973 resultados para Alcohol oxidation


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The excited-state properties of trans-ReO2(py)4+ (ReO2+) in acetonitrile solution have been investigated. The excited-state absorption spectrum of ReO2+ is dominated by bleaching of the ground state MLCT and d-d systems. The reduction potential of ReO22+/+* is estimated from emission and electrochemical data to be -0.7 V (SSCE). The ReO2+ excited state efficiently reduces methylviologen and other pyridinium and olefin acceptors. The resulting Re(VI) species oxidizes secondary alcohols and silanes. Acetophenone is the product of sec-phenethyl alcohol oxidation.

The emission properties of ReO2+ in aqueous solutions of anionic and nonionic surfactants have been investigated. The emission and absorption maxima of ReO2+ are dependent on the water content of its environment. Emission lifetimes vary over four orders of magnitude upon shifting from aqueous to nonaqueous environments. The emission lifetime has a large (8.6) isotope effect (k(H2O)/k(D2O)) that reflects its sensitivity towards the environment. These properties have been used to develop a model for the interactions of ReO2+ with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). A hydrophobic ReO2+ derivative, ReO2(3-Ph-py)4+, has been used to probe micelles of nonionic surfactants, and these results are consistent with those obtained with SDS.

The emission properties of ReO2+ in Nafion perfluorosulfonated membranes have been investigated. Absorption and emission spectroscopy indicate that the interior of the membrane is quite polar, similar to ethylene glycol. Two well-resolved emission components show different lifetimes and different isotope effects, indicative of varying degrees of solvent accessibility. These components are taken as evidence for chemically distinct regions in the polymer film, assigned as the interfacial region and the ion cluster region.

The unsubstituted pyridine complex shows monophasic, τ = 1.7 µs, emission decay when bound to calf thymus DNA. Switching to the 3-Ph-py complex yields a biphasic emission decay (τ1 = 2.4 µs, τ2 = 10 µs) indicative of an additional, solvent-inaccessible binding mode. Photoinduced electron transfer to methylviologen leads to oxidative cleavage of the DNA as detected by gel electrophoresis. Electrochemical and spectrophotometric techniques used with organic substrates also can be used to monitor the oxidation of DNA. Abstraction of the ribose 4' hydrogen by ReO22+ is a possible mechanism.


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Although many gold heterogeneous catalysts have been shown to exhibit significant activity and high selectivity for a wide range of reactions in both the liquid and gas phases, they are prone to irreversible deactivation. This is often associated with sintering or loss of the interaction of the gold with the support. Herein, we report on the use of methyl iodide as a method of dispersing gold nanoparticles supported on silica, titania, and alumina supports. In the case of titania- and alumina-based catalysts, the gold was transformed from nanometer particles into small clusters and some atomically dispersed gold. In contrast, although there was a drop in the gold particle size on the silica support following CH3I treatment, the size remained in the submicrometer range. The structural changes were correlated with changes in the selectivity and activity for ethanol dehydration and benzyl alcohol oxidation. From these observations, it is clear that this treatment provides a method by which deactivated gold catalysts can be reactivated via redispersion of the gold.


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O presente trabalho aborda a imobilização de vários complexos do tipo dioxomolibdénio(VI), dioxotungsténio(VI) e de cobre(II) em suportes do tipo hidróxidos duplos lamelares (LDHs). Numa primeira parte descrevem-se os suportes LDHs e a síntese e caracterização em solução e estado sólido de complexos catecolato cis-MoO2 e cis-WO2. Investigou-se depois a química de intercalação deste tipo de complexos, nomeadamente a influência dos LDHs percursores, temperatura de intercalação, excesso de anião e mudança de metal no complexo intercalado (M=Mo, W). De seguida foi estudada a imobilização de oxocomplexos de molibdénio(VI) num LDH com pilares de bipiridina dicarboxilato e procedeu-se à avaliação da sua aplicabilidade em reacções catalíticas de oxidação de álcoois e olefinas. Com o objectivo de desenvolver as aplicações dos LDHs com pilares foi estudada a imobilização de um complexo de cobre(II) neste material e avaliada a sua aplicação como catalizador na oxidação de substratos orgânicos.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A nickel modified boron doped diamond (Ni-BDD) electrode and nickel foil electrode were used in the determination of methanol in alkaline solutions. The Ni-BDD electrode was electrodeposited from a 1 mM Ni(NO(3))(2) solution (pH 5), followed by repeat cycling in KOH. Subsequent analysis utilised the Ni(OH)(2)/NiOOH redox couple to electrocatalyse the oxidation of methanol. Methanol was determined to limits of 0.3 mM with a sensitivity of 110 nA/mM at the Ni-BDD electrode. The foil electrode was less sensitive achieving a limit of 1.6 mM and sensitivity of 27 nA/mM. SEM analysis of the electrodes found the Ni-BDD to be modified by a quasi-random microparticle array.


