999 resultados para Amazonian Brazil
The majority of individuals in the chronic phase of Chagas disease are asymptomatic (indeterminate form, IF). Each year, similar to 3% of them develop lesions in the heart or gastrointestinal tract. Cardiomyopathy (CCHD) is the most severe manifestation of Chagas disease. The factors that determine the outcome of the infection are unknown, but certainly depend on complex interactions amongst the genetic make-up of the parasite, the host immunogenetic background and environment. In a previous study we verified that the maxicircle gene NADH dehydrogenase (mitochondrial complex 1) subunit 7 (ND7) from IF isolates had a 455 bp deletion compared with the wild type (WT) ND7 gene from CCHD strains. We proposed that ND7 could constitute a valuable target for PCR assays in the differential diagnosis of the infective strain. In the present study we evaluated this hypothesis by examination of ND7 structure in parasites from 75 patients with defined pathologies, from Southeast Brazil. We also analysed the structure of additional mitochondrial genes (ND4/CR4, COIII and COII) since the maxicircle is used for clustering Trypanosoma cruzi strains into three clades/haplogroups. We conclude that maxicircle genes do not discriminate parasite populations which induce IF or CCHD forms. Interestingly, the great majority of the analysed isolates belong to T cruzi 11 (discrete typing unit, (DTU) IIb) genotype. This scenario is at variance with the prevalence of hybrid (DTU IId) human isolates in Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. The distribution of WT and deleted ND7 and ND4 genes in T cruzi strains suggests that mutations in the two genes occurred in different ancestrals in the T cruzi 11 cluster, allowing the identification of at least three mitochondrial sub-lineages within this group. The observation that T. cruzi strains accumulate mutations in several genes coding for complex I subunits favours the hypothesis that complex I may have a limited activity in this parasite. (C) 2009 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Uma análise da distribuição geográfica de Schefflera no Brasil extra-amazônico foi realizada com base em mapas atualizados plotando as ocorrências conhecidas das 26 espécies do gênero encontradas nessa grande área: S. angustissima (Marchal) Frodin, S. aurata Fiaschi, S. botumirimensis Fiaschi & Pirani, S. burchellii (Seem.) Frodin & Fiaschi, S. calva (Cham.) Frodin & Fiaschi, S. capixaba Fiaschi, S. cephalantha (Harms) Frodin, S. cordata (Taub.) Frodin & Fiaschi, S. distractiflora (Harms) Frodin, S. fruticosa Fiaschi & Pirani, S. gardneri (Seem.) Frodin & Fiaschi, S. glaziovii (Taub.) Frodin & Fiaschi, S. grandigemma Fiaschi, S. kollmannii Fiaschi, S. longipetiolata (Pohl ex DC.) Frodin & Fiaschi, S. lucumoides (Decne. & Planch. ex Marchal) Frodin & Fiaschi, S. macrocarpa (Cham. & Schltdl.) Frodin, S. malmei (Harms) Frodin, S. morototoni (Aubl.) Maguire, Steyermark & Frodin, S. racemifera Fiaschi & Frodin, S. ruschiana Fiaschi & Pirani, S. selloi (Marchal) Frodin & Fiaschi, S. succinea Frodin & Fiaschi, S. villosissima Fiaschi & Pirani, S. vinosa (Cham. & Schltdl.) Frodin & Fiaschi e S. aff. varisiana Frodin. Dois centros de endemismo associados com áreas de altitude elevada foram reconhecidos: Cadeia do Espinhaço em Minas Gerais e florestas montanas do Estado do Espírito Santo. Os padrões de distribuição geográfica ilustrados são discutidos com base em dados obtidos para outros grupos de angiospermas e em estudos fitogeográficos das principais fitocórias do Brasil extra-amazônico. São apresentadas também hipóteses acerca de prováveis relações filogenéticas entre alguns táxons, visando à busca de possíveis correlações entre estas e a biogeografia do grupo.
Espécies novas descritas da Amazônia brasileira em Ibidionini: Compsibidion uniforme sp. nov. (Amazonas); Heterachthes rafaeli sp. nov. (Amazonas); em Apomecynini: Amphicnaeia lineolata sp. nov. (Pará); em Desmiphorini: Cotycicuiara magnifica sp. nov. (Amazonas). Novos registros e notas são apresentados para: Gnomidolon insulicola Bates, 1885 e G. lansbergei (Thomson, 1867) (Hexoplonini); Desmiphora (D.) uniformis Galileo & Martins, 2003 (Desmiphorini); Omosarotes paradoxum (Tippmann, 1955) (Cyrtinini) e Ozotroctes ogeri Tavakilian & Néouze, 2007 (Acanthoderini).
