988 resultados para Aleph online guide


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Este libro ha sido editado y actualizado para satisfacer las necesidades del AQA examen de secundaria de la asignatura Información y Tecnología de la Comunicación proporcionando grandes oportunidades para el trabajo práctico. Los temas del libro son: los sistemas de ordenador, el sistema operativo, redes de comunicación y entretenimiento, el ciclo de vida de los sistemas, procesador de textos Word, presentación del software, diseño de la Web, software para audio y DVD, transfiriendo datos entre aplicaciones, hojas de cálculo, bases de datos, redes sociales y foros, cuestiones legales relacionadas con el uso de las nuevas tecnologías, un comportamiento responsable online.


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Background: Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have become commonplace in the e-learning landscape. Thousands of elderly learners are participating in courses offered by various institutions on a multitude of platforms in many different languages. However, there is very little research into understanding elderly learners in MOOCs. Objective: We aim to show that a considerable proportion of elderly learners are participating in MOOCs and that there is a lack of research in this area. We hope this assertion of the wide gap in research on elderly learners in MOOCs will pave the way for more research in this area. Methods: Pre-course survey data for 10 University of Reading courses on the FutureLearn platform were analyzed to show the level of participation of elderly learners in MOOCs. Two MOOC aggregator sites (Class Central and MOOC List) were consulted to gather data on MOOC offerings that include topics relating to aging. In parallel, a selected set of MOOC platform catalogues, along with a recently published review on health and medicine-related MOOCs, were searched to find courses relating to aging. A systematic literature search was then employed to identify research articles on elderly learners in MOOCs. Results: The 10 courses reviewed had a considerable proportion of elderly learners participating in them. For the over-66 age group, this varied from 0.5% (on the course “Managing people”) to 16.3% (on the course “Our changing climate”), while for the over-56 age group it ranged from 3.0% (on “A beginners guide to writing in English”) to 39.5% (on “Heart health”). Only six MOOCs were found to include topics related to aging: three were on the Coursera platform, two on the FutureLearn platform, and one on the Open2Study platform. Just three scholarly articles relating to MOOCs and elderly learners were retrieved from the literature search. Conclusions: This review presents evidence to suggest that elderly learners are already participating in MOOCs. Despite this, there has been very little research into their engagement with MOOCs. Similarly, there has been little research into exploiting the scope of MOOCs for delivering topics that would be of interest to elderly learners. We believe there is potential to use MOOCs as a way of tackling the issue of loneliness among older adults by engaging them as either resource personnel or learners.


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The variety of threats and vulnerabilities within the online business environment are dynamic and thus constantly changing in how they impinge upon online functionality, compromise organizational or customer information, contravene security implementations and thereby undermine online customer confidence. To nullify such threats, online security management must become proactive, by reviewing and continuously improving online security to strengthen the enterpriseis online security measures and policies, as modelled. The benchmarking process utilises a proposed benchmarking framework to guide both the development and application of security benchmarks created in the first instance, from recognized information technology (IT) and information security standards (ISS) and then their application to the online security measures and policies utilized within online business. Furthermore, the benchmarking framework incorporates a continuous improvement review process to address the relevance of benchmark development over time and the changes in threat focus.


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This research draws on recent studies of student time perception and use.
Case studies are used contrast the time use experiences of tertiary distance
education (on-line) students with tertiary students studying in traditional faceto-face classes with an online component. Previous studies and experience highlight a mismatch between the measurable and hence ”real” amount of time students spend at their computer and online, with the perceived” (and resented) time spent in online learning. This study uses investigates the recognition and application of factors affecting student perception of time spent in studying and learning online. It also compares the effectiveness of these factors when applied to distance education based wholly online classes, and face-to-face classes with an online component.
Some of the factors were measurably successful in reducing students’
perceptions of time “wasted” online, while others produced considerable
insight into face-to-face students perceptions of time used in study. The
factors included much greater focus on the person who was a student and
their expectations and time/life experiences while learning; the support and
use of alternative technologies such as mobile phones as learning and
communication too; a higher level of administrative and academic technical
support for the students; convergence of delivery methods; and strategic
involvement of teaching staff in design and delivery of learner management


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"A stowaway's guide to the Pacific" is an exploration of some of the great voyages of history, presented as an interactive documentary drama. Written and designed for children aged between 8 and 12 years old, the project has cleverly utilised the online environment to enable young audiences to engage with not only the drama's characters and their journey, but the various historical times to which they are transported.


