989 resultados para Air transportation
A aviação civil de transporte aéreo regular, em Portugal, emergiu por necessidade política do Estado Corres+pondendo à política colonial internacional. Se bem que tivessem surgido algumas companhias de aviação, anteriores ao serviço aéreo dos TAP, pertencente ao SAC, a maioria com capital estrangeiro, todas tiveram por objetivo a sustentabilidade as «subverções» do Governo português. Contudo, a emergência de portugueses como pioneiros e inventores da aviação acompanhou a história internacional, mas as ações tiveram um cariz individual e não empresarial. A construção da aviação com ligação às colónias impunha-se dentro da política internacional e a «linha aérea imperial», que fora uma proposta anterior à constituição dos TAP, apareceu por vontade do Governo estabelendo essa ligação aérea e terminando com alguma apetência estrangeira na sua exploração.
The topology of real-world complex networks, such as in transportation and communication, is always changing with time. Such changes can arise not only as a natural consequence of their growth, but also due to major modi. cations in their intrinsic organization. For instance, the network of transportation routes between cities and towns ( hence locations) of a given country undergo a major change with the progressive implementation of commercial air transportation. While the locations could be originally interconnected through highways ( paths, giving rise to geographical networks), transportation between those sites progressively shifted or was complemented by air transportation, with scale free characteristics. In the present work we introduce the path-star transformation ( in its uniform and preferential versions) as a means to model such network transformations where paths give rise to stars of connectivity. It is also shown, through optimal multivariate statistical methods (i.e. canonical projections and maximum likelihood classification) that while the US highways network adheres closely to a geographical network model, its path-star transformation yields a network whose topological properties closely resembles those of the respective airport transportation network.
Deviations from the average can provide valuable insights about the organization of natural systems. The present article extends this important principle to the systematic identification and analysis of singular motifs in complex networks. Six measurements quantifying different and complementary features of the connectivity around each node of a network were calculated, and multivariate statistical methods applied to identify singular nodes. The potential of the presented concepts and methodology was illustrated with respect to different types of complex real-world networks, namely the US air transportation network, the protein-protein interactions of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the Roget thesaurus networks. The obtained singular motifs possessed unique functional roles in the networks. Three classic theoretical network models were also investigated, with the Barabasi-Albert model resulting in singular motifs corresponding to hubs, confirming the potential of the approach. Interestingly, the number of different types of singular node motifs as well as the number of their instances were found to be considerably higher in the real-world networks than in any of the benchmark networks. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2009
The properties of complex networks are highly Influenced by border effects frequently found as a consequence of the finite nature of real-world networks as well as network Sampling Therefore, it becomes critical to devise effective means for sound estimation of net work topological and dynamical properties will le avoiding these types of artifacts. In the current work, an algorithm for minimization of border effects is proposed and discussed, and its potential IS Illustrated with respect to two real-world networks. namely bone canals and air transportation (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O presente tabalho apresenta um modelo destinado à análise do mercado doméstico de transporte aéreo de passageiros. O modelo analisado permite acompanhar as escolhas ótimas das companhias aéreas quanto ao número de vôos ofertados e passageiros transportados diante das alterações no valor das tarifas promovidas pelo reguldor, tanto em equilibrio competitvo quanto monopolista e, alternativamente, caso a indústria atue como um oligopólio. Neste último caso, o modelo analisado permite que o equilíbrio da indústria seja mensurado em conjunto com parâmetros conjecturais de comportamento das firmas.
