912 resultados para Aids to air navigation


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This qualitative descriptive study explores the lived experience for persons with a high cervical spinal cord injury who have Electronic Aids to Daily Living (EADLs), and for persons who have no EADLs. Fifteen people with cervical spinal cord injuries attended four focus groups. Data analysis uncovered a novel framework of several themes that were organised into three categories: experiences, desires and meanings of living with EADL. Users’ and non users’ groups revealed homogenous themes. Experiences and desires are explored further in this paper. Themes within the category of experiences included: EADL devices, supply support and training, abandonment, mouthsticks and powered wheelchairs. Desires included: simple stuff, reliability, aesthetics and voice activation. Findings offer valuable personal insights about life with EADL to be considered by all involved with EADL.


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1. Aerial rate of oxygen consumption by Mytilus edulis and M. galloprovincialis is 4–17% of the aquatic rate. 2. For Cardium edule and Modiolus demissus the aerial rate of oxygen uptake is between 28 and 78% of the aquatic rate. 3. These species differences are related to the degree of shell gape during air exposure. 4. All species show an apparent oxygen debt after exposure to air, the extent of which is not simply related to either the level of aerobic respiration or the degree of anaerobiosis during exposure. 5. Anaerobic end-products accumulate in the tissues of Mytilus during aerial exposure, but not in Cardium. 6. The relative energy yields by aerobic and anaerobic means in M. edulis are discussed.


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Volatile halogenated organic compounds containing bromine and iodine, which are naturally produced in the ocean, are involved in ozone depletion in both the troposphere and stratosphere. Three prominent compounds transporting large amounts of marine halogens into the atmosphere are bromoform (CHBr3), dibromomethane (CH2Br2) and methyl iodide (CH3I). The input of marine halogens to the stratosphere has been estimated from observations and modelling studies using low-resolution oceanic emission scenarios derived from top-down approaches. In order to improve emission inventory estimates, we calculate data-based high resolution global sea-to-air flux estimates of these compounds from surface observations within the HalOcAt (Halocarbons in the Ocean and Atmosphere) database (https://halocat.geomar.de/). Global maps of marine and atmospheric surface concentrations are derived from the data which are divided into coastal, shelf and open ocean regions. Considering physical and biogeochemical characteristics of ocean and atmosphere, the open ocean water and atmosphere data are classified into 21 regions. The available data are interpolated onto a 1 degrees x 1 degrees grid while missing grid values are interpolated with latitudinal and longitudinal dependent regression techniques reflecting the compounds' distributions. With the generated surface concentration climatologies for the ocean and atmosphere, global sea-to-air concentration gradients and sea-to-air fluxes are calculated. Based on these calculations we estimate a total global flux of 1.5/2.5 Gmol Br yr(-1) for CHBr3, 0.78/0.98 Gmol Br yr(-1) for CH2Br2 and 1.24/1.45 Gmol Br yr(-1) for CH3I (robust fit/ordinary least squares regression techniques). Contrary to recent studies, negative fluxes occur in each sea-to-air flux climatology, mainly in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. "Hot spots" for global polybromomethane emissions are located in the equatorial region, whereas methyl iodide emissions are enhanced in the subtropical gyre regions. Inter-annual and seasonal variation is contained within our flux calculations for all three compounds. Compared to earlier studies, our global fluxes are at the lower end of estimates, especially for bromoform. An under-representation of coastal emissions and of extreme events in our estimate might explain the mismatch between our bottom-up emission estimate and top-down approaches.


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In Portugal, it was estimated that around 1.95 Mton/year of wood is used in residential wood burning for heating and cooking. Additionally, in the last decades, burnt forest area has also been increasing. These combustions result in high levels of toxic air pollutants and a large perturbation of atmospheric chemistry, interfere with climate and have adverse effects on health. Accurate quantification of the amounts of trace gases and particulate matter emitted from residential wood burning, agriculture and garden waste burning and forest fires on a regional and global basis is essential for various purposes, including: the investigation of several atmospheric processes, the reporting of greenhouse gas emissions, and quantification of the air pollution sources that affect human health at regional scales. In Southern Europe, data on detailed emission factors from biomass burning are rather inexistent. Emission inventories and source apportionment, photochemical and climate change models use default values obtained for US and Northern Europe biofuels. Thus, it is desirable to use more specific locally available data. The objective of this study is to characterise and quantify the contribution of biomass combustion sources to atmospheric trace gases and aerosol concentrations more representative of the national reality. Laboratory (residential wood combustion) and field (agriculture/garden waste burning and experimental wildland fires) sampling experiments were carried out. In the laboratory, after the selection of the most representative wood species and combustion equipment in Portugal, a sampling program to determine gaseous and particulate matter emission rates was set up, including organic and inorganic aerosol composition. In the field, the smoke plumes from agriculture/garden waste and experimental wildland fires were sampled. The results of this study show that the combustion equipment and biofuel type used have an important role in the emission levels and composition. Significant differences between the use of traditional combustion equipment versus modern equipments were also observed. These differences are due to higher combustion efficiency of modern equipment, reflecting the smallest amount of particulate matter, organic carbon and carbon monoxide released. With regard to experimental wildland fires in shrub dominated areas, it was observed that the largest organic fraction in the samples studied was mainly composed by vegetation pyrolysis products. The major organic components in the smoke samples were pyrolysates of vegetation cuticles, mainly comprising steradienes and sterol derivatives, carbohydrates from the breakdown of cellulose, aliphatic lipids from vegetation waxes and methoxyphenols from the lignin thermal degradation. Despite being a banned practice in our country, agriculture/garden waste burning is actually quite common. To assess the particulate matter composition, the smoke from three different agriculture/garden residues have been sampled into 3 different size fractions (PM2.5, PM2.5-10 and PM>10). Despite distribution patterns of organic compounds in particulate matter varied among residues, the amounts of phenolics (polyphenol and guaiacyl derivatives) and organic acids were always predominant over other organic compounds in the organosoluble fraction of smoke. Among biomarkers, levoglucosan, β-sitosterol and phytol were detected in appreciable amounts in the smoke of all agriculture/garden residues. In addition, inositol may be considered as an eventual tracer for the smoke from potato haulm burning. It was shown that the prevailing ambient conditions (such as high humidity in the atmosphere) likely contributed to atmospheric processes (e.g. coagulation and hygroscopic growth), which influenced the particle size characteristics of the smoke tracers, shifting their distribution to larger diameters. An assessment of household biomass consumption was also made through a national scale survey. The information obtained with the survey combined with the databases on emission factors from the laboratory and field tests allowed us to estimate the pollutant amounts emitted in each Portuguese district. In addition to a likely contribution to the improvement of emission inventories, emission factors obtained for tracer compounds in this study can be applied in receptor models to assess the contribution of biomass burning to the levels of atmospheric aerosols and their constituents obtained in monitoring campaigns in Mediterranean Europe.


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We used the PCR to study the presence of two plant pathogens in archived wheat samples from a long-term experiment started in 1843. The data were used to construct a unique 160-yr time-series of the abundance of Phaeosphaeria nodorum and Mycosphaerella graminicola, two important pathogens of wheat. During the period since 1970, the relative abundance of DNA of these two pathogens in the samples has reflected the relative importance of the two wheat diseases they cause in U.K. disease surveys. Unexpectedly, changes in the ratio of the pathogens over the 160-yr period were very strongly correlated with changes in atmospheric pollution, as measured by SO2 emissions. This finding suggests that long-term, economically important, changes in pathogen populations can be influenced by anthropogenically induced environmental changes.