935 resultados para Al-Zn-Mg
L’alluminio, grazie alla sua bassa temperatura di fusione e all’elevata fluidità di molte leghe, è uno dei metalli più versatili in fonderia. Per ottenere il massimo delle proprietà resistenziali, le leghe che lo permettono sono sottoposte a trattamento termico. Questo, però, in componenti geometricamente complessi può far insorgere tensioni residue che inficeranno la resistenza del materiale durante la sua messa in esercizio. Gli obiettivi della presente ricerca sono stati: la valutazione dell’incidenza del mezzo temprante usato durante il trattamento termico sulle tensioni residue che si sviluppano nella lega AlSi7Mg e la definizione di come questo potesse essere modificato per ridurre le tensioni senza peggiorare le proprietà resistenziali del materiale. Per tale ragione sono state eseguite prove di trattamento termico, analisi microstrutturali e test di durezza su campioni estratti direttamente da getti colati in sabbia.
Analytical transmission electron microscopy indicates that liquid film migration occurs during sintering of an Al-Cu-Mg alloy, that intragranular liquid pools develop from migrating films and that iron segregates to these pools. It is suggested that a high localised iron concentration retards the liquid film migration rate by reducing the coherency strain in the retreating grain, causing a region of the film to detach from the boundary, thus forming an intragranular pool in the advancing grain. Alloys with low iron levels develop few intragranular pools and have high sintered densities. (C) 2003 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The age hardening response of a sintered Al-3.8 wt% Cu-1.0 wt% Mg-0.70 wt% Si alloy with and without 0.1 wt% Sn was investigated. The sequence of precipitation was characterised using transmission electron microscopy. The ageing response of the sintered Al-Cu-Mg-Si-(Sn) alloy is similar to that of cognate wrought 2xxx series alloys. Peak hardness was associated with a fine, uniform dispersion of lath shaped precipitates, believed to be either the betaor Q phase, oriented along < 010 >. directions and theta' plates lying on {001}(alpha). planes. Natural ageing also resulted in comparable behaviour to that observed in wrought alloys. Porosity in the powder metallurgy alloys did not significantly affect the kinetics of precipitation during artificial ageing. Trace levels of tin, used to aid sintering, slightly reduced the hardening response of the alloy. However, this was compensated for by significant improvements in density and hardness. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The economical and environmental effects of mass reduction through Al and Mg primary alloys substitutions for cast iron and steel in automotive components are discussed using MF. Ashby's penalty functions method The viability of Mg alloy substitutions for existing Al alloy cast components is also considered. The cost analysis shows that direct, equal-volume, Al alloy substitutions for cast iron and steel are the most feasible in terms of the CAFE liability, followed by substitutions involving flat panels of prescribed stiffness. When the creation of CO2 associated to the production of Al and Mg is considered, the potential gasoline savings over the lifespan of the car compensate for the intrinsic environmental burden of Al in all applications, while electrolytic Mg substitutions for cast iron and steel are feasible for equal volume and panels only. Magnesium produced by the Pidgeon thermal process appears to be too primary energy intensive to be competitive in structural applications. Magnesium substitutions for existing Al alloy beams and panels are generally unviable. The current higher recycling efficiency of Al casting alloys confers Al a significant advantage over Mg alloys.
The mechanism of sub-microscopic precipitation in an Al-Zn-Mg alloy selected for its maximum response to ageing has been studied by a standardized oxide-replica technique in a 100 kV. Philips Electron Microscope. Contrary to earlier conclusions, examination of the oxide replicas has been shown to reveal details of the precipitation process almost as clearly as the thin-foil transmission technique. The reported formation of spherical Guinier-Preston zones followed by the development of a Widmanstaetten pattern of precipitated platelets has been confirmed. The zones have, however, been shown to grow into the platelets and not to dissolve in the matrix as reported earlier. The precipitation process has been correlated with the Hardness/Ageing Time curve and the structure of the precipitates has also been discussed.
