862 resultados para Android,Peer to Peer,Wifi,Mesh Network


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Gp180, a duck protein that was proposed to be a cell surface receptor for duck hepatitis B virus, is the homolog of metallocarboxypeptidase D, a mammalian protein thought to function in the trans-Golgi network (TGN) in the processing of proteins that transit the secretory pathway. Both gp180 and mammalian metallocarboxypeptidase D are type I integral membrane proteins that contain a 58-residue cytosolic C-terminal tail that is highly conserved between duck and rat. To investigate the regions of the gp180 tail involved with TGN retention and intracellular trafficking, gp180 and various deletion and point mutations were expressed in the AtT-20 mouse pituitary corticotroph cell line. Full length gp180 is enriched in the TGN and also cycles to the cell surface. Truncation of the C-terminal 56 residues of the cytosolic tail eliminates the enrichment in the TGN and the retrieval from the cell surface. Truncation of 12–43 residues of the tail reduced retention in the TGN and greatly accelerated the turnover of the protein. In contrast, deletion of the C-terminal 45 residues, which truncates a potential YxxL-like sequence (FxxL), reduced the protein turnover and caused accumulation of the protein on the cell surface. A point mutation of the FxxL sequence to AxxL slowed internalization, showing that this element is important for retrieval from the cell surface. Mutation of a pair of casein kinase II sites within an acidic cluster showed that they are also important for trafficking. The present study demonstrates that multiple sequence elements within the cytoplasmic tail of gp180 participate in TGN localization.


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Late endosomes and the Golgi complex maintain their cellular localizations by virtue of interactions with the microtubule-based cytoskeleton. We study the transport of mannose 6-phosphate receptors from late endosomes to the trans-Golgi network in vitro. We show here that this process is facilitated by microtubules and the microtubule-based motor cytoplasmic dynein; transport is inhibited by excess recombinant dynamitin or purified microtubule-associated proteins. Mapmodulin, a protein that interacts with the microtubule-associated proteins MAP2, MAP4, and tau, stimulates the microtubule- and dynein-dependent localization of Golgi complexes in semi-intact Chinese hamster ovary cells. The present study shows that mapmodulin also stimulates the initial rate with which mannose 6-phosphate receptors are transported from late endosomes to the trans-Golgi network in vitro. These findings represent the first indication that mapmodulin can stimulate a vesicle transport process, and they support a model in which the microtubule-based cytoskeleton enhances the efficiency of vesicle transport between membrane-bound compartments in mammalian cells.


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TGN38 is one of the few known resident integral membrane proteins of the trans-Golgi network (TGN). Since it cycles constitutively between the TGN and the plasma membrane, TGN38 is ideally suited as a model protein for the identification of post-Golgi trafficking motifs. Several studies, employing chimeric constructs to detect such motifs within the cytosolic domain of TGN38, have identified the sequence 333YQRL336 as an autonomous signal capable of localizing reporter proteins to the TGN. In addition, one group has found that an upstream serine residue, S331, may also play a role in TGN38 localization. However, the nature and degree of participation of S331 in the localization of TGN38 remain uncertain, and the effect has been studied in chimeric constructs only. Here we investigate the role of S331 in the context of full-length TGN38. Mutations that abolish the hydroxyl moiety at position 331 (A, D, and E) lead to missorting of endocytosed TGN38 to the lysosome. Conversely, mutation of S331 to T has little effect on the endocytic trafficking of TGN38. Together, these findings indicate that the S331 hydroxyl group has a direct or indirect effect on the ability of the cytosolic tail of TGN38 to interact with trafficking and/or sorting machinery at the level of the early endosome. In addition, mutation of S331 to either A or D results in increased levels of TGN38 at the cell surface. The results confirm that S331 plays a critical role in the intracellular trafficking of TGN38 and further reveal that TGN38 undergoes a signal-mediated trafficking step at the level of the endosome.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Possibilities for investigations of 43 varieties of file formats (objects), joined in 10 groups; 89 information attacks, joined in 33 groups and 73 methods of compression, joined in 10 groups are described in the paper. Experimental, expert, possible and real relations between attacks’ groups, method’ groups and objects’ groups are determined by means of matrix transformations and the respective maximum and potential sets are defined. At the end assessments and conclusions for future investigation are proposed.


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This case study sought to determine how the potable water network of Cerro Prieto, Peru could be improved. The network as it exists now is branched and operated intermittently, exposing residents to water contamination risks and inconvenience. Using EPANET, it was found that the as-built network can support continuous water service, all points could stay over 10 psi, and the current water consumption rate could be maintained. To keep all points over 20 psi, the height of elevated water tank must be increased 6 feet, and the pump switched on whenever the tank drains. It was also found that almost the entire community would benefit from several possible closed loops in the network, but the high cost gives downstream loops higher priority. Due to the scarcity of water in the region, the first action must be assessing the well capacity, and a water conservation plan that may include water meters.


