85 resultados para Agreeableness


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Cette étude longitudinale visait à vérifier si les traits de personnalité (selon le modèle en cinq facteurs, « Big Five ») au début de l’adolescence (12-13 ans) permettent de prédire les symptômes intériorisés deux ans plus tard (14-15 ans), en contrôlant pour le niveau initial de symptômes intériorisés ainsi que l’influence de plusieurs facteurs de risque connus. Les données employées proviennent d’une étude longitudinale prospective. L’échantillon compte 1036 adolescents provenant de huit écoles secondaires québécoises. Les adolescents ont répondu à un questionnaire autorévélé. Des modèles d’équations structurales ont d’abord démontré la pertinence de conceptualiser les symptômes intériorisés comme une variable latente. D’autres modèles ont démontré que certains traits de personnalité prédisent effectivement les symptômes intériorisés ultérieurs. Cependant, contrairement aux études effectuées auprès d’adultes, le rôle de la Stabilité émotionnelle et de l’Extraversion n’est pas significatif après que l’influence de facteurs de risque connus et du sexe ait été contrôlée. Ce sont plutôt le Contrôle et l’Amabilité qui sont significativement reliés aux symptômes intériorisés ultérieurs dans la présente étude. Les résultats soulignent également le rôle important des facteurs de risque liés aux relations avec les pairs. Finalement, des modèles d’équations structurales multi-groupes ont mis en évidence des différences sexuelles significatives dans les relations prédictives. Cette étude confirme que les traits de personnalité des adolescents peuvent jouer un rôle dans le développement des symptômes intériorisés, ce qui leur confère une pertinence théorique et clinique.


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Cette étude longitudinale visait à évaluer si les traits de personnalité des adolescents permettent de prédire leurs comportements antisociaux ultérieurs, après avoir contrôlé pour l’effet du niveau initial du comportement antisocial ainsi que celui de plusieurs facteurs de risque connus de ces comportements. L’échantillon utilisé compte 1036 adolescents provenant de huit écoles secondaires québécoises. Les adolescents ont été évalués à deux reprises, soit en secondaire 1 (12-13 ans) et en secondaire 3 (14-15 ans). Ils ont répondu à un questionnaire autorévélé. Des modèles d’équations structurales ont d’abord confirmé que la covariation entre différents comportements antisociaux des adolescents peut être expliquée par une variable latente. Les résultats ont confirmé que les traits de personnalité des adolescents à 12 et 13 ans prédisent leurs comportements antisociaux à 14 et 15 ans. En accord avec les études antérieures, l’Extraversion, le Contrôle et la Stabilité émotionnelle prédisent les comportements antisociaux futurs. Toutefois, l’effet de l’Amabilité disparait une fois que le niveau initial est contrôlé. Finalement, des modèles d’équations structurales multi-groupes ont permis de démontrer que certaines relations prédictives sont différentes selon le sexe. Les résultats de cette étude soulignent l’importance des traits de personnalité pour les théories du comportement antisocial ainsi que pour la pratique clinique.


