497 resultados para Agreste Potiguar
RESUMOEste estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de caracterizar a tipologia das instalações para produção de frangos de corte na região Agreste do Estado de Pernambuco, por meio de levantamento das características construtivas de aviários existentes na região. Foram avaliados 68 galpões, em 27 granjas, no período de maio de 2012 a abril de 2013. Com base nos resultados obtidos, 90% das instalações apresentaram orientação leste - oeste, com pequeno afastamento entre galpões (< 30 m). A maioria dos galpões apresentou cobertura com telhas cerâmicas (93%), ausência de forro (93%) e lanternim (100%), pé-direito abaixo do recomendado (90%), beirais menores que 1,25 m (93%) e muretas com altura superior a 0,2 m (40%). Quanto aos equipamentos, observou-se que a principal fonte de aquecimento foi por campânulas à lenha (71%), comedouros e bebedouros automatizados (46 e 35%) e pendulares (54 e 65%). Aproximadamente, 67% dos galpões possuíam ventiladores e 58% destes estavam associados à nebulização. O levantamento permitiu caracterizar o perfil das instalações e suas necessidades de adequação para a melhoria da condição de alojamento das aves na região.
This paper aimed to identify Toxoplasma gondii infection in house sparrows (Passer domesticus, Linneaus 1758) coming from poultry farms in the "agreste" region of the Brazilian state of Pernambuco. 151 sparrows (Passer domesticus) captured in eight broiler, egg layer and commercial laying poultry farms, were used. Indirect hemagglutination test was used to research anti-T. gondii antibodies. Animals that presented titration of 1:16 were destined to DNA research through Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique, followed by Nested-PCR. It was observed that, from 151 analyzed samples. 91 (60.3%) were reagents and 60 (39.7%) were not reagents. It was verified, through analysis of the distribution of infected animals frequency per farm, that in only one farm (12.5%) no animal reagent to T. gondii was captured. It was also observed that three (30.00%) of the ten samples destined to DNA research for T. gondii were positive to PCR and four (40.00%) were positive to Nested-PCR. Anti-T gondii antibodies occurrence and the molecular identification of the agent confirmed natural T. gondii infection in sparrows from poultry farms in Brazil. Other studies must be carried out to highlight the real importance of these animals in the epidemiological chain and their efficiency in the transmission of the parasite to felines. Therefore, researches that use parasite isolation and molecular techniques to determine genomic profile of the agent present in these poultry farms are needed.
Neste trabalho são descritos os sinais clínicos, patologia clínica e patologia de 24 bovinos com leucose bovina enzoótica atendidos na Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco. Esses casos representaram 0,5% de 4.758 bovinos atendidos entre os anos de 2000 e 2010. A doença afetou 22 (91,7%) fêmeas e dois machos. Vinte e um animais (87,5%) eram de raças leiteras (seis Holandês, 13 Girolando, um Jersey e um Pardo Suíça) e três (12,5%) eram da raça Nelore. Vinte e três animais (95,8%) tinham idade entre 3 e 8 anos e um era mais jovem. Todos eram criados em regime de confinamento ou semi-confinamento. Clinicamente todos os animais apresentaram aumento dos linfonodos superficias. Outros sinais frequentes foram hiporexia, diminuição da produção de leite, emagrecimento progressivo, escore corporal baixo, desidratação, hipomotilidade dos pré-estômagos e fezes alteradas e em pouca quantidade. Com menor frequência foram observados exoftalmia, dispneia e aumento de volume do útero. No leucograma foi constatada leucocitose média de 34.082/µL, com linfocitose de 21.814/µL e neutrofilia de 10.906/µL. Treze animais foram necropsiados e os demais foram enviados pelos proprietários para o abate. Dos treze animais abatidos todos apresentaram lesões nos linfonodos superficiais, seis nos linfonodos mesentéricos, seis no intestino, três no abomaso, um no coração, um no fígado, um no rúmen, um no útero e um no rim. Diante da importância desta enfermidade e dos prejuízos causados pela mesma é necessário alertar produtores sobre os cuidados a serem tomados durante a aquisição de animais, assim como da necessidade de implantar medidas que evitem a difusão da doença entre as fazendas.
We surveyed the aquatic macrophytes in reservoirs in Camocim de São Félix in the Agreste zone of Pernambuco State, Brazil. Plants were collected on a bimonthly schedule from November/2008 to May/2009 in four reservoirs, and 33 taxa distributed among 23 families were encountered. The family Cyperaceae had the greatest number of species, followed by Lemnaceae. The predominant biologic form was emergent (33.3%) reflecting the extensive shorelines around the reservoirs analyzed.
