910 resultados para Anthropometric parameters
INTRODUCTION: Malnutrition is multifactorial and may be modified by nutritional intervention. We aimed to assess the impact of an intervention on the nutritional status of malnourished hemodialysis patients and their acceptance of a non-industrialized nutritional supplement. METHODS: 18 patients were studied, they were selected from a previous nutritional assessment where nutritional risk was defined as: subjective global assessment > 15 plus one criterion for malnutrition. The following variables were assessed: anthropometric parameters, subjective global assessment, dietary intake, six-minute walking test, quality of life (SF-36), and biochemical tests. Patients were randomized to either Control or Intervention Groups. The Intervention Group received a dietetic supplement during dialysis containing 355 kcal, prepared from simple ingredients. After three months, subjects from the Control Group and other patients also considered at nutritional risk underwent the same intervention. The study groups were compared after three months, and all patients were analyzed before and after the intervention. RESULTS: Fifteen men and three women, aged 56.4 ± 15.6 years-old, nine in each group, were studied. The Intervention Group showed an improvement in the subjective global assessment (p = 0.04). There were differences in role physical and bodily pain domains of SF-36, with improvement in the Intervention Group and worsening in the Control Group (p = 0.034 and p = 0.021). Comparisons before and after intervention for all patients showed improvement in the subjective global assessment (16.18 ± 4.27 versus 14.37 ± 4.20, p = 0.04), and in the six-minute walking test (496.60 ± 132.59 versus 547.80 ± 132.48 m; p = 0.036). The nutritional supplement was well tolerated by all patients, and it did not cause side effects. CONCLUSIONS: The nutritional intervention improved the subjective global assessment and quality of life of hemodialysis patients at short-term. A global intervention by a dietitian produced specific and nonspecific positive effects in the whole group. Nutritional supplementation was feasible, palatable, and had low cost. Its clinical impact and effectiveness need to be further assessed in a larger group of patients at long-term.
Introduction: Plusieurs indices de qualité alimentaire globale ont été élaborés en misant sur la consommation de certains nutriments ou aliments, ou des groupes d’aliments. Les indices de la qualité alimentaire globale sont en mesure d’évaluer de manière intégrée les aspects recherchés d’une bonne alimentation. C’est dans ce cadre que le Canadian Healthy Eating Index (C-HEI) a été développé pour évaluer le degré auquel les apports alimentaires des individus rencontrent les consignes du guide alimentaire canadien et les Recommandations nutritionnelles canadiennes. Objectif: Evaluer les liens entre l’indice de la qualité alimentaire globale C-HEI calculé à partir de la moyenne de trois rappels alimentaires de 24 heures et des paramètres nutritionnels, anthropométriques et des indicateurs de santé au recrutement (T1) dans l’étude longitudinale québécoise sur la nutrition et le vieillissement réussi (NuAge). Méthodologie: Des analyses bivariées (coefficients de corrélation, tableaux croisés et la statistique khi deux) ont été réalisées afin de déterminer les associations entre le score total C-HEI et certaines variables nutritionnelles, anthropométriques et le nombre de maladies chroniques. Résultats et discussion: Les participants ont rencontré ou dépassé la plupart de leurs apports nutritionnels de référence. Le C-HEI n’a pas été fortement corrélé aux nutriments individuels (rs= 0,14-0,52, p<0,01). Le C-HEI total était significativement associé aux recommandations canadiennes pour l’apport en fibres (rs= 0,51), le % d’énergie provenant des lipides (rs=-0,60) et des acides gras saturés (rs= -0,59), p<0,01. De plus, la suffisance en protéines et en énergie est augmentée lorsqu’on passait du Q1 (plus faible) à Q4 (plus élevé) du C-HEI (p<0,05). De même, les proportions des sujets ayant des mesures anthropométriques associées aux risques accrus pour la santé sont diminuées en passant du Q1 au Q4 (p<0,05), témoignant ainsi des liens entre une alimentation de bonne qualité et la protection des risques de santé associés à l’embonpoint et à l’obésité. Conclusion : Les résultats de cette recherche ont fourni des preuves additionnelles sur le lien entre le score C-HEI et certains paramètres nutritionnels et anthropométriques d’intérêt, et ce, provenant des données alimentaires quantitatives colligées au sein d’une population âgée vivant dans la communauté.
