968 resultados para Antioxidant effect


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We have conducted an intervention trial to assess the effects of antioxidants and B-group vitamins on the susceptibility of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) to oxidation. A total of 509 men aged 30-49 from a local workforce were screened for total plasma homocysteine. The 132 selected (homocysteine concentration > or = 8.34 mumol/l) men were randomly assigned, using a factorial design, to one of four groups receiving supplementation with B group vitamins alone (1 mg folic acid, 7.2 mg pyridoxine, 0.02 mg cyanocobalamin), antioxidant vitamins (150 mg ascorbic acid, 67 mg alpha-tocopherol, 9 mg beta-carotene), B vitamins with antioxidant vitamins, or placebo. Intervention was double-blind. A total of 101 men completed the 8-week study. The lag time of LDL isolated ex vivo to oxidation (induced by 2 mumol/l cupric chloride) was increased in the two groups receiving antioxidants whether with (6.88 +/- 1.65 min) or without (8.51 +/- 1.77 min) B-vitamins, compared with placebo (-2.03 +/- 1.50) or B-vitamins alone (-3.34 +/- 1.08) (Mean +/- S.E., P <0.001). Antibodies to malondialdehyde (MDA) modified LDL were also measured, but there were no significant changes in titers of these antibodies in any group of subjects whether receiving antioxidants or not. Contrast analysis showed that there was no interaction between antioxidants and B-group vitamins. This study indicates that while B-group vitamins lower plasma homocysteine they do not have an antioxidant effect. Thus B-group vitamins and antioxidants appear to have separate, independent effects in reducing cardiovascular risk.


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Esta tese teve como objectivo estudar estratégias de conservação de pescado fresco, recorrendo ao uso de extractos e óleos essenciais de plantas e do processamento por alta pressão (HPP), usando filetes de robalo como um caso de estudo modelo. Relativamente aos extractos e óleos essenciais, avaliaram-se as suas propriedades antibacterianas e antioxidantes. Os extractos aquosos quente de poejo e de orégão e o óleo essencial de cravinho apresentaram a maior actividade antioxidante. Os óleos essenciais foram mais eficientes do que os extractos para inibir o crescimento das estirpes bacterianas testadas, tendo-se observado os menores valores de concentração mínima inibitória nos óleos essenciais de orégão, citronela, alho e orégão Espanhol. De seguida, estudou-se o efeito dos óleos essenciais de orégão Espanhol e de limão na conservação de filetes de robalo fresco tendo em conta critérios microbiológicos, químicos, físicos e sensoriais. A aplicação do óleo essencial de orégão Espanhol aumentou o tempo de vida útil dos filetes sob o ponto de vista bacteriano, mas não em termos sensoriais. A combinação dos óleos essenciais de orégão Espanhol e de limão melhorou o efeito antioxidante e reduziu a intensidade do odor e a sua eficácia em relação às Enterobacteriaceae, comparando com o tratamento com óleo essencial de orégão Espanhol per se. No sentido de reduzir o odor conferido pelos óleos essenciais realizou-se um estudo de conservação para avaliar o efeito de películas com óleos essenciais (citronela, alho e tomilho) em filetes de robalo, recorrendo a uma teste de desafio bacteriano. As películas sem óleos essenciais aumentaram o tempo de vida útil sob o ponto de vista bacteriano, mas este efeito não foi observado com a incorporação dos óleos essenciais nas películas. Em relação ao HPP, testaram-se diversas condições (nível de pressão, tempo de pressurização e taxa de pressurização) e avaliaram-se os efeitos na actividade enzimática, na qualidade global e na conservação de filetes de robalo fresco. Em geral, o aumento do nível de pressão e do tempo de pressurização diminuiu a actividade da fosfatase ácida e das enzimas proteolíticas, a carga bacteriana e a capacidade de retenção de água, enquanto que os filetes ficaram mais brancos. O HPP revelou potencial para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos: mais brancos, não translúcidos, mais firmes e com maior tempo de frescura e estabilidade microbiológica. Em conclusão, os óleos essenciais e o HPP têm potencial para conservar pescado fresco, devido aos seus efeitos na qualidade bacteriana. Ainda assim, mais esforços devem ser feitos no sentido de reduzir a transferência de odor dos óleos essenciais para o pescado e os efeitos do HPP no aspecto do pescado e na oxidação lipídica.