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Australia's leading distance education provider, Deakin University, has a policy to ensure all graduates in most courses must successfully complete at least one wholly online unit. Historically, all distance education at Deakin University has been undertaken solely in print. Off-campus students normally receive a Set Text, a series of additional photocopied readings and a Study Guide providing assistance on how to navigate through each weekly topic. Some fully online units currently offered by the University replicate this approach, ever though a distinct pedagogy is needed to ensure wholly online units truly enhance student learning.

This paper outlines the approach we adopted in developing AIX 391 - Work Transitions in the 2Ist Century, a wholly online unit designed to improve the capacity of Arts and Education students to identify viable career paths after they have graduated, The paper outlines the unit's rationale and development over a two-year period in adopting a student-centred approach to enhance teaming outcomes, while exposing students to new and often challenging online technologies. The paper also highlights results from the Student Evaluation of Teaching and Learning surveys, which ranked the unit in the top 5% of all Arts and Education faculty units offered in Semester 2, 2008.


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This paper reports on Information Technology (IT) secondary school educators in Victoria and their involvement in an online community of practice. It examined the social effects of the online mailing list technology on their participation and factors that influenced their collaboration with other colleagues. In mapping these elements, the motivations of educators and the effects on online communities of practice can be distilled and then used to build and sustain other architectures of participation. It was found that mailing list subscribers seem to trade a currency of support, thoughts, ideas and answers, which helped them in their day-to-day teaching. Online communities of practice provide a convenient way to keep up professional networks while continuing to stay abreast with subject specific knowledge and skills. The findings of this case study may be generalised to other educational mailing lists to guide designers and managers and inspire educators to join and ultimately benefit from these text based online environments.


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In December 2009 the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) issued a discussion paper, ‘An Indicator Framework for Higher Education Performance Funding’, with the purpose of contributing to the development of indicators for guiding ‘compact’ negotiations between Australian universities and the government. The discussion paper makes it clear that ‘student experience’ will be an important part of the indicators and discusses the possibility that the Government will develop a new
questionnaire to investigate the engagement and satisfaction of students in their first year of study. This paper contributes ideas to assist the development of such an instrument, particularly for the measurement of student engagement. We discuss problems with the predictive validity of existing instruments and argue that predictive validity may be improved by a focus on highly engaging ‘flow-type’ activities. Specifically, we
investigate flow activities in the context of online learning. Our findings suggest that some of the current questions from the Australasian Survey of Student Engagement (AUSSE) do appear to capture flow activities. We also identify gaps in the AUSSE. Finally, we make recommendations about the inclusion of additional items that capture highly engaging, flow activities for either the AUSSE or the Government’s proposed new instrument.


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Surveys are mostly challenged by response rates. Among the various types of survey research, web-based (internet-based/electronic/online) surveys are commonly used for data collection for a geographically diverse population. In surveys with high/low response rates, non-response bias can be a major concern. While it is not always possible to measure the actual bias due to non-response there are different approaches and techniques that help to identify reasons of non-response bias. The aims of this paper are twofold. (1) To provide an appropriate, interesting and important non-response bias case study for future web-based surveys that will provide guidance to other Information Systems researchers. The case-study concerns an online-survey to evaluate a technology acceptance model for Unit Guide Information systems (UGIS). (2) To discuss how nonresponse bias in a web-based technology acceptance study of an information system (UGIS in this case) can be contained and managed.


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Anyone who has been paying attention to higher education this year will have heard of the MOOC – courses from prestigious universities offered for free online.


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Based on student evaluation of teaching (SET) ratings from 1,432 units of study over a period of a year, representing 74,490 individual sets of ratings, and including a significant number of units offered in wholly online mode, we confirm the significant influence of class size, year level, and discipline area on at least some SET ratings. We also find online mode of offer to significantly influence at least some SET ratings. We reveal both the statistical significance and effect sizes of these influences, and find that the magnitudes of the effect sizes of all factors are small, but potentially cumulative. We also show that the influence of online mode of offer is of the same magnitude as the other 3 factors. These results support and extend the rating interpretation guides (RIGs) model proposed by Neumann and colleagues, and we present a general method for the development of a RIGs system.


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 The project developed and disseminated, through a distributed leadership approach, an overall framework for the quality management of online learning environments (OLEs) in Australian higher education. The Six Elements of the Online Learning Environment (6EOLE) Quality Management Framework and its guidelines was constructed based on various data collection methods deployed in the project.