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Los Sistemas de SHM o de monitorización de la integridad estructural surgen ante la necesidad de mejorar los métodos de evaluación y de test no destructivos convencionales. De esta manera, se puede tener controlado todo tipo de estructuras en las cuales su correcto estado o funcionamiento suponga un factor crítico. Un Sistema SHM permite analizar una estructura concreta capturando de manera periódica el estado de la integridad estructural, que en este proyecto se ha aplicado a estructuras aeronáuticas. P.A.M.E.L.A. (Phase Array Monitoring for Enhanced Life Assessment) es la denominación utilizada para definir una serie de equipos electrónicos para Sistemas SHM desarrollados por AERNOVA y los Grupos de Diseño Electrónico de las universidades UPV/EHU y UPM. Los dispositivos P.A.M.E.L.A. originalmente no cuentan con tecnología Wi-Fi, por lo que incorporan un módulo hardware independiente que se encarga de las comunicaciones inalámbricas, a los que se les denomina Nodos. Estos Nodos poseen un Sistema Operativo propio y todo lo necesario para administrar y organizar la red Mallada Wi-Fi. De esta manera se obtiene una red mallada inalámbrica compuesta por Nodos que interconectan los Sistemas SHM y que se encargan de transmitir los datos a los equipos que procesan los resultados adquiridos por P.A.M.E.L.A. Los Nodos son dispositivos empotrados que llevan instalados un firmware basado en una distribución de Linux para Nodos (o Routers), llamado Openwrt. Que para disponer de una red mallada necesitan de un protocolo orientado a este tipo de redes. Entre las opciones de protocolo más destacadas se puede mencionar: DSDV (Destination Sequenced Distance Vector), OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing), B.A.T.M.A.N-Adv (Better Approach To Mobile Adhoc Networking Advance), BMX (una versión de B.A.T.M.A.N-Adv), AODV (Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector) y el DSR (Dynamic Source Routing). Además de la existencia de protocolos orientados a las redes malladas, también hay organizaciones que se dedican a desarrollar firmware que los utilizan, como es el caso del firmware llamado Nightwing que utiliza BMX, Freifunk que utiliza OLSR o Potato Mesh que utiliza B.A.T.M.A.N-Adv. La ventaja de estos tres firmwares mencionados es que las agrupaciones que las desarrollan proporcionan las imágenes precompiladas del sistema,listas para cargarlas en distintos modelos de Nodos. En este proyecto se han instalado las imágenes en los Nodos y se han probado los protocolos BMX, OLSR y B.A.T.M.A.N.-Adv. Concluyendo que la red gestionada por B.A.T.M.A.N.-Adv era la que mejor rendimiento obtenía en cuanto a estabilidad y ancho de banda. Después de haber definido el protocolo a usar, se procedió a desarrollar una distribución basada en Openwrt, que utilice B.A.T.M.A.N.-Adv para crear la red mallada, pero que se ajuste mejor a las necesidades del proyecto, ya que Nightwing, Freifunk y Potato Mesh no lo hacían. Además se implementan aplicaciones en lenguaje ANSI C y en LabVIEW para interactuar con los Nodos y los Sistemas SHM. También se procede a hacer alguna modificación en el Hardware de P.A.M.E.L.A. y del Nodo para obtener una mejor integración entre los dos dispositivos. Y por ultimo, se prueba la transferencia de datos de los Nodos en distintos escenarios. ABSTRACT. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems arise from the need of improving assessment methods and conventional nondestructive tests. Critical structures can be monitored using SHM. A SHM system analyzes periodically a specific structure capturing the state of structural integrity. The aim of this project is to contribute in the implementation of Mesh network for SHM system in aircraft structures. P.A.M.E.L.A. (Phase Array Monitoring for Enhanced Life Assessment) is the name for electronic equipment developed by AERNOVA, the Electronic Design Groups of university UPV/EHU and the Instrumentation and Applied Acoustics research group from UPM. P.A.M.E.L.A. devices were not originally equipped with Wi-Fi interface. In this project a separate hardware module that handles wireless communications (nodes) has been added. The nodes include an operating system for manage the Wi-Fi Mesh Network and they form the wireless mesh network to link SHM systems with monitoring equipment. Nodes are embedded devices with an installed firmware based on special Linux distribution used in routers or nodes, called OpenWRT. They need a Mesh Protocol to stablish the network. The most common protocols options are: DSDV (Destination Sequenced Distance Vector), OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing), BATMAN-Adv (Better Approach To Mobile Ad-hoc Networking Advance), BMX (a version of BATMAN-Adv) AODV (Ad hoc on-Demand Distance Vector) and DSR (Dynamic Source Routing). In addition, there are organizations that are dedicated to develope firmware using these Mesh Protocols, for instance: Nightwing uses BMX, Freifunk use OLSR and Potato Mesh uses BATMAN-Adv. The advantage of these three firmwares is that these groups develop pre-compiled images of the system ready to be loaded in several models of Nodes. In this project the images were installed in the nodes. In this way, BMX, OLSR and BATMAN-Adv have been tested. We conclude that the protocol BATMAN-Adv has better performance in terms of stability and bandwidth. After choosing the protocol, the objective was to develop a distribution based on OpenWRT, using BATMAN-Adv to create the mesh network. This distribution is fitted to the requirements of this project. Besides, in this project it has been developed applications in C language and LabVIEW to interact with the Nodes and the SHM systems. The project also address some modifications to the PAMELA hardware and the Node, for better integration between both elements. Finally, data transfer tests among the different nodes in different scenarios has been carried out.