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Depuis les années 1990, de nombreuses recherches ont porté sur le dévoilement de l’agression sexuelle chez l’enfant et sur les caractéristiques y étant associées. Outre les facteurs liés à l’enfant et au contexte, le type de questions utilisé par l’intervieweur (notamment les invitations et les questions ouvertes) est une variable déterminante pour le dévoilement de l’enfant et la quantité de détails qui sera fournie entourant l’agression sexuelle. Bien que plusieurs enquêteurs reçoivent une formation sur l’utilisation des questions ouvertes dans les entrevues avec les enfants, peu d’entre eux utilisent un style de question approprié une fois sur le terrain. L’objectif de cette recherche vise à déterminer si certaines caractéristiques personnelles des enquêteurs sont associées à leur adhésion à un protocole d’entrevue structuré pour lequel ils ont été formés, à l’utilisation de questions ouvertes dans des entrevues d’enquête auprès d’enfants soupçonnés d’avoir vécu une agression sexuelle et à la quantité de détails dévoilés par l’enfant lors de ces entrevues. Deux études ont été menées pour répondre à cette question. La première étude a été effectuée à l'École nationale de police du Québec auprès de 24 enquêteurs de police ayant suivi une formation d'une semaine visant l’apprentissage du protocole d’entrevue structuré du National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). Le genre féminin, les habiletés cognitives et le trait de personnalité Ouverture à l’expérience sont trois caractéristiques personnelles qui ont été reliées positivement à la performance des enquêteurs lors d’une entrevue simulée avec un comédien jouant le rôle d’un enfant victime d’agression sexuelle, tandis que le nombre d’années d’expérience et la capacité de gestion du stress de ces enquêteurs ont montré une relation négative avec cette performance. Dans la seconde étude effectuée sur le terrain auprès de 13 enquêteurs du Service de police de la Ville de Montréal, 114 entrevues conduites auprès d’enfants ayant dévoilé une agression sexuelle ont été recueillies et cotées pour mesurer l’adhésion au protocole d’entrevue du NICHD, le ratio de questions ouvertes et la quantité de détails dévoilés par l’enfant par question posée par l’enquêteur. L’intelligence émotionnelle et les traits de personnalité Extraversion, Esprit consciencieux et Agréabilité ont été trouvés comme des caractéristiques personnelles positivement associées à l’adhésion au protocole d’entrevue et à l’utilisation de questions ouvertes, tandis que le nombre d’années d’expérience et le trait de personnalité Névrosisme ont été négativement associés à ces deux critères de performance. Le niveau d’habiletés cognitives des enquêteurs a quant à lui montré une association positive avec la quantité de détails dévoilés par l’enfant. La signification et l’interprétation de ces résultats, de même que les implications potentielles pour la sélection et la formation des enquêteurs sont finalement discutées.


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Este estudo caracteriza os processos de exploração vocacional e de ajustamento académico, e os traços de personalidade de estudantes universitários a frequentar o ISLA Leiria. A amostra inclui 115 estudantes, de ambos os sexos (62,6%) mulheres e (37,4%) homens, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e 61 anos, a frequentar o 1º Ciclo do Ensino Superior, no ano letivo de 2010/2011. As medidas aplicadas foram o Career Exploration Survey (CES, Stumpf et al., 1983, versão adaptada por Taveira, 1997), o Academic Adjustment Questionnaire (AAQ; Lent et al., 2005; versão adaptada por Lent & Taveira, 2004) e o Inventário de Personalidade Neo - Revisto (NEOPI-R; Costa & Crae, 1992; versão adaptada por Lima, 1997). Os resultados indicam que a exploração vocacional dos alunos está ativada, ao nível das suas crenças, comportamentos, e reações à exploração, e que estes se encontram envolvidos em objetivos de trabalho. Verificou-se que não existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos processos de exploração vocacional em função do sexo dos participantes e em função dos anos que frequentam. Em termos de personalidade os resultados apresentam um nível de Neuroticismo moderado, assim como uma Abertura à Experiencia moderada também. A Conscienciosidade, a Extroversão e a Amabilidade revelam níveis mais positivos. Não são verificados níveis significantes de diferença em função do sexo de pertença ou do anos que frequentam. Relativamente ao Ajustamento Académico o dado mais relevante é a fraca autoeficácia para ultrapassar obstáculos. Aqui também não são registadas alterações em função do sexo de pertença ou do ano que frequentam.


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Background: Evidence exists for a relationship between individual characteristics and both job and training performance; however relationships may not be generalizable. Little is known about the impact of therapist characteristics on performance in postgraduate therapist training programmes. Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate associations between the grades of trainee Low-Intensity and High-Intensity cognitive behavioural therapists and individual characteristics. Method: Trainee Low-Intensity (n=81) and High-Intensity (n=59) therapists completed measures of personality and cognitive ability; demographic and course grade data for participants were collected. Results: Degree classification emerged as the only variable to be significantly associated with performance across assessments and courses. Higher undergraduate degree classifications were associated with superior academic and clinical performance. Agreeableness was the only dimension of personality to be associated (positively) with clinical skill. Age was weakly and negatively associated with performance. Conclusions: Relationships between individual characteristics and training outcomes are complex and may be context specific. These results could have important implications for the selection and development of therapists for Low or High-Intensity cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) training.