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Les propriétés antioxydantes du resvératrol sont d’un grand intérêt pour contrer la dysfonction endothéliale où la contribution du stress oxydant est majeure. Cette dysfonction endothéliale est d’ailleurs bien caractérisée en hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche (HVG). Cette étude vise à explorer les effets thérapeutiques du resvératrol sur la dysfonction endothéliale des artères coronaires épicardiques associée à l’HVG. L’HVG est induite suite à un cerclage aortique (CA) sur des porcelets de 2 mois. Le resvératrol est ensuite administré à 20 mg/kg/jour per os aux animaux répertoriés dans différents groupes. Le groupe 1 comprend les animaux contrôles sans CA alors que le groupe 2 représente les porcelets ayant subit le CA sans traitement. Le groupe 3 comprend les animaux traités pendant les 60 jours après la chirurgie alors que le groupe 4 est traité seulement à partir du 30ème jour jusqu’au jour 60. Des analyses échocardiographiques et histologiques ont été effectuées afin de déterminer le degré d’hypertrophie et l’impact du resvératrol sur la progression de l’HVG alors que la réactivité vasculaire a été évaluée par des expériences de chambres d’organes. La dysfonction endothéliale a été étudiée in vitro par quantification des métabolites nitriques et des niveaux de GMPc tandis que le stress oxydant est décrit par les niveaux d’angiotensine II (Ang II) et de protéines carbonylées. Les courbes dose-réponse à la sérotonine du groupe 3 traité pendant les 60 jours au resvératrol ont démontré une relaxation vasculaire significativement améliorée comparé au groupe 2 non-traité (p<0,05). Le pourcentage de changement du rapport de la masse du ventricule gauche sur la masse corporelle (LVmass/BW) a démontré une inhibition du développement de l’HVG dans le groupe 3 alors que le groupe 4 n’a pas eu d’effets bénéfiques des 30 jours de traitement au resvératrol. La biodisponibilité du NO représentée par la mesure de ses métabolites en circulation (398,71±21,74 ; 151,04±14,95 ; 241,86±15,53 ; 208,17±26,52 uM pour les groupes 1, 2, 3 et 4 respectivement, p<0,001 pour groupe 1 et 3 vs groupe 2) et par le niveau de GMPc a été augmentée avec l’administration du polyphénol (2,54±0,63 ; 0,67±0,45 ; 1,71±0,25 ; 1,98±0,29 pmol/ml pour les groupes 1, 2, 3 et 4 respectivement, p<0,05 pour groupe 1, 3 et 4 vs groupe 2). Le rôle antioxydant du resvératrol a été confirmé avec une réduction des niveaux de protéines carbonylées chez le groupe 3 comparé aux valeurs du groupe 2 (0,14±0,05 vs 0,33±0,03 nmol/mg respectivement) sans diminution des niveaux d’Ang II. Le resvératrol a aussi réduit l’hypertrophie des cardiomyocytes et la fibrose interstitielle. Ainsi, le resvératrol peut effectivement réduire la dysfonction endothéliale des artères coronaires épicardiques et limiter l’occurrence de remodelage myocardique associé à l’HVG, principalement à travers l’activation de la signalisation dépendante du NO.


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The ability of chlorogenic acid to inhibit oxidation of human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) was studied by in vitro copper-induced LDL oxidation. The effect of chlorogenic acid on the lag time before LDL oxidation increased in a dose dependent manner by up to 176% of the control value when added at concentrations of 0.25 -1.0 μM. Dose dependent increases in lag time of LDL oxidation were also observed, but at much higher concentrations, when chlorogenic acid was incubated with LDL (up to 29.7% increase in lag phase for 10 μM chlorogenic acid) or plasma (up to 16.6% increase in lag phase for 200 μM chlorogenic acid) prior to isolation of LDL, and this indicated that chlorogenic acid was able to bind, at least weakly, to LDL. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) increased the oxidative stability of LDL in the presence of chlorogenic acid. Fluorescence spectroscopy showed that chlorogenic acid binds to BSA with a binding constant of 3.88 x 104 M-1. BSA increased the antioxidant effect of chlorogenic acid, and this was attributed to copper ions binding to BSA, thereby reducing the amount of copper available for inducing lipid peroxidation.


