223 resultados para Angina Pectoris


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Nitroglycerin (GIN) has been clinically used to treat angina pectoris and acute heart episodes for over 100 years. The effects of GTN have long been recognized and active research has contributed to the unraveling of numerous metabolic routes capable of converting GIN to the potent vasoactive messenger nitric oxide. Recently, the mechanism by which minute doses of GIN elicit robust pharmacological responses was revisited and eNOS activation was implicated as an important route mediating vasodilation induced by low GTN doses (1-50 nM). Here, we demonstrate that at such concentrations the pharmacologic effects of nitroglycerin are largely dependent on the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, Akt/PKB, and phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) signal transduction axis. Furthermore, we demonstrate that nitroglycerin-dependent accumulation of 3,4,5-InsP(3), probably because of inhibition of PTEN, is important for eNOS activation, conferring a mechanistic basis for GIN pharmacological action at pharmacologically relevant doses. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: The pathophysiology of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) after noncardiac surgery is not established yet. Thrombosis over a vulnerable plaque or decreased oxygen supply secondary to anemia or hypotension may be involved. The purpose of this study was to investigate the pathophysiology of ACS complicating noncardiac surgery. Methods: Clinical and angiographic data were prospectively recorded into a database for 120 consecutive patients that had an ACS after noncardiac surgery (PACS), for 120 patients with spontaneous ACS (SACS), and 240 patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD). Coronary lesions with obstructions greater than 50% were classified based on two criteria: Ambrose's classification and complex morphology. The presence of Ambrose's type II or complex lesions were compared between the three groups. Results: We analyzed 1470 lesions in 480 patients. In PACS group, 45% of patients had Ambrose's type II lesions vs. 56.7% in SACS group and 16.4% in stable CAD group (P < 0.001). Both PACS and SACS patients had more complex lesions than patients in stable CAD group (56.7% vs. 79.2% vs. 31.8%, respectively; P < 0.001). Overall, the independent predictors of plaque rupture were being in the group PACS (P < 0.001, OR 2.86; CI, 1.82-4.52 for complex lesions and P < 0.001, OR 3.43; CI, 2.1-5.6 for Ambrose's type II lesions) or SACS (P < 0.001, OR 8.71; CI, 5.15-14.73 for complex lesions and P < 0.001, OR 5.99; CI, 3.66-9.81 for Ambrose's type II lesions). Conclusions: Nearly 50% of patients with perioperative ACS have evidence of coronary plaque rupture, characterizing a type 1 myocardial infarction. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In dieser Dissertation wurden die Daten von Patienten ausgewertet, die im Zeitraum vom 01. April 2004 bis zum 31. Mai 2005 an der Universitätsklinik Mainz eine Koronarintervention am Hauptstamm erhielten. Insgesamt wurde in dieser Zeit bei 73 Patienten (53 Männer und 20 Frauen) eine Hauptstammintervention durchgeführt. Das sind 6 % aller in diesem Zeitraum durchgeführten Interventionen. Es wurden sowohl Akutinterventionen als auch elektive Interventionen untersucht. Das Altersspektrum der Patienten reichte von 39- 87 Jahren. Die linksventrikuläre Ejektionsfraktion betrug im Mittel 55%. Es lag bei zwei Patienten eine 1- Gefäß-, bei 16 Patienten eine 2-Gefäß- und bei 55 Patienten eine 3-Gefäßerkrankung vor. Zehn Patienten hatten einen geschützten Hauptstamm. Bei 38 Patienten (52%) lag eine Hauptstammbifurkationsstenose vor. In der Regel bekamen alle Patienten ASS und Clopidogrel zu Weiterführung der Antikoagulation nach dem Krankenhausaufenthalt verordnet. Nur bei drei Patienten wurde von diesem Schema abgewichen, da sie aufgrund von mechanischen Herzklappenprothesen Marcumar erhielten. Bei 72 von 73 behandelten Patienten konnte die LCA-Stenose mittels der Hauptstammintervention auf einen Stenosegrad unter 30% reduziert werden. Die Intervention war also in 99% der Patienten primär erfolgreich. Ein Follow-up liegt von 69 der 73 Patienten vor. Bei 52 Patienten liegt eine Kontrollangiographie vor und bei 21 Patienten liegt keine vor (zehn verstorbene Patienten, sieben Patienten mit nicht invasiver Kontrolle, vier Patienten ohne Follow-up). Im Kontrollzeitraum wurde bei 38 Patienten (52% des Gesamtkollektivs) keine erneute Intervention notwendig, sie erlitten keine Komplikationen und zeigten ein gutes Langzeitergebnis. Bei 29 der 66 Patienten, die das Krankenhaus lebend verließen, traten Spätkomplikationen auf und/oder es wurde eine Reintervention am Zielgefäß oder Nichtzielgefäß notwendig. Der durchschnittliche Restenosegrad des Zielgefäßes bei den Patienten, die eine invasive Kontrolle hatten, belief sich auf 24%. Eine Rezidivstenose, definitionsgemäß eine Restenose >50%, lag bei elf Patienten vor. Zu den frühen Komplikationen, die während der Intervention oder des Krankenhausaufenthaltes auftraten, zählten sieben Todesfälle, eine SAT und zehn Blutungsereignisse. Zu den Komplikationen, die während der Langzeitbeobachtung auftraten, gehörten fünf weitere Todesfälle (vier nicht kardial bedingt, einer kardial bedingt), ein Apoplex, eine SAT, vier Bypass-Operationen, drei NSTEMI und vier instabile AP. Insgesamt traten an Komplikationen Tod (12 Patienten), Apoplex (1 Patient), SAT (2 Patienten), Bypass-Operationen (4 Patienten), NSTEMI (3 Patienten), Blutungen (10 Patienten) und instabile Angina pectoris (4 Patienten) auf. Eine Reintervention des Zielgefäßes wurde bei 19 % und eine des Nichtzielgefäßes bei 18 % der Patienten durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Primärerfolg der Hauptstammstentimplantation insbesondere bei elektiven Patienten, die eine gute Intermediärprognose haben, groß ist und die Intervention mit geringen Komplikationen verbunden ist.


