980 resultados para Agronomy and Crop Sciences


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Plant-parasitic nematodes are microscopic worms that feed on plants. Almost every nematode that feeds on corn is capable of feeding on many other plants. These nematode parasites are thought to be native to most Iowa soils and to have fed upon native plants before corn was grown as a cultivated crop. Population densities (numbers) of most species of plant-parasitic nematodes that feed on corn have to increase to damaging levels (called damage thresholds) before yield loss occurs. Products that are currently available to manage plant-parasitic nematodes on corn in the state include the soil-applied insecticide/nematicide Counter® and two relatively new protectant seed treatments, Avicta® and Votivo®. Counter® is a contact and systematic nematicide with the active ingredient terbufos. Avicta® is a contact nematicide (active ingredient abamectin) that moves on the surface of the root, and Votivo® is a special strain of the natural soil bacterium Bacillus firmus that grows on the root. Counter® is available from AMVAC, Avicta® from Syngenta Seedcare, and Votivo® from Bayer CropScience. The objective of this experiment was to assess and compare the nematode population densities and yields of corn growing in plots with and without the seed-treatment nematode protectants and the soil-applied nematicide Counter®.


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Two studies were conducted at the ISU Horticulture Station to evaluate potential limitations on yield and atmospheric nitrogen fixation by common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). This legume is a food staple for small landholder farm families worldwide. But it has a limited capacity for nitrogen fixation and often yields only a fraction of its genetic potential. In these studies, we examined the dependence of pod filling on current assimilate supply, as well as the potential to improve nitrogen fixation using an inoculant shown to enhance biological nitrogen fixation under stressful conditions.


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The Neely-Kinyon LTAR site was established in 1998 to study the long-term effects of organic production in Iowa. Treatments at the LTAR site, replicated four times in a completely randomized design, include the following rotations: conventional Corn-Soybean (C-S), organic Corn-Soybean-Oats/Alfalfa (C-S-O/A), organic Corn-Soybean-Oats/Alfalfa-Alfalfa (CS-O/A-A). A new rotation of Corn-SoybeanCorn-Oats/Alfalfa (C-SB-C-O/A) replaced the old S-W/RC rotation.


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This project was designed to study the N fertilization needs in continuous corn (CC) and corn rotated with soybean (SC) as influenced by location and climate. Multiple rates of fertilizer N were spring applied, with the intent to measure yield response to N within each rotation on a yearly basis for multiple years at multiple sites across Iowa. This will allow the determination of N requirements for each rotation, differences that exist between the two rotations, responses to applied N across different soils and climatic conditions, and evaluation of tools used to adjust N application.


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In Maize (Zea maize L.), cost of hybrid seed production is directly related to the yield and quality of seed obtained per hectare of female parent. It is also important to consider the effects that a male parent can exert on the development of hybrid seed in the female parent. This effect is known as xenia. The objectives of this study were to evaluate xenia effects on 1) yield as 80K units, 2) germination of the hybrid seed and 3) susceptibility of the hybrid seed to mechanical damage. One female inbred and four male inbred lines were selected from a parent list of hybrids. The experiment was designed to allow individual cross pollination between each male inbred and the female inbred line. For use as a control, the female inbred was allowed to self pollinate. Experiments were conducted in Illinois and Iowa during 2008 and 2009 and in Nebraska during 2009. A significant inbred effect was detected on yield as 80k (α=0.001). The selfed female and pollination with male inbred B resulted in lower yields of hybrid seed. For germination, a significant inbred effect was detected (α=0.001), but was due to lower germination percentage of seed produced on the selfed female. All hybrid combinations resulted in higher germination percentages with no significant differences among hybrids. The inbred x mechanical damage interaction was significant (P=0.04) for effects on cold saturated soil germination tests. Use of inbred B resulted in a two-percentage-point reduction in cold germination when treated with the impact simulator. In a maize seed company, the production research group provides yield estimates for production of new hybrid combinations. Results from this study indicate that using only the female inbred yield may provide inaccurate estimates. Therefore to improve yield estimation, experiments should be designed to include male inbreds. Male inbreds can also impart a negative effect to the hybrid seed on tolerance to mechanical damage, thus lowering quality and increasing seed discard. When testing for hybrid seed germination, there is no need to consider distinct hybrid combinations. Female inbreds can be grown in open-pollinated fields to avoid loss of vigor observed with selfing. Advisor: George Graef


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate various herbicides for corn injury and weed control when applied preemergence and postemergence.


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The purpose of this test was to evaluate the experimental elite soybean lines adapted to northern Iowa. The 2011 Elite Test included commodity–yellow hilum soybeans and large seed and high protein beans, along with commercially grown varieties released by Iowa State University tested for comparison of agronomic traits. These varieties are used in the production of soy foods.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate various herbicides for corn injury and weed control when applied preemergence and postemergence.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate various herbicides and application timings in soybean for crop injury and weed control.


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Six years ago the Northwest Iowa On-Farm Research Project was started to cooperate with local farmers to compare crop production methods on a field scale size. Through this project, over 300 replicated comparisons have been done. Beginning in 2012, the Northwest Iowa On-Farm Research project will be recognized as a part of Iowa State University Farmer Assisted Research and Management (FARM) program. This program will also expand to southwest Iowa, north central Iowa, and central Iowa.


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Farmers in central and north central Iowa are often criticized for low adoption of no-tillage. No-tillage is often faulted with cooler, wetter soils and subsequently reduced yields. An alternative to conventional tillage and no-tillage systems is strip tillage where the benefits of both may be combined.


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Farmers understand it is best to apply nitrogen to the crop at or right before rapid growth occurs. However, 100 percent in-season nitrogen applications are faulted because of potential for unfavorable weather conditions delaying applications and subsequent deficiency occurring. This trial looks at how split nitrogen applications can be used to address environmental risks of pre-plant nitrogen application as well as unfavorable application conditions in-season.


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Land rolling of soybean fields has become a popular practice in north central and northwest Iowa during the past five years. Although this technique was first utilized to push rocks into the ground to avoid combine damage and aid in harvesting lodged crops in Canada, producers in Iowa quickly learned that pushing corn root-balls flat at the time of planting and pushing small rocks into the ground can increase harvest efficiency. Typically fields are rolled shortly after planting. One disturbing trend that was noticed, however, was that rolled fields tended to have more water standing between the rows after moderate or heavy rain events. This would imply that water infiltration was slower in fields that had been rolled compared with fields that had not been rolled. Infiltration measurements were taken on a few plots in 2010 at the ISU Northern Research Farm. It seemed that water infiltration was less on the rolled plots. However, we wanted more measurements before publishing any results. In 2011 infiltration measurements were taken on the research farm and on neighboring farms where soybeans had been rolled. The goal was to determine if water infiltration had been reduced by land rolling.


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The soybean aphid (Aphis glycines), native to China, has become the most economically damaging insect in soybeans in northeast Iowa. Soybean aphid may have up to 18 generations per year, beginning with overwintering eggs on the alternate host buckthorn. In spring, winged aphids migrate from buckthorn to nearby emerged soybeans. Generations advance in these fields, and then another winged migration occurs in summer spreading from these fields to others. A third migration occurs in fall with aphids moving back to buckthorn. Depending on the season, soybean proximity to buckthorn, and soybean aphid migration patterns, populations of aphids tend to peak in soybeans anywhere from late July to early September. With higher aphid populations, the production of honeydew (the excrement of the aphid) and the resulting black fungus that grows on it (sooty mold) may become apparent. Aphid feeding may cause stunted plants, reduced pods and seeds, and may also transmit viruses that could cause mottling and distortion of leaves, reduced seed set, and discolored seeds.


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Much of the soybean plant's nitrogen requirement is supplied through nitrogen fixation when atmospheric nitrogen is converted into a usable form for the plant. Nitrogen fixation is critical for producing higher yield in soybean. For nitrogen fixation to occur, nitrogen-fixing bacteria (genus Rhizobium) need to be present in the soil. If soils do not already contain a high population of Rhizobium, these bacteria can be added either as a liquid or granular peat inoculant, or as a peat-based powder. The different forms can be seed applied or used in-furrow.