The effects of power-law plasticity (yield strength and strain hardening exponent) on the plastic strain distribution underneath a Vickers indenter was systematically investigated by recourse to three-dimensional finite element analysis, motivated by the experimental macro-and micro-indentation on heat-treated Al-Zn-Mg alloy. For meaningful comparison between simulated and experimental results, the experimental heat treatment was carefully designed such that Al alloy achieve similar yield strength with different strain hardening exponent, and vice versa. On the other hand, full 3D simulation of Vickers indentation was conducted to capture subsurface strain distribution. Subtle differences and similarities were discussed based on the strain field shape, size and magnitude for the isolated effect of yield strength and strain hardening exponent.
The current study describes the evolution of microstructure and texture in an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr-based 7010 aluminum alloy during different modes of hot cross-rolling. Processing of materials involves three different types of cross-rolling. The development of texture in the one-step cross-rolled specimen can be described by a typical beta-fiber having the maximum intensity near Copper (Cu) component. However, for the multi-step cross-rolled specimens, the as-rolled texture is mainly characterized by a strong rotated-Brass (Bs) component and a very weak rotated-cube component. Subsequent heat treatment leads to sharpening of the major texture component (i.e., rotated-Bs). Furthermore, the main texture components in all the specimens appear to be significantly rotated in a complex manner away from their ideal positions because of non-symmetric deformations in the two rolling directions. Detailed microstructural study indicates that dynamic recovery is the dominant restoration mechanism operating during the hot rolling. During subsequent heat treatment, static recovery dominates, while a combination of particle-stimulated nucleation (PSN) and strain-induced grain boundary migration (SIBM) causes partial recrystallization of the grain structure. The aforementioned restoration mechanisms play an important role in the development of texture components. The textural development in the current study could be attributed to the combined effects of (a) cross-rolling and inter-pass annealing that reduce the intensity of Cu component after each successive pass, (b) recrystallization resistance of Bs-oriented grains, (c) stability of Bs texture under cross-rolling, and (d) Zener pinning by Al3Zr dispersoids.
<正> 1.引言为了改善焊接残余应力的分布,国外已开始采用爆炸法调整内应力以代替花费昂贵的退火处理.焊接试件经过合理的爆炸处理,室温空气介质中10~6次疲劳持久强度有明显提高:18Ni马氏体时效钢提高40%;0.12%C、0.52%Mn、0.3%Mo钢提高50%;中强度Al-Zn-Mg合金提高20%.但是,实际构件中常存在裂纹样的宏观缺陷,为了进行损伤容限设计和安全寿命估算,必须了解爆炸处理对宏观缺陷有何影响?经处理后,自缺陷处开始疲劳裂纹扩展的门槛限以及裂纹扩展速率有什么变化?本文对上述问题进行了研究,并就爆炸处理提高疲劳性能的原因作了讨论. 2.疲劳试验及爆炸处理简介试验选用16Mn热轧正火钢板,板厚28mm,疲劳
稀土对铝及铝合金具有很多良好作用。根据国内外有关铝合金发展趋势的报道,铝合金向中强高工艺高强耐热、超塑、微量元素改善合金性能等方向发展稀土在这些方面对铝合金有着很好的作用效果。因此研制新型铝合金,研究稀土对铝合金组织和性能的影响及稀土作用机现,有着重要的意义。稀土在铝合金中的应用已经引起了国内外研究工作者的关注。近几年此方面研究尤为活跃。我国是一个稀土蕴藏量较大的国家,研究稀土在铝合金中的作用,可以更好地发挥我国的资源优势,对国民经济的发展将起着重要的作用。有关稀土在铝合金中的应用研究,国外开展的较早。我国始于七十年代。合金工作者对稀土在铝合金中的作用进行了大量的研究,确认了稀土可以改善铝合金的组织和性能,改善工艺性能,表面光泽性和耐腐蚀性但是,目前的研究还没有形成系统和全面的理论,由于研究条件和目的不同,很多的研究还处于实验室阶段,对某些问题还研究得不够深入,不够全面。如:1. 稀土对金属铝组织和性能影响;2. 稀土对铝合金枝晶组织细化作用和晶体结构影响;3. 稀土如何改善铝合金的加工工艺性能,提高铝合金的成品率;4. 稀土对提高合金沉淀硬化速度,使GD区快速析出,时效峰提前;5. 铝热还原法,较低温度下制取铝稀土合金,特别是重稀土合金;6. 稀土铝合金的加工硬化过程研究;7. 稀土在变形铝合金中的存在状态和分布规律;基于上述问题和国内对铝合金的需求,本文主要做了如下几个方面的工作:1. 研制了RE-Al-Mg-Si挤压型材合金,稀土是采用向工业电解槽中加入混合稀土化合物同铝一起共电沉积,制取稀土铝合金,然后配制成RE-Al-Mg-Si合金。对其组织,晶体结构,性能,沉淀硬化过程等进行了研究得出如下结论:①. 稀土可使Al-Mg-Si合金强度提高10-20%,硬度提高10%左右;②. 稀土可以改善Al-Mg-Si合金的加工性能,在挤压温度下具有较大的高温塑性。稀土可使铝镁硅合金晶粒细化,再结晶温度和过烧温度提高,允许在较宽温度范围内进行热处理;③. 稀土可使Al-Mg-Si合金表面致密,光亮,改善耐腐蚀性和光学特性;④. 稀土可使铝基体晶胞体积减小,晶胞体积的减小值和强度、硬度提高成很好的直线关系。首次提出稀土对铝合金的“晶胞收缩效应”;⑤. 