Argumenta-se na contemporaneidade que o trabalho adquiriu a possibilidade de ser realizado “a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar” e que, particularmente, pode ser realizado em movimento, enquanto a pessoa que trabalha desloca-se de um lugar a outro. Este estudo investiga esse último, o trabalho móvel; em especial, aquele que envolve o uso de tecnologias de informação e comunicação e realizado enquanto a pessoa que trabalha desloca-se por meio do sistema de transporte aéreo. Este projeto explora, especificamente, o desempenho de espaço-tempos de trabalho em terminais de aeroportos e em aviões. Para tanto, adota a abordagem teórico-metodológica Teoria Ator-Rede que considera o social um movimento de associações entre elementos heterogêneos e os espaço-tempos, incluindo aqueles de trabalho, efeitos de modos como humanos e não humanos relacionam-se entre si. A estratégia metodológica envolveu uma combinação de observação de campo, auto-observação e entrevistas com pessoas que vivem a experiência do trabalho móvel. A coleta de dados compreendeu: (a) horas de observação de pessoas e situações, em alguns terminais de aeroportos no Brasil e em voos entre a cidade de São Paulo e outras capitais do país, e (b) entrevistas semiestruturadas com pessoas que, com certa frequência, deslocam-se para trabalhar por meio do sistema de transporte aéreo. Como resultado, este estudo contribui para as análises sobre o fenômeno do trabalho móvel, realizado em aeroportos e aviões, e destaca: os atores envolvidos, bem como os agentes que levam esses atores a agir; a quantidade de objetos ativos na manifestação do fenômeno; e as controvérsias envolvidas com o tema. Além disso, aponta elementos empíricos (i) que revelam lugares em que os fenômenos de trabalho móvel se manifestam esporadicamente, de modo disperso, como “bolhas”, e (ii) que se contrapõem à ideia que é possível trabalhar “a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar”. As contribuições deste estudo ecoam resultados de pesquisas desenvolvidas sobre trabalho móvel, assim como apresentam particularidades, como a metáfora da bolha, amplificações de aspectos pouco presentes nos textos sobre o tema e elementos peculiares do trabalho móvel investigado no espaço-tempo da pesquisa
This report analyses the coastal and human settlements, tourism and transport sectors in Barbados to assess the potential economic impact of climate change on the sectors. The fundamental aim of this report is to assist with the development of strategies to deal with the potential impact of climate change on Barbados. Some of the key anticipated manifestations of climate change for the Caribbean include elevated air and sea-surface temperatures, sea-level rise, possible changes in extreme events and a reduction in freshwater resources. The economic impact of climate change on the three sectors was estimated for the A2 and B2 IPCC scenarios until 2050 (tourism and transport sectors) and 2100 (coastal and human settlements sector). An exploration of various adaptation strategies was also undertaken for each sector using standard evaluation techniques. The analysis has shown that based upon exposed assets and population, SLR can be classified as having the potential to create potential catastrophe in Barbados. The main contributing factor is the concentration of socioeconomic infrastructure along the coastline in vulnerable areas. The A2 and B2 projections have indicated that the number of catastrophes that can be classified as great is likely to be increased for the country. This is based upon the possible effects of the projected unscheduled impacts to the economy both in terms of loss of life and economic infrastructure. These results arise from the A2 and B2 projections, thereby indicating that growth in numbers and losses are largely due to socioeconomic changes over the projection period and hence the need for increased adaptation strategies. A key adaptation measure recommended is for the government of Barbados to begin reducing the infrastructure deficit by continuously investing in protective infrastructure to decrease the country’s vulnerability to changes in the climate. With regard to the tourism sector, it was found that by combining the impacts due to a reduction in tourist arrivals, coral reef loss and SLR, estimated total economic impact of climate change is US $7,648 million (A2 scenario) and US $5,127 million (B2 scenario). An economic analysis of the benefits and costs of several adaptation options was undertaken to determine the cost effectiveness of each one and it was found that four (4) out of nine (9) options had high cost-benefit ratios. It is therefore recommended that the strategies that were most attractive in terms of the cost-benefit ratios be pursued first and these were: (1) enhanced reef monitoring systems to provide early warning alerts of bleaching events; (2) artificial reefs or fish-aggregating devices; (3) development of national adaptation plans (levee, sea wall and boardwalk); (4) revision of policies related to financing carbon neutral tourism; and (5) increasing recommended design wind speeds for new tourism-related structures. The total cost of climate change on international transportation in Barbados aggregated the impacts of changes in temperature and precipitation, new climate policies and SLR. The impact for air transportation ranges from US$10,727 million (B2 scenario) to US$12,279 million (A2 scenario) and for maritime transportation impact estimates range from US$1,992 million (B2 scenario) to US$2,606 million (A2 scenario). For international transportation as a whole, the impact of climate change varies from US$12,719 million under the B2 scenario to US$14,885 million under the A2 scenario. Barbados has the institutions set up to implement adaptive strategies to strengthen the resilience of the existing international transportation system to climate change impacts. Air and sea terminals and facilities can be made more robust, raised, or even relocated as need be, and where critical to safety and mobility, expanded redundant systems may be considered.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Knowing which individuals can be more efficient in spreading a pathogen throughout a determinate environment is a fundamental question in disease control. Indeed, over recent years the spread of epidemic diseases and its relationship with the topology of the involved system have been a recurrent topic in complex network theory, taking into account both network models and real-world data. In this paper we explore possible correlations between the heterogeneous spread of an epidemic disease governed by the susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) model, and several attributes of the originating vertices, considering Erdos-Renyi (ER), Barabasi-Albert (BA) and random geometric graphs (RGG), as well as a real case study, the US air transportation network, which comprises the 500 busiest airports in the US along with inter-connections. Initially, the heterogeneity of the spreading is achieved by considering the RGG networks, in which we analytically derive an expression for the distribution of the spreading rates among the established contacts, by assuming that such rates decay exponentially with the distance that separates the individuals. Such a distribution is also considered for the ER and BA models, where we observe topological effects on the correlations. In the case of the airport network, the spreading rates are empirically defined, assumed to be directly proportional to the seat availability. Among both the theoretical and real networks considered, we observe a high correlation between the total epidemic prevalence and the degree, as well as the strength and the accessibility of the epidemic sources. For attributes such as the betweenness centrality and the k-shell index, however, the correlation depends on the topology considered.