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In this paper we investigate the problem of cache resolution in a mobile peer to peer ad hoc network. In our vision cache resolution should satisfy the following requirements: (i) it should result in low message overhead and (ii) the information should be retrieved with minimum delay. In this paper, we show that these goals can be achieved by splitting the one hop neighbours in to two sets based on the transmission range. The proposed approach reduces the number of messages flooded in to the network to find the requested data. This scheme is fully distributed and comes at very low cost in terms of cache overhead. The experimental results gives a promising result based on the metrics of studies.


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The peer-to-peer content distribution network (PCDN) is a hot topic recently, and it has a huge potential for massive data intensive applications on the Internet. One of the challenges in PCDN is routing for data sources and data deliveries. In this paper, we studied a type of network model which is formed by dynamic autonomy area, structured source servers and proxy servers. Based on this network model, we proposed a number of algorithms to address the routing and data delivery issues. According to the highly dynamics of the autonomy area, we established dynamic tree structure proliferation system routing, proxy routing and resource searching algorithms. The simulations results showed that the performance of the proposed network model and the algorithms are stable.


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R. Daly and Q. Shen. Methods to accelerate the learning of bayesian network structures. Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 2007 UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence.


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A foundational issue underlying many overlay network applications ranging from routing to peer-to-peer file sharing is that of connectivity management, i.e., folding new arrivals into an existing overlay, and rewiring to cope with changing network conditions. Previous work has considered the problem from two perspectives: devising practical heuristics for specific applications designed to work well in real deployments, and providing abstractions for the underlying problem that are analytically tractable, especially via game-theoretic analysis. In this paper, we unify these two thrusts by using insights gleaned from novel, realistic theoretic models in the design of Egoist – a distributed overlay routing system that we implemented, deployed, and evaluated on PlanetLab. Using extensive measurements of paths between nodes, we demonstrate that Egoist’s neighbor selection primitives significantly outperform existing heuristics on a variety of performance metrics, including delay, available bandwidth, and node utilization. Moreover, we demonstrate that Egoist is competitive with an optimal, but unscalable full-mesh approach, remains highly effective under significant churn, is robust to cheating, and incurs minimal overhead. Finally, we use a multiplayer peer-to-peer game to demonstrate the value of Egoist to end-user applications. This technical report supersedes BUCS-TR-2007-013.


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Body Sensor Network (BSN) technology is seeing a rapid emergence in application areas such as health, fitness and sports monitoring. Current BSN wireless sensors typically operate on a single frequency band (e.g. utilizing the IEEE 802.15.4 standard that operates at 2.45GHz) employing a single radio transceiver for wireless communications. This allows a simple wireless architecture to be realized with low cost and power consumption. However, network congestion/failure can create potential issues in terms of reliability of data transfer, quality-of-service (QOS) and data throughput for the sensor. These issues can be especially critical in healthcare monitoring applications where data availability and integrity is crucial. The addition of more than one radio has the potential to address some of the above issues. For example, multi-radio implementations can allow access to more than one network, providing increased coverage and data processing as well as improved interoperability between networks. A small number of multi-radio wireless sensor solutions exist at present but require the use of more than one radio transceiver devices to achieve multi-band operation. This paper presents the design of a novel prototype multi-radio hardware platform that uses a single radio transceiver. The proposed design allows multi-band operation in the 433/868MHz ISM bands and this, together with its low complexity and small form factor, make it suitable for a wide range of BSN applications.


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This article documents the experiences of three early career academics trying to establish a network of early career academics (ECAs) in a middle-ranked university in Australia. The changing context of academia means that ECAs face considerable challenges in understanding and negotiating effective career paths. Some of the issues encountered include insecure employment arrangements; unclear and shifting expectations; heavy workloads and competing demands; and conflicting experiences around the collegiate culture of academia. As research and teaching institutions, universities must ensure the ongoing development of new academics. While there is a growing interest in exploring the issues confronted by new academics, much remains to be done to better understand, and improve, the pathways of academic development. To this end we reflect on our efforts to establish an ECA network that aimed to enhance professional development, facilitate an improved research culture and establish an informal peer support network. We did so through establishing an online presence for sharing information, hosting a series of professional development seminars and hosting a 2.5 day writing retreat. Our experiences suggest that, while efforts to enhance the capacity of ECAs are worthwhile, the very same pressures that our network was attempting to address were simultaneously creating barriers to ECA involvement in the network and its activities.