974 resultados para Ana Julia Perroti-Garcia


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Background: Chagas' disease is a human tropical parasitic illness and a subset of the chronic patients develop megaesophagus or megacolon. The esophagus dilation is known as chagasic megaesophagus (CM) and one of the severe late consequences of CM is the increased risk for esophageal carcinoma (ESCC). Based on the association between CM and ESCC, we investigated whether genes frequently showing unbalanced copy numbers in ESCC were altered in CM by fluorescence in situ (FISH) technology.Methods: A total of 50 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded esophageal mucosa specimens (40 from Chagas megaesophagus-CM, and 10 normal esophageal mucosa-NM) were analyzed. DNA FISH probes were tested for FHIT, TP63, PIK3CA, EGFR, FGFR1, MYC, CDKN2A, YES1 and NCOA3 genes, and centromeric sequences from chromosomes 3, 7 and 9.Results: No differences between superficial and basal layers of the epithelial mucosa were found, except for loss of copy number of EGFR in the esophageal basal layer of CM group. Mean copy number of CDKN2A and CEP9 and frequency of nuclei with loss of PIK3CA were significantly different in the CM group compared with normal mucosa and marginal levels of deletions in TP63, FHIT, PIK3CA, EGFR, CDKN2A, YES and gains at PIK3CA, TP63, FGFR1, MYC, CDNK2A and NCOA3 were detected in few CM cases, mainly with dilation grades III and IV. All changes occurred at very low levels.Conclusions: Genomic imbalances common in esophageal carcinomas are not present in chagasic megaesophagus suggesting that these features will not be effective markers for risk assessment of ESCC in patients with chagasic megaesophagus.


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Although the quality of sea recreational waters is already monitored by programs implanted in some Brazilian states, including the State São Paulo, little attention has been given to beach sands, which have been disregarded from the point of view of public health. However, this panorama is changing in recent years due to an increasing number of cases of mycoses and bacterial infections affecting people who frequent beaches and use sands as recreation places. This has caused greater concerns with the contamination of this environment, also measurable by the increase of the number of scientific works on sediments and recreational beach sands microbiota. Currently one knows that in general these sediments contain more microorganisms than the water and are therefore potential sources of contamination of human beings by pathogenic microorganisms. The results of works carried through in some countries are worrying, and have demonstrated the necessity of establishing standards and limits so that monitoring programs of the microbiological quality of beach sands are implanted. Such concern is especially high in Brazil, a country of a tropical climate where thousands of beaches, used for recreation, extend for almost eight thousand kilometers of the coast. In the context of Baixada Santista, studies carried through have shown that in certain situations beach sands can contain more microorganisms than waters and may be a risk to the health of users.


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Infection of young poults with turkey coronavirus (TCoV) produces a syndrome characterized by acute enteritis, diarrhea, anorexia, ruffled feathers, decreased body weight gain and uneven flock growth. The objective of this study was to standardize an intestinal organ culture (IOC) in order to assess host-virus interaction related to apoptosis. For this purpose the Brazilian strain (TCoV/Brazil/2006 with GenBank accession number FJ188401), was used for infection. Infected IOC cells had mitochondrial dysfunction and initial nuclear activation with MTT value of 90.7 (± 2.4) and apoptotic factor 2.21 (± 2.1), considered statistically different from uninfected IOC cells (p > 0.05). The kinetics of TCoV antigens and viral RNA was directly correlated to annexin-V, caspases- 2 and -3, p53, BCl-2 antigens at 24, 72 and 96 h post-infection (p.i.). Morphological and biochemical features of apoptosis, such as in situ nuclear fragmentation (TUNEL and annexin-V) and DNA ladder formation were also detected in infected cells at all assayed p.i. intervals. Moreover, different from other coronaviruses, the expression of both effective caspase-2 and - 3 and p53 antigens were considered lower. However, at all p.i., the BCl-2 antigens were expressed quantitatively and qualitatively as viral antigen measured by immunofluorescence microscopy analysis. Because the diagnosis of TCoV infection is only performed by infecting embryonated poult eggs, the pathological characteri tics related to host-virus interaction remain unclear. This is the first report on apoptosis of TCoV infected IOC, and reveals that it may be useful immunological method to assess virus pathogenesis.


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The aim of this study was evaluate the influence of physical exercise (marcha gait) on serum values of CK and AST The Ostrich (Struthio camelus) is originally from Africa and belongs to the ratite's family. Since its zootechnic value has been increasing, especially in the northwest region of the state of São Paulo, we studied the biliary system in the liver of this animal. To carry through it were used 20 ostrich livers, males and females, young and adults from place to production ostrich in the northwest region of the State of São Paulo. After the opening of the gastrointestinal tract and disposal of the bile through gentle massage, we cannulated the hepatic excretory duct with a flexible probe, compatible in size with the duct, and injected colored Neoprene latex 450 in the biliary system. Following this procedure, the livers were fixed in aqueous solution of formaldehyde to 10% dissected, schematized and photographed. The right main branch is derived from the right lateral, square lobe and the caudate process branches in 7 livers. In 13 livers, the right side branch is forned by the right side and caudate process branches. The left branch receives the components from the left lateral lobe and branch of the medial left lobe in 7 livers. It also receives component from the square lobe and from the caudate process in 13 and 7 livers, respectively.In conclusion, the ostrich liver has no gallbladder, causing the duct is the only route of excretion of bile, always resulting from the convergence of the right hepatic duct with the left hepatic duct.


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Las transformaciones del aparato productivo, los cambios en la economía global y ciertos factores políticos y sociales han configurado diversos patrones de movilidad territorial. El interés de esta investigación se centra en analizar las tendencias de la migración interna en la República Bolivariana de Venezuela desde 1971 hasta 2001. Sobre la base de la información suministrada por los censos de población y vivienda se elaboraron matrices de origen y destino multirregionales que permitieron identificar la direccionalidad de los flujos y establecer áreas tradicionales y emergentes de atracción y expulsión. La regionalización, construida a partir del índice de desarrollo humano, permitió distinguir corrientes migratorias entre regiones de alto, medio y bajo desarrollo humano, que evidencian la desigual distribución de las actividades productivas dentro del territorio nacional. Finalmente, el análisis de los resultados en el marco de los procesos histórico-estructurales demostró el vínculo que existe entre las decisiones políticas, la activación económica de los territorios y la dinámica migratoria interna.


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No presente trabalho é proposto gerenciamento operacional da Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto Sideral, município de Belém, estado do Pará. Para isso, foi utilizado método de gerenciamento denominado gerenciamento da rotina que objetiva gerenciar um processo principal, por meio da definição de fluxogramas, onde são determinadas atividades e itens de controle, que organizam o processo. No trabalho são analisadas: as condições físicas das unidades e a suas influências no tratamento proposto em proposto; a forma de gerenciamento atual da ETE, para então ser elaborada a proposta de gerenciamento operacional. A proposta definiu o processo principal, o tratamento de esgoto, seus subprocessos, os tratamentos preliminar e secundário, para os quais foram definidas atividades operacionais como, limpeza das unidades, monitoramentos laboratorial e operacional e itens de controle, como planilhas de dados. Também foi proposta a elaboração de sistema de controle da dados e informações para ETE, bem como a rotina de decisões gerenciais e de operação para a ETE Sideral.


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Ao assumir o Governo do Estado do Pará em 2007, a então governadora Ana Júlia Carepa (PT) apresenta o Planejamento Territorial Participativo que foi um instrumento por meio do qual o Governo do Estado do Pará visava garantir a participação popular e a descentralização da gestão, através de etapas onde a população era consultada acerca de problemas e defendia propostas de políticas públicas locais ou regionais. Tais propostas foram incorporados aos instrumentos legais de planejamento (PPA, LDO, LOA) para que o governo implementasse ao longo dos 04 anos de gestão. O processo envolveu a participação de mais de 80.000 pessoas em todo o Estado e elegeu 3.983 conselheiros para compor 12 Conselhos Regionais de Participação Popular e mais 105 Conselheiros Estaduais para compor o Conselho Estadual de Participação Popular. Entretanto, sobre o projeto atuaram atores com poder de veto dentro do Poder Executivo, que acabaram por não implementar políticas públicas decididas através do PTP, em função de interesses e disputas internas no governo. Assim a presente dissertação tem como objetivo analisar os fatores que inviabilizaram a ação do PTP, tornando o processo ineficaz durante os anos de 2007 e 2010.


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As instituições que tratam com as questões indigenistas estão presentes no cenário político brasileiro, principalmente, a partir do Serviço de Proteção aos Índios (SPI), a posteriori, a Fundação Nacional do Índio (FUNAI) estes de cunho nacional. A questão indígena no estado do Pará ganha alguma visibilidade no governo municipal de Belém com o prefeito Edmilson Rodrigues (1997-2000, 2001-2004) e em seguida com a governadora Ana Julia Carepa (2007-2010). Dada as reformas no executivo estadual, a Secretaria de Justiça torna-se Secretaria de Justiça e Direitos Humanos, onde congregam demandas de varias minorias políticas entre elas uma coordenação que trata com a proteção e os direitos indígenas e das populações tradicionais, na qual uma indígena esteve a frente durante o governo Ana Júlia. Apesar do espaço favorecido pelo governo Ana Júlia, não foi possível efetivar uma política indigenista de estado buscando entender o tema em termos locais. É feita uma revisão histórica da relação entre Estado e índios com vistas a fornecer um quadro das questões que têm norteado a interlocução no aspecto institucional. Em seguida, a análise da atuação política da Coordenação de Proteção dos Direitos dos Povos Indígenas e das Populações Tradicionais (CPPITA) no interior da Secretaria de Justiça e Direitos Humanos (SEJUDH) e desta com outros órgãos do estado, dado o cenário político democrático.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the total and thermotolerant coliform densities in the oyster culture water of Cananeia, SP, Brazil, correlating these densities with environmental variables and tidal variations. Superficial water samples were collected in two tide conditions (spring and neap) from three areas of Cananéia municipality (Mandira, Itapitangui and Cooperostra). The three studied areas showed good conditions for the culture regarding coliform densities. The two tidal conditions differed significantly as to total coliform concentration; however, the same procedure was not performed for thermotolerant coliforms. No correlation was observed between water temperature, pH, and concentrations of total and thermotolerant coliforms. Coliform density was positively correlated with rainfall and negatively correlated with salinity. Spring and neap tides differed significantly as to coliform number. Simple diagnosis of environmental conditions of the crop fields is insufficient to assess water quality of shellfish cultivation. A continuous monitoring program of planted areas is necessary both for the assessment of water quality potential for marine culture and for ensuring safe consumption of seafood, besides constituting an important tool to understand the relationships between contamination and the involved environmental variables.


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Population growth, together with the gradual social ascent in Brazil, reflects at the growing need for better use of urban spaces. In this context, the amount of new buildings to meet the demand in property market, the needs for creating new roads and highways, among others, make the use of geotechnical works and, more specifically, retaining walls, more and more common. One of the simplest solutions for underground works is the use of retaining structures using tie back walls for soil support, therefore, the present work deals with this kind of structures. This paper proposes the use of FTOOL software testing in predicting deformations in tie back walls, by comparing simulations of the presented model to a real and measured deformation case in Guabirotuba Formation (PR). The results showed the importance of defining the parameters such as stiffness and curtain geometry, as well as the definition of representative loads acting on it. Also, it was pointed out that the passive response of the steel rods depends on the horizontal displacement of the wall. The study concluded that the program generates very representative results when compared to field data and seems to be a promising tool for tie back structures displacement predictions


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Bacterial resistance is a rising problem all over the world. Many studies have showed that beach sands can contain higher concentration of microorganisms and represent a risk to public health. This paper aims to evaluate the densities and resistance to antimicrobials of Escherichia coli strains, isolated from seawater and samples. The hypothesis is that microorganisms show higher densities in contaminated beach sands and more antimicrobial resistance than the water column. Density, distribution, and antimicrobial resistance of bacteria E. coli were evaluate in seawater and sands from two recreational beaches with different levels of pollution. At the beach with higher degree of pollution (Gonzaguinha), water samples presented the highest densities of E. coli; however, higher frequency of resistant strains was observe in wet sand (71.9 %). Resistance to a larger number of antimicrobial groups was observe in water (betalactamics, aminoglycosides, macrolides, rifampicins, and tetracyclines) and sand (betagalactamics and aminoglycosids). In water samples, highest frequencies of resistance were obtain against ampicilin (22.5 %), streptomycin (15.0 %), and rifampicin (15.0 %), while in sand, the highest frequencies were observe in relation to ampicilin (36.25 %) and streptomycin (23.52 %). At the less polluted beach, Ilha Porchat, highest densities of E. coli and higher frequency of resistance were obtain in wet and dry sand (53.7 and 53.8 %, respectively) compared to water (50 %). Antimicrobial resistance in strains isolated from water and sand only occurred against betalactamics (ampicilin and amoxicilin plus clavulanic acid). The frequency and variability of bacterial resistance to antimicrobials in marine recreational waters and sands were related to the degree of fecal contamination in this environment. These results show that water and sands from beaches with a high index of fecal contamination of human origin may be potential sources of contamination by pathogens and contribute to the dissemination of bacterial resistance.