A Fonnação Alagamar corresponde ao estágio transicional na evolução tectono-sedimentar da bacia Potiguar, representada inicialmente por um ambiente tlúvio-deltaico passando a lagunar restrito com indícios de intluência marinha. Os resultados obtidos nas análises por DRX, a partir das frações> 2 11me < 211m, demonstram variações na composição mineralógica ao longo das perfurações analisadas. A principal característica é a forte contribuição de minerais detríticos na fração >2 I-lme a predominância de argilominerais na fração <2 I-lmrepresentados por esmectita, ilita, caulinita, clorita, sepiolita e interestratificados de ilitalesmectita (IIE) e cloritalesmectita (CIE). As carapaças de ostracodes identificadas correspondem a espécies nãomarinhas de três famílias mais comuns no Cretáceo: Cyprididae, Limnocytheridae e Darwinulidae. A avaliação estatística da composição ontogenética das espécies fósseis, tomou-se útil neste trabalho para estimar os níveis de energia do paleoambiente deposicional. As associações de argilominerais e ostracodes, caracterizadas ao longo dos cilindros de sondagens estudados na Fonnação Alagamar, sugerem a variação dos ambientes deposicionais a partir de um ambiente lacustre e de clima árido. Ainda a passagem por uma fase transgressiva com o aumento da salinidade, condições de fundo redutoras e margens subaquosas, ocasionam exposições subaéreas intennitentes, culminandono topo com um período mais úmido e condições de águas salinas O rico conteúdo em esmectita assemelha os depósitos da Fonnação Alagamar aos depósitos neoaptianos, os quais estão associados a condições climáticas com tendência à aridez. Sugere, ainda, morfologia pouco acidentada e drenagem reduzida ao redor de um paleolago restrito, o que favorece o desenvolvimento de solos do tipo vertissolo, fonte principal da esmectita da área. Os teores baixos de ilita e caulinita são, em grande parte, do resultado de erosão reduzida, atribuído ao relevo pouco acidentado da área. A associação dos argilominerais ilita, esmectita e interestratificados não ordenados indica condições rasas de soterramento e baixas temperaturas de diagênese nas amostras da base da perfuração RN6, alto de Macau. Ainda, a coloração apresentada pelas carapaças de ostracodes, entre o amarelo-laranja muito claro (2,5 Y 8/4) e amarelo amarronado(10 YR 6/6), sugerem níveis imaturos quanto à maturação da matéria orgânica. Na perfuração RN9, próxima a falha de Ubarana, condições de maturação da matéria orgânica são indicadas pelas cores cinza muito preto (5 Y 3/1) a preto (5 Y 2,5/1) apresentadas pelas carapaças de Candona sp.1, originalmente de cor branca (5 YR S/1 aiO YR 8/1). As intensidades e a fonna dos picos da ilita e da caulinita, a ausência de interestratificados e de argilominerais expansivos indicam condições de diagênese mais intensas que na perfuraçãoRN6. Associações de argilominerais identificadas em análises de difração de raios-X e mudanças na coloração das carapaças de ostracodes sugerem a utilização destes constituintes como indicadores ténnicos (geotennômetros) da maturação da matéria orgânica presente em rochas geradoras de hidrocarbonetos. Palavras chaves: Fonnação Alagamar, argilominerais, ostracodes, geotermômetros, bacia Potiguar.
O presente trabalho objetiva discutir a importância da implantação do Sistema de Controle Interno – SCI na administração pública municipal, expondo a necessidade de sua adoção no âmbito da região do Agreste Meridional de Pernambuco, com o intuito de obter eficiência e eficácia na gestão dos recursos públicos. Ressalta-se, ainda, que para obtenção do sucesso do Sistema de Controle Interno - SCI é indispensável o cumprimento dos procedimentos legais. Pode-se afirmar que, a implantação do SCI é uma ferramenta que possibilita, ao ente público, suporte, apoio e assessoria, uma vez que oferece condições de governar de maneira eficiente, eficaz e efetiva, através da disponibilização de informações confiáveis em tempo hábil, respeitando os programas governamentais e resultando numa excelente conduta de gestão. Consequentemente, o gestor terá uma condição mais privilegiada, no sentido de que poderá auferir entendimentos conclusivos sobre questões específicas relacionadas à sua administração, propiciando, assim, efeitos qualitativos para a sociedade. O estudo revela também os procedimentos que foram adotados pelas administrações municipais a partir da Resolução TC nº 001/2009, instituída pelo Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Pernambuco, que disciplina sobre a criação, a implantação, a manutenção e a coordenação de Sistemas de Controle Interno nos Poderes Municipais, fazendo valer o prescrito nos artigos 31 e 74 da Carta Magna.