Chagas disease is still a major public health problem in Latin America. Its causative agent, Trypanosoma cruzi, can be typed into three major groups, T. cruzi I, T. cruzi II and hybrids. These groups each have specific genetic characteristics and epidemiological distributions. Several highly virulent strains are found in the hybrid group; their origin is still a matter of debate. The null hypothesis is that the hybrids are of polyphyletic origin, evolving independently from various hybridization events. The alternative hypothesis is that all extant hybrid strains originated from a single hybridization event. We sequenced both alleles of genes encoding EF-1 alpha, actin and SSU rDNA of 26 T. cruzi strains and DHFR-TS and TR of 12 strains. This information was used for network genealogy analysis and Bayesian phylogenies. We found T. cruzi I and T. cruzi II to be monophyletic and that all hybrids had different combinations of T. cruzi I and T. cruzi II haplotypes plus hybrid-specific haplotypes. Bootstrap values (networks) and posterior probabilities (Bayesian phylogenies) of clades supporting the monophyly of hybrids were far below the 95% confidence interval, indicating that the hybrid group is polyphyletic. We hypothesize that T. cruzi I and T. cruzi II are two different species and that the hybrids are extant representatives of independent events of genome hybridization, which sporadically have sufficient fitness to impact on the epidemiology of Chagas disease.
There is little available information regarding the infectivity of New World Leishmania species, particularly those from the Amazonian Brazil, where there are six species of the subgenus Viannia causing American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL). The aim of this study was to compare, in vitro, the potential infectivity of the following Leishmania (Viannia) spp.: L. (V.) braziliensis from localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL) and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL) patients, L. (V.) guyanensis, L. (V.) shawi, L. (V.) lainsoni and L. (V.) naiffi from LCL patients only, in cultured BALB/c mice peritoneal macrophage, as well as the production of NO by the infected cells. The infectivity of parasites was expressed by the infection index and, the nitric oxide (NO) production in the macrophage culture supernatant was measured by the Griess method. It was found that L. (V.) braziliensis from MCL, the more severe form of disease, showed the highest (p <= 0.05) infection index (397), as well as the lowest NO production (2.15 mu M) compared with those of other species. In contrast, L. (V.) naiffi which is less pathogenic for the human showed the lowest infection index (301) and the highest NO production (4.11 mu M). These results demonstrated a negative correlation between the infectivity and the ability of these parasites to escape from the microbicidal activity of the host cell.
Since the first description of Leishmania (Viannia) shawi, few studies were performed with this parasite. In the present work, the in vivo and ex vivo behavior of L. (Viannia) shawi infection was studied using murine model. Peritoneal macrophages from BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice were infected with promastigotes in the stationary phase of growth; after 24 h, the infection index and nitric oxide (NO) levels in the supernatant of the cultures were analyzed. BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice were infected into the hind footpad, and at each 2 weeks, mice were sacrificed, and the histological changes of the skin inoculation site, parasitism, and humoral immune responses were evaluated during 8 weeks. Ex vivo experiments showed that macrophages of BALB/c presented higher infection index and lesser NO levels than macrophages of C57BL/6. In vivo experiments showed that BALB/c presented higher lesion size than C57BL/6 mice; similarly, the histopathological changes and the parasitism in skin were more exacerbate in BALB/c mice. In draining lymph nodes, the main change was increase of germinative centers, and parasites were detected from 6 weeks pi onwards in both mice strain. IgG was detected in BALB/c mice from 4 weeks, while in C57BL/6, from 6 weeks pi onwards. Taken together, these results indicate that BALB/c showed a classical behavior of susceptibility when compared to C57BL/6 mice.
