975 resultados para Anti-apo A-i


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OBJETIVO: Examinar o perfil lipídico e parâmetros nutricionais de adolescentes com história familiar de doença arterial coronariana (DAC) prematura e avaliar os efeitos da orientação nutricional. MÉTODOS: O estudo incluiu 48 adolescentes de ambos os sexos e idades entre 10 e 19 anos (grupo caso, n=18; grupo controle, n=30). RESULTADOS: Os filhos de coronarianos jovens apresentaram valores mais elevados de colesterol total (189 ± 30 vs. 167 ± 26 mg/dl, p<0,01), LDL-C (144 ± 20 vs. 100 ± 27 mg/dl, p<0,001) e Apo B (80 ± 15 vs. 61 ± 18 mg/dl, p=0,001) e valores mais baixos de HDL-C (45 ± 9 vs. 51 ± 13 mg/dl, p<0,02) que os jovens controles. Não se observaram diferenças para os triglicérides e Apo A-I. Com a orientação dietoterápica obteve-se redução no consumo alimentar de ácidos graxos saturados (pré: 15,5 ± 4,7% vs. pós: 6,6 ± 3,7%, p=0,003) e melhora no perfil lipídico: CT (-8%, p=0,033), LDL-C (-18,2%, p=0,001), TG (-53%, p=0,002) nos filhos de pacientes com DAC prematura que apresentavam hiperlipidemia. CONCLUSÃO: A presença de dislipidemia foi mais prevalente em adolescentes filhos de portadores de DAC prematura, mas foi responsiva à intervenção nutricional.


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50 years ago, the introduction of penicillin, followed by many other antibacterial agents, represented an often underestimated medical revolution. Indeed, until that time, bacterial infections were the prime cause of mortality, especially in children and elderly patients. The discovery of numerous new substances and their development on an industrial scale gave us the illusion that bacterial infections were all but vanquished. However, the widespread and sometimes uncontrolled use of these agents has led to the selection of bacteria resistant to practically all available antibiotics. Bacteria utilize three main resistance strategies: (1) modification of their permeability, (2) modification of target, and (3) modification of the antibiotic. Bacteria modify their permeability either by becoming impermeable to antibiotics, or by actively excreting the drug accumulated in the cell. As an alternative, they can modify the structure of the antibiotic's molecular target--usually an essential metabolic enzyme of the bacterium--and thus escape the drug's toxic effect. Lastly, they can produce enzymes capable of modifying and directly inactivating antibiotics. In addition, bacteria have evolved extremely efficient genetic transfer systems capable of exchanging and accumulating resistance genes. Some pathogens, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and multiresistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis, have become resistant to almost all available antibiotics and there are only one or two substances still active against such organisms. Antibiotics are very precious drugs which must be administered to patients who need them. On the other hand, the development of resistance must be kept under control by a better comprehension of its mechanisms and modes of transmission and by abiding by the fundamental rules of anti-infectious chemotherapy, i.e.: (1) choose the most efficient antibiotic according to clinical and local epidemiological data, (2) target the bacteria according to the microbiological data at hand, and (3) administer the antibiotic in an adequate dose which will leave the pathogen no chance to develop resistance.