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Oxidised low density lipoprotein (LDL) may play a role in atherogenesis. We have investigated some of the mechanisms by which the thiol cysteine and the disulphide cystine can influence the oxidation of LDL by copper ions. Cysteine or cystine (100 PM) inhibited the oxidation of native LDL by copper in a simple phosphate buffer. One of the mechanisms by which cysteine (or more likely its oxidation products in the presence of copper) and cystine inhibited LDL oxidation was by decreasing the binding of copper to LDL (97% inhibition). Cysteine, but not cystine, rapidly reduced Cu2+ to Cu+. This may help to explain the antioxidant effect of cysteine as it may limit the amount of Cu2+ that is available to convert alpha-tocopherol in LDL into the prooxidant alpha-tocopherol radical. Cysteine (but not cystine) had a prooxidant effect, however, toward partially oxidised LDL in the presence of a low copper concentration, which may have been due to the rapid breakdown of lipid hydroperoxides in partially oxidised LDL by Cu+ generated by cysteine. To prove that cysteine can cause the rapid breakdown of lipid hydroperoxides in LDL, we enriched LDL with lipid hydroperoxides using an azo initiator in the absence of copper. Cysteine, but not cystine, increased the rate of lipid hydroperoxide decomposition to thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) in the presence of copper. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The antioxidant properties of caffeic acid and bovine serum albumin in oil-in-water and water-in-oil emulsions were studied. Caffeic acid (5 mmol/kg emulsion) showed good antioxidant properties in both 30% sunflower oil-in-water (OW) and 20% water-in-sunflower oil emulsions (WO), pH 5.4, during storage at 50 ºC. Although bovine serum albumin (BSA) (0.2%) had a slight antioxidant effect, the combination of caffeic acid and BSA showed a synergistic reduction in the rate of development of rancidity, with significant reductions in concentration of total volatiles, peroxide value (PV) and p-anisidine value (PA) for both emulsion types. The synergistic increase in stability of the OW and WO emulsions containing BSA and caffeic acid was 102.9 and 50.4 % respectively based on TOTOX values, which are calculated as 2PV + PA, with greater synergy calculated if based on formation of headspace volatiles, The OW emulsion was more susceptible to the development of headspace volatiles by oxidation than the WO emulsion, even though the degree of oxidation assessed by the TOTOX value was similar.


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Seaweed polyphenols are potent antioxidants and have also been shown to have α-glucosidase inhibiting activity. In our continuous efforts to develop new marine-based nutraceuticals and functional food ingredients, we have investigated many algal species collected on the Atlantic coast of Canada. A simple method for estimating the total polyphenol content in seaweeds and their extracts was developed based on the classic Folin-Ciocalteau colorimetric reaction. By using the 96-well microplate and a microplate reader, this new method saves experimental time, significantly reduces the amount of sample required, handles large number of samples in one experiment, and also improves the repeatability of the results.

A number of algal samples collected on the seashore of Nova Scotia, Canada, were analyzed for their levels of polyphenol content using this microplate-based method. The antioxidant activity of these samples was also assessed by using DPPH (2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging assay. The results showed that there is a strong correlation between the total polyphenol content and the potency of antioxidant effect.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The antioxidant effect of plant extract has been an interesting issue for many researchers in past few years. Spices have been identified as products with large amounts of antioxidants, and rosemary is one the most studied spice. Studies have shown evidences that population with high intake of these substances have less incidence of coronary heart disease. The objective of this work was verify the antioxidant action of the commercial rosemary oleoresin Herbalox® (used to feed the pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) fish. The juveniles pacu were fed with isocaloric and isoproteic diets, for two groups the lipid source was soybean oil and for the another it was corn oil. For each group of the different lipid sources, rosemary extract Herbalox® (were added in one lot and on the other which was used as control. The results showed that the addition of rosemary extracts to the ration protected them against peroxidation, when compared with the control, the lipid source also have influence on these protection.


