1000 resultados para Altman, Rick: Elokuva ja genre


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From the world of fiction literature into multi-cultural Finland. Anticipatory story as an educational tool in teaching of literature and multiculturalism The research clarifies the relationship between reading fiction literature and multicultural value education in basic education. The research focuses on the subject didactics of mother tongue and literature and on the literature teaching in particular. The objective is to develop a method that is easily transferable into a teaching context so as to intensify the educational discussion based on fiction literature. In essence, understanding fiction literature and the ethical and moral thinking resemble one another, because both of them aim at empathizing with the thinking of a person or with a situation foreign to oneself. For this reason fiction literature is ideally suited for the discussion on ethical and moral values within a subject entity in the basic education. The empirical unit of the research consists of two parts. The first part explains how youth novels published in the years 1993 – 2007 describe multiculturalism in Finnish society. Books on multiculturalism are still few in number within youth literature, and people with a foreign background are mainly minor or background characters in such literary works. Nevertheless, youth novels serve well as a starting point for an educational discussion about multicultural issues. More often than not characters in youth novels are stereotypes and even opposite to each other. The juxtaposing makes a young reader question the stereotypes associated with immigrants. Besides the stereotype, reference to a prototype or a model is possible. The second part tests the usefulness of an anticipatory story based on a fictive text for an educational discussion about multicultural issues. The empirical material was collected from the eighth-grade teaching groups in basic education as follows: one teaching group was an immigrant group, the second one a group of Finns with experience of immigrants while the third group of students had hardly any experience of immigrants. The anticipatory stories were written on the basis of extracts from youth novels with multicultural themes. The material collected for a total of 120 anticipatory stories was analysed by using meaning cue analysis. Using the meaning cue analysis, the anticipatory stories were divided into three groups: stories with predominantly positive meaning cues of interculturalism, ambivalent stories with both positive and negative meaning cues of interculturalism and the stories with predominantly negative meaning cues of interculturalism. The meaning cues produced by girls and boys differ from one another, in particular, by the negative meaning cues of interculturalism. For girls, the predominant meaning cue is fear whereas for boys, it is that of violence. It would also seem that the students, in particular, boys with little experience of immigrants produce more negative meaning cues of interculturalism than do immigrants or Finnish students with experience of immigrants. Further still, it seems that active reading of fiction literature affects the meaning cues of interculturalism in an ambivalent direction. In the way of youth novels this is understandable, because youth novels in general are made up of opposite characters and meaning cues. The less the student takes an interest in reading, the more he used meaning cues from outside the parent text for his anticipatory story. No doubt it would be possible to use fiction literature in the literature education to a much higher extent than it is being used today whereby the literature could be used in basic education for reviewing subject entities or study contents of other study subjects. By way of an anticipatory story and the meaning cue analysis, it is possible to intensify the educational discussions based on fiction literature. However, using fiction literature in the literature education requires consideration of the specific genre of fiction literature.


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Artikkeli on ilmestynyt alunperin nimellä: Transgressive Drag Kings, Defying Dildoed Dykes: A Look at Contemporary Swedish Queer Film, teoksessa Robin Griffiths (ed.): Queer Cinema in Europe. Bristol: Intellect, 2008. Suomennos Tanja Sihvonen.