Alors que la prévalence de l’obésité est un problème d’ampleur mondiale, les avenues permettant de mieux utiliser l’exercice (Ex) s’avèrent d’un grand intérêt. L’Ex peut réduire l'appétit et l'apport énergétique, soit l’effet anorexigène de l'Ex. Des études récentes de notre laboratoire ont montré l’importance du moment de la pratique d’Ex, pour diminuer l’apport énergétique. Cependant, aucune ne certifie que le positionnement dans le temps de l'Ex maximise la réduction de masse corporelle en contexte naturel. Le devis croisé de l’étude visait donc à déterminer s’il existe un positionnement idéal de l’Ex, afin de potentialiser la perte de poids corporel et d'adiposité, en comparant l'effet de deux programmes sur l’anthropométrie d’adultes en surpoids. Huit adultes montréalais volontaires (18-45 ans) en surpoids ou obèses ont complété l’étude. Aléatoirement, ils ont effectué deux programmes d'Ex (2 x 15 min. d’Ex par intervalles quotidiennement) de quatre semaines : 1) Ex avant les repas (ExMeal) vs 2) Ex à tout moment, sauf dans l'heure précédent les repas (MealEx). Les consultations hebdomadaires à l'Université de Montréal comprenaient : les mesures anthropométriques, les questionnaires standardisés sur la pratique d’activités physiques et l’alimentation, ainsi que le suivi des entrainements faits en milieu naturel. Les analyses Mann- Whitney U ont révélé des résultats similaires concernant le profil anthropométrique, la pratique d’Ex à l’intérieur et hors du programme et l’ingestion calorique (contenu calorique et % de l’énergie des glucides, protéines et lipides), entre les programmes ExMeal et MealEx (p > 0.05). Cependant, le programme ExMeal a été associé à une ingestion calorique sous forme de protéines de 2,8% plus importante (p= 0.05). D’autres analyses exploratoires, ont fait ressortir que c’est surtout la séquence mensuelle des évènements qui était liée à une réduction du pourcentage de gras et à une assiduité plus importante aux Ex structurés lors du premier mois. Par ailleurs, même si plusieurs études ont vérifié et confirmé l’effet anorexigène de l’Ex aigu dans certaines conditions, il semble que l’effet à plus long terme sur le profil anthropométrique ne soit pas démontré avec cette étude pilote. Enfin, des facteurs comme le statut d’adiposité, la structure du programme, la durée des séances d’Ex et la pratique en milieu naturel peuvent avoir rendu plus difficile l’amélioration du profil anthropométrique. Mots-clés : Exercice, positionnement, ingestion calorique, perte de poids, adultes, obésité.
Objective: The combination of twho anthropometric parameters has been more appropriate to assess body composition and proportions in children, with special attention to the Body Mass Index (BMI), as it relates weight and length. However the BMI values for the neonatal period have not been determined yet. This study shows the BMI for newborns at different gestational ages represented in a normal smoothed percentile curve. Methods: Retrospective study including 2,406 appropriate for gestational age newborns following the Alexander et al curve (1996) from 29 to 42 weeks of gestational age. Weight and lenght were measured following standard procedures. For the construction aof a normal smoothed percentile curve, the 3(rd) 5(th), 10(th), 25(th), 5(th), 75(th), 90(th) and 95(th) percentiles were determined and a statistical procedure based on the mathematical model ""sinosuoidal fit"" was applied to establish a curve that estimates biological growth parameters. Results: The Body Mass Index values for gestational age in all percentiles shows a steady increase up to 38 weeks, levels off up to the 40(th) week, followed by a slight decrease to the 42(nd) week in both genders. Conclusion: The results show a direct correlation between gestational age and Body Mass Index for both genders in the nine percentiles, and can provide a useful reference to assess intra-uterine proportional growth.
