977 resultados para Agricultural machinery operators
No presente trabalho que foi realizado na Fazenda Experimental Lageado, da Universidade Estadual Paulista em Botucatu, SP, objetivou-se avaliar os custos envolvidos na produção de silagem de grãos úmidos de milho, tendo como referência o processamento seco deste cereal, ambos cultivados em sistema de plantio direto. Para a avaliação foram determinados os custos envolvidos nas operações de máquinas agrícolas, insumos e na etapa de pós-colheita. Os resultados observados permitiram concluir que o custo por hectare para produção de silagem de grãos úmidos foi de R$1.398,06, sendo 8,8% menor do que os custos para produção de milho seco (R$ 1.533,78).
The knowledge of operating performance of agricultural machinery has become a crescent concern and of utmost importance since mechanized production costs are directly affected by the efficiency of the machine in the field. This study determined the operational performance and economy of a tractor in the subsoiling operation in function of slope classes. The analysis technique included a time and movement study and the economic analysis of the parameters operational cost, production cost and energy consumption. on the classes of slope evaluated, increasing the percentage of inclination of relief, lowered the operational performance and increased the production costs. The cost of fuel represented the greatest percentage among those that make up the operational cost.
O Brasil, terceiro maior produtor de biodiesel do mundo e terceiro maior produtor mundial de frango, pode incrementar, na sua matriz energética, o uso de óleo oriundo de aves como alternativa aos combustíveis fósseis e à redução da dependência do óleo de soja para esse fim. O país dispõe de mais de 350 milhões de litros de óleo de frango por ano. Considerando a aplicação dos combustíveis alternativos para os motores a diesel, em máquinas agrícolas, o trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o desempenho do motor de um trator agrícola de 53kW acoplado pela TDP em bancada dinamométrica, operando com biodiesel metílico de óleo de frango e misturas com óleo diesel, sendo: B5 (testemunha), B20, B40, B60, B80 e B100. Avaliaram-se a potência, o torque, a reserva de torque, o consumo de combustível, o consumo de energia e a eficiência térmica do motor. O ensaio foi instalado com delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC) em esquema fatorial com seis tratamentos. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias ajustadas por equações de regressão. Foram observadas perdas na geração de potência e torque, aumento no consumo de combustível, redução do consumo energético e melhoria na eficiência térmica do motor, de acordo com o aumento da proporção de biodiesel na mistura.
The pressure caused by agricultural machinery traffic many result in soil compactation in no-tillage system. The aim of this work was to evaluate no-tillage system onset,time on some physical properties, index S and organic matter (OM) of an oxysol located in Jaboticabal, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The experiment had completely randomized split-splot design. The treatments consisted of four no-tillage systems: no-tillage for 2 years, no-tillage for 4 years, no-tillage for 6 years and one natural wooded area. The evaluated layers were: Q-0.10m, 0.10-0.20m and 0.20-030m. The following were determined: soil porosity, soil aggregates, bulk density, index S and organic matter. The results were submitted to variance analysis and when there was a difference between averages, Tukey's test was used to compare them. The natural wooded area showed higher organic matter, macroporosity, hydraulic conductivity and Index S. There was no difference between the studied parameters, showing that the no-tillage system for six years was not enough to change the soil physical property.
The performance of machines and agricultural implements are of fundamental importance, especially when subjected to different types of soil tillage, and have to adapt to these conditions, in order to promote good operational performance. The objective of this study was to analyze the operational performance of a Marchesan Supreme Cop grain drill, equipped with four rows, spaced 0.90 m, according to three types of tillage: conventional tillage (plowing and two harrowing series), reduced tillage (scarification with a roller), and no-tillage, in areas previously seeded with maize (Zea mays L.), at two spacing measures (0.90 m and 0.45 m). The results indicate that the demand for power, tensile stress, and motor rotation, in the sowing operation, were not influenced by tillage and maize crop. The tractor wheel slip showed different results, being lower in no-tillage and higher in conventional and reduced tillage.
