995 resultados para Almeida Carvalho
Large area n-i-p-n-i-p a-SiC:H heterostructures are used as sensing element in a Double Color Laser Scanned Photodiode image sensor (D/CLSP). This work aims to clarify possible improvements, physical limits and performance of CLSP image sensor when used as non-pixel image reader. Here, the image capture device and the scanning reader are optimized and the effects of the sensor structure on the output characteristics discussed. The role of the design of the sensing element, the doped layer composition and thickness, the read-out parameters (applied voltage and scanner frequency) on the image acquisition and the color detection process are analyzed. A physical model is presented and supported by a numerical simulation of the output characteristics of the sensor.
In this paper, we present results on the use of multilayered a-SiC:H heterostructures as a device for wavelength-division demultiplexing of optical signals. These devices are useful in optical communications applications that use the wavelength division multiplexing technique to encode multiple signals into the same transmission medium. The device is composed of two stacked p-i-n photodiodes, both optimized for the selective collection of photo generated carriers. Band gap engineering was used to adjust the photogeneration and recombination rate profiles of the intrinsic absorber regions of each photodiode to short and long wavelength absorption in the visible spectrum. The photocurrent signal using different input optical channels was analyzed at reverse and forward bias and under steady state illumination. A demux algorithm based on the voltage controlled sensitivity of the device was proposed and tested. An electrical model of the WDM device is presented and supported by the solution of the respective circuit equations.
We present structural, optical and transport data on GaN samples grown by hybrid, two-step low temperature pulsed laser deposition. The band gap of samples with good crystallinity has been deduced from optical spectra. Large below gap band tails were observed. In samples with the lowest crystalline quality the PL spectra are quite dependent on spot laser incidence. The most intense PL lines can be attributed to excitons bounded to stacking faults. When the crystalline quality of the samples is increased the ubiquitous yellow emission band can be detected following a quenching process described by a similar activation energy to that one found in MOCVD grown samples. The samples with the highest quality present, besides the yellow band, show a large near band edge emission which peaked at 3.47 eV and could be observed up to room temperature. The large width of the NBE is attributed to effect of a wide distribution of band tail states on the excitons. Photoconductivity data supports this interpretation.
We discuss the operation of a new type of optical sensor (MISCam) based on a metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) structure. The operation principle relies on light-induced changes of the band bending and barrier height at the interface between semiconductor and insulator. An image is obtained from the quenching of the ac signal in analogy to the principle of the laser-scanned photodiode (LSP). Lateral resolution depends on the semiconductor material chosen. We have characterised the MIS structures by C-V, I-V, and spectral response measurements testing different types of insulators like a-Si3N4, SiO2, and AlN. The presence of slow interface charges allows for image memory. Colour sensors can be realised by controlling sign and magnitude of the electric fields in the base and the interface region.
In this review paper different designs based on stacked p-i'-n-p-i-n heterojunctions are presented and compared with the single p-i-n sensing structures. The imagers utilise self-field induced depletion layers for light detection and a modulated laser beam for sequential readout. The effect of the sensing element structure, cell configurations (single or tandem), and light source properties (intensity and wavelength) are correlated with the sensor output characteristics (light-to-dark sensivity, spatial resolution, linearity and S/N ratio). The readout frequency is optimized showing that scans speeds up to 104 lines per second can be achieved without degradation in the resolution. Multilayered p-i'-n-p-i-n heterostructures can also be used as wavelength-division multiplexing /demultiplexing devices in the visible range. Here the sensor element faces the modulated light from different input colour channels, each one with a specific wavelength and bit rate. By reading out the photocurrent at appropriated applied bias, the information is multiplexed or demultiplexed and can be transmitted or recovered again. Electrical models are present to support the sensing methodologies.
In this paper we present results on the optimization of device architectures for colour and imaging applications, using a device with a TCO/pinpi'n/TCO configuration. The effect of the applied voltage on the color selectivity is discussed. Results show that the spectral response curves demonstrate rather good separation between the red, green and blue basic colors. Combining the information obtained under positive and negative applied bias a colour image is acquired without colour filters or pixel architecture. A low level image processing algorithm is used for the colour image reconstruction.
Microcrystalline silicon is a two-phase material. Its composition can be interpreted as a series of grains of crystalline silicon imbedded in an amorphous silicon tissue, with a high concentration of dangling bonds in the transition regions. In this paper, results for the transport properties of a mu c-Si:H p-i-n junction obtained by means of two-dimensional numerical simulation are reported. The role played by the boundary regions between the crystalline grains and the amorphous matrix is taken into account and these regions are treated similar to a heterojunction interface. The device is analysed under AM1.5 illumination and the paper outlines the influence of the local electric field at the grain boundary transition regions on the internal electric configuration of the device and on the transport mechanism within the mu c-Si:H intrinsic layer.