稀土在铝镁硅合金中分布规律是晶内晶界都有稀土存在,晶界多于晶内。稀土和Si,Fe等共存于晶界。⑥. 稀土可促使GP区快速析出,弥散的第二相质点在位错线上析出,起着钉扎位错,增大位错密度的作用,因而时效硬度提高,时效峰提前;为短时高温时效提供了实验依据;2.研制了RE-Al-Zn-Mg中强合金。稀土的加入是采用对掺法,对合金的组织、性能,加式硬化过程,时效工艺及稀土分布规律进行了研究,得出如下结论:①. 稀土可改善合金加工性能,尤其是高温延伸率,当稀土为0.489%时达到750%,是未加稀土的合金两倍多。该合金具有超塑性。②. 铸态或变形后,稀土对组织都有细化作用;③. 该合金加工硬化过程具有三个阶段,经过线性回归处理成很好的直线关系。④. 稀土可使Al-Zn-Mg合金的时效峰提前约4小时;⑤. 稀土合金的新相在位错密度线上析出,阻碍位错移动,使严结构组织保持较大的位错密度,从而改善合金性能;⑥. 该合金具有满意的强度,可适合挤压,轧制等变形加工。3. 研究了稀土对金属铝组织和性能的影响。用铝热还原法制得Al-RE合金。实现了较低温度下重稀土化合物的铝热还原。采用电解复膜工艺,制得金相样品;使合金的细节组织清晰可见。研究了组织和性能,得出如下结论:①. 稀土对铝的细化作用,枝晶细化更明显,这主要是稀土在铝中的溶质再分配,造成了结晶前沿的过冷区,使铝晶粒以树枝状晶长大,由于稀土元素在铝中的溶质分配系数不同而表现在细化晶粒方面有一定的差异;②. 稀土在铝中主要分布在晶界和枝晶界,晶内也有稀土存在;③. 稀土可以提高纯铝的机械性能和高温塑性;④. 通过铝热还原,可在较低温度不制得Dy、Eu、Gd、Y等重稀土铝合金。
La corrosión bajo tensiones (SCC) es un problema de gran importancia en las aleaciones de aluminio de máxima resistencia (serie Al-Zn-Mg-Cu). La utilización de tratamientos térmicos sobremadurados, en particular el T73, ha conseguido prácticamente eliminar la susceptibilidad a corrosión bajo tensiones en dichas aleaciones pero a costa de reducir su resistencia mecánica. Desde entonces se ha tratado de optimizar simultáneamente ambos comportamientos, encontrándose para ello diversos inconvenientes entre los que destacan: la dificultad de medir experimentalmente el crecimiento de grieta por SCC, y el desconocimiento de las causas y el mecanismo por el cual se produce la SCC. Los objetivos de esta Tesis son mejorar el sistema de medición de grietas y profundizar en el conocimiento de la SCC, con el fin de obtener tratamientos térmicos que aúnen un óptimo comportamiento tanto en SCC como mecánico en las aleaciones de aluminio de máxima resistencia utilizadas en aeronáutica. Para conseguir los objetivos anteriormente descritos se han realizado unos cuarenta tratamientos térmicos diferentes, de los cuales la gran mayoría son nuevos, para profundizar en el conocimiento de la influencia de la microestructura (fundamentalmente, de los precipitados coherentes) en el comportamiento de las aleaciones Al-Zn-Mg-Cu, y estudiar la viabilidad de nuevos tratamientos apoyados en el conocimiento adquirido. Con el fin de obtener unos resultados aplicables a productos o semiproductos de aplicación aeronáutica, los tratamientos térmicos se han realizado a trozos grandes de una plancha de 30 mm de espesor de la aleación de aluminio 7475, muy utilizada en las estructuras aeronáuticas. Asimismo con el objeto de conseguir una mayor fiabilidad de los resultados obtenidos se han utilizado, normalmente, tres probetas de cada tratamiento para los diferentes ensayos realizados. Para la caracterización de dichos tratamientos se han utilizado diversas técnicas: medida de dureza y conductividad eléctrica, ensayos de tracción, calorimetría diferencial de barrido (DSC), metalografía, fractografía, microscopia electrónica de transmisión (MET) y de barrido (MEB), y ensayos de crecimiento de grieta en probeta DCB, que a su vez han permitido hacer una estimación del comportamiento en tenacidad del material. Las principales conclusiones del estudio realizado se pueden resumir en las siguientes: Se han diseñado y desarrollado nuevos métodos de medición de grieta basados en el empleo de la técnica de ultrasonidos, que permiten medir el crecimiento de grieta por corrosión bajo tensiones con la precisión y fiabilidad necesarias para valorar adecuadamente la susceptibilidad a corrosión bajo tensiones. La mejora de medida de la posición del frente de grieta ha dado lugar, entre otras cosas, a la definición de un nuevo ensayo a iniciación en probetas preagrietadas. Asimismo, se ha deducido una nueva ecuación que permite calcular el factor de intensidad de tensiones existente en punta de grieta en probetas DCB teniendo en cuenta la influencia de la desviación del plano de crecimiento de la grieta del plano medio de la probeta. Este