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Pentaerithrityltetranitrat (PETN) ist ein organisches Nitrat und wird in der Klinik zur Behandlung der Angina Pectoris eingesetzt. PETN hat, wenn direkt verabreicht, kaum Wirkung auf den Blutdruck. Diese Arbeit wurde konzipiert, um einen potentiellen „perinatalen Programmierung“-Effekt von PETN in spontan-hypertensiven Ratten (SHR), einem Rattenmodel der genetischen Hypertonie, zu testen. Die F0-Elterntiere wurden mit PETN (50 mg/kg/Tag) während der Schwangerschaft und der Laktation behandelt; die F1-Nachkommen bekamen nach der Ablaktation normales Haltungsfutter. Der Blutdruck wurde an den Nachkommen vom 3. Monat bis zum 8. Monat nach der Geburt gemessen. Maternale PETN-Behandlung hatte kaum Wirkung auf den Blutdruck in den männlichen SHR-Nachkommen. Dagegen zeigten die weiblichen Nachkommen der PETN-Behandlungsgruppe eine persistente Reduktion des Blutdrucks. Der systolische Blutdruck war in den weiblichen Nachkommen in der PETN-Gruppe etwa 13 mmHg niedriger im 4. Monat und etwa 10 mmHg niedriger im 8. Monat als in den Kontrolltieren. Dieser lang-anhaltende Effekt ging mit einer substanziellen Änderung der Genexpression einher, die auch beim 8. Monat noch nachzuweisen war. In den Aorten der weiblichen F1-Nachkommen wurde Veränderungen an Genexpression der α-adrenergen Rezeptoren sowie Endothelin-Rezeptoren festgestellt, die aber funktionell von minimaler Bedeutung für die PETN-Wirkung waren. Hingegen war eine klare Rolle des StickstoffmoNOXid (NO) zu sehen. Maternale PETN-Behandlung führte zur Heraufregulation der endothelialen NO-Synthase (eNOS) und der GTP-Cyclohydrolase I (GCH-1). GCH-1 ist für die Biosynthese des Tetrahydrobiopterins, eines essentiellen eNOS-Kofaktors, entscheidend, und dadurch auch für die eNOS-Funktionalität. Zusätzlich wurden auch anti-oxidative Enzyme wie die mitochondriale Superoxid-Dismutase (SOD2), die Glutathion-Peroxidase 1 (GPx1) und die Hem-Oxygenase 1 (HO-1) heraufreguliert, und die Superoxid-produzierende NADPH-Oxidase NOX1 herunterreguliert. Dies kann zur Verminderung vom oxidativen Stress und Erhöhung der NO-Bioverfügbarkeit führen. Letztlich wurde auch ~ 74 ~ die Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) durch maternale PETN-Behandlung heraufreguliert, die auch zur Heraufregulation der SOD2, GPx1 und eNOS beitragen kann. Im Organbad-Experiment wurde die Acetylcholin-induzierte, Endothel-abhängige Vasodilatation in der Aorta der weiblichen Nachkommen der PETN-Gruppe verstärkt. Diese verbesserte Endothelfunktion, was vermutlich aus der Genexpressionsänderung resultiert, stellt sehr wahrscheinlich einen Schlüsselmechanismus der Blutdrucksenkung in den Nachkommen der PETN-behandelten F0-Tiere dar.