ZnO:Al/p (SiC:H)/i (Si:H)/n (SiC:H) large area image and colour sensor are analysed. Carrier transport and collection efficiency are investigated from dark and illuminated current-voltage (I-V) dependence and spectral response measurements under different optical and electrical bias conditions. Results show that the carrier collection depends on the optical bias and on the applied voltage. By changing the electrical bias around the open circuit voltage it is possible to filter the absorption at a given wavelength and so to tune the spectral sensitivity of the device. Transport and optical modelling give insight into the internal physical process and explain the bias control of the spectral response and the image and colour sensing properties of the devices.
A Blumlein line is a particular Pulse Forming Line, PFL, configuration that allows the generation of high-voltage sub-microsecond square pulses, with the same voltage amplitude as the dc charging voltage, into a matching load. By stacking n Blumlein lines one can multiply in theory by n the input dc voltage charging amplitude. In order to understand the operating behavior of this electromagnetic system and to further optimize its operation it is fundamental to theoretically model it, that is to calculate the voltage amplitudes at each circuit point and the time instant that happens. In order to do this, one needs to define the reflection and transmission coefficients where impedance discontinuity occurs. The experimental results of a fast solid-state switch, which discharges a three stage Blumlein stack, will be compared with theoretical ones.
Characteristics of tunable wavelength filters based on a-SiC:H multi-layered stacked cells are studied both theoretically and experimentally. Results show that the light-activated photonic device combines the demultiplexing operation with the simultaneous photodetection and self amplification of an optical signal. The sensor is a bias wavelength current-controlled device that make use of changes in the wavelength of the background to control the power delivered to the load, acting a photonic active filter. Its gain depends on the background wavelength that controls the electrical field profile across the device.
Characteristics of tunable wavelength pi'n/pin filters based on a-SiC:H multilayered stacked cells are studied both experimental and theoretically. Results show that the device combines the demultiplexing operation with the simultaneous photodetection and self amplification of the signal. An algorithm to decode the multiplex signal is established. A capacitive active band-pass filter model is presented and supported by an electrical simulation of the state variable filter circuit. Experimental and simulated results show that the device acts as a state variable filter. It combines the properties of active high-pass and low-pass filter sections into a capacitive active band-pass filter using a changing photo capacitance to control the power delivered to the load.
This article reports on the structural, electronic, and optical properties of boron-doped hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si: H) thin films. The films were deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) at a substrate temperature of 150 degrees C. Crystalline volume fraction and dark conductivity of the films were determined as a function of trimethylboron-to-silane flow ratio. Optical constants of doped and undoped nc-Si: H were obtained from transmission and reflection spectra. By employing p(+) nc-Si: H as a window layer combined with a p' a-SiC buffer layer, a-Si: H-based p-p'-i-n solar cells on ZnO:Al-coated glass substrates were fabricated. Device characteristics were obtained from current-voltage and spectral-response measurements. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Optical colour sensors based on multilayered a-SiC:H heterostructures can act as voltage controlled optical filters in the visible range. In this article we investigate the application of these structures for Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) detection, The characteristics of a-SiC:H multilayered structure are studied both theoretically and experimentally in several wavelengths corresponding to different fluorophores. The tunable optical p-i'(a-SiC:H)-n/p-i(a-Si:H)-n heterostructures were produced by PECVD and tested for a proper fine tuning in the violet, cyan and yellow wavelengths. The devices were characterized through transmittance and spectral response measurements, under different electrical bias and frequencies. Violet, cyan and yellow signals were applied in simultaneous and results have shown that they can be recovered under suitable applied bias. A theoretical analysis supported by numerical simulation is presented.
