830 resultados para Análise de componentes independentes de ordem superior
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Records from 14,288 animals of the Mangalarga Marchador breed, born from 1990 to 2005, were used to discard morphofunctional traits in a principal component analysis. The following traits were used: height at withers, height at croup, lengths of head, neck, back, croup, hip length and body, widths of head, hip width, thorax perimeter, cannon bone circumference and gait score. For the traits considered it was observed that 7 principal components showed variation lower than 0.7; suggesting that seven variables could be discarded. The reason is that when variable are highly correlated with the principal components of smaller variance, their variation is practically insignificant. Based on those results the recommendation is to maintain the following traits for future research with this database: gait score, height at croup, length of back, length of croup, width of head and cannon bone circumference.
The objetive of this research was to study the relation among body weight and average daily gain in different ages, using principal components analysis. Data on 1663 birth weight (BW), weaning weight adjusted to 230 days (WW), yearling weight adjusted to 365 days (YW), long yearling weight adjusted to 550 days (LYW), average daily gain from birth to weaning (AGW), average daily gain from weaning to 365 days (AGY) and average daily gain from 365 days weight to 550 day weight (AGL) from crossbred animals, and data on 320 observations of the same traits from straightbreed Nellore animals were analysed. The model included the fixed effects of breed (only crossbred data), contemporary group, and linear and quadratic effects of age at calving. For body weight in different ages, the first principal component contrasted heavier and light animals after birth and explained about 79,0% and 78,0% of the variation for data on crossbred and Nellore animals, respectively. The second principal component compared heavier animals at weaning and yearling weight those at long yearling weight. It explained around 13,5% and 15,5% of the total variation, respectively, for data on F1 and Nellore breed. The major source of variation among animals on the two data set for body weight was due to differences in weight followed by differences in the ages they got those weight. For the traits expressed as average daily gain, the variation among animals was due to differences in birth season, the first principal component explaining about 52,0% of the variation on crossbred animals. This component compared animal with higher AGY with those with higher AGW and AGL. For data on Nellore breed, the first component explain about 56,0% of the total variation and also compared animals with higher AGY with those with higher AGW and AGL.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Física - IFT
The possibility of generalizing gravity in 2+1 dimensions to include higher-derivative terms, thereby allowing for a dynamical theory, opens up a variety of new interesting questions. This is in great contrast with pure Einstein gravity which is a generally covariant theory that has no degrees of freedom - a peculiarity that, in a sense, renders it a little insipid and odorless. The research on gravity of particles moving in a plane, that is, living in flatland, within the context of higher-derivative gravity, leads to novel and interesting effects. For instance, the generation of gravity, antigravity, and gravitational shielding by the interaction of massive scalar bosons via a graviton exchange. In addition, the gravitational deffection angle of a photon, unlike that of Einstein gravity, is dependent of the impact parameter. On the other hand, the great drawback to using linearized general relativity for describing a gravitating string is that this description leads to some unphysical results such as: (i) lack of a gravity force in the nonrelativistic limit; (ii) gravitational deffection independent of the impact parameter. Interesting enough, the effective cure for these pathologies is the replacement of linearized gravity by linearized higher-derivative gravity. We address these issues here
The type A gasoline samples were analyzed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC-FID) which allowed quantifying and classifying of the various compounds into different classes of hydrocarbons. Several physicochemical parameters were evaluated according to the official methods in order to compare the results obtained against the limits established by the Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP, 2011). Additionally, principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to discriminate the samples studied, which revealed the separation of four groups according to their chemical composition determined in samples collected from the eight fuel distributors in the State of Pará.
To contribute in the performance of policies and strategies formulated by development agencies, indexes have been created in anticipation of expressing the multiple dimensions of water resources in an easily interpretable form. Use of Hydro Poverty Index ( WPI) is spreading worldwide , with the same formed by the combination of sub - indices Resource, access, capacity , use and environment. S ome critics a s to its formation have emerged, a mong them stands out the allo cation of weights of sub - indexes , made by an arbitrary process attributing subjectivity to the selection criteria. By involving statistical analysis, when considering the characteristics of the variables generated by the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), it turns out that it is able to solve this problem. The objective of this study is to compare the results of the original WPI with content generated by Principal Com ponent Analysis (PCA) for the indicati on of the weights of sub - indec es applicable in the Seridó River hydrographic Basin . We conclude that the use of Principal Component Analysis in the allocation of weights of Water Poverty Index has identified the sub - indices Resources, Access and Environment are the most representative for the river basin Seridó , and that this new index, WPI' , presented the most comprehensive ranges of values , allowing more easily identify disparities among municipalities. In addition, t he evaluation of the sub - indec es in the study area has great potential to inform the decision - maker in the management of water resources, the most critical locations and deserve greater investments in the aspects analyzed, as the index itself can not cap ture this information.
Private Higher Education Institutions are embedded in a market where competitiveness is a key factor. To remain competitive, HEIs needs to have proactive and innovative strategies, especially to understand their main customers, students, with regard to their expectations about the quality of HEI. This study is to evaluate the overall private institutions of higher education in the city of Natal / RN, as the strategies adopted to remain on the market , based on the perceived quality of students. For conduct this research, it has developed two private institutions in the city of Natal, through the application using exploratory research to guide the survey for data collection with questionnaire to apply the overview with students, being directed to senior students courses in Bussiness, Accounting and Law. This research tool addresses aspects relevant to map the dimensions: (1) teaching, perspectives related to methods and teaching tools; ( 2 ) teachers, specifies the quality attributes related to teachers; (3 ) Infrastructure, describes the environment of the HEI; ( 4 ) services , evaluates the quality processes that attach to the HEI; and ( 5 ) intangible relates aspects with student satisfaction. The results were analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques using the Statistical Package Tool for Social Sciences (SPSS). The first stage of results characterizes the descriptive analysis of the overall sample and by HEI and course, plus a build univariate analysis of the HEI and also bivariate analysis shows that correlation of the factors through Spearman correlation coefficient. The results were used to compose a matrix of importance versus performance that compare with the contents of the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC). Finally, these comparisons allowed identification of the most important factors for the quality of the HEI and the level of performance from institutions in the development of each attributes of quality dimensions.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Física, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física, 2016.
Doutoramento em Matemática e Estatística - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL
Este estudo consistiu na análise estatística de dados de fluxos de metano durante a safra de 2004/2005 de cultivo de arroz sob regime de inundação contínua, em sistema de transplantio, com uso de fertilizante nitrogenado, na Estação Experimental da APTA/Pólo Regional de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico dos Agronegócios do Vale do Paraíba, em Pindamonhangaba/SP. Nove variáveis ambientais foram monitoradas ao longo desta safra. O principal objetivo do trabalho foi empregar Análise de Componentes Principais aos dados, visando encontrar combinações das variáveis que possam melhor explicar a influência de variáveis ambientais sobre os fluxos de metano, em comparação à análise de variáveis de forma isolada. A Análise de Componentes Principais identifica um pequeno número de combinações lineares (componentes principais) das variáveis que tenham máxima variância. Realizando esta análise através do software estatístico SAS (2002), foram obtidas nove componentes, sendo que a primeira poderia representar a variação de fluxos de metano em até 66%, enquanto as duas primeiras componentes juntas o representariam em até 85%..
Uma importante propriedade dos Organossolos, e de outros solos com alto teor de C orgânico para predizer o potencial de uso e riscos de degradação, é o grau de subsidência (perda de massa e volume). Nos Organossolos ocorrem diferentes riscos de subsidência, resultantes de seus atributos, em especial da natureza da matéria orgânica e do ambiente de deposição. Este estudo foi realizado com dados de 19 perfis de solos de diferentes regiões do Brasil. Foram adotados os procedimentos da SBCS para descrição e coleta dos perfis, e os métodos analíticos da Embrapa Solos para caracterização dos solos. A análise dos componentes principais foi utilizada para agrupar os perfis com o auxílio de atributos morfológicos, físicos, químicos e do ambiente de ocorrência e mostrou-se adequada no agrupamento dos solos estudados com base em seus atributos, comparando-se com a sua taxonomia. Neste artigo foram usados os métodos multicritério ordinais de Borda, Condorcet e Copeland para ordenar, segundo o risco de subsidência, os perfis de Organossolos estudados. Os resultados mostram correlação entre os métodos (exceto Condorcet, que não foi capaz de ordenar as alternativas) e o resíduo mínimo, parâmetro usual para avaliar subsidência. Isso indica eficácia para ordenar/classificar os perfis de solos estudados quanto ao risco de subsidência. Os métodos quantitativos utilizados neste trabalho mostraram-se promissores como ferramentas em estudos na Ciência do Solo.