1000 resultados para AkV-2279


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Corrosion inhibition by some new triazole derivatives on mild steel in 1 M hydrochloric acid solutions has been investigated by weight loss test, electrochemical measurement, scanning electronic microscope analysis and quantum chemical calculations. The results indicate that these compounds act as mixed-type inhibitors retarding the anodic and cathodic corrosion reactions and do not change the mechanism of either hydrogen evolution reaction or mild steel dissolution. The studied compounds following the Langmuir adsorption isotherm, and the thermodynamic parameters were determined and discussed. The effect of molecular structure on the inhibition efficiency has been investigated by ab initio quantum chemical calculations. The electronic properties such as highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) energy levels, energy gap (LUMO-HOMO), dipole moment and molecular orbital densities were calculated. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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本文介绍了一个用于实际的电视精密跟踪控制系统,该控制系统在外场跟踪飞行体时稳定可靠,跟踪精度为数角秒.文中论述了人参与的复合捕获控制系统,找到了该系统参数的设计准则,即在切换时要满足相对变化量Δ≤15%.其次,重点论述了三阶无静差电视精密跟踪控制系统的设计方法,即利用 Z 变换直接求解,使得系统满足最佳条件旬(?)_(max)/(?)K_i=0和(?)_(max)/(?)K_f~2>0,从而,使得该控制系统满足了高稳定度和高精度的技术指标,并在实际中获得了应用.


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本文采用离子交换色层法和扩散法进行水样硝酸盐δ15N分析预处理。采用的Dowex® 1-X8树脂对50mL浓度为500、1000、2000mg/L的硝酸盐溶液的吸附率均>99.9%,30mL 2mol/L KCl溶液对树脂柱长5cm的色层柱洗脱率>95%。该方法适用于在野外及时对样品进行初步处理,并可保存较长的时间而不影响分析结果。50℃对硝酸盐扩散10d,回收率>95%,且不会引起氮同位素分馏。


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The role of renewable energy in power systems is becoming more significant due to the increasing cost of fossil fuels and climate change concerns. However, the inclusion of Renewable Energy Generators (REG), such as wind power, has created additional problems for power system operators due to the variability and lower predictability of output of most REGs, with the Economic Dispatch (ED) problem being particularly difficult to resolve. In previous papers we had reported on the inclusion of wind power in the ED calculations. The simulation had been performed using a system model with wind power as an intermittent source, and the results of the simulation have been compared to that of the Direct Search Method (DSM) for similar cases. In this paper we report on our continuing investigations into using Genetic Algorithms (GA) for ED for an independent power system with a significant amount of wind energy in its generator portfolio. The results demonstrate, in line with previous reports in the literature, the effectiveness of GA when measured against a benchmark technique such as DSM.


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The effects of 8-OH-DPAT treatment on rat grooming behaviour, elicited either prandially or in response to spraying with water were investigated. Dose (0.1 mg/kg s.c.) response studies employed momentary time sampling over 30 or 60 min with behaviour being scored in one of 6 or 7 (depending on food availability) mutually exclusive categories (feeding, active, scratching, face-grooming, body grooming, genital-grooming and resting) at 15 s intervals. In non-deprived rats, tested with wet mash available, feeding and activity frequencies were increased, but resting and total grooming were inhibited by 8-OH-DPAT. Face-, body- and genital-grooming occurred at higher levels than scratching, but all categories were reduced with reductions in scratching occurring at a lower dose (0.01 mg/kg). Misting rats with a fine water spray selectively increased body grooming and decreased activity without altering feeding, while 8-OH-DPAT increased feeding and reduced face-, body- and genital-grooming, without affecting already low levels of scratching. In misted rats, tested without food, 8-OH-DPAT reduced face-, body- and genital-grooming and increased resting. These results confirm i) that the water spray technique is a useful method for increasing grooming and ii) that 8-OH-DPAT has a suppressant effect on grooming independent of response competition from enhanced feeding.