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The oxidation of alcohols and olefins is a pivotal reaction in organic synthesis. However, traditional oxidants are toxic and they often release a considerable amounts of by-products. Here, two IronIII-based systems are shown as oxidative catalyst, working in mild conditions with hydrogen peroxide as primary oxidant. An efficient catalytic system for the selective oxidation of several alcohols to their corresponding aldehydes and ketones was developed and characterized, [Fe(phen)2Cl2]NO3 (phen=1,10-Phenantroline). It was demonstrated that the adoption of a buffered aqueous solution is of crucial importance to ensure both considerable activity and selectivity.The Iron - Thymine-1-acetic acid in-situ complex was studied as catalyst in alcohol oxidations and C-H oxidative functionalization, involving hydrogen peroxide as primary oxidant in mild reaction conditions. The catalytic ability in alcohol oxidations was investigated by Density Functional Theory calculations, however the catalyst still has uncertain structure. The system shows satisfactory activity in alcohol oxidation and aliphatic rings functionalization. The Fe-THA system was studied in cyclohexene oxidation and oxidative halogenations. Halide salts such as NBu4X and NH4X were introduced in the catalytic system as halogens source to obtain cyclohexene derivatives such as halohydrins, important synthetic intermediates.The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute in testing new catalytic systems for alcohol oxidations and C-H functionalization. In particular, most of the efforts in this work focus on studying the Iron - Thymine-1-acetic acid (THA) systems as non-heme oxidative model, which present: •an iron metal centre(s) as a coordinative active site, •hydrogen peroxide as a primary oxidant, •THA as an eco-friendly, biocompatible, low cost coordinating ligand.


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Nanopartículas bimetálicas de AuPd têm mostrado excelente atividade catalítica em reações de oxidação. O entendimento dos efeitos da variação da composição e morfologia das nanopartículas bimetálicas em suas propriedades catalíticas é fundamental para a preparação de catalisadores cada vez mais ativos e seletivos. Neste trabalho foram estudadas nanopartículas bimetálicas de AuPd de composição variável suportadas sobre um suporte constituído por nanopartículas de magnetita revestidas por sílica. O efeito da calcinação e da redução com hidrogênio sobre a morfologia e composição das nanopartículas bimetálicas foi acompanhado pelas técnicas de TEM, XEDS, XAS, XRD e XPS. A correlação entre estrutura, composição e atividade catalítica dos catalisadores preparados foi estudada pelo acompanhamento de reações de oxidação de monóxido de carbono e de oxidação de álcool benzílico. As amostras não calcinadas apresentaram segregação metálica em todas as composições estudadas. Após a etapa de calcinação, maior segregação metálica foi encontrada, com a formação de óxido de paládio na superfície das nanopartículas, exceto na amostra mais rica em ouro. O tratamento das amostras oxidadas com hidrogênio foi capaz de reduzir os metais oxidados na superfície das nanopartículas, mas um enriquecimento em paládio na superfície e maior segregação entre ouro e paládio foram observados. Uma melhora na atividade catalítica na oxidação de monóxido de carbono foi observada juntamente com um aumento na composição de paládio, além disso, observou-se uma maior atividade catalítica em relação às nanopartículas não calcinadas para as amostras calcinadas e reduzidas. Para a oxidação de álcool benzílico um aumento na atividade catalítica de até cinco vezes foi observado após a calcinação dos catalisadores, com maior atividade para a amostra de composição Au1Pd2. A queda na atividade catalítica após a redução dos catalisadores mostrou que a presença de óxido de paládio na superfície das nanopartículas é fundamental para que seja observada uma maior atividade catalítica.