Este trabalho tem por finalidade apresentar uma visão sobre a viabilidade da metropolização do Agreste Central de Pernambuco. Para tanto, trata-se aqui de apresentar uma análise inicial sobre o atual estágio da globalização os seus efeitos e formas de sobrevivência dos pequenos centros produtivos neste constante e metamórfico processo. Trata ainda dos processos de regionalização, passando-se pela sua conceituação até as formas mais recentes desse fenômeno, alcançando-se a metropolização como alternativa de centros urbanos para atingir um novo patamar social, político, econômico e cosmopolita, que melhor se adéqua à sua realidade. É apresentada neste trabalho, a situação atual do Agreste Central de Pernambuco, sob diversos aspectos, especialmente quanto à economia local, que é a mola propulsora da região, e o principal argumento daqueles que defendem a sua metropolização. Para tanto, fazse necessário analisar, também, o recente processo de interiorização do desenvolvimento por que passa o Brasil, e, em especial, o Estado de Pernambuco. É feita, ainda, uma avaliação histórica, sócio-econômica e política das principais cidades desta região, que são Santa Cruz do Capibaribe, Toritama e Caruaru, com foco nesta última, que, por vocação, seria a cidade sede da pretensa Região Metropolitana do Agreste Central de Pernambuco. Em seguida, é feita uma análise de interação das cidades envolvidas, e os dados são comparados com as três principais regiões metropolitanas do interior do País. É traçado um paralelo entre o atual pólo de desenvolvimento e os prováveis benefícios da pretensa região metropolitana, c, por fim, analisada a percepção dos Agentes Políticos, sobre o tema, para se apresentar a visão deste trabalho sobre a viabilidade da metropolização da região estudada, c as propostas altcmativas.
The central research question was to search for data to ratify the theory and discourse of the so-called practitioners of economic solidarity, by defending the substantive rationality should guide the principles of economic solidary, designing the space economy incidental and not the primacy of relations in determining social as well, reflecting the predominance of dimensions of social management in administrative practices of ESS's. For both analyzed the theoretical dimensions of social management - sociopolitical, economic, organizational and environmental - manifested in organizational practices supportive of economic organization Potiguar West. For the success of the research realized the triangulation involving a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches. At first the research will use a quantitative approach, from the cluster analysis, to verify the behavior of the sample chosen for this study. In the second stage of the qualitative study was carried out focus group technique (FLICK, 2002) for further analysis of the dimensions of social management on organizational practices supportive of economic organization, related to the principles of Solidary Economy, established in a quantitative approach. In quantitative analysis, the socio-political dimension, it was clear that the more equity instruments of internal and external, from the purposeful living in public spaces, the best monetary results. Another point worth stressing concerns the economic dimension, with the practice reciprocity prevailing in market. Thus, the qualitative approach was possible to understand the processes of exchange of product or service. Rural enterprises surveyed in the allocation of the agro-ecological products have the following scale of priority, sequentially: self-consumption (domestic), market and exchange. The research leads to the fact that training and practices that enhance the socio-political dimension (knowledge, empowerment, sense of belonging) become the guiding principle for the strengthening of the social management in the context of other dimensions, leading to gains sociopolitical, economic, organizational and environmental. Despite the weaknesses found in the organizational dimension and environment, both in a quantitative as in qualitative, we determined that the practices of ESS's Potiguar West incorporate predominantly elements of social management and economic solidarity, with a preponderance of substantive rationality in the primacy of the instrumental. Finally, research has brought information that the participants of the ESS's do not give the money economy primacy in determining social relations, which in turn leads to the confirmation that, in practice the solidarity economy, prevailing the dominance of substantive rationality, as a guide for organizational practices
This work is a study in the Local Productive Arrangement of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco, as a relevant sector in economic and social aspect. This research has as central aim to understand how the inter-organizational relations influence the collective efficiency of arrangement. The theoretical framework employed highlights the approaches that deal with the benefits of business agglomeration for the development of firms and regions. It has discussed the approach of small and medium enter prises and industrial districts (SCHMITZ, 1997), which introduce the concept of col lective efficiency, explaining that only those externalities explained by Marshall (1996) are not sufficient to explain the competitive advantage of enterprises, expanding the idea that organizations achieve competitive advantage not acting alone. To examine the influences of relations in the collective efficiency, it has been taken as analytical perspective theory of social networks (GRANOVETTER, 1973, 1985; BURT, 1992; UZZI, 1997) because it has believe that this approach provides subsi dies for a structural analysis of social relationships in face the behavior of human action. By examining the organizations in a social network, you should understand the reason of this establishment of the relationship, their benefits, and as the information flow takes place and density of links between the actors (Powell; SMITH-DOERR, 1994). As for the methods, this study is characterized as a case