Soil is an essential resource for life and its properties are susceptible to be modified by tillage systems. The impact of management practices on soil functions can be assessed through a soil quality index. It is interesting to assess soil quality in different soil types. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the soil quality index of a Paleudult under different management conditions and sunflower culture. The experiment was carried out in Botucatu (SP, Brazil), in an 11-year non-tilled area used for growing soybean and maize during summer and black oat or triticale in winter. Four management systems were considered: no-tillage with a hoe planter (NTh), no-tillage with a double-disk planter (NTd), reduced tillage (RT) and conventional tillage (CT). Soil samples were taken from the planting lines at harvest time. To determine the soil quality indices, following the methodology proposed by Karlen and Stott (1994), three main soil functions were assessed: soil capacity for root development, water storage capacity of the soil and nutrient supply capacity of the soil. The studied Paleudult was considered a soil with good quality under all the observed management systems. However, the soil quality indices varied between treatments being 0.64, 0.68, 0.86 and 0.79 under NTh, NTd, RT and CT, respectively. Physical attributes such as resistance to penetration and macroporosity increased the soil quality index in RT and CT compared to NTh and NTd. The soil quality indices obtained suggested that the evaluated soil is adequate for sunflower production under our study conditions. In view of the SQI values, RT is the most suitable management for this site since it preserves soil quality and provides an acceptable sunflower yield. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.
Soil tillage and other methods of soil management may influence CO 2 emissions because they accelerate the mineralization of organic carbon in the soil. This study aimed to quantify the CO2 emissions under conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT) and reduced tillage (RT) during the renovation of sugarcane fields in southern Brazil. The experiment was performed on an Oxisol in the sugarcane-planting area with mechanical harvesting. An undisturbed or no-till (NT) plot was left as a control treatment. The CO2 emissions results indicated a significant interaction (p < 0.001) between tillage method and time after tillage. By quantifying the accumulated emissions over the 44 days after soil tillage, we observed that tillage-induced emissions were higher after the CT system than the RT and MT systems, reaching 350.09 g m-2 of CO2 in CT, and 51.7 and 5.5 g m-2 of CO2 in RT and MT respectively. The amount of C lost in the form of CO2 due to soil tillage practices was significant and comparable to the estimated value of potential annual C accumulation resulting from changes in the harvesting system in Brazil from burning of plant residues to the adoption of green cane harvesting. The CO 2 emissions in the CT system could respond to a loss of 80% of the potential soil C accumulated over one year as result of the adoption of mechanized sugarcane harvesting. Meanwhile, soil tillage during the renewal of the sugar plantation using RT and MT methods would result in low impact, with losses of 12% and 2% of the C that could potentially be accumulated during a one year period. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Operational safety: Development of electronic system for dynamic balance evaluation of farm tractors
The present study aimed at the development and evaluation of a low cost electronic device in order to provide safety for farm tractor users. The major accident occurrence in agricultural surroundings is from farm tractor side bending. Therefore, this sensor was designed to detect and alert about it. The results were satisfying. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group.
Physical fractions (free light fraction, intra-aggregate light fraction and heavy fraction) of soil organic matter (SOM) are good indicators of soil quality for sustainable land use. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of cover crops on total organic carbon (TOC) and physical fractions of soil organic matter in soil under a no-tillage system (NTS) and a conventional tillage system (CTS, one plowing and two disking). A three-year field experiment was carried out as a cover crop-rice (Oryza sativa)-cover crop-rice rotation. Treatments included cover crops (Panicum maximum, Brachiaria ruziziensis, Brachiaria brizantha, and pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), fallow, till or no till. The SOM was physically fractionated in free light fraction (FLF), intra-aggregates light fraction (IALF) and heavy fraction (HF). The levels of C in whole soil were also evaluated, as well as C in the light fractions (FLF+IALF) and in the HF. Results indicated that concentrations of C in the FLF and IALF in surface soils (0-0.05m) were much higher (10.8 and 1.95gkg-1, respectively) than that in the 0.05-0.1m soil depth (7.68 and 1.54gkg-1, respectively) and in the 0.1-0.2m soil depth (4.98 and 1.24gkg-1, respectively). The NTS resulted in higher levels of FLF (12.2gkg-1) and IALF (2.19gkg-1) than with CTS (1.37-7.30gkg-1). Millet had the highest C (19.5gkg-1) and N (1.1gkg-1) concentrations in soil. There was an accumulation of TOC and total N in the surface soil with cover crops, and concentrations of TOC were higher in the HF (79.0%) than in the light fractions (21.0%). Although SOM changed little during the two years of this experiment, the various C fractions were significantly affected by the tillage treatments. We conclude that SOM physical fractionation allowed seeing significant differences caused by the soil management in the organic matter dynamics in a short period of time. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)