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Arenaviruses are a large and diverse family of viruses that merit significant attention as causative agents of severe hemorrhagic fevers in humans. Lassa virus (LASV) in Africa and the South American hemorrhagic fever viruses Junin (JUNV), Machupo (MACV), and Guanarito (GTOV) have emerged as important human pathogens and represent serious public health problems in their respective endemic areas. A hallmark of fatal arenaviruses hemorrhagic fevers is a marked immunosuppression of the infected patients. Antigen presenting cells (APCs) such as macrophages and in particular dendritic cells (DCs) are early and preferred targets of arenaviruses infection. Instead of being recognized and presented as foreign antigens by DCs, arenaviruses subvert the normal mechanisms of pathogen recognition, invade DCs and establish a productive infection. Viral replication perturbs the DCs' ability to present antigens and to activate T and B cells, contributing to the marked virus-induced immunosuppression observed in fatal disease. Considering their crucial role in the development of an anti-viral immune response, the mechanisms by which arenaviruses, and in particular LASV, invade DCs are of particular interest. The C-type lectin DC-specific Intercellular adhesion molecule-3-grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN) was recently identified as a potential entry receptor for LASV. The first project of my thesis focused therefore on the investigation of the role of DC-SIGN in LASV entry into primary human DCs. My data revealed that DC-SIGN serves as an attachment factor for LASV on human DCs and can facilitate capture of free virus and subsequent cell entry. However, in contrast to other emerging viruses, of the phlebovirus family, I found that DC-SIGN does likely not function as an authentic entry receptor for LASV. Moreover, I was able to show that LASV enters DCs via an unusually slow pathway that depends on actin, but is independent of clathrin and dynamin. Considering the lack of effective treatments and the limited public health infrastructure in endemic regions, the development of protective vaccines against arenaviruses is an urgent need. To address this issue, the second project of my thesis aimed at the development of a novel recombinant arenavirus vaccine based on a nanoparticle (NPs) platform and its evaluation in a small animal model. During the first phase of the project I designed, produced, and characterized suitable vaccine antigens. In the second phase of the project, I generated antigen-conjugated NPs, developed vaccine formulations, and tested the NPs for their ability to elicit anti-viral T cell responses as well as anti-viral antibodies. I demonstrated that the NPs platform is able to activate both cellular and humoral branches of the adaptive anti-viral immunity, providing proof-of-principle. In sum, my first project will allow, in a long term perspective, a better understanding of the viral pathogenesis and contribute to the development of novel antiviral strategies. The second project will expectidly offer a new treatment option against arenaviruses.


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Leprosy transmission still occurs despite the availability of highly effective treatment. The next step towards successfully eliminating leprosy is interrupting the chain of transmission of the aetiological agent, Mycobacterium leprae. In this investigation, we provide evidence that household contacts (HHCs) of leprosy patients might not only have subclinical infections, but may also be actively involved in bacilli transmission. We studied 444 patients and 1,352 contacts using anti-phenolic glycolipid-I (PGL-I) serology and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) to test for M. leprae DNA in nasal swabs. We classified the patients according to the clinical form of their disease and the contacts according to the characteristics of their index case. Overall, 63.3% and 34.2% of patients tested positive by ELISA and PCR, respectively. For HHCs, 13.3% had a positive ELISA test result and 4.7% had a positive PCR test result. The presence of circulating anti-PGL-I among healthy contacts (with or without a positive PCR test result from nasal swabs) was considered to indicate a subclinical infection. DNA detected in nasal swabs also indicates the presence of bacilli at the site of transmission and bacterial entrance. We suggest that the concomitant use of both assays may allow us to detect subclinical infection in HHCs and to identify possible bacilli carriers who may transmit and disseminate disease in endemic regions. Chemoprophylaxis of these contacts is suggested.