Introduction: The emergence of High Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) increase the life expectancy of the persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV), therefore the prolonged use cause metabolic implications and influences on body fat distribution and increase the cardiovascular diseases prevalence. Aims: Evaluate the effect of resistance training on heart rate variability, biochemical parameters and somatotype on PLHIV. Methods: Participated this study seven sedentary men, with age above 25 years old, living with HIV/AIDS, under HAART use. Were submitted a 16 week intervention with resistance training. Evaluated the heart rate variability, biochemical parameters and somatotype, before, after 8 weeks and 16 weeks, all in paired form. It was found the data normality by Shapiro-Wilk test and conducted the Anova one way combined with Tukey post hoc to samples in each evaluate moment, adopting significance level p<0,05. Also were calculated percentage change deltas. For somatotype was used the somatotype spatial distance (DES), obeying the significance value DES≥1. Results: Was found significance differences only in variable final heart rate delta 60s (p=0,01), however, is not showed changes on heart rate variability, biochemical parameters and somatotype components. Conclusion: 16 weeks of resistance training showed improvement on heart rate recovery after submaximal effort and, despite is not enough to produce significance differences on biochemical parameters and somatotype components, could be realize improvement on average value of fasting glucose and lipid profile, as well as reducing the endomorphic component
Desfechos clínicos e mortalidade de sujeitos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica no Rio Grande do Norte
Introduction: Actually the obesity is a public health problem throughout the world. Bariatric surgery has been an efficient method of weight reduction body in severe obesity, reducing its associated effects and presenting low levels of immediate and late postoperative complications. In Brazil, bariatric surgery asa recent therapeutic that has been growing recently. Being Brazil a country with continental dimensions and with a huge diversity socioeconomic and cultural, it is essential to understand the reality of patients undergoing bariatric surgery in less economically privileged regions of Brazil. Objectives: To evaluate the epidemiological, clinical outcomes and mortality of patients undergoing videolaparoscopic bariatric surgery through the public health system in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Norte- Brazil. Methods: Observational descriptive study of a prospective, carried out from February 2009 to February 2011, the Clinic Obesity and Bariatric Surgery at Universitary Hospital Onofre Lopes - Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (HUOL-UFRN). Anthropometric measures, comorbidity and deaths register were made in the postoperative period. Results: Seventy patients (54 women) with low income aged 22 to 63 years completed the study. We recorded the death of three patients during the study period. The results show significant decrease anthropometric parameters, especially in relation to body weight, waist circumference and hipin both sexes. Only Waist / Hip ratio showed no difference after intervention in male patients It had a resolution of comorbidities. No significant differences in reports of daily sleepiness and the snoring male patients. Conclusion: Our findings attest laparoscopic bariatric surgery as an effective method reducing weight and comorbidities in morbidly obese patients
A avaliação nutricional é ferramenta indispensável para a monitoração e acompanhamento clínico do paciente com lesão renal aguda (LRA). A perda aguda da função renal interfere no metabolismo de todos os macronutrientes, propiciando situações pró-inflamatórias, pró-oxidativas e de hipercatabolismo. As principais alterações nutricionais no paciente com LRA são hipercatabolismo, hiperglicemia e hipertrigliceridemia, que, somadas às contribuições da doença de base, complicações e necessidade de terapia renal substitutiva, podem interferir na depleção nutricional do paciente. A desnutrição em pacientes com LRA está associada a maior incidência de complicações, maior tempo de internação e maior mortalidade. Entretanto, existem poucos estudos na literatura avaliando o estado nutricional de pacientes com LRA. Parâmetros antropométricos como índice de massa corporal, circunferência do braço e pregas cutâneas são de difícil interpretação, devido à alteração no estado de hidratação desses pacientes. Os parâmetros bioquímicos geralmente utilizados na rotina clínica também sofrem influência de fatores não nutricionais, como prejuízo da função hepática e estado inflamatório. Embora não existam dados prospectivos sobre o comportamento dos marcadores nutricionais, alguns autores conseguiram demonstrar associações de alguns parâmetros com desfecho clínico. A utilização de marcadores como albumina, colesterol, pré-albumina, IGF-1, aplicação da avaliação subjetiva global e cálculo do balanço nitrogenado parecem ser úteis como parâmetros de triagem para pior prognóstico e maior mortalidade em pacientes com LRA. em pacientes com LRA em terapia renal substitutiva, uma oferta calórica em torno de 25 a 30 kcal/kg e oferta mínima de 1,5 g/kg/dia de proteínas é recomendada a fim de minimizar o catabolismo proteico e prevenir complicações metabólicas.