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In the highly competitive environment businesses invest big amounts of money into the new product development. New product success potentially depends on different factors among which salespeople play an important role. The aim of this paper is to explore the potential link between salespeople’s personality, motivation to sell new products and performance in selling new products. Based on the theoretical background of the Big Five personality dimensions, motivation and selling performance hypotheses were formulated and tested using statistical methods of correlation and regression analysis. The data was collected within one technologically intensive organization – ABB AB in Sweden using online web questionnaire and self-assessment measurements. Total investigation was conducted among organization’s salesforce. The findings confirm the importance of salesperson’s personality empirically showing that the latter significantly predicts both motivation and performance in selling new products. From all the Big Five Extraversion was confirmed to be the most important predictor of both motivation and performance in selling new products. Extraversion was found positively related with both motivation and performance in selling new products. Salespeople scoring high in Extraversion and especially possessing such characteristics as confident, energetic and sociable tend to be more motivated to sell new products and show higher performance results. Other personality dimensions such as Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness to experience complexly approached are not proved to be significantly related neither with motivation nor performance in selling new products. The results are explained by the extreme importance of Extraversion in new product selling situation which analyzing in combination with the other personality dimensions suppresses the others. Finding regarding controlling for certain demographical characteristics of salespeople reveal that performance in selling new products is determined by selling experience. Salespeople’s age is not proved to be significantly related neither with motivation nor performance in selling new products. Findings regarding salespeople’s gender though proposing that males are more motivated to sell new products cannot be generalized due to the study limitations.


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This study investigated the relation between the five-factor model (FFM) of personality trait domains and leadership effectiveness. Ninety-nine Australian Army commissioned officers completed the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R; Costa & McCrae, 1992) and were rated by their superior officer on the Australian Army annual leadership effectiveness evaluation schedule. Participants indicated whether they had been selected to attend a leadership promotion course at the Army Command and Staff College, widely regarded within the Army as indicative of an officer's effectiveness. It was hypothesized that leadership effectiveness would be predicted by the personality trait domains of high Conscientiousness, Openness, Agreeableness, and Extraversion and by low Neuroticism. High Conscientiousness and low Extraversion scores predicted high leadership effectiveness and the likelihood of attending the leadership promotion course. High Openness scores also predicted the likelihood of attending the promotion course. The results support the utility of the FFM in exploring the role of personality in leadership effectiveness among military leaders.


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Prior research into corporate branding, of which corporate image is a key construct, has focused primarily on products. There has, however, been limited academic research focusing on corporate branding in the leisure services sector. However, in an increasingly competitive environment, leisure services need to treat branding and image management as more than just "monkey business". This study addresses this by developing a model and empirically testing the relationships between corporate image, the dimensions of corporate image, customer satisfaction and loyalty in the context of a Zoological garden. As predicted, a strong relationship was found between corporate image, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Our results also suggest that three dimensions of corporate image (adventure, mission/vision and agreeableness) explain a significant propOliion of the variance in satisfaction and loyalty.


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Having an eye catching and attractive website could help hotels to compete in the vigorous online market. This study attempts to examine the relationship between human personality and the web design preferences. Kohonen Networks were adopted to cluster people with similar personality characteristics and identify their differences on web design preferences. Empirical results indicated people with similar personality traits have similar design preferences. For example, to attract those who got high scores in agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness but low score in neuroticism, a web page should start with a language selection page with introductory movie, one large image on the web page showing hotel interior design with hotel guest in the photo, and with background music.


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Although past research has demonstrated a link between personality and job performance, potential enabling factors of this relationship have yet to be explored comprehensively. We hypothesized that perceptions of work climate, specifically relationship dimensions—cohesion, supervisor support, and job involvement—might be the mechanism through which the relationship between personality and job performance can be explained. Two hundred and thirty Australian employees completed an online survey measuring personality, relationship dimensions of work climate (job involvement, coworker cohesion, and supervisor support) and job performance. Results revealed that the relationship dimensions of work climate fully mediated the relationship between agreeableness and job performance, and extraversion and job performance, while the relationship between neuroticism and job performance was partially mediated by relationship dimensions of work climate. Supervisor support primarily accounted for this mediated effect for the neuroticism–job performance relationship, whereas for extraversion only job involvement explained significant unique variance. Our findings suggest that the relationship of agreeableness, extraversion, and neuroticism with job performance is indirect, and perceptions of the work environment itself play a role in this relationship. This implies that organizations should consider the work environment, in addition to personality during selection procedures. Future research should examine whether different levels of work environment dimensions, foster greater job performance in employees.