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Leprosy in children is correlated with community-level factors, including the recent presence of disease and active foci of transmission in the community. We performed clinical and serological examinations of 1,592 randomly selected school children (SC) in a cross-sectional study of eight hyperendemic municipalities in the Brazilian Amazon Region. Sixty-three (4%) SC, with a mean age of 13.3 years (standard deviation = 2.6), were diagnosed with leprosy and 777 (48.8%) were seropositive for anti-phenolic glycolipid-I (PGL-I). Additionally, we evaluated 256 house-hold contacts (HHCs) of the students diagnosed with leprosy; 24 (9.4%) HHC were also diagnosed with leprosy and 107 (41.8%) were seropositive. The seroprevalence of anti-PGL-I was significantly higher amongst girls, students from urban areas and students from public schools (p < 0.0001). Forty-five (71.4%) new cases detected amongst SC were classified as paucibacillary and 59 (93.6%) patients did not demonstrate any degree of physical disability at diagnosis. The results of this study suggest that there is a high rate of undiagnosed leprosy and subclinical infection amongst children in the Amazon Region. The advantages of school surveys in hyperendemic areas include identifying leprosy patients at an early stage when they show no physical disabilities, preventing the spread of the infection in the community and breaking the chain of transmission.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la facultat de Medical Sciences de la Universitat de Bristol, Alemanya, entre 2011 i 2012. Aquest treball s'ha realitzat a la facultat de Medical Sciences de la Universitat de Bristol, al laboratori del Prof. Andrew Di cks,o ta la seva supe1visi6. Ei treball s'ha realitzat amb els seus col.laboradors, el Dr Richard Lee i Lauren Schew:tz. Objectiu: Els glucocorticoids (GCs) tenen diversos efectes sobre les cèl.lules T CD4+ per modular la resposta immune principalment mitjançant els seus efectes anti-proliferatius. Tot i això la dexametasona (Dex, glucocorticoid sintètic) també indueix la secreció de la citocina immunosupressora IL-10 . L'objectiu d'aquest treball ha estat comparar la capacitat dels glucocorticoids en modular la producció de citocines en cèl.lules T CD4+ en pacients uveítics sensibles (SS), i resistents (SR) a esteroids. Metodologia: Es van aïllar cèl• lules T CD4+ de pacients uveítics SS i SR. Es va induir la producció de cèl.lules T regulatories (Tregs) i mitjançant I'estimulació amb anti- CD3/CD28 en presència d'lL-2 i Després del cultiu es van analitzar els nivells d’expressió intracel•lular de les citocines IL-10, IL-4, IL-9, IL-17 i IFN-y per citometria de flux. D'altra banda, també es van separar cèl.lules T CD4t de pacients uveïtis segons I'expressió de CCR6 i es van polaritzar per obtenir els fenotips ThO i Th17 per estudiar I'efecte de Dex i ciclosporina (CsA) en aquests subtipus cel.lulars. Resultats: Les cèl.lules T CD4+ de pacients SR no van ser capaces de produir IL-10 en resposta al tractament amb Dex. Dex no va afectar els nivells d'expressió d'11-17, però va reduir els nivells de IL-4 i IFN-V. Els nivells d'lL-9 (marcador d'un subtipus cel.lular recentment descrit, Th9) v ise r sempre inferiors a 11%. En canvi, el traclament a amb CsA va reduir significativament els nivells d'lL-17 i IFN-y en cèl.lules Th17 i ThO. Conclusions: La Dex no és capaç d'induir cèl.lules Treg funcionalment supresores en pacients veiticsS R. Aquest fenòmen és Independent dels efectes en I'expressió d'altres citocines. Aquests resultats suggereixen que I'efecte de la Dex sobre la funció de cél.lules Treg és clau en el desenvolupament del fenotip SR en la uveïtis . D'altra banda, al llarg d'aquest temps he iniciat un nou projecte que ha donat lloc a un futur projecte de col elaboració. Resumidament, degut a que els nivells elevats de proteïna C-reactiva (CRP) són un factor de risc en la degeneració macular, malaltia inflamatòria crònica principal causa de ceguera en països industrialitzats, I'objectiu d'aquest altre treball ha estat iniciar un projecte per avaluar els efectes de les diferents isoformes de la CRP sobre la resposta inflamatòria d’epiteli pigmentari retinià.


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We present the long-term results of 18 chemotherapy relapsed indolent (N = 12) or transformed (N = 6) NHL patients of a phase II anti-CD20 (131)I-tositumomab (Bexxar) therapy study. The biphasic therapy included two injections of 450 mg unlabelled antibody combined with (131)I-tositumomab once as dosimetric and once as therapeutic activity delivering 75 or 65 cGy whole-body radiation dose to patients with normal or reduced platelet counts, respectively. Two patients were not treated due to disease progression during dosimetry. The overall response rate was 81% in the 16 patients treated, including 50% CR/CRu and 31% PR. Median progression free survival of the 16 patients was 22.5 months. Median overall survival has not been reached after a median observation of 48 months. Median PFS of complete responders (CR/CRu) has not been reached and will be greater than 51 months. Short-term side effects were mainly haematological and transient. Among the relevant long-term side effects, one patient previously treated with CHOP chemotherapy died from secondary myelodysplasia. Four patients developed HAMA. In conclusion, (131)I-tositumomab RIT demonstrated durable responses especially in those patients who achieved a complete response. Six of eight CR/CRu are ongoing after 46-70 months.