In Amazonian Brazil, the Cebus apella monkey (Primates: Cebidae) has been associated with the enzootic cycle of Leishmania (V.) shawi, a dermotropic parasite causing American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL). It has also been successfully used as animal model for studying cutaneous leishmaniasis. In this work, there has been investigated its susceptibility to experimental Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi-infection, the etiologic agent of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL). There were used ten C. apella specimens, eight adult and two young, four males and six females, all born and raised in captivity. Two experimental infection protocols were performed: i) six monkeys were inoculated, intra-dermal via (ID), into the base of the tail with 2 x 10(6) promastigotes forms from the stationary phase culture medium; ii) other four monkeys were inoculated with 3 x 10(7) amastigotes forms from the visceral infection of infected hamsters by two different via: a) two by intravenous via (IV) and, b) other two by intra-peritoneal via (IP). The parameters of infection evaluation included: a) clinical: physical exam of abdomen, weigh and body temperature; b) parasitological: needle aspiration of the bone-marrow for searching of amastigotes (Giemsa-stained smears) and promastigotes forms (culture medium); c) immunological: Indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT) and, Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH). In the six monkeys ID inoculated (promastigotes forms) all parameters of infection evaluation were negative during the 12 months period of follow-up. Among the four monkeys inoculated with amastigotes forms, two IV inoculated showed the parasite in the bone-marrow from the first toward to the sixth month p.i. and following that they cleared the infection, whereas the other two IP inoculated were totally negative. These four monkeys showed specific IgG-antibody response since the third month p.i. (IP: 1/80 and IV: 1/320 IgG) toward to the 12th month (IP: 1/160 and IV: 1/5120). The DTH-conversion occurred in only one IV inoculated monkey with a strong (30 mm) skin reaction. Considering these results, we do not encourage the use of C. apella monkey as animal model for studying the AVL.
In order, to place the new taxa. of Ficus found in Amazonian Brazil and the Guianas (see Vázquez Avila, Berg & Kooy, Acta Amazonica, fallowing article in this volume) in a taxonomic and phytogeographic framework, a key to the taxa provisionally recognized for Amazonia and the Guianas is presented and fallowed by a concise treatment of these taxa.
The population genetic structure of Anopheles darlingi, the major human malaria vector in the Neotropics, was examined using seven microsatellite loci from nine localities in central and western Amazonian Brazil. High levels of genetic variability were detected (5-25 alleles per locus; H E = 0.519-0.949). There was deviation from Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium for 59.79% of the tests due to heterozygote deficits, while the analysis of linkage disequilibrium was significant for only two of 189 (1.05%) tests, most likely caused by null alleles. Genetic differentiation (F ST = 0.001-0.095; Nm = 4.7-363.8) indicates that gene flow is extensive among locations < 152 km apart (with two exceptions) and reduced, but not absent, at a larger geographic scale. Genetic and geographic distances were significantly correlated (R² = 0.893, P < 0.0002), supporting the isolation by distance (IBD) model. The overall estimate of Ne was 202.4 individuals under the linkage disequilibrium model, and 8 under the heterozygote excess model. Analysis of molecular variance showed that nearly all variation (~ 94%) was within sample locations. The UPGMA phenogram clustered the samples geographically, with one branch including 5/6 of the state of Amazonas localities and the other branch the Acre, Rondônia, and remaining Amazonas localities. Taken together, these data suggest little genetic structure for An. darlingi from central and western Amazonian Brazil. These findings also imply that the IBD model explains nearly all of the differentiation detected. In practical terms, populations of An. darlingi at distances < 152 km should respond similarly to vector control measures, because of high gene flow.