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Coronary artery disease remains the leading cause of mortality in most industrialized countries, although age-standardized mortality related to coronary artery disease (CAD) has decreased by more than 40% during the last two decades. Coronary atherosclerosis may cause angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, heart failure, arrhythmia, and sudden death. Medical management of atherosclerosis and its manifestation aims at retardation of progression of plaque formation, prevention of plaque rupture, and subsequent events and treatment of symptoms, when these occur as well as treatment of the sequelae of the disease. Revascularization by either percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) is performed as treatment of flow-limiting coronary stenosis to reduce myocardial ischaemia. In high-risk patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS), a routine invasive strategy with revascularization in most patients provides the best outcome with a significant reduction in death and myocardial infarction compared with an initial conservative strategy. Conversely, the benefit of revascularization among patients with chronic stable CAD has been called into question. This review will provide information that revascularization exerts favourable effects on symptoms, quality of life, exercise capacity, and survival, particularly in those with extensive CAD and documented moderate-to-severe ischaemia. Accordingly, CABG and PCI should be considered a valuable adjunct rather than an alternative to medical therapy.


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Accurate diagnosis of the causes of chest pain and dyspnea remain challenging. In this preliminary observational study with a 5-year follow-up, we attempted to find a simplified approach to selecting patients with chest pain needing immediate care based on the initial evaluation in ED. During a 24-month period were randomly selected 301 patients and a conditional inference tree (CIT) was used as the basis of the prognostic rule. Common diagnoses were musculoskeletal chest pain (27%), ACS (19%) and panic attack (12%). Using variables of ACS symptoms we estimated the likelihood of ACS based on a CIT to be high at 91% (32), low at 4% (198) and intermediate at 20.5-40% in (71) patients. Coronary catheterization was performed within 24 hours in 91% of the patients with ACS. A culprit lesion was found in 79%. Follow-up (median 4.2 years) information was available for 70% of the patients. Of the 164 patients without ACS who were followed up, 5 were treated with revascularization for stable angina pectoris, 2 were treated with revascularization for myocardial infarction, and 25 died. Although a simple triage decision tree could theoretically help to efficient select patients needing immediate care we need also to be vigilant for those presenting with atypical symptoms.


