130 resultados para Ampulla ductus deferentis
Fridericia nanningensis, a new terrestrial enchytraeid species (Oligochaeta) from southwestern China
Fridericia nanningensis, a new species from wetland soil of Nanhu Park, Nanning city, the capital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in southwest China, is described. It is characterized by 2-4 chaetae per bundle, poorly-developed clitellar glands, slender, unbranched peptonephridia, and spermathecae with 2 ampullar diverticula, a deep constriction in the middle of the ampulla and one large ectal gland. It is closely related to the European species, F. alata Nielsen & Christensen, 1959 and the East European species, F. tubulosa Dozsa-Farkas, 1972 by the shape of peptonephridia and the undeveloped clitellar glands. It differs from F. alata by its shorter body length and fewer chaetae per bundle, its type of coelomocytes (type "c"), its deep constriction in the middle of the spermathecae ampulla and a larger ectal gland, and it differs from F. tubulosa by its pale epidermal glands, its more anterior origin of the dorsal vessel, a deep constriction in the middle of the spermathecae ampulla, shorter ectal duct, and only one ectal gland at the spermathecal orifice.
AIM: To compare early (15 days) steroid therapy and dexamethasone with inhaled budesonide in very preterm infants at risk of developing chronic lung disease. METHODS: Five hundred seventy infants from 47 neonatal intensive care units were enrolled. Criteria for enrollment included gestational age 30%. Infants were randomly allocated to 1 of 4 treatment groups in a factorial design: early (15 days) dexamethasone, and delayed selective budesonide. Dexamethasone was given in a tapering course beginning with 0.50 mg/kg/day in 2 divided doses for 3 days reducing by half until 12 days of therapy had elapsed. Budesonide was administered by metered dose inhaler and a spacing chamber in a dose of 400 microg/kg twice daily for 12 days. Delayed selective treatment was started if infants needed mechanical ventilation and >30% oxygen for >15 days. The factorial design allowed 2 major comparisons: early versus late treatment and systemic dexamethasone versus inhaled budesonide. The primary outcome was death or oxygen dependency at 36 weeks and analysis was on an intention-to-treat basis. Secondary outcome measures included death or major cerebral abnormality, duration of oxygen treatment, and complications of prematurity. Adverse effects were also monitored daily. RESULTS: There were no significant differences among the groups for the primary outcome. Early steroid treatment was associated with a lower primary outcome rate (odds ratio [OR]: 0.85; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.61,1.18) but even after adjustment for confounding variables the difference remained nonsignificant. Dexamethasone-treated infants also had a lower primary outcome rate (OR: 0.86; 95% CI: 0.62,1.20) but again this difference remained not significant after adjustment. For death before discharge, dexamethasone and early treatment had worse outcomes than budesonide and delayed selective treatment (OR: 1.42; 95% CI: 0.93,2.16; OR: 1.51; 95% CI: 0.99,2.30 after adjustment, respectively) with the results not quite reaching significance. Duration of supplementary oxygen was shorter in the early dexamethasone group (median: 31 days vs 40-44 days). Early dexamethasone was also associated with increased weight loss during the first 12 days of treatment (52 g vs 3 g) compared with early budesonide, but over 30 days there was no difference. In the early dexamethasone group, there was a reduced incidence of persistent ductus arteriosus (34% vs 52%-59%) and an increased risk of hyperglycemia (55% vs 29%-34%) compared with the other 3 groups. Dexamethasone was associated with an increased risk of hypertension and gastrointestinal problems compared with budesonide but only the former attained significance. CONCLUSIONS: Infants given early treatment and dexamethasone therapy had improved survival without chronic lung disease at 36 weeks compared with those given delayed selective treatment and inhaled budesonide, respectively, but results for survival to discharge were in the opposite direction; however, none of these findings attained statistical significance. Early dexamethasone treatment reduced the risk of persistent ductus arteriosus. Inhaled budesonide may be safer than dexamethasone, but there is no clear evidence that it is more or less effective
Using an antiserum raised to the C-terminal region of neuropeptide Y (NPY) which does not cross-react with pancreatic polypeptide (PP), immunoreactivity has been detected in two different endocrine tumours of the human pancreas in concentrations permitting isolation and structural analysis. In a clinically-typical gastrinoma, resected from the head of pancreas, the concentration of NPY immunoreactivity was 3.4 nmol/g. Reverse phase HPLC analysis of extracts of this tumour resolved a single immunoreactive peptide coeluting with synthetic human NPY. The molecular mass of the isolated peptide, determined by mass spectroscopy, was 4270 Da, which was in close agreement with that derived from the deduced primary structure of human tumour NPY (4271.7 Da), obtained by gas-phase sequencing. A somatostatinoma, resected from the region of the ampulla of Vater, contained 3.8 nmol/g of NPY immunoreactivity and isolation of this immunoreactive peptide followed by structural analyses, indicated a molecular structure consistent with NPY 3-36. These data suggest that NPY immunoreactivity detected in human pancreatic endocrine tumours is molecularly heterogenous, a finding which may be of relevance in the symptomatology of such tumours as attenuation of the N-terminus of this peptide generates receptor selectivity.