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Metal–organic frameworks, or MOFs, have emerged as a new class of porous materials made by linking metal and organic units. The easy preparation, structural and functional tunability, ultrahigh porosity, and enormous surface areas of MOFs have led to them becoming one of the fastest growing fields in chemistry. MOFs have potential applications in numerous areas such as clean energy, adsorption and separation processes, biomedicine, and sensing. One of the most promising areas of research with MOFs is heterogeneous catalysis. This thesis describes the design and synthesis of new, carboxylate-based MOFs for use as catalysts. These materials have been characterized using diffraction, spectroscopy, adsorption, and imaging techniques. The thesis has focused on preparing highly-stable MOFs for catalysis, using post-synthetic methods to modify the properties of these crystals, and applying a combination of characterization techniques to probe these complex materials. In the first part of this thesis, several new vanadium MOFs have been presented. The synthesis of MIL-88B(V), MIL-101(V), and MIL-47 were studied using ex situ techniques to gain insight into the synthesis–structure relationships. The properties of these materials have also been studied. In the second part, the use of MOFs as supports for metallic nanoparticles has been investigated. These materials, Pd@MIL-101–NH2(Cr) and Pd@MIL-88B–NH2(Cr), were used as catalysts for Suzuki–Miyaura and oxidation reactions, respectively. The effect of the base on the catalytic activity, crystallinity, porosity, and palladium distribution of Pd@MIL-101–NH2(Cr) was studied. In the final part, the introduction of transition-metal complexes into MOFs through different synthesis routes has been described. A ruthenium complex was grafted onto an aluminium MOF, MOF-253, and an iridium metallolinker was introduced into a zirconium MOF, UiO-68–2CH3. These materials were used as catalysts for alcohol oxidation and allylic alcohol isomerization, respectively.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2015.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2015.


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It is very difficult to selectively oxidise stable compounds such as toluene and xylenes to useful chemicals with molecular oxygen (O 2) under moderate conditions. To achieve high conversion and less over-oxidised products, a new class of photocatalysts, metal hydroxide nanoparticles grafted with alcohols, is devised. They can efficiently oxidise alkyl aromatic compounds with O 2 using visible or ultraviolet light or even sunlight to generate the corresponding aldehydes, alcohols and acids at ambient temperatures and give very little over-oxidation. For example toluene can be oxidised with a 23% conversion after a 48-hour exposure to sunlight with 85% of the product being benzaldehyde, and only a trace of CO 2.The surface complexes grafted onto metal hydroxides can absorb light, generating free radicals on the surface, which then initiate aerobic oxidation of the stable alkyl aromatic molecules with high product selectivity. This mechanism is distinctly different from those of any known catalysts. The use of the new photocatalysts as a controlled means to generate surface radicals through light excitation allows us to drive the production of fine organic chemicals at ambient temperatures with sunlight. The process with the new photocatalysts is especially valuable for temperature-sensitive syntheses and a greener process than many conventional thermal reactions. © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Alloy nanoparticles (NPs) of gold and palladium on ZrO2 support (Au–Pd@ZrO2) were found to be highly active in oxidation of benzyl alcohols and can be used for the tandem synthesis of imines from benzyl alcohols and amines via a one-pot, two-step process at mild reaction conditions. The first step of the process is oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde, excellent yields were achieved after 7 h reaction at 40 °C without addition of any base. In the second step, aniline was introduced into the reaction system to produced N-benzylideneaniline. The benzaldehyde obtained in the first step was completely consumed within 1 h. A range of benzyl alcohols and amines were investigated for the general applicability of the Au–Pd alloy catalysts. It is found that the performance of the catalysts depends on the Au–Pd metal contents and composition. The optimal catalyst is 3.0 wt% Au–Pd@ZrO2 with a Au:Pd molar ratio 1:1. The alloy NP catalyst exhibited superior catalytic properties to pure AuNP or PdNP because the surface of alloy NPs has higher charge heterogeneity than that of pure metal NPs according to simulation of density function theory (DFT)