513 resultados para Alloy Steel


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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En los últimos años, y asociado al desarrollo de la tecnología MEMS, la técnica de indentación instrumentada se ha convertido en un método de ensayo no destructivo ampliamente utilizado para hallar las características elástico-plásticas de recubrimientos y capas delgadas, desde la escala macroscópica a la microscópica. Sin embargo, debido al complejo mecanismo de contacto debajo de la indentación, es urgente proponer un método más simple y conveniente para obtener unos resultados comparables con otras mediciones tradicionales. En este estudio, el objetivo es mejorar el procedimiento analítico para extraer las propiedades elástico-plásticas del material mediante la técnica de indentación instrumentada. La primera parte se centra en la metodología llevada a cabo para medir las propiedades elásticas de los materiales elásticos, presentándose una nueva metodología de indentación, basada en la evolución de la rigidez de contacto y en la curva fuerza-desplazamiento del ensayo de indentación. El método propuesto permite discriminar los valores de indentación experimental que pudieran estar afectados por el redondeo de la punta del indentador. Además, esta técnica parece ser robusta y permite obtener valores fiables del modulo elástico. La segunda parte se centra en el proceso analítico para determinar la curva tensión-deformación a partir del ensayo de indentación, empleando un indentador esférico. Para poder asemejar la curva tension-deformación de indentación con la que se obtendría de un ensayo de tracción, Tabor determinó empíricamente un factor de constricción de la tensión () y un factor de constricción de la deformación (). Sin embargo, la elección del valor de y  necesitan una derivación analítica. Se describió analíticamente una nueva visión de la relación entre los factores de constricción de tensión y la deformación basado en la deducción de la ecuación de Tabor. Un modelo de elementos finitos y un diseño experimental se realizan para evaluar estos factores de constricción. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, las curvas tension-deformación extraidas de los ensayos de indentación esférica, afectadas por los correspondientes factores de constricción de tension y deformación, se ajustaron a la curva nominal tensión-deformación obtenida de ensayos de tracción convencionales. En la última parte, se estudian las propiedades del revestimiento de cermet Inconel 625-Cr3C2 que es depositado en el medio de una aleación de acero mediante un láser. Las propiedades mecánicas de la matriz de cermet son estudiadas mediante la técnica de indentación instrumentada, haciendo uso de las metodologías propuestas en el presente trabajo. In recent years, along with the development of MEMS technology, instrumented indentation, as one type of a non-destructive measurement technique, is widely used to characterize the elastic and plastic properties of metallic materials from the macro to the micro scale. However, due to the complex contact mechanisms under the indentation tip, it is necessary to propose a more convenient and simple method of instrumented indention to obtain comparable results from other conventional measurements. In this study, the aim is to improve the analytical procedure for extracting the elastic plastic properties of metallic materials by instrumented indentation. The first part focuses on the methodology for measuring the elastic properties of metallic materials. An alternative instrumented indentation methodology is presented. Based on the evolution of the contact stiffness and indentation load versus the depth of penetration, the possibility of obtaining the actual elastic modulus of an elastic-plastic bulk material through instrumented sharp indentation tests has been explored. The proposed methodology allows correcting the effect of the rounding of the indenter tip on the experimental indentation data. Additionally, this technique does not seem too sensitive to the pile-up phenomenon and allows obtaining convincing values of the elastic modulus. In the second part, an analytical procedure is proposed to determine the representative stress-strain curve from the spherical indentation. Tabor has determined the stress constraint factor (stress CF), and strain constraint factor (strain CF), empirically but the choice of a value for and is debatable and lacks analytical derivation. A new insight into the relationship between stress and strain constraint factors is analytically described based on the formulation of Tabor’s equation. Finite element model and experimental tests have been carried out to evaluate these constraint factors. From the results, representative stress-strain curves using the proposed strain constraint factor fit better with the nominal stress-strain curve than those using Tabor’s constraint factors. In the last part, the mechanical properties of an Inconel 625-Cr3C2 cermet coating which is deposited onto a medium alloy steel by laser cladding has been studied. The elastic and plastic mechanical properties of the cermet matrix are studied using depth-sensing indentation (DSI) on the micro scale.