Na Amazônia Brasileira, o macaco Cebus apella (Primata: Cebidae) tem sido associado com o ciclo enzoótico da Leishmania (V.) shawi, um parasito dermotrópico causador da Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana (LTA). Ele tem sido também empregado com sucesso como modelo experimental para estudo da leishmaniose tegumentar. Neste trabalho, foi investigada sua susceptibilidade à infecção experimental por Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi, o agente etiológico da Leishmaniose Visceral Americana (LVA). Foram usados dez espécimes de C. apella oito adultos e dois jovens, quatro machos e seis fêmeas, todos nascidos e criados em cativeiro. Dois protocolos de infecção experimental foram feitos: i) seis macacos foram inoculados por via intradérmica (ID), na base da cauda com 2x106 formas promastigotas em fase estacionária de crescimento; ii) outros quatro macacos foram inoculados com 3x107 formas amastigotas de infecção visceral de hamsteres por duas vias diferentes: a) dois por via intravenosa (IV) e, b) outros dois pela via intraperitoneal (IP). A avaliação da infecção incluiu parâmetros: clínico: exame físico do abdômen, peso e temperatura corporal; b) parasitológico: aspirado de medula óssea por agulha para procura de amastigotas (esfregaço corado por Giemsa) e formas promastigotas (meio de cultura); c) imunológico: Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI) e, resposta de hipersensibilidade tardia (DTH). Nos seis macacos inoculados ID (formas promastigotas) todos os parâmetros de avaliação da infecção foram negativos durante o período de 12 meses. Entre os quatro macacos inoculados com formas amastigotas, dois inoculados IV mostraram parasitos na medula óssea do primeiro ao sexto mês p.i. e em seguida houve a resolução da infecção, no entanto os outros dois inoculados IP foram totalmente negativos. Esses quatro macacos apresentaram resposta específica de anticorpo IgG desde o terceiro mês p.i. (IP: 1/80 e IV: 1/320) até o décimo segundo mês (IP: 1/160 e IV: 1/5120). A conversão DTH ocorreu em apenas um macaco inoculado IV com uma forte reação na pele (30 mm). Considerando esses resultados, nós não recomendamos o uso do macaco C. apella como modelo animal para estudo da LVA.
O cacauí (Theobroma speciosum) é uma fruteira típica da Região Norte, cujas flores sapromiofílicas atraem dípteros. Os recursos que os insetos utilizam são muito variados e entre eles estão as flores, as quais podem ser utilizadas como alimento e local para reprodução. Este trabalho visou fazer uma comparação do sistema de polinização de T. speciosum em duas áreas de preservação distintas, contribuindo para a avaliação das estratégias de conservação da espécie. O trabalho foi realizado nos anos de 2000 a 2002, no Centro de Pesquisa do Trópico Úmido da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA/CPATU) e na Estação Científica Ferreira Penna (ECFPn/MPEG). Foram realizados estudos sobre estrutura populacional e fenologia de T. speciosum nas duas áreas de preservação, observação comportamental dos insetos no campo, coletas de insetos visitantes das flores de cacauí, análise de carreamento de pólen pelos insetos e verificação dos insetos emergentes no laboratório. As árvores de cacauí, em ambos os locais, florescem em períodos mais secos e frutificam em períodos mais úmidos. As populações de cacauí nas duas áreas diferem pela distribuição espacial e etária dos seus indivíduos. A falta de jovens e subadultos na área de preservação ex situ, mostra falha no "tum over' populacional, demonstrando fragilidade no sistema estabelecido. As inflorescências de T. speciosum são utilizadas por uma grande diversidade de invertebrados. Nove ordens de insetos, e pelo menos duas ordens de outros invertebrados, visitaram as flores de cacau'. As ordens com maior quantidade de indivíduos foram Hymenoptera, Thysanoptera, Diptera e Coleoptera. Os visitantes das flores de cacauí foram classificados como: oportunistas, predadores e polinizadores. Drosofilideos foram indicados como polinizadores de T speciosum, com a possibilidade da participação de alguns forídeos. As guildas dos drosofilídeos foram distintas nas duas áreas de preservação e mais diversa na área de preservação in situ. Quatro espécies foram comuns as duas áreas. A perda de diversidade e alteração na composição na guilda de polinizadores parece não ter afetado a população de T. speciosum na área de preservação ex situ. No caso em estudo o sistema de polinização apesar de profundamente alterado, ainda apresenta sinais de viabilidade.
Our understanding of how anthropogenic habitat change shapes species interactions is in its infancy. This is in large part because analytical approaches such as network theory have only recently been applied to characterize complex community dynamics. Network models are a powerful tool for quantifying how ecological interactions are affected by habitat modification because they provide metrics that quantify community structure and function. Here, we examine how large-scale habitat alteration has affected ecological interactions among mixed-species flocking birds in Amazonian rainforest. These flocks provide a model system for investigating how habitat heterogeneity influences non-trophic interactions and the subsequent social structure of forest-dependent mixed-species bird flocks. We analyse 21 flock interaction networks throughout a mosaic of primary forest, fragments of varying sizes and secondary forest (SF) at the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project in central Amazonian Brazil. Habitat type had a strong effect on network structure at the levels of both species and flock. Frequency of associations among species, as summarized by weighted degree, declined with increasing levels of forest fragmentation and SF. At the flock level, clustering coefficients and overall attendance positively correlated with mean vegetation height, indicating a strong effect of habitat structure on flock cohesion and stability. Prior research has shown that trophic interactions are often resilient to large-scale changes in habitat structure because species are ecologically redundant. By contrast, our results suggest that behavioural interactions and the structure of non-trophic networks are highly sensitive to environmental change. Thus, a more nuanced, system-by-system approach may be needed when thinking about the resiliency of ecological networks.