Geographic distance is a standard proxy for transport costs under the simple assumption that freight fees increase monotonically over space. Using the Japanese Census of Logistics, this paper examines the extent to which transport distance and time affect freight costs across shipping modes, commodity groups, and prefecture pairs. The results show substantial heterogeneity in transport costs and time across shipping modes. Consistent with an iceberg formulation of transport costs, distance has a significantly positive effect on freight costs by air transportation. However, I find the puzzling results that business enterprises are likely to pay more for short-distance shipments by truck, ship, and railroad transportation. As a plausible explanation, I discuss aggregation bias arising from freight-specific premiums for timely, frequent, and small-batch shipments.
Air transportation facilitates face-to-face interactions across borders for the spatial expansion of manufacturing production. I investigate the impact of international flights on FDI entry by Japanese firms. I find that FDI entry significantly increases with the weekly frequency of flights from Japan, and the positive impact increases with a proxy for an intensity of face-to-face communication between the parent firm and foreign affiliate. The results are robust to estimation methods, additional control variables, and definitions of face-to-face communication. Thus, the results suggest that flights encourage FDI entry through a reduction in face-to-face communication costs.
Personal aviation represented 9% of the aircraft movement in Europe in 2006, and it is expected to grow over the coming years. According to the European Personal Air Transportation System (EPATS) study, Spain, along with France and Italy, are the European countries with greater growth prospects. The objective of this paper is to present research results focused on the potential growth of the personal aviation market in Spain and its regions. The research is mainly based on the secondary data of a survey (Movilia) from the Spanish Ministry of Public Works and Transport.
In air transportation, airline profitability is influenced by the airline's ability to build flight schedules. In order to generate operational schedules, airlines engage in a complex decision-making process, referred to as airline schedule planning. Up to now, the generation of flight schedules has been separated and optimized sequentially. The schedule design has been traditionally decomposed into two sequential steps. The frequency planning and the timetable development. The purpose of the second problem of schedule development, fleet assignment, is to assign available aircraft types to flight legs such that seating capacity on an assigned aircraft matches closely with flight demand and such that costs are minimized. Our work integrates these planning phases into one single model in order to produce more economical solutions and create fewer incompatibilities between the decisions. We propose an integrated robust approach for the schedule development step. We design the timetable ensuring that enough time is available to perform passengers’ flight connections, making the system robust avoiding misconnected passengers. An application of the model for a simplified IBERIA network is shown.
Core competencies form the basis of an organization’s skills and the basic element of a successful strategic execution. Identifying and strengthening the core competencies enhances flexibility thereby strategically positioning a firm for responding to competition in the dynamic marketplace and can be the difference in quality among firms that follow the same business model. A correct understanding of the concept of business models, employing the right core competencies, organizing them effectively and building the business model around the competencies that are constantly gained and assimilated can result in enhanced business performance and thus having implications for firms that want to innovate their business models. Flexibility can be the firm’s agility to shift focus in response to external factors such as changing markets, new technologies or competition and a firm’s success can be gauged by the ability it displays in this transition. Although industry transformations generally emanate from technological changes, recent examples suggests they may also be due to the introduction of new business models and nowhere is it more relevant than in the airline industry. An analysis of the business model flexibility of 17 Airlines from Asia, Europe and Oceania, that is done with core competence as the indicator reveals a picture of inconsistencies in the core competence strategy of certain airlines and the corresponding reduction in business performance. The performance variations are explained from a service oriented core competence strategy employed by airlines that ultimately enables them in having a flexible business model that not only increases business performance but also helps in reducing the uncertainties in the internal and external operating environments. This is more relevant in the case of airline industry, as the product (the air transportation of passengers) minus the service competence is all the same.
We propose a new measure to characterize the dimension of complex networks based on the ergodic theory of dynamical systems. This measure is derived from the correlation sum of a trajectory generated by a random walker navigating the network, and extends the classical Grassberger-Procaccia algorithm to the context of complex networks. The method is validated with reliable results for both synthetic networks and real-world networks such as the world air-transportation network or urban networks, and provides a computationally fast way for estimating the dimensionality of networks which only relies on the local information provided by the walkers.