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I discuss several lessons regarding the design and conduct of monetary policy that have emerged out of the New Keynesian research program. Those lessons include the bene.ts of price stability, the gains from commitment about future policies, the importance of nat-ural variables as benchmarks for policy, and the bene.ts of a credible anti-inflationary stance. I also point to one challenge facing NK modelling efforts: the need to come up with relevant sources of policy tradeoffs. A potentially useful approach to meeting that challenge, based on the introduction of real imperfections, is presented.


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Fifty years ago, the introduction of penicillin, followed by many other antibacterial agents, represented an often underestimated medical revolution. Indeed, until that time, bacterial infections were the prime cause of mortality, especially in children and elderly patients. The discovery of numerous new substances and their development on an industrial scale confronted us with the illusion that bacterial infections were all but vanquished. However, the widespread and sometimes uncontrolled usage of these agents has led to the selection of bacteria resistant to practically all available antibiotics. Bacteria utilize three main resistance strategies: (i) decrease in drug accumulation, (ii) modification of target, and (iii) modification of the antibiotic. Bacteria can decrease drug accumulation either by becoming impermeable to antibiotics, or by actively excreting the drug accumulated in the cell. As an alternative, they can modify the structure of the antibiotic's molecular target--usually an essential metabolic enzyme of the bacteria--and thus escape the drug's toxic effect. Lastly, they can produce enzymes capable of modifying and directly inactivating the antibiotics. In addition, bacteria have evolved extremely efficient genetic transfer systems capable of exchanging and accumulating resistance genes. Some pathogens, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and enterococci are now resistant to almost all available antibiotics. Vancomycin is the only non-experimental drug left to treat severe infections due to such organisms. However, vancomycin resistance has already appeared several years ago in enterococci, and was also recently described in staphylococci, in Japan, France and the United-States. Antibiotics are precious drugs which must be administered to patients who need them. On the other hand, the development of resistance must be kept under control by a better comprehension of its mechanisms and modes of transmission and by abiding by the fundamental rules of anti-infectious chemotherapy, i.e.: (i) choose the most efficient antibiotic according to clinical and local epidemiological data, (ii) target the bacteria according to the microbiological data at hand, and (iii) administer the antibiotic at an adequate dose which will leave the pathogen no chance to develop any resistance.


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Niacin (nicotinamide, nicotinic acid) interferes on homeostasis, DNA regulation, signaling and longevity. Nicotinic acid reduces synthesis of lipoproteins-apo-B and increases HDL. Its antilipemic action in liver produces: 1) inhibition of DGAT2, with decreased triacylglycerol synthesis, 2) downregulation of the b-chain of adenosine triphosphate synthase, leading to reduced HDL-apo-A-I catabolism. Nicotinic acid could increase redox potential in vascular endothelium. HM74A receptor activation in macrophages would be responsible for the release of prostaglandins, causing flushing in epidermis. HM74A agonists could assist in identifying antilipemic agents. Extended release niacin in combination with statin appears to protect cardiovascular system of patients with low HDL.