Ao longo deste trabalho é apresentada a caracterização optoelectrónica de uma estrutura semicondutora empilhada de fotodíodos PIN (Positive-Intrinsic-Negative), baseados em silício amorfo hidrogenado (a-Si:H - Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon) e siliceto de carbono amorfo hi-drogenado (a-SiC:H - Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Carbide), em que ambos funcionam como filtros ópticos na zona visível do espectro electromagnético e cuja sensibilidade espectral na região do visível é modulada pelo sinal de tensão eléctrico aplicado e pela presença de polarização óptica adicional (radiação de fundo). Pretende-se utilizar a característica de sensor de cor destes dispositivos semicondutores para realizar a demultiplexagem de sinais ópticos e desenvolver um algoritmo que permita fazer o reco-nhecimento autónomo do sinal transmitido em cada canal, tendo em vista a utilização de vários ca-nais para a transmissão de sinais a curta distância. A transmissão destes sinais deverá ser suportada no meio de transmissão fibra óptica, que constituirá uma importante mais-valia na optimização do sistema WDM (Wavelength Division Mul-tiplexing), permitindo optimizar a transmissão de sinais. Pelas suas capacidades intrínsecas, as fi-bras ópticas de plástico (POF - Plastic Optical Fibers) são uma solução adequada para a transmis-são de sinais no domínio visível do espectro electromagnético a curtas distâncias. Foi realizada uma sucinta caracterização optoelectrónica da estrutura semicondutora sob diferentes condições de iluminação, variando o comprimento de onda e a iluminação de fundo que influencia a resposta espectral do dispositivo semicondutor, variando as cores dos fundos inciden-tes, variando o lado incidente do fundo sobre a estrutura semicondutora, variando a intensidade des-ses mesmos fundos incidentes e também variando a frequência do sinal de dados. Para a transmissão dos sinais de dados foram utilizados três dispositivos LED (Light-Emitting Diode) com as cores vermelho (626nm), verde (525nm) e azul (470nm) a emitir os respec-tivos sinais de dados sobre a estrutura semicondutora e onde foram aplicadas diversas configurações de radiação de fundo incidente, variando as cores dos fundos incidentes, variando o lado incidente do fundo sobre a estrutura semicondutora e variando também a intensidade desses mesmos fundos incidentes. Com base nos resultados obtidos ao longo deste trabalho, foi possível aferir sobre a influên-cia da presença da radiação de fundo aplicada ao dispositivo, usando diferentes sequências de dados transmitidos nos vários canais. Sob polarização inversa, e com a aplicação de um fundo incidente no lado frontal da estrutura semicondutora os valores de fotocorrente gerada são amplificados face aos valores no escuro, sendo que os valores mais altos foram encontrados com a aplicação do fundo de cor violeta, contribuindo para tal, o facto do sinal do canal vermelho e canal verde serem bastan-te amplificados com a aplicação deste fundo. Por outro lado, com a aplicação dos fundos incidentes no lado posterior da estrutura semi-condutora, o sinal gerado não é amplificado com nenhuma cor, no entanto, a aplicação do fundo de cor azul proporciona a distinção do sinal proveniente do canal azul e do canal vermelho, sendo que quando está presente um sinal do canal vermelho, o sinal é fortemente atenuado e com a presença do sinal do canal azul o sinal gerado aproxima-se mais do valor de fotocorrente gerada com a estru-tura no escuro. O algoritmo implementado ao longo deste trabalho, permite efectuar o reconhecimento au-tónomo da informação transmitida por cada canal através da leitura do sinal da fotocorrente forne-cida pelo dispositivo quando sujeito a uma radiação de fundo incidente violeta no lado frontal e uma radiação de fundo incidente azul no lado posterior. Este algoritmo para a descodificação dos sinais WDM utiliza uma aplicação gráfica desenvolvida em Matlab que com base em cálculos e compara-ções de sinal permite determinar a sequência de sinal dos três canais ópticos incidentes. O trabalho proposto nesta tese é um módulo que se enquadra no desenvolvimento de um sistema integrado de comunicação óptica a curta distância, que tem sido alvo de estudo e que resulta das conclusões de trabalhos anteriores, em que este dispositivo e outros de configuração idêntica foram analisados, de forma a explorar a sua utilização na implementação da tecnologia WDM den-tro do domínio do espectro visível e utilizando as POF como meio de transmissão.
A rede móvel Long Term Evolution (LTE) é uma tecnologia que está a ser fortemente implementada, não só em Portugal mas no resto do mundo. A adoção do LTE deve-se em grande parte à maior capacidade e à baixa latência oferecidas, para além de ser expansível ao LTE-Advanced. O trabalho apresentado tem por objetivo a análise do desempenho de uma rede LTE piloto e comparar os resultados com o teoricamente expectável. Foi adotada uma metodologia de planeamento em LTE e comprovada através das medidas empíricas realizadas. Dessas medições são também sugeridos dois novos modelos de propagação para LTE nos 2,6 GHz. Para distâncias inferiores a 1 km sugere-se o modelo LTE-PL. Para distâncias superiores a 1 km foi feita uma adaptação ao modelo Okumura-Hata para que se aproximasse aos resultados obtidos. Das medições efetuadas observou-se que em boas condições rádio, os débitos bináriossão bastante próximos dos máximos teóricos. Além disso foi obtido o desvio padrão em LTE de uma área Urbano Denso de 12 dB. Foi ainda possível definir uma margem para as perdas de penetração in-car de 2,7 dB. Efetuou-se uma análise de vários Key Performance Indicators que permitem avaliar o desempenho do LTE, tendo também sido definidas categorias de qualidade de serviço. Por último foi avaliado o impacto da velocidade e da distância, pelas medidas realizadas.