833 resultados para América do Sul – Defesa


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Based on climate data and occurrence records, ecological niche models (ENM) are an important opportunity to identify areas at risk or vulnerable to biological invasion. These models are based on the assumption that there is a match between the climatic characteristic of native and invaded regions predicting the potential distribution of exotic species. Using new methods to measure niche overlap, we chose two exotic species fairly common in semi-arid regions of South America, Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) D.C. and Prosopis pallida (H. ; B. ex. Willd) HBK, to test the climate matching hypothesis. Our results indicate that both species occur with little niche overlap in the native region while the inverse pattern is observed in the invaded region on South America, where both species occur with high climatic overlap. Maybe some non-climate factor act limiting the spread of P. pallida on the native range. We believe that a founder effect can explain these similarities between species niche in the invaded region once the seeds planted in Brazil came from a small region on the Native range (Piura in Peru), where both species occur sympatric. Our hypothesis of a founder effect may be evident when we look at the differences between the predictions of the models built in the native and invaded ranges. Furthermore, our results indicate that P. juliflora shows high levels of climate matching between native and invaded ranges. However, conclusions about climate matching of P. pallida should be taken with caution. Our models based on climatic variables provide multiple locations suitable for occurrence of both species in regions where they still don t have occurrence records, including places of high interest for conservation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A Center for Weather Forecast and Climatic Studies of National Institute for Space Research (CPTEC/INPE) has provided to the Brazilian Geodetic community, since 2004, an alternative to correct the GNSS observables from the tropospheric refraction. Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) Model is used to generate Zenital Tropospheric Delay (ZTD). For the version 1, it was developed a model with horizontal resolution of 100 km, which was updated with Eta model, with resolution of 20 km. This paper provides the most significative details of the current version, as well an evaluation of its quality, using for such ZTD estimates from GPS data collect at RBMC. Comparing to the old version, considerable improvement could be observed from the new model, mainly in Brasilia and Curitiba, reaching up to 55% improvement. When all stations were used in the quality control, almost null bias and RMS of about 4 to 5 cm could be observed.


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This article describes and compares the shallow water fish-fauna from two coastal lagoons (Peixe Lagoon, in Brazil, and Mar Chiquita Lagoon, in Argentina). Peixe Lagoon was sampled between 2000 and 2001 using a 9 m beach seine net (12 mm bar mesh in the wings and 5 mm in the centre 3 m section) totalizing 125 samples, which yielded 33,848 individuals and 32 species. Mar Chiquita Lagoon was sampled from 1995 to 1998 using a 21) m beach seine net (12 mm bar mesh) totalizing 232 samples resulting in 31,097 individuals of 28 species. A total of 47 species were observed in both lagoons and 13 were shared. The "marine-estuarine-related" species were similar and dominate the fish assemblages in both lagoons. The remaining species were similar to the species collected along the southern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina estuaries. The number of species observed in Peixe Lagoon (S = 32) was higher than in Mar Chiquita Lagoon (S = 28) and is probably associated with a strong latitudinal gradient of species richness increasing from north to south. Considering that the Peixe Lagoon and Mar Chiquita Lagoon are isolated by the large estuaries of Patos Lagoon and Prata River, the composition of the species with low abundance and occasional occurrence were different for each local studied. These results expand the knowledge for the fauna of both sites and help conservation and management from both lagoons.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Mapeamento das relações comerciais da América do Sul Argentina, Bolívia, Brasil, Chile, Colômbia, Equador, Paraguai, Peru, Uruguai e Venezuela - para identificar oportunidades para o Brasil. Para estimar as oportunidades para o Brasil, foram selecionados os produtos importados pelo Brasil e parceiros, com participação igual ou maior que 1% em 2005, e relacionados os fornecedores Brasil, demais da Região, terceiros países. O Brasil é um parceiro extremamente importante para a Argentina, Bolívia, Uruguai e Paraguai. Em 2005, a participação brasileira chegou a 36% do total exportado pela Bolívia e 18% do Paraguai. Contudo, é bastante reduzido o comércio intra-setorial, e as pautas de exportações de alguns parceiros se mostram muito concentradas em uns poucos produtos. É digno de destaque o fato de as indústrias de maior conteúdo tecnológico apresentarem uma participação maior nas exportações dos parceiros para o Brasil do que nas vendas para os demais parceiros. Na direção oposta, são na maioria provenientes de terceiros mercados as importações das indústrias de alta tecnologia realizadas pelos países da América do Sul. O grande desafio é buscar um aumento do intercâmbio, o que implica ampliar as importações brasileiras provenientes da América do Sul. Como foi apontado, entre 2000 e 2005, houve uma redução de mais de US$ 100 milhões no valor das compras externas do Brasil procedentes da América do Sul. A identificação de gargalos, de deficiências de infra-estrutura, sobretudo de transporte, além de itens com potencial de comércio, é fundamental para permitir um aumento do intercâmbio entre o Brasil e seus parceiros da América do Sul. A tarefa não é simples, mas um comércio mais equilibrado se mostra como a única via que leva, efetivamente, a uma maior integração da Região.