The 6EOLE Quality Management Framework, displayed on page six, and accompanying guidelines (i.e. An evidence-based approach to implementation, and A condensed guide) can be used to guide management action to assure and continuously improve the quality of an organisation’s OLE where environmental factors are relatively stable, at least for a period....

This report shows how the project’s objectives were achieved through the project approach and methodology, which in turn led to a set of project outcomes and key deliverables. Moreover, a consideration of these key outcomes and deliverables has led to the presentation of recommendations to the Office for Learning and Teaching and the higher education sector. We argue these recommendations are pertinent to the consideration of distributed leadership and the quality management of OLEs at any tertiary institution.


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The literature on medulloblastoma in adults is generally limited to case reports and retrospective series, and there is no accepted standard of care. The Cooperative Trials Group for Neuro-Oncology (COGNO) sought to determine the range and consistency of clinicians’ approaches to management as a basis for future trials. We aimed to identify current treatment strategies for adult medulloblastoma through an online survey launched at the 2012 Society of Neuro-Oncology meeting and by email invitation. Clinicians who had treated at least one adult patient with medulloblastoma, primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET), or pineoblastoma in the preceding year were asked about their most recent patient and invited to discuss their approach to a typical clinical scenario. Between November 2012 and January 2013, 45 clinicians (11 medical oncologists, 8 radiation oncologists, 5 pediatric oncologists, and 21 others) from Australia (24), United States (3), Europe (4) and other countries (14) completed the survey. Responding clinicians had treated 54 cases in the past 12 months. The most common histological type was medulloblastoma (64 %), then PNET (20 %). Most patients were male (68 %), and had high-risk disease (65 %). Complete surgical resection in 56 and 32 % had molecular testing. Radiotherapy was predominantly cranio-spinal (92 %) and given mostly post-resection (80 %). Combination chemotherapy was more common than single-agent chemotherapy. The choice of chemotherapy varied considerably. There is substantial variation in the treatment of adult medulloblastoma, most pronounced in the choice of chemotherapeutic agents, highlighting the need for further collaborative research to guide evidence-based treatment strategies.


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Crowdinvesting consiste na captação de recursos financeiros por empreendedores, por meio de uma plataforma online na internet, em que os investidores recebem em troca de seus aportes financeiros uma participação na empresa nascente investida. Trata-se de uma modalidade de financiamento peculiar, uma vez que usualmente realiza a oferta pública de valores mobiliários. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar elementos para se pensar na qualificação jurídica da plataforma online de crowdinvesting, a partir da descrição de suas atividades realizadas no âmbito da oferta pública de valores mobiliários. Para tanto, foi escolhida a plataforma online da Broota Brasil como objeto único de análise, pois é a empresa pioneira na atividade. Identificar os elementos que propiciam uma reflexão acerca da qualificação jurídica que a plataforma online de crowdinvesting é importante, pois permite a (i) reflexão acerca do seu possível tratamento jurídico; e (ii) verificar se há segurança jurídica nas atividades cursadas no âmbito da plataforma online. Para nortear o presente trabalho, foram eleitas duas hipóteses de pesquisa, considerando que a plataforma online consiste em um ambiente virtual que disponibiliza espaço para a realização de ofertas públicas de valores mobiliários, sendo reputada como (i) mercado de balcão organizado; ou (ii) mercado de balcão não organizado. Assim, é realizada a descrição das atividades da plataforma online da Broota Brasil no âmbito da realização de oferta pública de valores mobiliários. Após, com base na legislação e doutrina específica, foi efetuada a descrição das características que conceituam juridicamente as referidas hipóteses. Em seguida, foram identificadas se tais características estavam presentes nas atividades desenvolvidas pela plataforma online da Broota Brasil. Por fim, não sendo reveladas tais características, sugere-se uma agenda de pesquisa apontando as possíveis qualificações jurídicas da plataforma online, em razão de sua aproximação de empreendedores e investidores no âmbito do negócio jurídico de compra e venda de oferta pública de valores mobiliários.


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The integration of research in teaching practices assumes increasing importance and complexity in education. One aspect involved in this issue and poorly investigated is the training of teachers for the development of research linked with their practices. In this context, we present a training for research developed on a distance-learning course in the Science Teaching, which involves the design, implementation and analysis of didactic sequences: the Study Guide to the Initiation of the Term Paper (SGITP). Our research goal is to present a training proposal produced from the results collected from a survey of the literature of the area, and to investigate its application and its results in the teachers' continuing education program. Using data extracted from the production of students and tutors, we concluded that SGITP had a good acceptance among them and it was positively evaluated by teachers, in addition to promoting a greater understanding of research.