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OBJETIVO: verificar a associação entre abortamentos, perdas fetais recorrentes e pré-eclâmpsia grave e a presença de trombofilias hereditárias e anticorpos antifosfolípides em gestantes. MÉTODOS: estudo observacional transversal de 48 gestantes com histórico de abortamentos recorrentes, perdas fetais (Grupo AB), além de pré-eclâmpsia grave (Grupo PE), atendidas no Ambulatório de Gestação de Alto Risco da Faculdade de Medicina (Famed) da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) no período de novembro de 2006 a julho de 2007. Rastreou-se a presença de anticorpos antifosfolípides (anticardiolipina IgM e IgG, anticoagulante lúpico e anti-beta2-glicoproteína I) e trombofilias hereditárias (deficiências de proteínas C e S, antitrombina, hiper-homocisteinemia e mutação do fator V Leiden) nas gestantes de ambos os grupos. Os exames foram realizados durante o pré-natal. Os dados paramétricos (idade e paridade) foram analisados por meio do teste tau de Student e os não paramétricos (presença/ausência de trombofilias hereditárias e anticorpos antifosfolípides, presença/ausência de pré-eclâmpsia grave, perdas fetais e abortamentos de repetição) em tabelas 2X2 utilizando o teste exato de Fisher, considerando significativo p<0,05. RESULTADOS: das 48 gestantes, 31 (65%) foram incluídas no Grupo AB e 17 (35%) no Grupo PE. Não houve diferença entre a idade materna e o número de gestações entre os grupos. Houve associação significativa entre abortos e perdas fetais recorrentes e a presença de trombofilias maternas (p<0,05). Não se verificou associação significativa do Grupo AB com a presença de anticorpos antifosfolípides. Também não houve associação significativa entre presença de trombofilias hereditárias e anticorpos antifosfolípides e a ocorrência de pré-eclâmpsia grave em gestação anterior. CONCLUSÕES: os dados obtidos sugerem investigação de rotina para trombofilias em pacientes com história de abortamentos recorrentes e perdas fetais em gestações anteriores.


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Total serum lipids, as well as apolipoproteins A-I (apo A-I) and B (apo B), were determined in 74 patients with chronic liver failure without cholestasis and in 82 normal subjects. The VLDL, LDL and HDL lipid fractions were reduced in the liver failure group by 36%, 24% and 46%, respectively (P<0.001). Apolipoproteins A-I and B were also reduced by 26% and 25%, respectively (P<0.001). However, the reduction of HDL cholesterol (HDLc) was more pronounced than that of apo A-I and the HDLc:apo A-I ratio was significantly lower in the liver failure group. After separating these patients into groups with plasma albumin lower than 3.0, between 3.0 and 3.5, and higher than 3.5 g/dl, the HDLc:apo A-I ratio was proportional to plasma albumin, but the correlation was not statistically significant. When these patients were separated by the Child classification of liver function, there was a correlation between the HDLc:apo A-I ratio and liver function. The differences in the HDLc:apo A-I ratio between the Child groups B and C, and A and C were statistically significant (P<0.05). We conclude that there is a more pronounced reduction in HDL cholesterol than in apo A-I in liver failure patients. Therefore, the HDLc:apo A-I ratio is a marker of liver function, probably because there is a decreased lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase production by the diseased liver


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Cajal bodies (CB) are ubiquitous nuclear structures involved in the biogenesis of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins and show narrow association with the nucleolus. To identify possible relationships between CB and the nucleolus, the localization of coilin, a marker of CB, and of a set of nucleolar proteins was investigated in cultured PtK2 cells undergoing micronucleation. Nocodazol-induced micronucleated cells were examined by double indirect immunofluorescence with antibodies against coilin, fibrillarin, NOR-90/hUBF, RNA polymerase I, PM/Scl, and To/Th. Cells were imaged on a BioRad 1024-UV confocal system attached to a Zeiss Axiovert 100 microscope. Since PtK2 cells possess only one nucleolus organizer region, micronucleated cells presented only one or two micronuclei containing nucleolus. By confocal microscopy we showed that in most micronuclei lacking a typical nucleolus a variable number of round structures were stained by antibodies against fibrillarin, NOR-90/hUBF protein, and coilin. These bodies were regarded as CB-like structures and were not stained by anti-PM/Scl and anti-To/Th antibodies. Anti-RNA polymerase I antibodies also reacted with CB-like structures in some micronuclei lacking nucleolus. The demonstration that a set of proteins involved in RNA/RNP biogenesis, namely coilin, fibrillarin, NOR-90/hUBF, and RNA polymerase I gather in CB-like structures present in nucleoli-devoid micronuclei may contribute to shed some light into the understanding of CB function.