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CONTEXT: Compared with bare metal stents, sirolimus-eluting and paclitaxel-eluting stents have been shown to markedly improve angiographic and clinical outcomes after percutaneous coronary revascularization, but their performance in the treatment of de novo coronary lesions has not been compared in a prospective multicenter study. OBJECTIVE: To compare the safety and efficacy of sirolimus-eluting vs paclitaxel-eluting coronary stents. DESIGN: Prospective, randomized comparative trial (the REALITY trial) conducted between August 2003 and February 2004, with angiographic follow-up at 8 months and clinical follow-up at 12 months. SETTING: Ninety hospitals in Europe, Latin America, and Asia. PATIENTS: A total of 1386 patients (mean age, 62.6 years; 73.1% men; 28.0% with diabetes) with angina pectoris and 1 or 2 de novo lesions (2.25-3.00 mm in diameter) in native coronary arteries. INTERVENTION: Patients were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive a sirolimus-eluting stent (n = 701) or a paclitaxel-eluting stent (n = 685). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary end point was in-lesion binary restenosis (presence of a more than 50% luminal-diameter stenosis) at 8 months. Secondary end points included 1-year rates of target lesion and vessel revascularization and a composite end point of cardiac death, Q-wave or non-Q-wave myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass graft surgery, or repeat target lesion revascularization. RESULTS: In-lesion binary restenosis at 8 months occurred in 86 patients (9.6%) with a sirolimus-eluting stent vs 95 (11.1%) with a paclitaxel-eluting stent (relative risk [RR], 0.84; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.61-1.17; P = .31). For sirolimus- vs paclitaxel-eluting stents, respectively, the mean (SD) in-stent late loss was 0.09 (0.43) mm vs 0.31 (0.44) mm (difference, -0.22 mm; 95% CI, -0.26 to -0.18 mm; P<.001), mean (SD) in-stent diameter stenosis was 23.1% (16.6%) vs 26.7% (15.8%) (difference, -3.60%; 95% CI, -5.12% to -2.08%; P<.001), and the number of major adverse cardiac events at 1 year was 73 (10.7%) vs 76 (11.4%) (RR, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.69-1.27; P = .73). CONCLUSION: In this trial comparing sirolimus- and paclitaxel-eluting coronary stents, there were no differences in the rates of binary restenosis or major adverse cardiac events. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00235092.


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OBJECTIVES: The goal of the present study was to compare the accuracy of in vivo tissue characterization obtained by intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) radiofrequency (RF) data analysis, known as Virtual Histology (VH), to the in vitro histopathology of coronary atherosclerotic plaques obtained by directional coronary atherectomy. BACKGROUND: Vulnerable plaque leading to acute coronary syndrome (ACS) has been associated with specific plaque composition, and its characterization is an important clinical focus. METHODS: Virtual histology IVUS images were performed before and after a single debulking cut using directional coronary atherectomy. Debulking region of in vivo histology image was predicted by comparing pre- and post-debulking VH images. Analysis of VH images with the corresponding tissue cross section was performed. RESULTS: Fifteen stable angina pectoris (AP) and 15 ACS patients were enrolled. The results of IVUS RF data analysis correlated well with histopathologic examination (predictive accuracy from all patients data: 87.1% for fibrous, 87.1% for fibro-fatty, 88.3% for necrotic core, and 96.5% for dense calcium regions, respectively). In addition, the frequency of necrotic core was significantly higher in the ACS group than in the stable AP group (in vitro histopathology: 22.6% vs. 12.6%, p = 0.02; in vivo virtual histology: 24.5% vs. 10.4%, p = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Correlation of in vivo IVUS RF data analysis with histopathology shows a high accuracy. In vivo IVUS RF data analysis is a useful modality for the classification of different types of coronary components, and may play an important role in the detection of vulnerable plaque.


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AIMS: To evaluate the plaque composition obtained by virtual histology (VH) IVUS according to the clinical presentation and to compare those data to previously published histopathology data. METHODS AND RESULTS: VH was performed on 95 de novo significant lesions (>75% stenosis) in 85 patients [28 acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients, 30 lesions; 57 stable angina pectoris (SAP) patients, 65 lesions]. There were a higher prevalence of positive remodelling (47 vs. 22%, P=0.013), thrombus (20 vs. 1.5%, P=0.0037), and echo-lucent area (23.3 vs. 7.7%, P=0.047) in ACS patients. At the minimal lumen site, fibrous plaque area was significantly larger in ACS lesions than in SAP lesions (66.0+/-10.7 vs. 61.4+/-8.9%, P=0.034), whereas necrotic core and dense calcium plaque area were smaller in ACS lesions (Necrotic core: 6.8+/-6.0 vs. 11.0+/-8.3%, P=0.02; Dense calcium: 2.6+/-3.0 vs. 4.9+/-5.8%, P=0.03). No differences in rate of thin cap fibroatheroma, thick fibrotheroma, or for the presence of multiple necrotic core layers were observed between both groups. CONCLUSION: Plaque composition obtained by VH-IVUS shows less necrotic core and more fibrous tissue in ACS compared to SAP lesions, which is in contradiction with previously published histopathologic data.