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Com o decorrer dos anos o consumo de petróleo e seus derivados aumentou significativamente e com isso houve a necessidade de se investir em pesquisas para descobertas de novas jazidas de petróleo como o pré-sal. Porém, não apenas a localização dessas jazidas deve ser estudada, mas, também, sua forma de exploração. Essa exploração e extração, na maioria das vezes, se dão em ambientes altamente corrosivos e o transporte do produto extraído é realizado através de tubulações de aço de alta resistência e baixa liga (ARBL). Aços ARBL expostos a ambientes contendo H2S e CO2 (sour gas) sofrem corrosão generalizada que promovem a entrada de hidrogênio atômico no metal, podendo diminuir sua tenacidade e causar falha induzida pela presença de hidrogênio (Hydrogen Induced Cracking HIC), gerando falhas graves no material. Tais falhas podem ser desastrosas para o meio ambiente e para a sociedade. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a tenacidade, utilizando ensaio Charpy, de um tubo API 5L X65 sour após diferentes tempos de imersão em uma solução saturada com H2S. O eletrólito empregado foi a solução A (ácido acético contendo cloreto de sódio) da norma NACE TM0284 (2011), fazendo-se desaeração com injeção de N2, seguida de injeções de H2S. Os materiais foram submetidos a: ensaios de resistência a HIC segundo a norma NACE TM0284 (2011) e exames em microscópio óptico e eletrônico de varredura para caracterização microestrutural, de inclusões e trincas. As amostras foram submetidas a imersão em solução A durante 96h e 360h, sendo que, após doze dias do término da imersão, foram realizados os ensaios Charpy e exames fractográficos. Foram aplicados dois métodos: o de energia absorvida e o da expansão lateral, conforme recomendações da norma ASTM E23 (2012). As curvas obtidas, em função da temperatura de impacto, foram ajustadas pelo método da tangente hiperbólica. Esses procedimentos foram realizados nas duas seções do tubo (transversal e longitudinal) e permitiram a obtenção dos seguintes parâmetros: energias absorvidas e expansão lateral nos patamares superior e inferior e temperaturas de transição dúctil-frágil (TTDF) em suas diferentes definições, ou seja, TTDFEA, TTDFEA-DN, TTDFEA-FN, TTDFEL, TTDFEL-DN e TTDFEL-FN (identificação no item Lista de Abreviaturas e Siglas). No exame fractográfico observou-se que o material comportou-se conforme o previsto, ou seja, em temperaturas mais altas ocorreu fratura dúctil, em temperaturas próximas a TTDF obteve-se fratura mista e nas temperaturas mais baixas observou-se o aparecimento de fratura frágil. Os resultados mostraram que quanto maior o tempo de imersão na solução A, menor é a energia absorvida e a expansão lateral no patamar superior, o que pode ser explicado pelo (esperado) aumento do teor de hidrogênio em solução sólida com o tempo de imersão. Por sua vez, os resultados mostraram que há tendência à diminuição da temperatura de transição dúctil-frágil com o aumento do tempo de imersão, particularmente, as TTDFEA-DN e TTDFEL-DN das duas seções do tubo (longitudinal e transversal). Esse comportamento controverso, que pode ser denominado de tenacificação com o decorrer do tempo de imersão na solução A, foi explicado pelo aparecimento de trincas secundárias durante o impacto (Charpy). Isso indica uma limitação do ensaio Charpy para a avaliação precisa de materiais hidrogenados.


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The thesis deals with a research programme in which the cutting performance of a new generation of ceramic cutting tool material is evaluated using the turning process. In part one, the performance of commercial Kyon 2000 sialon ceramic inserts is studied when machining a hardened alloy steel under a wide range of cutting conditions. The aim is to formulate a pattern of machining behaviour in which tool wear is related to a theoretical interpretation of the temperatures and stresses generated by the chip-tool interaction. The work involves a correlation of wear measurement and metallographic examination of the wear area with the measurable cutting data. Four main tool failure modes are recognised: (a) flank and crater wear (b) grooving wear (c) deformation wear and (d) brittle failure Results indicate catastrophic edge breakdown under certain conditions. Accordingly in part two, the edge geometry is modified to give a double rake tool; a negative/positive combination. The results are reported for a range of workpiece materials under orthogonal cutting conditions. Significant improvements in the cutting performance are achieved. The improvements are explained by a study of process parameters; cutting forces, chip thickness ratio, chip contact length, temperature distribution, stress distribution and chip formation. In part three, improvements in tool performance are shown to arise when the edge chamfer on a single rake tool is modified. Under optimum edge chamfer conditions a substantial increase in tool life is obtained compared with the commercial cutting geometry.


