996 resultados para Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS)


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 185, we studied progressive changes of microfabrics of unconsolidated pelagic and hemipelagic sediments in Holes 1149A and 1149B in the northwest Pacific at 5818 m water depth. We paid particular attention to the early consolidation and diagenetic processes without tectonic deformation before the Pacific plate subduction at the Izu-Bonin Trench. Shape, size, and arrangement of pores were analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and were compared to anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) data. The microfabric in Unit I is nondirectional fabric and is characterized by large peds of ~10-100 µm diameter, which are made up of clay platelets (mainly illite) and siliceous biogenic fragments. They are ovoid in shape and are mechanically packed by benthic animals. Porosity decreases from 0 to 60 meters below seafloor (mbsf) in Unit I (from 60% to 50%) in association with macropore size decreases. The microfabric of coarser grain particles other than clay in Unit II is characterized by horizontal preferred orientation because of depositional processes in Subunit IIA and burial compaction in Subunit IIB. On the other hand, small peds, which are probably made of fragments of fecal pellets and are composed of smectite and illite (3-30 µm diameter), are characterized by random orientation of clay platelets. The clay platelets in the small peds in Subunit IIA are in low-angle edge-to-face (EF) or face-to-face (FF) contact. These peds are electrostatically connected by long-chained clay platelets, which are interconnected by high-angle EF contact. Breaking of these long chains by overburden pressure diminishes the macropores, and the clay platelets in the peds become FF in contact, resulting in decreases in the volume of the micropores between clay platelets. Thus, porosity in Subunits IIA and IIB decreases remarkably downward. The AMS indicates random fabric and horizontal preferred orientation fabric in Units I and II, respectively. This result corresponds to that of SEM microfabric observations.In Subunit IIB, pressure solutions around radiolarian tests and clinoptilolite veins with normal displacement sense are seen distinctively below ~170 mbsf, probably in correspondence to the transition zone from opal-A to opal-CT.


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A rock salt-lamprophyre dyke contact zone (sub-vertical, NE-SW strike) was investigated for its petrographic, mechanic and physical properties by means of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and rock magnetic properties, coupled with quantitative microstructural analysis and thermal mathematical modelling. The quantitative microstructural analysis of halite texture and solid inclusions revealed good spatial correlation with AMS and halite fabrics. The fabrics of both lamprophyre and rock salt record the magmatic intrusion, "plastic" flow and regional deformation (characterized by a NW-SE trending steep foliation). AMS and microstructural analysis revealed two deformation fabrics in the rock salt: (1) the deformation fabrics in rock salt on the NW side of the dyke are associated with high temperature and high fluid activity attributed to the dyke emplacement; (2) On the opposite side of the dyke, the emplacement-related fabric is reworked by localized tectonic deformation. The paleomagnetic results suggest significant rotation of the whole dyke, probably during the diapir ascent and/or the regional Tertiary to Quaternary deformation.


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At Site 1117, drilled during Leg 180 of the Ocean Drilling Program in the Woodlark Basin, we cored a fault zone and recovered fault gouge, mylonitized and brecciated gabbros, and undeformed gabbro. We measured the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility for the rock samples. The susceptibilities of the fault gouge samples were lower than those of the undeformed gabbro, and those of deformed gabbros were lowest. The anisotropy degrees of the fault gouge samples were higher than those of the deformed and undeformed gabbros. Oblate magnetic fabrics were dominant in the samples from the fault zone.


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The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) has been measured with low- and high-field methods, in deformed carbonate rocks along the Morcles nappe shear zone (Helvetic Alps). High-field measurements at room temperature and 77 K enable the separation of the ferrimagnetic, paramagnetic and diamagnetic anisotropy. The ferrimagnetic sub-fabric is generally insignificant in these rocks, contributing less than 10% to the total AMS. AMS results for both the separated diamagnetic and paramagnetic subfabrics are consistent with the regional shear movement in the late-stage formation of the Helvetic nappes, as seen in the Morcles nappe, whose inverted limb indicate shear displacement towards the northwest. The diamagnetic anisotropy correlates well quantitatively with the calculated magnetic anisotropy based on the calcite texture. There is a gradational change in the degree of anisotropy related to the strain gradient along the shear zone. A more complex magnetic fabric, resulting from partial overprinting due to displacement along the Simplon–Rhône fault, is evident at one site near the root zone of the nappe. Partial overprinting of the magnetic fabric appears to have taken place in two locations farther up the shear zone as well. This late phase deformation is associated with recent exhumation of the Mont Blanc and Belledonne external massifs and orogen parallel extension, and is reflected by the AMS. Rocks with bulk susceptibility ∼0 SI, and simple mineral compositions are ideal for low temperature high-field torque, as this method helps to enhance the paramagnetic susceptibility and anisotropy, which may otherwise be masked by the mixed magnetic contributions of the composite magnetic fabric.


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The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) study was performed on soft sediment samples from a trenched fault zone across the Himalayan frontal thrust (HFT), western Himalaya. AMS orientation of K-min axes in the trench sediments is consistent with lateral shortening revealed by geometry of deformed regional structures and recent earthquakes. Well-defined vertical magnetic foliation parallel to the flexure cleavage in which a vertical magnetic lineation is developed, high anisotropy, and triaxial ellipsoids suggest large overprinting of earth-quake- related fabrics. The AMS data suggest a gradual variation from layer parallel shortening (LPS) at a distance from the fault trace to a simple shear fabric close to the fault trace. An abrupt change in the shortening direction (K-min) from NE-SW to E-W suggests a juxtaposition of pre-existing layer parallel shortening fabric, and bending-related flexure associated with an earthquake. Hence the orientation pattern of magnetic susceptibility axes helps in identifying co-seismic structures in Late Holocene surface sediments.


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The magnetic anisotropy in ytterbium iron garnet (YbIG) is theoretically investigated under high magnetic fields (up to 160 kOe). According to the crystal field effect in ytterbium gallium garnet (YbGaG), a detailed discussion of crystal-field interaction in YbIG is presented where a suitable set of crystal-field parameters is obtained. Meanwhile, the influences of nine crystal-field parameters on the crystal-field energy splitting are analyzed. On the other hand, considering the ytterbium-iron (Yb-Fe) superexchange interaction of YbIG, the spontaneous magnetization is calculated at different temperatures for the [111] direction. In particular, we demonstrate that the Wesis constant lambda is the function of 1/T in YbIG. In addition, the field dependences of the magnetization for the [110] and [111] directions are theoretically described where a noticeable anisotropy can be found. Our theory further confirms the great contribution of anisotropic Yb-Fe superexchange interaction to the anisotropy of the magnetization in YbIG. Moreover, our theoretical results are compared with the available experiments.


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As indicated by several recent studies, magnetic susceptibility of the brain is influenced mainly by myelin in the white matter and by iron deposits in the deep nuclei. Myelination and iron deposition in the brain evolve both spatially and temporally. This evolution reflects an important characteristic of normal brain development and ageing. In this study, we assessed the changes of regional susceptibility in the human brain in vivo by examining the developmental and ageing process from 1 to 83 years of age. The evolution of magnetic susceptibility over this lifespan was found to display differential trajectories between the gray and the white matter. In both cortical and subcortical white matter, an initial decrease followed by a subsequent increase in magnetic susceptibility was observed, which could be fitted by a Poisson curve. In the gray matter, including the cortical gray matter and the iron-rich deep nuclei, magnetic susceptibility displayed a monotonic increase that can be described by an exponential growth. The rate of change varied according to functional and anatomical regions of the brain. For the brain nuclei, the age-related changes of susceptibility were in good agreement with the findings from R2* measurement. Our results suggest that magnetic susceptibility may provide valuable information regarding the spatial and temporal patterns of brain myelination and iron deposition during brain maturation and ageing. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The Ibituruna quartz-syenite was emplaced as a sill in the Ribeira-Aracuai Neoproterozoic belt (Southeastern Brazil) during the last stages of the Gondwana supercontinent amalgamation. We have measured the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) in samples from the Ibituruna sill to unravel its magnetic fabric that is regarded as a proxy for its magmatic fabric. A large magnetic anisotropy, dominantly due to magnetite, and a consistent magnetic fabric have been determined over the entire Ibituruna massif. The magmatic foliation and lineation are strikingly parallel to the solid-state mylonitic foliation and lineation measured in the country-rock. Altogether, these observations suggest that the Ibituruna sill was emplaced during the high temperature (similar to 750 degrees C) regional deformation and was deformed before full solidification coherently with its country-rock. Unexpectedly, geochronological data suggest a rather different conclusion. LA-ICP-MS and SHRIMP ages of zircons from the Ibituruna quartz-syenite are in the range 530-535 Ma and LA-ICP-MS ages of zircons and monazites from synkinematic leucocratic veins in the country-rocks suggest a crystallization at similar to 570-580 Ma, i.e., an HT deformation >35My older than the emplacement of the Ibituruna quartz-syenite. Conclusions from the structural and the geochronological studies are therefore conflicting. A possible explanation arises from (40)Ar-(39)Ar thermochronology. We have dated amphiboles from the quartz-syenite, and amphiboles and biotites from the country-rock. Together with the ages of monazites and zircons in the country-rock, (40)Ar-(39)Ar mineral ages suggest a very low cooling rate: <3 degrees C/My between 570 and similar to 500 Ma and similar to 5 degrees C/My between 500 and 460 Ma. Assuming a protracted regional deformation consistent over tens of My, under such stable thermal conditions the fabric and microstructure of deformed rocks may remain almost unchanged even if they underwent and recorded strain pulses separated by long periods of time. This may be a characteristic of slow cooling ""hot orogens"" that rocks deformed at significantly different periods during the orogeny, but under roughly unchanged temperature conditions, may display almost indiscernible microstructure and fabric. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We used the fabrics of two granite plutons and U/Pb (SHRIMP) zircon ages to constrain the tectonic evolution of the E-trending Patos shear zone (Borborema Province, NE Brazil). The pre-tectonic Teixeira batholith consists of an amphibole leucogranite locally with aegirine-augite. Zircons from a syenogranite yielded crystallization ages of 591 +/- 5 Ma. The batholith fabrics were determined by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and mineral shape preferred orientation. The fabrics support pre-transcurrent batholith emplacement, as evidenced by: (i) magmatic/magnetic fabrics in low susceptibility (<0.35 mSI) leucogranites highly discordant to the regional host rock structure, and (ii) concordant magnetic fabrics restricted to high susceptibility (>1 mSI) corridors connected to shear zones branching off from Patos. One of these satellite shear zones controlled the syntectonic emplacement of the Serra Redonda pluton, which yields a crystallization age of 576 +/- 3 Ma. This late shearing event marks the peak regional deformation that, south of Patos, was coupled to crustal shortening nearly perpendicular to the shear belt. The chronology of the deformational events indicates that the major shear zones of the eastern Borborema are late structures active after the crustal blocks amalgamated. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and isotopic (U-Pb, Sm-Nd) data were combined to study the emplacement setting of the granite sheets that constitute the Esperanca pluton in the Borborema Province (Northeastern Brazil). The sheets dip moderately to the SE along the contact zone between the Paleoproterozoic basement rocks and Early Neoproterozoic orthogneisses and metasediments. Granite fabrics were determined mainly using AMS in 136 sites distributed within the central and western part of the pluton. The sheets normally have susceptibility lower than 0.35 mSI but, locally, where a Ti-poor magnetite appears with titanite, the susceptibility increases up to 5 mSI. Comparison between the silicate fabric and AMS showed inconsistencies between the shape of mineral and magnetic ellipsoids despite of their orientations that fit fairly well to each other. AMS indicated the deformation was partitioned between the lower (tonalite, syenogranite) and upper (leucogranite and coarse porphyritic granite) sheets. In the lower sheets the curvilinear lineation trajectory is attributed to a dominant heterogeneous pure shear event that flattened laterally the still molten tonalite and syenogranite into the regional foliation. ne associated microstructures are typically magmatic. Zircon U/Pb data of the syenogranite yielded a crystallization age of 592 +/- 5 Ma. In the upper sheets the fabric recorded a component of simple shear deformation that displaced the coarse porphyritic granite and the top gneissic host rocks to the southwest. Microstructures are mostly of post-full crystallization type. T(DM) model ages and epsilon(Nd) (t = 0) values indicate that the magma contaminated by partial melting of the regional host rocks. Sheet propagation at the emplacement level would have exploited the contact zone between crustal blocks of different rheologies when the melt pressures would be able to tensionally fail the anisotropy of the host rocks. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This thesis is focused on the paleomagnetic rotation pattern inside the deforming zone of strike-slip faults, and the kinematics and geodynamics describing it. The paleomagnetic investigation carried out along both the LOFZ and the fore-arc sliver (38º-42ºS, southern Chile) revealed an asymmetric rotation pattern. East of the LOFZ and adjacent to it, rotations are up to 170° clockwise (CW) and fade out ~10 km east of fault. West of the LOFZ at 42ºS (Chiloé Island) and around 39°S (Villarrica domain) systematic CCW rotations have been observed, while at 40°-41°S (Ranco-Osorno domain) and adjacent to the LOFZ CW rotations reach up to 136° before evolving to CCW rotations at ~30 km from the fault. These data suggest a directed relation with subduction interface plate coupling. Zones of high coupling yield to a wide deforming zone (~30 km) west of the LOFZ characterized by CW rotations. Low coupling implies a weak LOFZ and a fore-arc dominated by CCW rotations related to NW-sinistral fault kinematics. The rotation pattern is consistent with a quasi-continuous crust kinematics. However, it seems unlikely that the lower crust flux can control block rotation in the upper crust, considering the cold and thick fore-arc crust. I suggest that rotations are consequence of forces applied directly on both the block edges and along the main fault, within the upper crust. Farther south, at the Austral Andes (54°S) I measured the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of 22 Upper Cretaceous to Upper Eocene sites from the Magallanes fold-thrust belt internal domains. The data document continuous compression from the Early Cretaceous until the Late Oligocene. AMS data also show that the tectonic inversion of Jurassic extensional faults during the Late Cretaceous compressive phase may have controlled the Cenozoic kinematic evolution of the Magallanes fold-thrust belt, yielding slip partitioning.