181 resultados para Alkenes.


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N-Tosyl-5,5-divinyloxazolidin-2-one undergoes a palladium-catalyzed decarboxylative cyclization across a range of electrophilic alkenes to give the corresponding pyrrolidine derivatives bearing two contiguous quaternary centres. Alkenes bearing two electron-withdrawing groups are required; pyrrolidines were not formed from mono-activated alkenes. Bulky, electron-rich phosphines promote pyrrolidine formation with less highly electrophilic, doubly activated alkenes, and a dramatic improvement is observed in the presence of iodide.


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The chemoenzymatic synthesis of a Lewis basic phosphine-phosphine oxide organocatalyst from a cis-dihydrodiol metabolite of bromobenzene proceeds via a palladium-catalysed carbon-phosphorus bond coupling and a novel room temperature Arbuzov [2,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement of an allylic diphenylphosphinite. Allylation of aromatic aldehydes were catalysed by the Lewis basic organocatalyst giving homoallylic alcohols in up to 57% ee. This compound also functioned as a ligand for rhodium-catalysed asymmetric hydrogenation of acetamidoacrylate giving reduction products with ee values of up to 84%.


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Iridium complexes with bidentate P,N ligands represent a class of catalysts that significantly expand the application range of asymmetric hydrogenation. New substrate classes, for which there have previously been no suitable catalysts, can now be efficiently hydrogenated in high conversion and enantioselectivity. These substrates are often of synthetic importance, thus iridium catalysis represents a significant advance in the field of asymmetric catalysis. Planar chiral ferrocenyl aminophosphine ligands in which both heteroatoms were directly bound to the cyclopentadienyl ring were prepared by BF3-activated lithiationsubstitution in the presence of a chiral diamine in 49-59% yield and 75-85% enantiomeric excess. Some of these ligands were recrystallized to enantiomeric purity via ammonium fluoroborate salt formation of the phosphine sulfide. A crystal structure of one of these compounds was obtained and features an intramolecular hydrogen bond between the nitrogen, hydrogen, and sulfur atoms. Neutralization, followed by desulfurization, provided the free ligands in enantiomeric purity. Iridium complexes with these ligands were formed via reaction with [Ir(COD)Clh followed by anion exchange with NaBArF. These complexes were successfully applied in homogeneous hydrogenation of several prochiral substrates, providing products in up to 92% enantiomeric excess. Variation of the dimethyl amino group to a pyrrolidine group had a negative effect on the selectivity of hydrogenation. Variation of the substituents on phosphorus to bulkier ortho-tolyl groups had a positive effect, while variation to the more electron rich dicyclohexyl phosphine had a negative effect on selectivity.


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La gran eficiència, selectivitat i les condicions suaus exhibides per les reaccions que tenen lloc al centre actiu de les metal·looxigenases són la font d'inspiració per la present dissertació. Amb l'objectiu de dissenyar catalitzadors d'oxidació eficients hem fet ús de dues estratègies: la primera consisteix en el disseny de complexos amb baix pes molecular inspirats en aspectes estructurals de la primera esfera de coordinació del centre metàl·lic d'enzims de ferro i de manganès. Aquests complexos s'han estudiat com a catalitzadors en l'oxidació selectiva d'alcans i d'alquens fent servir oxidants "verds" com ara l'H2O2. La segona estratègia està basada en l'ús de la química supramolecular per tal de desenvolupar estructures moleculars auto-acoblades amb la forma i les propietats químiques desitjades. Concretament, la construcció de nanocontenidors amb un catalitzador d'oxidació incrustat a la seva estructura ens permetria dur a terme reaccions més selectives, tal com passa en les reaccions catalitzades per enzims.


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We present updated structure-activity relations (SARs) for the prediction of rate coefficients for gas-phase reactions with alkenes of the major atmospheric oxidants NO3, OH and O-3. Such SARs provide one way of incorporating essential information about reactivity into atmospheric models. Rate coefficients obtained from correlations relating the logarithms of the rate coefficients to the energies of the highest occupied molecular orbitals (HOMOs) of the alkenes were used to refine the SARs. SARs have an advantage for the user over the direct application of the correlations in that knowledge of the structure of the alkene of interest is sufficient to estimate rate coefficients, and no quantum-mechanical calculations need to be performed. A comparison of the values predicted by the SARs with experimental data where they exist allowed us to assess the reliability of our method.