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The creep rupture properties of cast ½Cr½Mo¼V and 1Cr1Mo¼V alloy steel used in the manufacture of power station steam generating plant. have been investigated. The effects of constraint and geometry on the creep rupture properties are also considered. The validity of various criteria controlling macroscopic creep crack growth in cast CrMoV alloys has been examined. It is found that neither the stress intensity factor nor reference stress correlate satisfactorily the creep crack growth rates at the test temperature of 550°C. Certain minimum displacements must be achieved for crack initiation and propagation. It is found that this displacement as measured by crack opening displacement or crack aspect ratio, is the same in both compact tension and centre-cracked panel geometries, is invariant with crack length and decreases with increasing constraint. The effect of constraint on creep crack growth rate in the two geometries is less conclusive. A new model describing creep crack growth in cast CrMoV alloy steels has been developed. The model is based on the results from a numerical finite element creep analysis of the relaxation and redistribution of stress ahead of an incubating creep crack . It is found that macroscopic creep crack growth in a material undergoing either plane stress or plane strain deformation can be described by a fracture stress which is based on the Von Mises equivalent stress. It has been shown that this model is capable of rationalising all of the experimental crack velocity data from the cast CrMoV alloys. The resultant degree of data correlation is far superior to that obtained when using the stress intensity factor or reference stress. A cumulative damage creep fracture model based upon the results from the numerical analysis has been developed. It is found that the model is capable of predicting the behaviour of propagating creep cracks in cast CrMoV alloys from smooth bar creep rupture data.


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Abstract A new LIBS quantitative analysis method based on analytical line adaptive selection and Relevance Vector Machine (RVM) regression model is proposed. First, a scheme of adaptively selecting analytical line is put forward in order to overcome the drawback of high dependency on a priori knowledge. The candidate analytical lines are automatically selected based on the built-in characteristics of spectral lines, such as spectral intensity, wavelength and width at half height. The analytical lines which will be used as input variables of regression model are determined adaptively according to the samples for both training and testing. Second, an LIBS quantitative analysis method based on RVM is presented. The intensities of analytical lines and the elemental concentrations of certified standard samples are used to train the RVM regression model. The predicted elemental concentration analysis results will be given with a form of confidence interval of probabilistic distribution, which is helpful for evaluating the uncertainness contained in the measured spectra. Chromium concentration analysis experiments of 23 certified standard high-alloy steel samples have been carried out. The multiple correlation coefficient of the prediction was up to 98.85%, and the average relative error of the prediction was 4.01%. The experiment results showed that the proposed LIBS quantitative analysis method achieved better prediction accuracy and better modeling robustness compared with the methods based on partial least squares regression, artificial neural network and standard support vector machine.


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The Tandem-GMAW method is the latest development as the consequences of improvements in the welding methods. The twin-wire and then the Tandem-method with the separate power sources has got a remarkable place in the welding of many types of materials with different joint types. The biggest advantage of Tandem welding method is the flexibility of choosing both the electrodes of different types from each other according to the type of the parent material. This is possible because of the feasibility of setting the separate welding parameters for both the wires. In this thesis work the effect of the variation in three parameters on the weld bead in Tandem-GMA welding method is studied. Theses three parameters are the wire feed rate in the slave wire, the wire feed rate in the master wire and the voltage difference in both the wires. The results are then compared to study the behaviour of the weld bead with the change in these parameters.