Slower postnatal growth is an important predictor of adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes in infants born preterm. However, the relationship between postnatal growth and cortical development remains largely unknown. Therefore, we examined the association between neonatal growth and diffusion tensor imaging measures of microstructural cortical development in infants born very preterm. Participants were 95 neonates born between 24 and 32 weeks gestational age studied twice with diffusion tensor imaging: scan 1 at a median of 32.1 weeks (interquartile range, 30.4 to 33.6) and scan 2 at a median of 40.3 weeks (interquartile range, 38.7 to 42.7). Fractional anisotropy and eigenvalues were recorded from 15 anatomically defined cortical regions. Weight, head circumference, and length were recorded at birth and at the time of each scan. Growth between scans was examined in relation to diffusion tensor imaging measures at scans 1 and 2, accounting for gestational age, birth weight, sex, postmenstrual age, known brain injury (white matter injury, intraventricular hemorrhage, and cerebellar hemorrhage), and neonatal illness (patent ductus arteriosus, days intubated, infection, and necrotizing enterocolitis). Impaired weight, length, and head growth were associated with delayed microstructural development of the cortical gray matter (fractional anisotropy: P <0.001), but not white matter (fractional anisotropy: P = 0.529), after accounting for prenatal growth, neonatal illness, and brain injury. Avoiding growth impairment during neonatal care may allow cortical development to proceed optimally and, ultimately, may provide an opportunity to reduce neurological disabilities related to preterm birth.
BACKGROUND: As progress is made towards attaining Millennium Development Goal 4, further reductions in paediatric mortality will only be achieved by concentrating on the burden of non-communicable or neglected diseases. The literature relating to paediatric cardiac disease in sub-Saharan Africa is sparse. There are no published descriptions of paediatric cardiac disease from Malawi, making it impossible to estimate the contribution it makes to childhood morbidity and mortality.
FINDINGS: In 2008, a paediatric cardiac clinic with echocardiogram scanning was established in Blantyre, southern Malawi. Between January 2009 and February 2011, the age and cardiac diagnosis of every child with an abnormal echocardiogram was recorded in a database. Of 250 children, 139 (55.6%) had congenital heart disease, and 111 (44.4%) acquired heart disease. Ventricular septal defect (VSD) (24%), Tetralogy of Fallot (10%) and patent ductus arteriousus (7.2%) were the commonest forms of congenital heart disease. Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) (22.4%) and dilated cardiomyopathy (13.6%) were the commonest acquired diseases. The mean age of presentation was 3 years 2 months for VSD and 11 years 6 months for RHD.
CONCLUSIONS: In this cohort of children from one centre in Malawi, acquired heart disease - in particular rheumatic heart disease was almost as common as congenital heart disease. Most presented late. It is likely that untreated cardiac disease causes a large number of childhood deaths in Malawi. In addition to renewing secondary preventative efforts against rheumatic heart disease, adequate and accessible cardiothoracic surgical services should be established at a regional level.
The indication for pulmonary artery banding is currently limited by several factors. Previous attempts have failed to produce adjustable pulmonary artery banding with reliable external regulation. An implantable, telemetrically controlled, battery-free device (FloWatch) developed by EndoArt SA, a medical company established in Lausanne, Switzerland, for externally adjustable pulmonary artery banding was evaluated on minipigs and proved to be effective for up to 6 months. The first human implant was performed on a girl with complete atrioventricular septal defect with unbalanced ventricles, large patent ductus arteriosus and pulmonary hypertension. At one month of age she underwent closure of the patent ductus arteriosus and FloWatch implantation around the pulmonary artery through conventional left thoracotomy. The surgical procedure was rapid and uneventful. During the entire postoperative period bedside adjustments (narrowing or release of pulmonary artery banding with echocardiographic assessment) were repeatedly required to maintain an adequate pressure gradient. The early clinical results demonstrated the clinical benefits of unlimited external telemetric adjustments. The next step will be a multi-centre clinical trial to confirm the early results and adapt therapeutic strategies to this promising technology.
En dépit du nombre croissant d’études cliniques sur le canal artériel (CA), des failles méthodologiques entretiennent plusieurs incertitudes concernant l’efficacité et la sécurité des traitements chez les bébés nés prématurés. L’objectif de cette recherche était de comparer les concentrations de prostaglandine E2 (PGE2) et les mesures du flux mésentérique par échographie Doppler chez les enfants nés prématurément et ayant un canal artériel traité à l’ibuprofène par voie intraveineuse ou entérale, en utilisant la méthodologie randomisée contrôlée et à double insu. Dans notre étude pilote, 20 nouveau-nés prématurés de moins de 34 semaines ayant un CA symptomatique confirmé par échocardiographie, furent randomisés au traitement à l’ibuprofène par voie intraveineuse ou entérale. La voie d’administration fut maintenue à l’insu de l’équipe traitante, des cardiologues et des investigateurs. Des dosages des prostaglandines plasmatiques ont été mesurés avant le début du traitement ainsi que 3, 24 et 48 h après le début du traitement. Les mesures du flux mésentérique ont été effectuées avant le traitement à l’ibuprofène ainsi que 1 h et 3 h après le traitement. Nous avons démontré à partir de nos observations que les niveaux plasmatiques de prostaglandines E2 diminuent chez les patients ayant répondu au traitement à l’ibuprofène, indépendamment de la voie d’administration. Nous n’avons pas observé de changement dans l’évolution des dosages de PGE2 chez les patients qui n’ont pas répondu au traitement. Les paramètres mesurés par échographie Doppler au niveau de l’artère mésentérique supérieure n’étaient pas affectés par la voie d’administration du traitement à l’ibuprofène, intraveineuse ou entérale. La présente étude suggère ainsi que le traitement du CA par ibuprofène intraveineux ou entéral n’influe pas sur le flux sanguin mesuré par échographie Doppler. La baisse de la prostaglandine E2 coïncide avec la fermeture du CA, et son dosage pourrait jouer un rôle dans la gestion du traitement. Nous avons démontré la faisabilité d’une étude clinique randomisée à double insu dans le traitement du canal artériel; une méthodologie qui devrait désormait être employé dans la recherche clinique sur les traitements de la persistance du CA.
La pancreatitis aguda (PA) es una patología clínica común que abarca un espectro desde leve hasta fatal, donde se produce una inflamación del páncreas por auto digestión enzimática con grado variable de compromiso sistémico. Es una emergencia abdominal grave con una mortalidad del 9-23%. En el 40% de los casos de pancreatitis aguda se encuentra que es de origen biliar. La prevalencia de enfermedad biliar a nivel mundial en adultos varía entre 5,9% y 21,9%, con grandes variaciones geográficas y regionales, se encuentran en el 12% de los hombres y el 24% de las mujeres. La prevalencia aumenta con la edad. Latinoamérica es una región con alta prevalencia. En pacientes con colelitiasis del 5-15 % tienen coledocolitiasis. La alta prevalencia de la patología biliar en nuestro país hace que esta sea una causa frecuente de consulta médica por dolor abdominal. El factor común presente en la gran mayoría de las enfermedades de la vía biliar es la Colelitiasis. La complicación más frecuente, la Coledocolitiasis, se ha reportado con cifras hasta de un 20% y como complicación de esta la pancreatitis. La pancreatitis aguda de origen biliar (PAB) es causada por una obstrucción transitoria o persistente de la ampolla de Váter por barro biliar o por cálculos. En el diagnostico de la PAB se emplean métodos invasivos como la colangiopancreaticografia endoscópica retrograda (CPRE) la cual trae consigo morbilidad y mortalidad asociada y métodos no invasivos como la colangiopancreaticografia magnética (CRM) que emerge como modalidad prometedora en el diagnostico y manejo de la PAB en centros de tercer y cuarto nivel de complejidad. El manejo actual de la PAB es la remoción de la obstrucción del conducto biliar común (CBC) seguida de su tratamiento definitivo, la colecistectomía o CPRE con papilotomia. En nuestro país no se han publicado estudios con datos locales acerca de la utilidad de la CRM para la detección de coledocolitiasis, en las guías de manejo de coledocolitiasis de la asociación colombiana de cirugía publicadas en el año 2004, hace referencia de la utilidad de la CRM para el diagnostico de esta entidad tomando como base una revisión sistemática de estudios publicados en Medline, Pubmed y Cocrane los cuales no incluyen experiencia a nivel nacional. En este estudio pretendimos determinar cuáles son los pacientes que se benefician de la realización de CRM temprana en el marco de la PAB leve para la detección de coledocolitiasis.
Las cardiopatías son el principal defecto congénito asociado al Síndrome de Down (SD), y su detección e intervención oportuna contribuye a reducir la morbimortalidad. El objetivo del presente estudio fue caracterizar las malformaciones cardiacas congénitas de la población pediátrica con SD que asiste a un centro de atención especializado en la ciudad de Bogotá (Colombia). Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal con registros clínicos de pacientes con diagnostico cariotípico de SD, evaluando las cardiopatías congénitas documentadas en las valoraciones pediátricas institucionales; se estudió su posible relación con determinados factores como la edad de los padres y el género del hijo. Resultados: Se revisaron 157 historias clínicas que cumplieron con los criterios de calidad para estudio. El 57,2% eran hombres y el 42,8% mujeres. El cariotipo del 91,7% fue trisomía libre, 3.8% mosaicismos y un caso de translocación. El diagnóstico prenatal se realizó en el 12,1% de los evaluados. Se observó algún defecto cardiaco congénito en el 65,8% de los pacientes (n=103). Se identificaron defectos aislados en 53 pacientes (33,7%), siendo el ductus arterioso persistente el más frecuente con un 26,2%. El defecto múltiple más recurrente fue la comunicación interauricular asociada a comunicación interventricular con un 18,4%. No se identificó relación entre los factores de riesgo estudiados y algún tipo de cardiopatía. Conclusiones: Se identificó una prevalencia de cardiopatías congénitas similar a la reportada por la literatura, sin embargo se documentaron diferencias en cuanto a la frecuencia y tipos de defectos únicos y múltiples descritos en otros estudios. Palabras Clave: Síndrome Down, Cardiopatías congénitas, Colombia.
Morbilidad y mortalidad en prematuros menores de 1500 gramos en un hospital regional del 2011 a 2013
Introducción: El presente estudio pretende determinar la mortalidad y caracterizar morbilidad de este grupo de recién nacidos, para establecer planes de mejoramiento. Materiales y método: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de corte transversal. Se revisaron 158 historias clínicas de los recién nacidos prematuros menores de 1500 gramos hospitalizados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales del Hospital Universitario Departamental de Nariño durante el periodo 2011 al 2013. La información fue analizada estadísticamente. Resultados: Se encontró que de 5447 nacidos vivos el 2,9 % fueron menores de 1500 gramos. 52,5 % eran de género masculino, 63,9% nacieron por cesárea. El 23,4 % no recibió esteroides antenatales. La tasa de mortalidad para el periodo de estudio en este grupo de pacientes fue de 7.3 por mil nacidos vivos. El 100% de los recién nacidos de menos de 750 gr fallecieron. Mientras que no se registro ninguna sobrevida de menos de 24 semanas. Conclusiones: Podría establecerse este como límite de viabilidad el peso al nacer < 750 gr y menos de 24 semanas de gestación, en donde la muerte es prácticamente la regla, siempre teniendo en cuenta evaluar cuidadosamente cada caso particular. La morbilidad de los prematuros de muy bajo peso al nacer esta en los rangos reportados en la literatura.
Ιn the eighteenth century the printing of Greek texts continued to be central to scholarship and discourse. The typography of Greek texts could be characterised as a continuation of French models from the sixteenth century, with a gradual dilution of the complexity of ligatures and abbreviations, mostly through printers in the Low Countries. In Britain, Greek printing was dominated by the university presses, which reproduced conservatively the continental models – exemplified by Oxford's Fell types, which were Dutch adaptations of earlier French models. Hindsight allows us to identify a meaningful development in the Greek types cut by Alexander Wilson for the Foulis Press in Glasgow, but we can argue that in the middle of the eighteenth century Baskerville was considering Greek printing the typographic environment was ripe for a new style of Greek types. The opportunity to cut the types for a New Testament (in an twin edition that included a generous octavo and a large quarto version) would seem perfect for showcasing Baskerville's capacity for innovation. His Greek type maintained the cursive ductus of earlier models, but abandoned complex ligatures and any hint of scribal flourish. He homogenised the modulation of the letter strokes and the treatment of terminals, and normalised the horizontal alignments of all letters. Although the strokes are in some letters too delicate, the narrow set of the style composes a consistent, uniform texture that is a clean break from contemporaneous models. The argument is made that this is the first Greek typeface that can be described as fully typographic in the context of the technology of the time. It sets a pattern that was to be followed, without acknowledgement, by Richard Porson nearly a century and a half later. The typeface received little praise by typographic historians, and was condemned by Victor Scholderer in his retrospective of Greek typography. A survey of typeface reviews in the surrounding decades establishes that the commentators were mostly reproducing the views of an arbitrary typographic orthodoxy, for which only types with direct references to Renaissance models were acceptable. In these comments we detect a bias against someone considered an arriviste in the scholarly printing establishment, as well as a conservative attitude to typographic innovation.
P>A case of a type I rectal atresia (also known as membranous rectal atresia) in a newborn donkey is reported. Clinical examination, survey radiographs and barium enema radiographs suggested rectal atresia. An exploratory laparotomy was performed; however, surgical correction of the defect was not possible due to the narrow pelvic cavity. Euthanasia was performed. At necropsy, it was possible to observe a fibrous cord connecting the small colon to a residual rectal ampulla, which opened to a normal anus. The radiographic and anatomical characteristics enabled the classification of the defect as type I rectal atresia, which is a rare congenital anomaly that is difficult to correct through surgery. This report contributes to the study of rectal atresia in newborn equids, alerts for the occurrence in donkeys and is, to our knowledge, the first to be reported in this species in Brazil.
Cryptosporidium spp. infection in mares and foals of the northwest region of São Paulo State, Brazil
O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a ocorrência da infecção por Cryptosporidium spp. em éguas e seus respectivos potros. Este estudo foi realizado em 11 fazendas localizadas nos municípios de Araçatuba, Birigui, Guararapes e Santo Antônio do Aracangua, na região Noroeste do Estado de São Paulo, de novembro de 2010 a março de 2011. Um total de 98 éguas e 98 potros de diversas raças foram analisados, sendo que, entre os filhotes, 59 eram machos e 39 fêmeas, cujas idades variavam de três até 330 dias. Fezes foram colhidas diretamente da ampola retal, purificadas e processadas pela técnica de Kinyoun modificada. A ocorrência de Cryptosporidium spp. observada foi de 21,4% (21/98) para potros e 18,4% (18/98) para éguas. A ocorrência de Cryptosporidium spp. teve uma associação significativa com a raça e a idade dos animais. A partir dos resultados obtidos, conclui-se neste estudo que potros com idade superior a dois meses e animais da raça Mangalarga foram menos susceptíveis à ocorrência de Cryptosporidium spp.
The surface epithelium of the vas deferens of Agouti paca, a wild and large South American rodent, was basically formed by principal and basal cells being only the principal cells related to endocytosis processes and also secretion taking base on their cytoplasmic ultrastructural features. Principal cell of vas deferens epithelium were characterized mainly by presence of vesicles with several shapes, sizes and internalized content at their apical cytoplasm occurring smaller pits and pale small vesicles seen next to the apical brush border of microvillus. Moreover, coated vesicles, smooth surface vesicles and great vesicles; multivesicular bodies, endosomes and lysosomes were seen. Presence of an apocrine secretory apparatus was also viewed, showing apical cytoplasmic expansions protruding into the vas deferens luminal compartment. The basal flattened cells, without luminal surface contact, occurred next to the basement membrane of the ductus, and did no exhibit special ultrastructural features.
The ductus epididymis has roles in the maturation and storage of spermatozoa. The main function of the cauda epididymis is the storage of spermatozoa; however, this region exerts other morphophysiological roles. So, this study was aimed at investigating structural features of the cauda epididymis epithelium, which could indicate roles other than the storage. The relative percentages of the cell types in the epithelium were 74.9, 6.9, 12.5 and 5.6% of principal, clear, basal and halo cells respectively. Large intercellular spaces were seen among the lateral plasmatic membranes of adjacent principal cells or among these cells and others cell types. These spaces were found to be filled with multivesicular bodies, myelin figures, scrolls and debris of membranes or flocculent dense material. Clear cells had the cytoplasms filled with lysosomes (3/4 of basal cytoplasm), and vacuoles and vesicles (1/4 of apical cytoplasm). The observations allowed us to infer that clear cells could act in the process of endocytosis and also in water transfer from the lumen to the interstitium through the epithelium compartment. Moreover, transcytosis may occur at the cauda epididymis of Golden hamster.