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Methods are developed for predicting rate coefficients for reactions of initiators of tropospheric oxidation with unsaturated compounds that are abundant in the atmosphere; prognostic tools of this kind are essential for atmospheric chemists and modellers. To pursue the aim of exploring such tools, the kinetics of reactions of NO3, OH and O-3 with a series of alkenes are examined for correlations relating the logarithms of the rate coefficients to the energies of the highest occupied molecular orbitals (HOMOs) of the alkenes. A comparison of the values predicted by the correlations with experimental data (where the latter exist) allowed us to assess the reliability of our method. We used a series of theoretical methods to calculate the HOMO energies, and found that higher computational effort improves the agreement of the predicted rate coefficients with experimental values, especially for reactions of NO3 with alkenes that possess vinyllic halogen substituents. As a consequence, it is expedient to suggest new correlations to replace those presented by us and others that were based on the lower level of theory. We propose the following correlations for the reactions of NO3, OH and O-3 with alkenes: ln(k(NO3)/cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1)) = 6.40(E-HOMO/eV) + 31.69, ln(k(OH)/cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1)) = 1.21 (E-HOMO/eV)-12.34 and ln(k(O3)/cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1)) = 3.28(E-HOMO/eV)-6.78. These new correlations have been developed using the larger experimental data sets now available, and the impact of the extended data on the quality of the correlations is examined in the paper. Atmospheric lifetimes have been calculated from both experimental and estimated rate coefficients to provide an overview of removal efficiencies for different classes of alkenes with respect to oxidative processes initiated by NO3, OH and O-3. A figure is presented to show the spatial scales over which alkenes may survive transport in competition with attack by NO3, OH and O-3. Removal by NO3 or OH is always more important than removal by O-3, and reactions with NO3 dominate for scales up to a few hundred metres.


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The kinetics of the reactions of the atoms O(P-3), S(P-3), Se(P-3), and Te((3)p) with a series of alkenes are examined for correlations relating the logarithms of the rate coefficients to the energies of the highest occupied molecular orbitals (HOMOs) of the alkenes. These correlations may be employed to predict rate coefficients from the calculated HOMO energy of any other alkene of interest. The rate coefficients obtained from the correlations were used to formulate structure-activity relations (SARs) for reactions of O((3)p), S(P-3), Se (P-3), and Te((3)p) with alkenes. A comparison of the values predicted by both the correlations and the SARs with experimental data where they exist allowed us to assess the reliability of our method. We demonstrate the applicability of perturbation frontier molecular orbital theory to gas-phase reactions of these atoms with alkenes. The correlations are apparently not applicable to reactions of C(P-3), Si(P-3), N(S-4), and Al(P-2) atoms with alkenes, a conclusion that could be explained in terms of a different mechanism for reaction of these atoms.


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The relative rate method has been used to measure the room-temperature rate constants for the gasphase reactions of ozone and NO3 with selected monoterpenes and cyclo-alkenes with structural similarities to monoterpenes. Measurements were carried out at 298 ! 2 K and 760 ! 10 Torr. The following rate constants (in units of 10"18 cm3 molecule"1 s"1) were obtained for the reaction with ozone: methyl cyclohexene (132 ! 17), terpinolene (1290 ! 360), ethylidene cyclohexane (223 ! 57), norbornene (860 ! 240), t-butyl isopropylidene cyclohexane (1500 ! 460), cyclopentene (543 ! 94), cyclohexene (81 ! 18), cyclooctene (451 ! 66), dicyclopentadiene (1460 ! 170) and a-pinene (107 ! 13). For the reaction with NO3 the rate constants obtained (in units of 10"12 cm3 molecule"1 s"1) were: methyl cyclohexene (7.92 ! 0.95), terpinolene (47.9 ! 4.0), ethylidene cyclohexane (4.30 ! 0.24), norbornene (0.266 ! 0.029), cyclohexene (0.540 ! 0.017), cyclooctene (0.513 ! 0.029), dicyclopentadiene (1.20 ! 0.10) and a-pinene (5.17 ! 0.62). Errors are quoted as the root mean square of the statistical error (95% con!dence) and the quoted error in the rate constant for the reference compound. Combining these results with previous studies, new recommendations for the rate constants are presented. Molecular orbital energies were calculated for each alkene and the kinetic data are discussed in terms of the deviation from the structureeactivity relationship obtained from the rate constants for a series of simple alkenes. Lifetimes with respect to key initiators of atmospheric oxidation have been calculated suggesting that the studied reactions play dominant roles in the night-time removal of these compounds from the atmosphere.