The advent of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), since 1996, represented a profound impact on the natural history of HIV-infection by promoting important and sustainable viral replication suppression and increasing survival and quality of life among seropositive patients. Nonetheless, antiretroviral therapy has been observed to be accompanied by metabolic alterations such as dyslipidemia, especially hypertriglyceridemia, insulin resistance, hyperglycemia and lipodystrophy (body fat redistribution). Epidemiological studies have demonstrated a correlation between high triglyceride (TG) levels and higher incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD). Some investigators suggest dietary intervention as part of hyperlipidemia treatment, including an increase in soluble fiber intake (10-25g/day). Whereas some studies have demonstrated that both cholesterol and serum triglyceride levels decrease with the use of food fiber, others have shown just a serum triglyceride decrease, and others failed to observe any alteration in lipid metabolism. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of soluble fiber (R) (partially hydrolyzed guar gum) supplementation on hypertriglyceridemia and immune profile in HIVpositive individuals on HAART. Nineteen HIV-positive individuals with hypertriglyceridemia (serum levels >= 150 to < 500mg/dl) were studied. of these individuals, 63.16% were males and 36.84% females, with mean age of 43.52 +/- 9.22 years. These individuals had been on the same HAART regimen for at least six months, had no change in therapy during the study and received 20g/day of soluble fiber for four months at pre-established times. Clinical-nutritional, biochemical (total proteins, albumin, globulin, total cholesterol, LDL-c, HDL-c, TG, TG/HDL-c and LDLc/HDL-c), hematimetric (hemoglobin, hematocrit and total lymphocytes), and immunologic (lymphocytes T CD4(+), T CD8(+); T CD4(+)/CD8(+) ratio, viral load, TNF-alpha and IL-6) parameters were assessed in all patients at three time points (M0: pretreatment, M1: 30 days, and M2: four months after intervention). Significance level was set at 5% for all data statistically analyzed. Serum TG and TG/HDL-c ratio reduction was observed at all time points, but statistical significance was found just at M0 and M2. The remaining biochemical, hematimetric and immunologic parameters (lymphocytes T CD4(+), T CD8(+); T CD4(+)/ CD8(+) ratio, and viral load) showed no significant difference at all times. Regarding serum cytokines, TNF-alpha and IL-6 significantly decreased between M0 and M2, and only IL-6 reduced between M1 and M2. The data collected show that dietary and anthropometric parameters remained unchanged excluding potential confounding factors related with the effect of fiber supplementation on serum TG, TNF-alpha and IL-6. Thus, soluble fiber (R) contributed to an important reduction in hypertriglyceridemia and in the serum levels of the proinflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-6 in HIV-seropositive individuals on HAART. In addition, soluble fiber (R) might have minimized the process of atherosclerosis in these individuals, given that elevated serum levels of TG, TNF-alpha and IL-6 have been associated with the development of these lesions.
FUNDAMENTO: A atividade do sistema renina-angiotensina-aldosterona tem relação direta com sobrepeso e sedentarismo, e essas variáveis se associam à hipertensão arterial (HA). O exercício aeróbio propicia melhor controle da pressão arterial (PA) por agir nos mecanismos da regulação pressórica, dentre eles, a atividade de renina plasmática (ARP). OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência do exercício aeróbio sobre ARP em portadores de HA com sobrepeso. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados níveis pressóricos, bioquímicos e antropométricos pré e pós-treinamento de 16 semanas, três vezes por semana, a 60%-80% da frequência cardíaca máxima. Os dados foram expressos em média ± desvio padrão ou mediana e intervalo interquartílico, e analisados pelo teste t, Mann-Withney e ANOVA (p < 0,05). RESULTADOS: Vinte indivíduos apresentaram média de idade de 57 ± 7,0 anos e índice de massa corpórea de 30 ± 3,5 kg/m². O treinamento aeróbio promoveu a redução da porcentagem de gordura corporal (35 ± 7,8 para 30 ± 5,6 %), da frequência cardíaca (FC) (80 ± 10,4 para 77 ± 8,5 bpm) e da pressão de pulso (PP) (50 ± 11,8 para 46 ± 10,0 mmHg) na amostra geral (p < 0,05), sem redução da ARP, que variou de 0,8 (0,45-2,0) a 1,45 (0,8-2,15) ηg/ml/h (p = 0,055). No grupo com redução da circunferência abdominal (CA) (n = 8) houve redução da PA sistólica e PP (p < 0,05). No grupo sem redução da CA, nenhuma das variáveis pressóricas apresentou alteração. A ARP não se associou com nenhuma variável estudada. O efeito do treinamento aeróbio associou-se à redução da PP na casuística total e à redução da PA sistólica no subgrupo com redução da CA. CONCLUSÃO: O treinamento aeróbio não reduziu a ARP em hipertensos com sobrepeso.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background: Evidences have showed that the incidence of arterial hypertension is greater in postmenopausal women as compared to premenopausal. Physical inactivity has been implicated as a major contributor to weight gain and abdominal obesity in postmenopausal women and the incidence of cardiovascular disease increases dramatically after menopause. Additionally, more women than men die each year of coronary heart disease and are twice as likely as men to die within the first year after a heart attack. A healthy lifestyle has been strongly associated with the regular physical activity and evidences have shown that physically active subjects have more longevity with reduction of morbidity and mortality. Nitric oxide (NO) produced by endothelial cells has been implicated in this beneficial effect with improvement of vascular relaxing and reduction in blood pressure in both laboratory animals and human. Although the effect of exercise training in the human cardiovascular system has been largely studied, the majority of these studies were predominantly conducted in men or young volunteers. Therefore, the aim of this work was to investigate the effects of 6 months of dynamic exercise training (ET) on blood pressure and plasma nitrate/nitrite concentration (NOx-) in hypertensive postmenopausal women. Methods: Eleven volunteers were submitted to the ET consisting in 3 days a week, each session of 60 minutes during 6 months at moderate intensity (50% of heart rate reserve). Anthropometric parameters, blood pressure, NOx- concentration were measured at initial time and after ET. Results: A significant reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure values was seen after ET which was accompanied by markedly increase of NOx- levels (basal: 10 ± 0.9; ET: 16 ± 2 μM). Total cholesterol was significantly reduced (basal: 220 ± 38 and ET: 178 ± 22 mg/dl), whereas triglycerides levels were not modified after ET (basal: 141 ± 89 and ET: 147 ± 8 mg/dl). Conclusion: Our study shows that changing in lifestyle promotes reducftion of arterial pressure which was accompanied by increase in nitrite/nitrate concentration. Therefore, 6-months of exercise training are an important approach in management arterial hypertension and play a protective effect in postmenopausal women. © 2009 Zaros et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Background: Previous studies have shown an association between adiposity, especially intra-abdominal adipose tissue, and hemodynamic/metabolic comorbidities in adults, however it is not clear in pediatric population. The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and components of metabolic syndrome (MS) with values of intra-abdominal (IAAT) and subcutaneous (SCAT) adipose tissue in obese children and adolescents.Methods: Cross-sectional study. Subjects: 182 obese sedentary children and adolescents (aged 6 to 16 y), identified by the body mass index (BMI). Measurements: Body composition and trunk fat by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry- DXA; lipid profile, blood pressure and pubertal stage were also assessed. NAFLD was classified as absent (0), mild (1), moderate (2) and severe (3), and intra-abdominal and subcutaneous abdominal fat thickness were identified by ultrasound. The MS was identified according to the cut offs proposed by World Health Organization adapted for children and adolescents. The chi-square test was used to compare categorical variables, and the binary logistic regression indicated the magnitude of the associations adjusted by potential cofounders (sex, age, maturation, NAFLD and HOMA-IR).Results: Higher quartile of SCAT was associated with elevated blood pressure (p = 0.015), but not associated with NAFLD (p = 0.665). Higher IAAT was positively associated with increased dyslipidemia (p = 0.001), MS (p = 0.013) and NAFLD (p = 0.005). Intermediate (p = 0.007) and highest (p = 0.001) quartile of IAAT were also associated with dyslipidemia, independently of age, sex, maturation, NAFLD and HOMA-IR (homeostatic model assessment-insulin resistance).Conclusion: Obese children and adolescents, with higher IAAT are more prone to develop MS and NAFLD than those with higher values of SCAT, independent of possible confounding variables. © 2013 Silveira et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)