Leishmania (Viannia) shawi causes cutaneous lesions in humans. Parasite antigens conferring significant protection against American tegumentar leishmaniosis (ATL) might be important for the development of effective vaccine. Therefore, this work evaluates the protective effect of antigenic fractions released by L. shawi. Antigens released by promastigotes to culture medium were concentrated and isolated by SDS-PAGE. The three main fractions LsPass1 (>75 kDa), LsPass2 (75-50 kDa) and LsPass3 (<50 kDa) were electro-eluted according with their molecular mass. Immunized BALB/c mice were challenged with L. shawi promastigotes and the course of infection monitored during 5 weeks. LsPass1-challenged mice showed no protection, however, a strong degree of protection associated to smaller lesions and high expression of IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha by CD4(+) T, CD8(+) T and double negative CD4CD8 cells was achieved in LsPass3-challenged mice. Furthermore, LsPass2-challenged mice showed an intermediated degree of protection associated to high levels of IFN-gamma, IL-4 and IL-10 mRNA. In spite of increased expression of IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, high amounts of IL-4 and IL-10 mRNA were also detected in LsPass3-challenged mice indicating a possible contribution of these cytokines for the persistence of a residual number of parasites that may be important in inducing long-lasting immunity. Therefore, LsPass3 seems to be an interesting alternative that should be considered in the development of an effective vaccine against ATL.
OBJECTIVE: This epidemiological survey assessed the dental caries profile in Monte Negro, a small town in the Amazonian state of Rondônia, Brazil, and its relationship with the northern region, national and global goals for oral health in the years 2000 and 2020. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The groups randomly examined were composed of individuals aged 5, 12, 15 to 19, 35 to 44, 65 to 74 years, living in both rural and urban areas. RESULTS: The means dft (standard deviation) and DMFT (standard deviation) for the groups were, respectively, 3.15 (3.12), 3.41 (2.69), 5.96 (4.19), 16.00 (7.30) and 25.96 (9.82). Caries-free individuals were 34.42%, 14.81% and 8.16% in the preschoolchildren, schoolchildren and adolescent groups, respectively. The Significant Caries Index percentages applied to the two younger groups were 6.65 and 6.70, and they increased to 32.00 in the individuals aged 65 to 74 years. Care Index percentages for adolescents, adults and elderly groups were, respectively, 29.40, 25.00 and 1.41. The dental caries profile in Monte Negro in 2008 shows that, 8 years after the year 2000, no FDI/WHO goal for any age settled in 1982 has been achieved. Dental caries increased with age and the main dental problem of adult and elderly groups was tooth loss. CONCLUSION: Oral health promotion and prevention of oral disease policies are urgent needs. Setting of oral health goals and targets to people living in Monte Negro or Amazonia to be pursuit and achieved in a near future is an important action to do because of the culture, sanitary conditions and socioeconomic aspects of this particular population.
Marinussaurus curupira, a new genus and species of Gymnophthalmidae lizard is described from Iranduba, state of Amazonas, Brazil. The genus is characterized by an elongate body; short and stout pentadactyl limbs; all digits clawed; single frontonasal; two prefrontals; absence of frontoparietals; interparietal and parietals forming a straight posterior margin, with interparietal shorter than parietals; distinctive ear opening and eyelid; few temporals; three pairs of chin shields; nasal divided; a distinct collar; smooth, mainly hexagonal, dorsal scales; smooth quadrangular ventral scales; two precloacal and three femoral pores on each side in males; pores between three or four scales. Parsimony (PAR) and partitioned Bayesian (BA) phylogenetic analyses with morphological and molecular data recovered the new genus as a member of the Ecpleopodini radiation of the Cercosaurinae. A close relationship of the new genus with Arthrosaura is postulated.