study, in according to the purposed objectives, in addition to qualitative method. Also, due to recovering of the historical milestones of the arrangement, it is used a sectional approach with longitudinal perspective (VIEIRA, 2004). The primary and secondary data were used in order to understand the evolutionary process of the sector and their inter-actors re lationships in the arrangement for the promotion of development, for both, was used the contend and documentary analysis technique, respectively (DELLAGNELO ; SILVA, 2005). The approach of social networks has permitted understand that social relationships may extend the collective efficiency of the arrangement, and therefore need to develop policies that encourage the legalization of informal companies in arrangement, by showing up themselves representative. Thus, the relations estab lished in LPA of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco need for more effective mechanisms to broaden the collective efficiency. Therefore, this way as take place has directly benefited only a group of companies that are linked in some way the supportive institutions. So we can conclude that the inter-actor relations have limited the collective efficiency of LPA, being stimulated by the institutions in support only to groups of entrepreneurs, even those that produce external relations for all clustered companies
The purpose of this research is to apprehend the perception that the ruling elite, especially the Presidents of the province of Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil, had about the potiguar city, that is, the urban localities existing in the province along the 19th century. By interweaving political, administrative, socioeconomic and spatial aspects, the study of this perception involves two distinct moments, which are also linked: a moment of apprehension of the city, that is, how the elite seizes, describes and criticizes the city; and, a second moment, which occurs simultaneously or after the first moment, of intervention in the city, in which the elite exposes its vision and projects for the city and for the territory. Rather than describing the potiguar city in itself, the research is an attempt to reveal how it was perceived along this process from a particular standpoint or discourse, official and elitist, which did not correspond necessarily or completely to what it was in reality. We tried to understand, always through the lens of the discourse, how the ruling elite perceived the potiguar city based on what their members thought about other urban realities, particularly of the advanced countries; how, within an integrated vision, this city was characterized in political, administrative, socioeconomic and spatial terms and how it consolidated itself along the period established for the research. Qualitative and historical in nature, this study was also methodologically developed based upon bibliographical and documental research. Given the fact that this research works with descriptions, comparisons and interpretations, it was necessary to make use of tools such as the discourse analysis in order to apprehend, as much as possible, what lay behind the words of the elite. The primary sources used were essentially the official documents produced by the Presidents of the province, as well as other documents written by top government officials and other members of the administration staff, all of them composing the so-called ruling elite of Rio Grande do Norte. Secondary sources were books and other publications, theses and dissertations, among others. The research made possible the identification of a certain perception of the potiguar city in the 19th century, which is certainly limited because it is grounded on a specific discourse - that of the political and administrative elite, but which, in spite of such a limitation, is still useful to understand the city and its evolution along the period established, among other noteworthy remarks
One of waste produced on large scale during the well drilling is the gravel drilling. There are techniques for the treatment of the same, but there isn t consensus on what are the best in terms of economic and environmental. One alternative for disposal of this waste and objective of this paper is the incorporation and immobilization of gravel clay matrix to assess their technological properties. The Raw Materials used were characterized by the following techniques: Chemical Analysis by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), mineralogical analysis by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Grain Size Analysis (FA) and Thermal Analysis by Thermogravimetry (TG) and thermodiferential (DTA). After characterizing, samples were formulated in the following percentages: 0, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100% (weight) of gravel drilling, then the pieces were pressed, dried (110 ° C) and sintered at temperatures of 850, 950 and 1050 ° C. After sintering, samples were tested for water absorption, linear shrinkage, flexural strength, porosity, density, XRD and test color. The results concluded that the incorporation of gravel drilling is a viable possibility for solid masonry bricks and ceramic blocks manufacture at concentrations and firing temperature described here. Residue incorporation reduces an environmental problem, the cost of raw materials for manufacture of ceramic products