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My research deals with agent nouns in the language of the works of Mikael Agricola (ca. 1510–1557). The main tasks addressed in my thesis have been to describe individual agent noun types, to provide a comprehensive picture of the category of agent nouns and to clarify the relations between different types of agent nouns. My research material consists of all the agent nouns referring to persons in the language of Agricola’s works, together with their context. The language studied is for the most part translated language. Agent nouns play an important role both in the vocabulary of natural language and in broader sentence structures, since in a text it is constantly necessary to refer to actors re-ferring to persons in the text. As a concept and a phenomenon, the agent noun is widely known in languages. It is a word formed with a certain derivational affixes, which typical-ly refers to a person. In my research the agent noun category includes both deverbal and denominal derivatives referring to persons, e.g. kirjoittaa > kirjoittaja (to write > writer), asua > asuva (to inhabit > inhabitant), imeä > imeväinen (to suck > suckling), juopua > juopunut (to drink > drunkard), pelätä > pelkuri (to fear > one who fears ‘a coward’), apu > apulainen (help/to help > helper); lammas > lampuri (sheep > shepherd). Besides original Finnish expressions, agent noun derivatives taken as such from foreign languages form a word group of central importance for the research (e.g. nikkari, porvari, ryöväri, based on the German/Swedish for carpenter, burgher, robber). Especially important for the formation of agent nouns in Finnish are the models offered by foreign languages. The starting point for my work is predominantly semantic, as both the criteria for collecting the material and the categorisation underlying the analysis of the material are based on semantic criteria. When examining derivatives, aspects relating to structure are also inevitably of central importance, as form and meaning are closely associated with each other in this type of vocabulary. The alliance of structure and meaning can be described in an illustrative manner with the help of structural schemata. The examination of agent nouns comprises on the one hand analysis of syntactic elements and on the other, study of cultural words in their most typical form. The latter aspect offers a research object in which language and the extralinguistic world, referents, their designations and cultural-historical reality are in concrete terms one and the same. Thus both the agent noun types that follow the word formation principles of the Finn-ish language and those of foreign origin borrowed as a whole into Finnish illustrate very well how an expression of a certain origin and formed according to a certain structural model is inseparably bound up with the background of its referent and in general with semantic factors. This becomes evident both on the level of the connection between cer-tain linguistic features and text genre and in relation to cultural words referring to per-sons. For example, the model for the designations of God based on agent nouns goes back thousands of years and is still closely linked in 16th century literature with certain text genres. This brings out the link between the linguistic feature and the genre in a very con-crete manner. A good example of the connection between language and the extralinguistic world is provided by the cultural vocabulary referring to persons. Originally Finnish agent noun derivatives are associated with an agrarian society, while the vocabulary relat-ing to mediaeval urbanisation, the Hansa trade and specialisation by trade or profession is borrowed and originates in its entirety from vocabulary that was originally German.


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Tutkimuksessa kuvataan Ulla-Lena Lundbergin romaanin Marsipansoldaten (2001) henkilöhahmoissa esitettyä sankaruutta. Sankaruuden esittäminen on kytköksissä sotaromaanin lajikonventioihin, jotka kotimaisessa sotafiktiossa määrittyvät suhteellisen tiukiksi. Teoksen esittämässä sankaruudessa aktualisoituu kaksi diskurssia, julkinen uskonnollis-nationalistinen diskurssi sekä yksityis-epävirallinen diskurssi, jotka liittyvät toisiinsa nuoruuden kautta. Tutkimuksessa määritellään kohdeteoksen keskeisimmät henkilöhahmot suhteessa kotimaisen sotaromaanin lajikonventionaaliseen sankaruuteen. Marsipansoldatenissa sankaruus ei kiinnity henkilöhahmoihin samalla tavalla kuin perinteiseksi mielletyssä kotimaisessa sotafiktiossa. Sankaruus määrittyy suhteessa lähiyhteisöön, jolloin se myös korostaa siviiliyhteisön pysyvyyttä ja selviytymistä. Lähiyhteisö manifestoituu teoksessa kahtena motiivina, ruokana ja puheena. Selviytymistarinan kertominen on niinikään yksi lajin konventioista, jonka kohdeteos aukottomasti täyttää. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään myös kohdeteoksen muita tapoja kirjoittautua osaksi sotaromaanin genreä. Tutkimuksessa analysoidaan, miten Marsipansoldaten samanaikaisesti sekä vahvistaa sotaromaanin lajia että uudistaa sitä. Teoksen ironisuus ja ironian monista keinoista erityisesti groteski toimivat sekä välineenä teoksen kirjoittautumisessa lajiin että lajia uudistavana piirteenä. Kotirintaman ironisointi ja sen nostaminen tasaveroiseksi kerronnan aiheeksi toiminnallisen sodan rinnalle ovat uusia sotafiktion piirteitä. Sotaromaanin lajin konventioista keskeisimmäksi voidaan nimetä suomalaisen sotafiktion nk. dokumentaarisuus- tai autenttisuusehto, joka vaikutti erityisesti Marsipansoldatenin vastaanottoon. Dokumentaarisuusehdon lisäksi tutkimuksessa tunnistetut kaksi diskurssia selittävät myös teoksen ristiriitaista vastaanottoa. Uskonnollis-nationalistisen ja yksityis-epävirallisen diskursseja välittävät monet intertekstit ja ironinen kerronta määrittävät teosta myös postmodernistiseksi metafiktioksi, joka on kotimaisessa sotafiktiossa melko tuore esittämisen tapa. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehyksenä käytetään Alastair Fowlerin lajiteoriaa, Ansgar Nünningin lajitaksonomiaa ja Linda Hutcheonin käsitettä ironiasta diskursiivisena strategiana.