aspecto ha sido determinante para poder explicar los resultados experimentales obtenidos ya que el crecimiento de la grieta por un plano paralelo al plano medio de la probeta DCB pero alejado de él reduce notablemente el factor de intensidades de tensiones que actúa en punta de grieta y modifica las condiciones reales del ensayo. Por otro lado, se han identificado los diferentes constituyentes de la microestructura de precipitación de todos los tratamientos térmicos estudiados y, en especial, se ha conseguido constatar (mediante MET y DSC) la existencia de zonas de Guinier-Preston del tipo GP(II) en la microestructura de numerosos tratamientos térmicos (no descrita en la bibliografía para las aleaciones del tipo de la estudiada) lo que ha permitido establecer una nueva interpretación de la evolución de la microestructura en los diferentes tratamientos. Al hilo de lo anterior, se han definido nuevas secuencias de precipitación para este tipo de aleaciones, que han permitido entender mejor la constitución de la microestructura y su relación con las propiedades en los diferentes tratamientos térmicos estudiados. De igual manera, se ha explicado el papel de los diferentes microconstituyentes en diversas propiedades mecánicas (propiedades a tracción, dureza y tenacidad KIa); en particular, el estudio realizado de la relación de la microestructura con la tenacidad KIa es inédito. Por otra parte, se ha correlacionado el comportamiento en corrosión bajo tensiones, tanto en la etapa de incubación de grieta como en la de propagación, con las características medidas de los diferentes constituyentes microestructurales de los tratamientos térmicos ensayados, tanto de interior como de límite de grano, habiéndose obtenido que la microestructura de interior de grano tiene una mayor influencia en el comportamiento en corrosión bajo tensiones que la de límite de grano. De forma especial, se ha establecido la importancia capital, y muy negativa, de la presencia en la microestructura de zonas de Guinier-Preston en el crecimiento de la grieta por corrosión bajo tensiones. Finalmente, como consecuencia de todo lo anterior, se ha propuesto un nuevo mecanismo por el que se produce la corrosión bajo tensiones en este tipo de aleaciones de aluminio, y que de forma muy resumida se puede concretar lo siguiente: la acumulación de hidrógeno (formado, básicamente, por un proceso corrosivo de disolución anódica) delante de la zonas GP (en especial, de las zonas GP(I)) próximas a la zona libre de precipitados que se desarrolla alrededor del límite de grano provoca enfragilización local y causa el rápido crecimiento de grieta característico de algunos tratamientos térmicos de este tipo de aleaciones. ABSTRACT The stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is a major problem in the aluminum alloys of high resistance (series Al-Zn-Mg-Cu). The use of overaged heat treatments, particularly T73 has achieved virtually eliminate the susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking in such alloys but at the expense of reducing its mechanical strength. Since then we have tried to simultaneously optimize both behaviors, several drawbacks found for it among them: the difficulty of measuring experimentally the SCC crack growth, and ignorance of the causes and the mechanism by which SCC occurs. The objectives of this thesis are to improve the measurement system of cracks and deeper understanding of the SCC, in order to obtain heat treatments that combine optimum performance in both SCC and maximum mechanical strength in aluminum alloys used in aerospace To achieve the above objectives have been made about forty different heat treatments, of which the vast majority are new, to deepen the understanding of the influence of microstructure (mainly of coherent precipitates) in the behavior of the alloys Al -Zn-Mg-Cu, and