. Enhancement of the NO-ELIP effect for therapeutic application was observed with ultrasound activation. This work demonstrates that NO-ELIP can incorporate and deliver NO to breast cancer cells providing increased NO stability and ultrasound-controlled NO release. Improved therapeutic effect with the use of NO-ELIP is expected to be found for breast cancer treatment.
N1-ethyl-N11-[(cyclopropyl)methyl]-4,8,-diazaundecane (CPENSpm) is a polyamine analogue that represents a new class of antitumor agents that demonstrate phenotype-specific cytotoxic activity. However, the precise mechanism of its selective cytotoxic activity is not known. CPENSpm treatment results in the superinduction of the polyamine catabolic enzyme spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase (SSAT) in sensitive cell types and has been demonstrated to induce programmed cell death (PCD). The catalysis of polyamines by the SSAT/polyamine oxidase (PAO) pathway produces H2O2 as one product, suggesting that PCD produced by CPENSpm may be, in part, due to oxidative stress as a result of H2O2 production. In the sensitive human nonsmall cell line H157, the coaddition of catalase significantly reduces high molecular weight (HMW) DNA (≥50 kb) and nuclear fragmentation. Important to note, specific inhibition of PAO by N,N′-bis(2,3-butadienyl)-1,4-butane-diamine results in a significant reduction of the formation of HMW DNA and nuclear fragmentation. In contrast, the coaddition of catalase or PAO inhibitor has no effect on reducing HMW DNA fragmentation induced by N1-ethyl-N11-[(cycloheptyl)methyl]-4,8,-diazaundecane, which does not induce SSAT and does not deplete intracellular polyamines. These results strongly suggest that H2O2 production by PAO has a role in CPENSpm cytotoxicity in sensitive cells via PCD and demonstrate a potential basis for differential sensitivity to this promising new class of antineoplastic agents. Furthermore, the data suggest a general mechanism by which, under certain stimuli, cells can commit suicide through catabolism of the ubiquitous intracellular polyamines.
Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that exert antitumor activity can do so by virtue of their effector function and/or their ability to signal growth arrest or cell death. In this study, we demonstrate that mAbs which have little or no signaling activity—i.e., anti-CD19, CD20, CD21, CD22 and Her-2—can become potent antitumor agents when they are converted into IgG–IgG homodimers. The homodimers exert antigrowth activity by signaling G0/G1 arrest or apoptosis, depending upon which cell surface molecule they bind. This activity is specific and, in the case of the anti-CD19 mAb, did not require an Fc portion. These results offer the possibility that homodimers of other tumor-reactive mAbs which have little antitumor activity as monomers might be potent, antitumor agents.
To the breast-fed infant, human milk is more than a source of nutrients; it furnishes a wide array of molecules that restrict microbes, such as antibodies, bactericidins, and inhibitors of bacterial adherence. However, it has rarely been considered that human milk may also contain substances bioactive toward host cells. While investigating the effect of human milk on bacterial adherence to a human lung cancer cell line, we were surprised to discover that the milk killed the cells. Analysis of this effect revealed that a component of milk in a particular physical state--multimeric alpha-lact-albumin--is a potent Ca(2+)-elevating and apoptosis-inducing agent with broad, yet selective, cytotoxic activity. Multimeric alpha-lactalbumin killed all transformed, embryonic, and lymphoid cells tested but spared mature epithelial elements. These findings raise the possibility that milk contributes to mucosal immunity not only by furnishing antimicrobial molecules but also by policing the function of lymphocytes and epithelium. Finally, analysis of the mechanism by which multimeric alpha-lactalbumin induces apoptosis in transformed epithelial cells could lead to the design of antitumor agents.
The use of medicinal plants to cure and treat various diseases is a common practice in the world and in Brazil. In several regions of the Brazil´s Northeast, the cactus Cereus jamacaru, known as mandacaru, is used popularly as a treatment to many diseases, including those related to heart respiratory diseases, gastric ulcers, scurvy, and kidney diseases. However, there is a scarcity in the scientific literature that proves scientifically the popular application of this cactus. Like other plants, Cereus jamacaru synthesizes several potentially bioactive molecules, like as polysaccharides. In this work, three polysaccharides-rich aqueous extracts, MCA80, MPM and MCP60, were obtained from this plant and analyzed chemically, as well as their cytotoxic and antioxidant potential. The data showed that all extracts consist mainly of polysaccharides (89.42 to 95.76%), but also protein (> 2%) and phenolic (3 to 8.87%) contaminants were detected. All extracts are rich in galactose, glucose and mannose. In addition, glucuronic acid was found in MCA80 and MCP60. The extracts showed total antioxidant capacity ranged from 55.21 to 68.13 of ascorbic acid equivalents (AAE). Besides, they exhibited reducer power and cupric chelation in a dose-dependent manner. None of the extracts inhibited the MTT reduction in the presence of prostate tumor cells (PC-3). However, MCP60 was the most effective extract by preventing the reduction of MTT by about 80% in the presence of cells 786. Nuclear fragmentation tests showed that this extract induces cell death. The data indicated that mandacaru synthesizes bioactive polysaccharides with potential as antioxidant and antitumor agents. For future studies, it is intended to purify and characterize these polysaccharides and its antioxidant and antitumor mechanisms
The synthesis and characterization of ruthenium compounds of the type [RuCl2(P)2(N-N)] [(P)2 = (PPh3) 2, dppb = 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)butano; dppp = 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane; N-N = 5,5′-dimethyl-2,2′dipyridyl (5,5′-mebipy) or 4,4′-dimethyl-2,2′dipyridyl (4,4′-mebipy)] are described. The complexes were characterized using elemental analysis, UV-Vis and infrared spectroscopies, cyclic voltammetry, and X-ray crystallography. In vitro evaluation of the complexes, using the MTT methodology, revealed their cytotoxic activities in a range of 5.4-15.7 μM against the MDA-MB-231 breast tumor cells and showed that, in this case, they are more active than the reference metallodrug cisplatin. The in vitro antimycobacterial activities of the complexes had their Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) for MTB cell growth measured, by the REMA method. The MICs for these complexes were found to be between 12.5 and 25.0 μg/mL. The results are comparable with the second line drug cycloserine (MIC = 12.5-50.0 μg/mL), commonly used in the treatment of TB. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.