The behavior of the fluid flux in oil fields is influenced by different factors and it has a big impact on the recovery of hydrocarbons. There is a need of evaluating and adapting the actual technology to the worldwide reservoirs reality, not only on the exploration (reservoir discovers) but also on the development of those that were already discovered, however not yet produced. The in situ combustion (ISC) is a suitable technique for these recovery of hydrocarbons, although it remains complex to be implemented. The main objective of this research was to study the application of the ISC as an advanced oil recovery technique through a parametric analysis of the process using vertical wells within a semi synthetic reservoir that had the characteristics from the brazilian northwest, in order to determine which of those parameters could influence the process, verifying the technical and economical viability of the method on the oil industry. For that analysis, a commercial reservoir simulation program for thermal processes was used, called steam thermal and advanced processes reservoir simulator (STARS) from the computer modeling group (CMG). This study aims, through the numerical analysis, find results that help improve mainly the interpretation and comprehension of the main problems related to the ISC method, which are not yet dominated. From the results obtained, it was proved that the mediation promoted by the thermal process ISC over the oil recovery is very important, with rates and cumulated production positively influenced by the method application. It was seen that the application of the method improves the oil mobility as a function of the heating when the combustion front forms inside the reservoir. Among all the analyzed parameters, the activation energy presented the bigger influence, it means, the lower the activation energy the bigger the fraction of recovered oil, as a function of the chemical reactions speed rise. It was also verified that the higher the enthalpy of the reaction, the bigger the fraction of recovered oil, due to a bigger amount of released energy inside the system, helping the ISC. The reservoir parameters: porosity and permeability showed to have lower influence on the ISC. Among the operational parameters that were analyzed, the injection rate was the one that showed a stronger influence on the ISC method, because, the higher the value of the injection rate, the higher was the result obtained, mainly due to maintaining the combustion front. In connection with the oxygen concentration, an increase of the percentage of this parameter translates into a higher fraction of recovered oil, because the quantity of fuel, helping the advance and the maintenance of the combustion front for a longer period of time. About the economic analysis, the ISC method showed to be economically feasible when evaluated through the net present value (NPV), considering the injection rates: the higher the injection rate, the higher the financial incomes of the final project
Waste generated during the exploration and production of oil, water stands out due to various factors including the volume generated, the salt content, the presence of oil and chemicals and the water associated with oil is called produced water. The chemical composition of water is complex and depends strongly on the field generator, because it was in contact with the geological formation for thousands of years. This work aims to characterize the hydrochemical water produced in different areas of a field located in the Potiguar Basin. We collected 27 samples from 06 zones (400, 600, 400/600, 400/450/500, 350/400, A) the producing field called S and measured 50 required parameter divided between physical and chemical parameters, cations and anions. In hydrochemical characterization was used as tools of reasons ionic calculations, diagrams and they hydrochemical classification diagram Piper and Stiff diagram and also the statistic that helped in the identification of signature patterns for each production area including the area that supplies water injected this field for secondary oil recovery. The ionic balance error was calculated to assess the quality of the results of the analysis that was considered good, because 89% of the samples were below 5% error. Hydrochemical diagrams classified the waters as sodium chloride, with the exception of samples from Area A, from the injection well, which were classified as sodium bicarbonate. Through descriptive analysis and discriminant analysis was possible to obtain a function that differs chemically production areas, this function had a good hit rate of classification was 85%
The objective of this Doctoral Thesis was monitoring, in trimestral scale, the coastal morphology of the Northeastern coast sections of Rio Grande do Norte State, in Brazil, which is an area of Potiguar Basin influenced by the oil industry activities. The studied sections compose coastal areas with intense sedimentary erosion and high environmental sensitivity to the oil spill. In order to achieve the general objective of this study, the work has been systematized in four steps. The first one refers to the evaluation of the geomorphological data acquisition methodologies used on Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of sandy beaches. The data has been obtained from Soledade beach, located on the Northeastern coast of Rio Grande Norte. The second step has been centered on the increasing of the reference geodetic infrastructure to accomplish the geodetic survey of the studied area by implanting a station in Corta Cachorro Barrier Island and by conducting monitoring geodetic surveys to understand the beach system based on the Coastline (CL) and on DEM multitemporal analysis. The third phase has been related to the usage of the methodology developed by Santos; Amaro (2011) and Santos et al. (2012) for the surveying, processing, representation, integration and analysis of Coastlines from sandy coast, which have been obtained through geodetic techniques of positioning, morphological change analysis and sediment transport. The fourth stage represents the innovation of surveys in coastal environment by using the Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS), based on Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), to evaluate a highly eroded section on Soledade beach where the oil industry structures are located. The evaluation has been achieved through high-precision DEM and accuracy during the modeling of the coast morphology changes. The result analysis of the integrated study about the spatial and temporal interrelations of the intense coastal processes in areas of building cycles and destruction of beaches has allowed identifying the causes and consequences of the intense coastal erosion in exposed beach sections and in barrier islands