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Soit (M, ω) une variété symplectique. Nous construisons une version de l’éclatement et de la contraction symplectique, que nous définissons relative à une sous-variété lagrangienne L ⊂ M. En outre, si M admet une involution anti-symplectique ϕ, et que nous éclatons une configuration suffisament symmetrique des plongements de boules, nous démontrons qu’il existe aussi une involution anti-symplectique sur l’éclatement ~M. Nous dérivons ensuite une condition homologique pour les surfaces lagrangiennes réeles L = Fix(ϕ), qui détermine quand la topologie de L change losqu’on contracte une courbe exceptionnelle C dans M. Finalement, on utilise ces constructions afin d’étudier le packing relatif dans (ℂP²,ℝP²).


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L’esthétique de Madame de Staël and Mary Shelley discute l’art de l’improvisation et le concept de l’enthousiasme dans les écrits de ces deux auteurs. Dans ce projet, j’explore l’esthétique d’improvisation et d’enthousiasme de Madame de Staël dans Corinne, en me référant à son autre roman Delphine, à sa pièce de théâtre Sapho, et à ses nouvelles ainsi qu’à ses textes philosophiques comme De l’Allemagne, De l’influence des passions, et De la littérature. J’argumente que Madame de Staël représente à travers le caractère de Corinne une esthétique anti-utilitaire. J’explique qu’elle évoque des valeurs cosmopolites qui valorisent une culture indigène qui est en opposition avec l’impérialisme de Napoléon. De plus, j’examine comment les improvisations de Corinne dérivent d’un enthousiasme qui est associé à la définition que Platon offre du terme. Ceci est évident par la signification que Madame de Staël présente du terme dans De L’Allemagne. J’interprète la maladie de Corinne comme étant d’origine psychosomatique qui est manifesté par la perte de son génie et par un suicide lent qui est une expression de colère contre la patriarchie. Le caractère de Corinne permet à Madame de Staël d’explorer le conflit que les femmes artistes éprouvaient entre ayant une carrière artistique et adhérant à l’idéologie domestique. Chapitre deux se concentre sur l’intérêt que Shelley démontre sur l’art de l’improvisation comme elle l’exprime dans ses lettres à propos de l’improvisateur Tommaso Sgricci. Malgré sa fascination avec la poésie extemporanée, Shelley regrette que cette forme d’art soit évanescente. Aussi, j’examine son enthousiasme pour un autre artiste, Nicolò Paganini. Son enchantement avec se violoniste virtuose est lié à des discours concernant le talent surnaturel des improvisateurs. J’argumente qu’il y a un continuum d’improvisation entre les balades orales du peuple et les improvisations de culture sophistiqué des improvisateurs de haute société. J’estime que les Shelleys collaboraient à définir une théorie d’inspiration à travers leurs intérêts pour l’art de l’improvisation. Chapitre trois considère le lien entre cosmologie et esthétique d’inspiration à travers la fonction de la musique, spécialement La Création de Joseph Haydn, dans The Last Man de Shelley. J’examine la représentation du sublime des Alpes dans le roman à travers de discours qui associent les Alpes avec les forces primordiales de la création. Les rôles de la Nécessité, Prophétie, et du Temps peuvent être compris en considérant la musique des sphères. Chapitre quatre explore les différentes définitions de terme enthousiasme dans les écrits de Shelley, particulièrement Valperga et The Last Man. Je discute l’opinion de Shelley sur Madame de Staël comme suggéré dans Lives. J’analyse les caractères qui ressemblent à Corinne dans les écrits de Shelley. De plus, je considère les sens multiples du mot enthousiasme en relation avec la Guerre civil d’Angleterre et la Révolution française. Je présente comment le terme enthousiasme était lié au cours du dix-septième siècle avec des discours médicales concernant la mélancolie et comment ceci est reflété dans les caractères de Shelley.