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Recovered substrates have been extensively used in the aerospace field. Cadmium electroplating has been widely applied to promote protective coatings in aeronautical components, resulting in excellent corrosion protection combined with a good performance in cyclic loading. Ecological considerations allied to the increasing demands for corrosion resistance have resulted in the search for possible alternatives. Zinc-nickel (Zn-Ni) alloys have received considerable interest recently, because these coatings show advantages such as a good resistance to white and red rust, high plating rates, and acceptance in the market. In this study, the effect of electroplated Zn-Ni coatings on AISI 4340 high-strength steel was analyzed for rotating bending fatigue strength, corrosion, and adhesion resistance. The compressive residual stress field was measured by x-ray diffraction prior to fatigue tests. Optical microscopy documented coating thickness, adhesion characteristics, and coverage extent for nearly all substrates. Fractured fatigue specimens were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Three different Zn-Ni coating thicknesses were tested, and comparisons with the rotating bending fatigue data from electroplated Cd specimens were performed. Experimental results differentiated the effects of the various coatings on the AISI 4340 steel behaviour when submitted to fatigue testing and the influence of coating thickness on the fatigue strength.


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Introduction: The purpose of this study was to use photoelastic analysis to compare the system of forces generated by retraction T-loop springs made with stainless steel and titanium-molybdenum alloy (TMA) (Ormco, Glendora, Calif) with photoelastic analysis. Methods: Three photoelastic models were used to evaluate retraction T-loop springs with the same preactivations in 2 groups. In group 1, the loop was constructed with a stainless steel wire, and 2 helicoids were incorporated on top of the T-loop; in group 2, it was made with TMA and no helicoids. Results: Upon using the qualitative analysis of the fringe order in the photoelastic model, it was observed that the magnitude of force generated by the springs in group 1 was significantly higher than that in group 2. However, both had symmetry for the active and reactive units related to the system of force. Conclusions: Both springs had the same mechanical characteristics. TMA springs showed lower force levels. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2011;140:e123-e128)


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It is well known that fatigue behaviour is an important parameter to be considered in mechanical components subjected to constant and variable amplitude loadings. In combination with corrosion phenomenon, fatigue effects were responsible for proximally 64% of fails that occur in metallic parts of aeronautical accidents in the last 30 years. Recovered substrates have been extensively used in the aerospace field. Cadmium electroplating has been widely applied to promote protective coatings in aeronautical components, resulting in excellent corrosion protection combined with a good performance in cyclic loading. Ecological considerations allied to the increasing demands for corrosion resistance, resulted in the search for possible alternatives. Zinc-nickel alloys received considerable interest recently, since these coatings showed some advantages such as a good resistance to white and red rust, high plating rates and acceptation in the market. In this study the effects of zinc-nickel coatings electroplated on AISI 4340 high strength steel were analysed on rotating bending and axial fatigue strength, corrosion and adhesion resistance. Compressive residual stress field was measured by a X-ray tensometry prior to fatigue tests. Optical microscopy images showed coating thicknesses, adhesion and the existence of an uniform coverage of nearly all substrates. The fractured fatigue specimens were investigated using a scanning electron microscope. Three different zinc-nickel coating thicknesses were tested and comparison with rotating bending fatigue data from specimens cadmium electroplated and heat treated at 190°C for 3, 8 and 24 hours to avoid the diffusion of hydrogen in the substrate, was performed. Experimental results showed effect of coatings on the AISI 4340 steel behaviour when submitted to fatigue testing and the existence of coating thickness influence on the fatigue strength.


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Soldering reactions are commonly observed during high pressure die casting of aluminium alloys, and involve the formation and growth of interfacial intermetallics between the die and the cast alloy. It is generally believed that close to 1% Fe is necessary in the aluminium alloy to reduce soldering. However, the role of iron in the interfacial reaction has not been studied in detail. In this investigation, reaction couples were formed between H13 tool steel substrates and an Al-11Si-2.5Cu melt containing either 0.15 or 0.60% Fe. Examination revealed distinctly different intermetallic layer morphology. The overall growth and chemistry of the reaction layer and the reaction rate measured by the consumption of the substrate were compared for the two alloy melts. It was demonstrated that a higher iron content reduces the rate of interfacial reaction, consistent with an observed thicker compact ( solid) intermetallic layer. Hence, the difference in reaction rate can be explained by a significant reduction in the diffusion flux due to a thicker compact layer. Finally, the mechanism of the growth of a thicker compact layer in the higher iron melt is proposed, based on the phase relations and diffusion both within and near the interfacial reaction zone. (C) 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers.