958 resultados para Agro-industrialization


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El agroecoturismo es la combinación de dos actividades turísticas en donde se ofrece la posibilidad de conocer los aspectos culturales, prácticas tradicionales de cultivos, como también promover la conservación y disfrutar de los parajes naturales. El estudio se llevó a cabo en una finca privada, propiedad del señor Patricio Maradiaga ubicada en la comunidad Las Azucenas, a 13 km de la ciudad de San Carlos, Rio San Juan. El área de estudio abarca 60mz. Se llevó a cabo el estudio en tres etapas de campo utilizando un formato de diagnóstico y reconocimiento de los sitios de interés, combinando las entrevistas que se le realizaron al dueño de la finca al igual que a turistas extranjeros y nacionales. Dentro de los atractivos encontrados se destacaron, belleza escénica, bosque húmedo tropical y avistamiento de aves. Con base en la información recopilada, se elaboró la propuesta de un circuito agroecoturístico con 3 opciones de recorrido y la presentación de un paquete agroecoturístico con el debido costo, se elaboró una propuesta de mejora para atención al cliente tomando en cuenta las facilidades, condiciones y necesidades de la finca en estudio. Se espera que al implementar el circuito agroecoturístico se mejore la calidad de vida del productor y se promueva la conservación de la fauna que habita en el bosque. Ante el posible efecto que tenga el agroecoturismo sobre las especies silvestres, se recomienda no utilizar objetos que produzcan ruido u olores que perturben su ciclo reproductivo.


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Fish feeding accounts for a substantial amount in the variable expenditure of a fish farming enterprises. There is a need to examine closely the potentials and advantages of locally available agro-industrial by-products, as possible substitutes for the conventional feedstuffs which are dwindling in supply, and escalating in their cost. A wide range of by products from plant, animal and industrial processes have been studied and posses nutrient composition which can be exploited as dietary ingredients for warm water species as the Tilapia and Clarias sp. Such useful by-products include poultry feathers, rice bran, soybean hulls and cocoa husks which are discarded as wastes. However, some processing treatments might be required to alleviate the toxic effects of possible anti-nutritional factors in the by-products, for the achievement of optimum benefit


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Heteropneustes fossilis was induced bred for the first time in the agro-climatic conditions of Maharashtra, India. The embryonic development was completed within 16-18h after fertilisation. Head and tail ends were distinguishable after 3h and 11-12 somites were visible after 6-7h. The eggs started hatching after 14h of incubation. Average hatching time was 16-18h at 26 degrees C. In first day old pro-larva, notochord was deflected upwards, eyes were darkly pigmented and alimentary canal appeared. In fourth day old post-larva intestinal coiling could be seen and yolk was absorbed. Aerial respiration started by 8th day. The 10 day old post-larva was free swimming and fed voraciously attaining a length of 20 mm in 30 days.


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On farm trials of silver barb with other carps were carried out in 40 ponds during May to October 2005 in four agro-ecological zones viz., Trishal, Muktagacha, Parbotipur and Paikgacha in Bangladesh. In Trishal and Muktagacha zones, ponds were stocked with silver barb, silver carp and common carp at the stocking density of 11,500 fish/ha, whereas in Parbotipur and Paikgacha zones, ponds were stocked with silver barb, rohu, catla and mrigal at the stocking density of 10,000/ha. Among the ponds, 50% (20 ponds) were stocked with BFRI improved stock of silver barb (Treatment-1) and rest of the 20 ponds stocked with local silver barb stock (Treatment-2). The harvest weight of BFRI improved silver barb were 149±16.01, 168±18.06, 198±14 and 230±9.25g in Trishal, Muktagacha, Paikgacha and Parbotipur, whereas the data obtained at 113±15.52, 136±20.66, 170±17.0 and 205±12.10g for local stock of silver barb, respectively. In all trials, the harvest weight of BFRI improved stock showed significantly higher growth performance (P<0.05) over the local stocks.


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The fisheries sector in Cambodia contributes 8%–12% to national GDP and 25% - 30% to agricultural GDP, with an estimated 4.5 million people involved in fishing and associated trades. Fish and other aquatic animals are important food sources, contributing an estimated national average of 60% - 70% of total animal protein intake. Of the 2013 total fish production, 550,000 metric tons were harvested from freshwater habitats, of which rice field fisheries and small-scale family fisheries contributed approximately 20%. The productivity and value of rice field fisheries to households in rural Cambodia has been highlighted in a number of previous studies. The Fisheries Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries plans to increase productivity from rice field fisheries and aquaculture at an annual rate of 15% to maintain supply for a growing population. This report draws mainly on the baseline and monitoring data from the Rice Field Fisheries Enhancement Project (RFFEP) during its implementation between 2012 and 2014. Reference is also made to the Fish on Farms project to highlight the relative contribution of fish from small-scale aquaculture compared to wild-caught fish.


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Product-service systems are seen by many authors to offer potential for significant sustainability benefit. Manufacturing companies are said to be essential to such a change through their influence over product performance and over the use and end-of-life stages. Yet linking these stages such that the producer is incentivized to improve the performance of later stages is still a challenge. This paper argues for placing the producer at the centre of a new arrangement: by seeking to utilize the producer's knowledge of designing and the knowledge of volume production, through creation of platforms, while cooperating closely with other actors. The paper describes three case studies that have used such an approach to design and implement new food production systems. Based on 12 months of action research observations, 10 participating organizations from the cases were studied, and the implemented solutions assessed for environmental, economic and social performance. The results demonstrate a high level of sustainability benefit is achievable using platforms and partners to design product-service systems, while highlighting that changes to production arrangements are necessary but not sufficient to improve whole life-cycle environmental performance of product-service systems, and that producers need to cooperate closely with other actors to achieve the claimed benefits.