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Recent lines of evidence suggest that the beneficial effects of olive oil are not only related to its high content of oleic acid, but also to the antioxidant potential of its polyphenols. The aim of this work was determine the effects of olive oil and its components, oleic acid and the polyphenol dihydroxyphenylethanol (DPE), on serum lipids, oxidative stress, and energy metabolism on cardiac tissue. Twenty four male Wistar rats, 200 g, were divided into the following 4 groups (n = 6): control (C), OO group that received extra-virgin olive oil (7.5 mL/kg), OA group was treated with oleic acid (3.45 mL/kg), and the DPE group that received the polyphenol DPE (7.5 mg/kg). These components were administered by gavage over 30 days, twice a week. All animals were provided with food and water ad libitum The results show that olive oil was more effective than its isolated components in improving lipid profile, elevating high-density lipoprotein, and diminishing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations. Olive oil induced decreased antioxidant Mn-superoxide dismutase activity and diminished protein carbonyl concentration, indicating that olive oil may exert direct antioxidant effect on myocardium. DPE, considered as potential antioxidant, induced elevated aerobic metabolism, triacylglycerols, and lipid hydroperoxides concentrations in cardiac muscle, indicating that long-term intake of this polyphenol may induce its undesirable pro-oxidant activity on myocardium. © 2006 NRC Canada.


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In order to improve the quality and safety of food, the active packaging emerges as a new technology based on the release of composites beneficial to food products. Thus, biodegradable films incorporated with active substances have the function of acting as a barrier to external elements, protecting the product and increasing its shelf life. They are formulated from proteins, polysaccharides, lipids or from the combination of these compounds. However, there is a need to improve the performance properties of these packages. Nanotechnologies, then, emerges with the study of many nanoparticles as additives to modify the performance of biodegradable polymers. With this, we aimed at developing and active antioxidant film of corn starch blenders and whey protein isolate with rosemary essential oil or microcapsules of rosemary essential oil reinforced with sodium montmorillonite (MMTNa + ) nanoparticles by extrusion. The films were developed and characterized in a first stage for the selection of the best polymeric blender using the following analyses: water vapor permeability (WVP), machanical properties; optical, thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), x-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In the second stage, montmorillonite clay nanoparticles and rosemary essential oil were added as reinforcement to evaluate its antioxidant effect. In a third stage, we studied the addition of microcapsules of rosemary essential oil (MR) as a form of protecting the active agent and its antioxidant potential in the films. The results indicate that the development of p olymeric blender with 30% of corn starch substitution is the most indicated for future work. The addition of rosemary essential oil or microcapsule of rosemary essential oil allowed for the obtaining of nanocomposites with antioxidant potential for application in food packages.


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Coffee seeds have limitations regarding to its conservation because of their sensitivity to desiccation and storage behavior. The establishment of a methodology for seed storage is difficult due to its deterioration. Deterioration can enhance the production of reactive oxygen species and cause lethal oxidative damage to plant tissues. The damage caused by harmful levels of free radicals can be softened by the action of endogenous or exogenous antioxidants. Recent research shows new antioxidative protection technologies, being cathodic protection a promising technique with relevant results in other recalcitrant species and even in other living organisms. Thus, the aim of this work was to verify the antioxidant effect of cathodic water in Coffea arabica L. seeds with the purpose of investigating a new technology to improve seed quality. The study was conducted at the Central Seed Laboratory, Department of Agriculture, at the Federal University of Lavras. Coffea arabica L. seeds were used. The study was conducted in two stages, in the first a preliminary analysis of the use of cathodic water was carried out in batches with different levels of quality. In the second it was evaluated the effect of light and of the imbibition period of the seeds in cathodic water. The seeds were immersed in distilled water and in cathodic water for eight distinct soaking periods, in absence and presence of light and then evaluated by physiological tests. It can be concluded that cathodic water can positively influence the physiological performance of the coffee seeds with poor quality, especially when embedded during periods between 4.5 to 7.5 hours in the absence of light.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA