979 resultados para Amplified spontaneous emission


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The spontaneous emission properties of a single layer organic film in plane optical microcavities were studied. Optical microcavity was formed by a Tris(8-quinolinolato) aluminium (Alq) film sandwiched between a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) and a Ag metallic reflector. Two kinds of microcavities were devised by using a different DBR structure. Compared with a Alq film, significantly spectral narrowing and intensity enhancement was observed in the two microcavities, which is attributed to the microcavity effect. The spectra characteristics of the two microcavities showed that the structure of DBR has much influence on the emission properties of a microcavity. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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We propose a laser induced sensitized fluorescence spectrometry for measuring the spontaneous emission branching ratios o?the transitions from the ten levels 5f36d7s7p-7M7, 5f36d7s7p-7L6, 5f37s27p-5K6, 5f26d27s2 - 5L7, 5f46d7s - 7L6, (17,070cm-1)-5L6, 5f26d27s2-5K6, 6d7s7p-7L5, 5f36d7s7p-7K5 and 5f26d27s2-5I5 to the ground state of atomic uranium (UI) for the first time. Their relative oscillator strengths have been measured by means of hollow cathode discharge (HCD) emission spectrometry. The radiative...


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I. TNTRODUCTIONThe emission spectroscopic method is usually used to measure spontaneous emission branching ratios. As emission spectra cannot be detected in atomic beams, the laser-induced fluorescence or ion detection method is often used. When the fluorescence method is used to measure branching ratios, it is usually necessary to detect


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A similar to 3 ps travelling wave chirped pulse amplified pulse at 6 x 10(14) W cm(-2) superimposed on similar to 300 ps background pulses is shown to be an efficient method to pump transient collisional excitation X-ray lasers in both Ni-like and Ne-like ions. Measurements of X-ray laser output as a function of plasma length are fitted with results of an amplified spontaneous emission model of the laser output taking account of travelling wave pumping effects. A small signal gain coefficient similar to 42 cm(-1) and a effective gain length product of similar to 18 are measured for the Ni-like Sn laser at 120 Angstrom. Simulations from a hydrodynamic and atomic physics code (EHYBRID) coupled to a ray trace code show that a spatially averaged small signal gain similar to 65 cm(-1) can be obtained in Ne-like Ge provided the optimum pumping pulse arrangement is used. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have observed extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) ''line-free'' continuum emission from laser plasmas of high atomic number elements using targets irradiated with 248 nm laser pulses of 7 ps duration at a power density of similar to 10(13) W/cm(2). Using both dispersive spectroscopy and streak camera detection, the spectral and temporal evolution of XUV continuum emission for several target atomic numbers has been measured on a time scale with an upper limit of several hundred picoseconds limited by amplified spontaneous emission. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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The results of a brief investigation of the amplified spontaneous emission and lasing characteristics of Coumarin 540 dye in as many as ten different solvents are reported. It has been found that C 540 dye solutions contained within a rectangular quartz cuvette give laser emission with well resolved equally spaced modes when pumped with a 476 nm beam. The modes were found to originate from the subcavities formed by the plane-parallel walls of the cuvette containing the high-gain medium. While the quantum yield remains a decisive factor, a clear correlation between the total width of the emission spectra and the refractive indices of the solvents of the respective samples has been demonstrated. The well-resolved mode structure exhibited by the emission spectra gives clear evidence of the lasing action taking place in the gain medium, and the number of modes enables us to compare the gain of the media in different samples. A detailed discussion of the solvent effect in the lasing characteristics of C540 in different solutions is given.


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The role of the collective antisymmetric state in entanglement creation by spontaneous emission in a system of two non-overlapping two-level atoms has been investigated. Populations of the collective atomic states and the Wootters entanglement measure (concurrence) for two sets of initial atomic conditions are calculated and illustrated graphically. Calculations include the dipole-dipole interaction and a spatial separation between the atoms that the antisymmetric state of the system is included throughout even for small interatomic separations. It is shown that spontaneous emission can lead to a transient entanglement between the atoms even if the atoms were prepared initially in an unentangled state. It is found that the ability of spontaneous emission to create transient entanglement relies on the absence of population in the collective symmetric state of the system. For the initial state of only one atom excited, entanglement builds up rapidly in time and reaches a maximum for parameter values corresponding roughly to zero population in the symmetric state. On the other hand, for the initial condition of both atoms excited, the atoms remain unentangled until the symmetric state is depopulated. A simple physical interpretation of these results is given in terms of the diagonal states of the density matrix of the system. We also study entanglement creation in a system of two non-identical atoms of different transition frequencies. It is found that the entanglement between the atoms can be enhanced compared to that for identical atoms, and can decay with two different time scales resulting from the coherent transfer of the population from the symmetric to the antisymmetric state. In addition, it was found that a decaying initial entanglement between the atoms can display a revival behaviour.


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We discuss the creation of entanglement between two two-level atoms in the dissipative process of spontaneous emission. It is shown that spontaneous emission can lead to a transient entanglement between the atoms even if the atoms were prepared initially in an unentangled state. The amount of entanglement created in the system is quantified by using two different measures: concurrence and negativity. We find analytical formulae for the evolution of concurrence and negativity in the system. We also find the analytical relation between the two measures of entanglement. The system consists of two two-level atoms which are separated by an arbitrary distance r(12) and interact with each other via the dipole-dipole interaction, and the antisymmetric state of the system is included throughout, even for small interatomic separations, in contrast to the small-sample model. It is shown that for sufficiently large values of the dipole-dipole interaction initially the entanglement exhibits oscillatory behaviour with considerable entanglement in the peaks. For longer times the amount of entanglement is directly related to the population of the slowly decaying antisymmetric state.


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We present phase-space techniques for the modelling of spontaneous emission in two-level bosonic atoms. The positive-P representation is shown to give a full and complete description within the limits of our model. The Wigner representation, even when truncated at second order, is shown to need a doubling of the phase-space to allow for a positive-definite diffusion matrix in the appropriate Fokker-Planck equation and still fails to agree with the full quantum results of the positive-P representation. We show that quantum statistics and correlations between the ground and excited states affect the dynamics of the emission process, so that it is in general non-exponential. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Despite significant improvements in their properties as emitters, colloidal quantum dots have not had much success in emerging as suitable materials for laser applications. Gain in most colloidal systems is short lived, and needs to compete with biexcitonic decay. This has necessitated the use of short pulsed lasers to pump quantum dots to thresholds needed for amplified spontaneous emission or lasing. Continuous wave pumping of gain that is possible in some inorganic phosphors has therefore remained a very distant possibility for quantum dots. Here, we demonstrate that trilayer heterostructures could provide optimal conditions for demonstration of continuous wave lasing in colloidal materials. The design considerations for these materials are discussed in terms of a kinetic model. The electronic structure of the proposed dot architectures is modeled within effective mass theory.


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报道了一种MOPA式国产单频光纤放大器。该放大器采用连续波单频激光器作为主振荡器,采用我国自行设计和制造的大模场面积掺Yb双包层光纤作为功率放大器,在波长1064 nm处实现了最高7.3 W的连续激光输出,斜率效率为39%,光-光转换效率为26%。此外,对光谱特性及放大的自发发射的抑制也进行了探讨。