study the feasibility of new treatments supported by the knowledge gained. To obtain results for products or semi-finished aircraft application, heat treatments were performed at a large pieces plate 30 mm thick aluminum alloy 7475, widely used in aeronautical structures. Also in order to achieve greater reliability of the results obtained have been used, normally, three specimens of each treatment for various tests. For the characterization of these treatments have been used several techniques: measurement of hardness and electrical conductivity, tensile testing, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), metallography, fractography, transmission (TEM) and scanning (SEM) electron microscopy, and crack growth tests on DCB specimen, which in turn have allowed to estimate the behavior of the material in fracture toughness. The main conclusions of the study can be summarized as follows: We have designed and developed new methods for measuring crack based on the use of the ultrasound technique, for measuring the growth of stress corrosion cracks with the accuracy and reliability needed to adequately assess the susceptibility to stress corrosion. Improved position measurement of the crack front has resulted, among other things, the definition of a new initiation essay in pre cracked specimens. Also, it has been inferred a new equation to calculate the stress intensity factor in crack tip existing in DCB specimens considering the influence of the deviation of the plane of the crack growth of the medium plane of the specimen. This has been crucial to explain the experimental results obtained since the crack growth by a plane parallel to the medium plane of the DCB specimen but away from it greatly reduces the stress intensity factor acting on the crack tip and modifies the actual conditions of the essay. Furthermore, we have identified the various constituents of the precipitation microstructure of all heat treatments studied and, in particular note has been achieved (by TEM and DSC) the existence of the type GP (II) of Guinier-Preston zones in the microstructure of several heat treatments (not described in the literature for alloys of the type studied) making it possible to establish a new interpretation of the evolution of the microstructure in the different treatments. In line with the above, we have defined new precipitation sequences for these alloys, which have allowed a better understanding of the formation of the microstructure in relation to the properties of different heat treatments studied. Similarly, explained the role of different microconstituents in various mechanical properties (tensile properties, hardness and toughness KIa), in particular, the study of the relationship between the tenacity KIa microstructure is unpublished. Moreover, has been correlated to the stress corrosion behavior, both in the incubation step as the crack propagation, with the measured characteristics of the various microstructural constituents heat treatments tested, both interior and boundary grain, having obtained the internal microstructure of grain has a greater influence on the stress corrosion cracking behavior in the grain boundary. In a special way, has established the importance, and very negative, the presence in the microstructure of Guinier-Preston zones in crack growth by stress corrosion. Finally, following the above, we have proposed a new mechanism by which stress corrosion cracking occurs in this type of aluminum alloy, and, very briefly, one can specify the following: the accumulation of hydrogen (formed basically by a corrosive process of anodic dissolution) in front of the GP zones (especially the GP (I) zones) near the precipitates free zone that develops around grain boundary causes local embrittlement which characterizes rapid crack growth of some heat treatments such alloys.