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Religiosity and spirituality have been found to be negatively associated with a range of addictions. It has been suggested that religious/spiritual well-being might play an important role in the development, course and the recovery from addictive disorders. A sample of addiction in-patients (n=389) was assessed using the Multidimensional Inventory for Religious/Spiritual Well-Being (MI-RSWB) and compared with a matched group of non-addicted community controls (n=389). RSWB was found to be substantially lower in people with substance use disorders compared to the normal sample. Discriminate functional analysis showed that Experiences of Sense and Meaning, General Religiosity and Forgiveness were the dimensions of RSWB which strongly distinguished the groups. Within the group of people with substance use disorders, RSWB was strongly positively associated with the personality dimensions of Conscientiousness, Agreeableness and Openness as well as Sense of Coherence and positive Coping styles. The study suggests that therapeutic intervention programs focusing on building a positive and meaningful personal framework, akin to that of a religious/spiritual orientation, may contribute to positive outcomes in addiction treatment.


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This article aims to discover the differences among consumer personality clusters in regard to their extent of fashion consciousness and prestige sensitivity. Data were collected from 251 undergraduate students using self-administered questionnaires. Cluster analysis and MANOVA were employed to assess whether significant differences exist among four personality clusters. The study used the Big Five scale items to measure consumer personality and found that respondents who score low on the “openness to experience” dimension tend to be less prestige sensitive, and those who score high on “extraversion,” “agreeableness,” and “conscientiousness” tend to be highly fashion conscious.


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This chapter explains the development of the Human Nexus, being an original interpretation of ethics based on David Hume's exploration of morality. Recognizing the current moral malaise in global business practice, and searching for a contemporary approach to relational ethics, his elegant reasoning is concisely adapted for global managers. The Human Nexus is proposed as a tool for conveying humanism in global business decision-making today. A matrix of Humean variables from Hume's moral treatise counterbalances usefulness and agreeableness with considerations of self-interest, selflessness and the human connection with ecology. The analysis explores the interaction of variables, relationships and decision processes common in global management. A longitudinal reflective study underpins the research. The resultant construct is presented in context with foundational and emerging literature about the challenge of abstract moral perspectives for global managers, highlighting the desire for something more practical. The Human Nexus shows potential for pragmatically encouraging and enhancing humanistic engagement in ethical decision-making.


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Objective: The relationship between personality and psychosis is well established. It has been suggested that this relationship may be partly accounted for by higher levels of depression in individuals with certain personality traits. We explored whether the link between personality and psychotic symptoms is already apparent in adolescence, and if this association would still hold when depression was controlled for. Method: 654 secondary school students were surveyed via self-report questionnaires measuring the Five-Factor model of personality (NEO-FFI), depression (CES-D) and psychotic-like experiences (CAPE). Results: Positive associations were found between Neuroticism and all CAPE-subscales except Magical Thinking, which was in turn associated with all other personality traits when at high levels. Agreeableness was negatively associated with all CAPE-subscales, while Openness to Experience was only positively associated with Persecutory Ideas and Magical Thinking. After controlling for depression, many of the significant associations remained. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the chance of having psychotic like experiences is more likely for adolescents with certain personality traits. These associations are not fully explained by depression, especially when psychotic experiences are at higher levels. Future research is needed to investigate if these personality traits might put a person at risk for the development of full-blown psychosis.


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Evidence from our systematic literature review revealed numerous inconsistencies in findings from the Pair Programming (PP) literature regarding the effects of personality on PP's effectiveness as a pedagogical tool. In particular: i) the effect of differing personality traits of pairs on the successful implementation of pair-programming (PP) within a higher education setting is still unclear, and ii) the personality instrument most often used had been Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), despite being an indicator criticized by personality psychologists as unreliable in measuring an individual's personality traits. These issues motivated the research described in this paper. We conducted a series of five formal experiments (one of which was a replicated experiment), between 2009 and 2010, at the University of Auckland, to investigate the effects of personality composition on PP's effectiveness. Each experiment looked at a particular personality trait of the Five-Factor personality framework. This framework comprises five broad traits (Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism), and our experiments focused on three of these - Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness. A total of 594 undergraduate students participated as subjects. Overall, our findings for all five experiments, including the replication, showed that Conscientiousness and Neuroticism did not present a statistically significant effect upon paired students' academic performance. However, Openness played a significant role in differentiating paired students' academic performance. Participants' survey results also indicated that PP not only caused an increase in satisfaction and confidence levels but also brought enjoyment to the tutorial classes and enhanced students' motivation.