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The mechanism by which extracellular ADP ribose (ADPr) increases intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+](i)) remains unknown. We measured [Ca2+](i) changes in fura-2 loaded rat insulinoma INS-1E cells, and in primary beta-cells from rat and human. A phosphonate analogue of ADPr (PADPr) and 8-Bromo-ADPr (8Br-ADPr) were synthesized. ADPr increased [Ca2+](i) in the form of a peak followed by a plateau dependent on extracellular Ca2+. NAD(+), cADPr, PADPr, 8Br-ADPr or breakdown products of ADPr did not increase [Ca2+](i). The ADPr-induced [Ca2+](i) increase was not affected by inhibitors of TRPM2, but was abolished by thapsigargin and inhibited when phospholipase C and IP3 receptors were inhibited. MRS 2179 and MRS 2279, specific inhibitors of the purinergic receptor P2Y1, completely blocked the ADPrinduced [Ca2+](i) increase. ADPr increased [Ca2+](i) in transfected human astrocytoma cells (1321N1) that express human P2Y1 receptors, but not in untransfected astrocytoma cells. We conclude that ADPr is a specific agonist of P2Y1 receptors. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective To investigate the association between iron intake and iron status with Barrett's esophagus (BE) and esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC).


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To characterize the effects of endothelin (ET)-1 on the Ca2+-activated Cl- conductance of choroidal arteriolar smooth muscle.


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Using 1-(4-styryl)-3-(3-nitrophenyl)urea as host monomer for the imprinting of Z-(D or L)-Glu, a polymeric receptor exhibiting strong enantioselectivity and a change in color intensity upon binding of the guest was obtained.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the variations in induction and repair of DNA damage along the proton path, after a previous report on the increasing biological effectiveness along clinically modulated 60-MeV proton beams.

METHODS AND MATERIALS: Human skin fibroblast (AG01522) cells were irradiated along a monoenergetic and a modulated spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP) proton beam used for treating ocular melanoma at the Douglas Cyclotron, Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology, Wirral, Liverpool, United Kingdom. The DNA damage response was studied using the 53BP1 foci formation assay. The linear energy transfer (LET) dependence was studied by irradiating the cells at depths corresponding to entrance, proximal, middle, and distal positions of SOBP and the entrance and peak position for the pristine beam.

RESULTS: A significant amount of persistent foci was observed at the distal end of the SOBP, suggesting complex residual DNA double-strand break damage induction corresponding to the highest LET values achievable by modulated proton beams. Unlike the directly irradiated, medium-sharing bystander cells did not show any significant increase in residual foci.

CONCLUSIONS: The DNA damage response along the proton beam path was similar to the response of X rays, confirming the low-LET quality of the proton exposure. However, at the distal end of SOBP our data indicate an increased complexity of DNA lesions and slower repair kinetics. A lack of significant induction of 53BP1 foci in the bystander cells suggests a minor role of cell signaling for DNA damage under these conditions.


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Nesta comunicação apresentam-se os resultados do trabalho de campo realizado nas localidades de Dornes, Castanheira e Ilha do Lombo, situadas na margem da Albufeira da Barragem do Castelo de Bode. Pretendendo-se avaliar a possibilidade de analisar as novas procuras do rural, numa óptica do marketing territorial, a investigação realizada focou-se particularmente na necessidade de conhecer o perfil dos utilizadores do território escrutinando atitudes e percepções face ao consumo das amenidades rurais nele inventariadas. A partir da informação obtida pela aplicação de um inquérito aos utilizadores do território, discutem-se as diferenças evidenciadas que indiciaram uma associação entre grupos de amenidades rurais usufruídas com clusters de utilizadores dos territórios rurais. O principal desafio será o de proceder à integração dos diferentes elementos territoriais, reconhecendo eventuais vectores de valorização dos territórios rurais contribuindo, para que numa óptica de marketing territorial, se definam estratégias de intervenção da oferta territorial em favor do bem estar dos públicos-alvo seleccionados e do incremento da atractividade dos territórios rurais.