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A magnetically recoverable Pt(0) catalyst was prepared by in situ H(2) reduction of Pt(2+) species bound to an amino modified silica-coated magnetic nanoparticles. Compared to ordinary silica (maximum uptake Pt 0.03 wt%), the amino-functionalized silica surfaces were loaded with 1.95 wt% of metal. The supported Pt(0) nanoparticles exhibit high catalytic activity in the hydrogenation of alkenes and ketones under solventless mild reaction conditions. Partially hydrogenated products could also be isolated. The magnetic property of the catalyst grants a fast and efficient product isolation compared to traditional methods used in heterogeneous systems that generally make use of time- and solvent-consuming procedures. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ozone, first discovered in the mid 1800’s, is a triatomic allotrope of oxygen that is a powerful oxidant. For over a century, research has been conducted into the synthetic application and mechanism of reactions of ozone with organic compounds. One of the major areas of interest has been the ozonolysis of alkenes. The production of carbonyl compounds is the most common synthetic application of ozonolysis. The generally accepted mechanism developed by Rudolf Criegee for this reaction involves the 1,3-electrocyclic addition of ozone to the π bond of the alkene to form a 1,2,3-trioxolane or primary ozonide. The primary ozonide is unstable at temperatures above -100 °C and undergoes cycloreversion to produce the carbonyl oxide and carbonyl intermediates. These intermediates then recombine in another 1,3-electrocyclic addition step to form the 1,2,4-trioxolane or final ozonide. While the final ozonide is often isolable, most synthetic applications of ozonolysis require a subsequent reductive or oxidative step to form the desired carbonyl compound. During investigations into the nucleophilic trapping of the reactive carbonyl oxide, it was discovered that when amines were used as additives, an increased amount of reaction time was required in order to consume all of the starting material. Surprisingly, significant amounts of aldehydes and a suppression of ozonide formation also occurred which led to the discovery that amine N-oxides formed by the ozonation of the amine additives in the reaction were intercepting the carbonyl oxide. From the observed production of aldehydes, our proposed mechanism for the in situ reductive ozonolysis reaction with amine N-oxides involves the nucleophilic trapping of the carbonyl oxide intermediate to produce a zwitterionic adduct that fragments into 1O2, amine and the carbonyl thereby avoiding the formation of peroxidic intermediates. With the successful total syntheses of peroxyacarnoates A and D by Dr. Chunping Xu, the asymmetric total synthesis of peroxyplakorate A3 was investigated. The peroxyplakoric acids are cyclic peroxide natural products isolated from the Plakortis species of marine sponge that have been found to exhibit activity against malaria, cancer and fungi. Even though the peroxyplakorates differ from the peroxyacarnoates in the polyunsaturated tail and the head group, the lessons learned from the syntheses of the peroxyacarnoates have proven to be valuable in the asymmetric synthesis of peroxyplakorate A3. The challenges for the asymmetric synthesis of peroxyplakorate A3 include the stereospecific formation of the 3-methoxy-1,2-dioxane core with a propionate head group and the introduction of oxidation sensitive dienyl tail in the presence of a reduction sensitive 1,2-dioxane core. It was found that the stereochemistry of two of the chiral centers could be controlled by an anti-aldol reaction of a chiral propionate followed by the stereospecific intramolecular cyclization of a hydroperoxyacetal. The regioselective ozonolysis of a 1,2-disubstituted alkene in the presence of a terminal alkyne forms the required hydroperoxyacetal as a mixture of diastereomers. Finally, the dienyl tail is introduced by a hydrometallation/iodination of the alkyne to produce a vinyl iodide followed by a palladium catalyzed coupling reaction. While the coupling reaction was unsuccessful in these attempts, it is still believed that the intramolecular cyclization to introduce the 1,2-dioxane core could prove to be a general solution to many other cyclic peroxides natural products.