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RATIONALE, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Heart failure (HF) is a severe chronic disease and impairs health-related quality of life (HRQL). While validated specific HRQL instruments are required for evaluation of treatment and rehabilitation in patients with HF, a single validated measure to document changes in HRQL for patients with different heart disease diagnoses would be invaluable. The purpose of this analysis was the psychometric analysis of the German MacNew Heart Disease Questionnaire (MacNew) in HF patients, which has previously been shown to be reliable and valid in patients with myocardial infarction, angina pectoris and arrhythmia. METHODS: We recruited 89 patients (61.7+/-11.5 years; 84.3% male) in two Austrian and one Swiss cardiology department with documented HF (effect sizes 28.9+/-10.1%). The self-administered MacNew, the Short Form-36 (SF-36) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were completed. Internal consistency reliability (Cronbach's alpha), discriminative and evaluative validity were assessed. RESULTS: Cronbach's alpha exceeded 0.80. Each MacNew scale differentiated between patients with and without anxiety (3.9+/-1.0 vs. 5.3+/-0.8, all P<0.001), with and without depression (4.2+/-1.2 vs. 5.2+/-0.9 all P<0.03) and by the SF-36 health transition item (deteriorate=4.39, no change=4.95, improve=5.45, all P<0.02). Evaluative validity was demonstrated with effect sizes >0.70 for a subsample attending a 12-week outpatient rehabilitation programme. CONCLUSIONS: The German language version of the MacNew demonstrates consistently acceptable psychometric properties of reliability, validity and responsiveness in patients with documented HF. Together with previous documentation of reliability, validity and responsive, these findings strengthen the argument for the MacNew as a potential 'core' HRQL measure, at least in the German language.


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BACKGROUND: Fibroelastoma is a rare cardiac tumor that was originally described typically from autopsy findings. Thanks to improved imaging modalities, such tumors are today relatively easy to detect and therefore are actively searched for in patients with unclear embolic events. We present the cases of 2 patients recently treated in our clinic and review the recent literature pertaining to fibroelastomas. METHODS AND RESULTS: An electronic PubMed search revealed 186 cases reported between 1994 and 2003. Ninety-seven percent of the reported fibroelastomas were diagnosed in living patients in their fourth and fifth decades of life. The majority (86%) were symptomatic, with stroke, transient ischemic attack, myocardial infarction, and angina pectoris being the most commonly described. Echocardiography was the typical diagnosis modality. Surgical resection was completed in 95% of the cases. CONCLUSIONS: Although cardiac papillary fibroelastomas are rare and benign tumors, they cannot be considered as harmless endothelial lesions, because related embolic events are frequent and primarily involve adults in their active period of life. Echocardiography must therefore consider fibroelastoma in the differential diagnosis of every unclear systemic embolic event, especially because surgical resection can be considered as curative.


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BACKGROUND AND AIM OF THE STUDY: Recent studies have suggested placental growth factor (PlGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) as promising new biomarkers for risk stratification in acute coronary syndromes (ACS). However, little is known about the influence of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) on circulating PlGF and VEGF levels. METHODS: Thirty-five patients with ACS, 27 patients with stable coronary artery disease (sCAD), and nine healthy controls were enrolled in the study. Although all patients with ACS and 14 patients with stable angina pectoris underwent PCI, 13 patients with coronary artery disease required no revascularization (sCAD). PlGF and VEGF plasma concentrations were measured by immunoassay during and at the end of PCI and coronary angiography. RESULTS: Plasma PlGF levels were comparable in patients with ACS and sCAD on admission. Although coronary angiography or heparin alone did not alter PlGF and VEGF levels, immediately after PCI a dramatic increase was seen in circulating PlGF and a decrease in VEGF, which was independent of the clinical presentation of the patients, heparin administration, or the angiographic procedure itself, but was associated with the extent of coronary artery disease and the amount of the injected contrast media. In-vitro experiments revealed that radiocontrast agents induced the release of PlGF from endothelial cells without altering PlGF mRNA expression. CONCLUSION: Patients undergoing PCI exhibit an increase in circulating PlGF, probably caused by posttranslational modifications of radiocontrast agents in endothelial cells. Therefore, analysis of plasma PlGF and VEGF levels may consider the timing of blood sampling with respect to PCI and contrast media exposure.


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OBJECTIVE Well-developed collaterals provide survival benefit in patients with obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD). Therefore, in this study we sought to determine which clinical variables are associated with arteriogenesis. DESIGN Clinical and laboratory variables were collected before percutaneous coronary intervention. Multivariate analysis was performed to determine which variables are associated with the collateral flow index (CFI). PATIENTS Data from 295 chronic total occlusion (CTO) patients (Bern, Switzerland, Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Jena, Germany) were pooled. In earlier studies, patients had varying degrees of stenosis. Therefore, different stages of development of the collaterals were used. In our study, a unique group of patients with CTO was analysed. INTERVENTIONS Instead of angiography used earlier, we used a more accurate method to determine CFI using intracoronary pressure measurements. CFI was calculated from the occlusive pressure distal of the coronary lesion, the aortic pressure and central venous pressure. RESULTS The mean CFI was 0.39 ± 0.14. After multivariate analysis, β blockers, hypertension and angina pectoris duration were positively associated with CFI (B: correlation coefficient β=0.07, SE=0.03, p=0.02, B=0.040, SE=0.02, p=0.042 and B=0.001, SE=0.000, p=0.02). Furthermore also after multivariate analysis, high serum leucocytes, prior myocardial infarction and high diastolic blood pressure were negatively associated with CFI (B=-0.01, SE=0.005, p=0.03, B=-0.04, SE=0.02, p=0.03 and B=-0.002, SE=0.001, p=0.011). CONCLUSIONS In this unique cohort, high serum leucocytes and high diastolic blood pressure are associated with poorly developed collaterals. Interestingly, the use of β blockers is associated with well-developed collaterals, shedding new light on the potential action mode of this drug in patients with CAD.


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The coronary collateral circulation is an alternative source of blood supply to a myocardial area jeopardized by the failure of the stenotic or occluded vessel to provide enough blood flow to this region. Until recently, only qualitative or semiqualitative methods have been available for the assessment of the coronary collateral circulation in humans, such as the patient's history of walk-through angina pectoris, the registration of intracoronary ECG signs for myocardial ischaemia or angina pectoris during coronary occlusion, or coronary angiographic classification (score 0-3) of collaterals. Studies of coronary wedge pressure measurements distal of a balloon-occluded coronary artery and the recent advent of ultrathin pressure and Doppler angioplasty guidewires have made it possible to obtain pressure or flow velocity data in remote vascular areas and, thus, to calculate functional variables for coronary collateral flow. Those coronary occlusive pressure- and flow velocity-derived parameters express collateral flow as a fraction of antegrade coronary flow during vessel patency of the collateral-receiving vessel. They are both interchangeable, and they have been validated in comparison to 'traditional' methods and against each other. The possibility of accurately measuring coronary collateral flow indices in humans undergoing coronary balloon angioplasty opens areas of investigation of the pathogenesis, pathophysiology and therapeutic promotion of the collateral circulation previously reserved for exclusively experimental studies. The purpose of this article is to review several clinically available methods for the functional characterization of the coronary collateral circulation.


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PURPOSE In the past few years more and more research focused on psychosocial risk factors of cardiovascular disease, including depression. This review focuses on depression as a long-term risk factor for acute coronary syndrome in initially heart disease-free people. METHODS The studies included (n = 15) comprised people without heart disease who were exposed to depression. The outcome was acute coronary syndrome (acute myocardial infarction, instable angina pectoris, sudden cardiac death). Only articles published in English between 2000 and 2013 were considered. RESULTS Most but not all studies found an association between depression and cardiac outcome. Possible explanations for the inconsistency of the findings are discussed. CONCLUSIONS Most likely there is an association between depression and acute coronary syndrome. However, it remains unclear whether depression acts as an independent risk factor for developing an acute coronary syndrome, or if depression promotes the development of an acute coronary syndrome by indirect means.