972 resultados para Aging Health


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a autopercepção das condições de saúde bucal por idosos e analisar os fatores clínicos, subjetivos e sociodemográficos que interferem nessa percepção. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 201 pessoas, dentadas, com 60 anos ou mais, funcionalmente independentes, que freqüentavam um centro de saúde localizado em Araraquara, SP, Brasil. Foi aplicado questionário com questões sobre as características sociodemográficas da amostra, a autopercepção da condição bucal e o índice Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI). Realizou-se exame clínico para determinar a prevalência das principais doenças bucais. Foram usados testes estatísticos para determinar a associação das variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas e do índice GOHAI com a autopercepção da condição bucal e a identificação dos preditores da auto-avaliação. RESULTADOS: O exame clínico revelou grande prevalência das principais doenças bucais, apesar de 42,7% das pessoas avaliarem sua condição bucal como regular. As variáveis associadas à auto-avaliação foram: classe social, índice de GOHAI, dentes cariados e indicados para extração. A análise multivariada mostrou que os preditores da auto-avaliação foram o GOHAI, os dentes com extração indicada e o índice Community Periodontal Index and Treatment Needs. Esses preditores explicaram 30% da variabilidade da auto-avaliação. CONCLUSÕES: Concluiu-se que a percepção da saúde bucal teve pouca influência nas condições clínicas, mostrando ser necessário desenvolver ações preventivas e educativas para a população.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Essa pesquisa teve por objetivos: a) identificar as concepções da população idosa do município de Araraquara, SP, quanto à etiologia da hipertensão arterial e a relevância dos diferentes sinais e sintomas que acompanham a doença; b) identificar as concepções dos idosos relativas à relevância e à utilização das diferentes categorias de tratamento para HA. Foram realizadas entrevistas estruturadas com 29 indivíduos, a maioria com 60 anos ou mais, em tratamento de hipertensão em ambulatório de gerontologia da Prefeitura do Município de Araraquara, em agosto de 1996. Os pacientes encontram-se bem informados pela equipe de saúde sobre os problemas relacionados à hipertensão arterial. Concepções de etiologia tipicamente populares também apareceram, tratando-se de aspectos que devem ser considerados quando da realização de ações de educação em saúde. O atendimento por uma equipe multidisciplinar é valorizado pelos idosos, e a reclamação mais freqüente refere-se à falta dos medicamentos prescritos para entrega gratuita no ambulatório. Para melhorar a comunicação entre equipe de saúde e pacientes é importante a inclusão de profissionais do campo das ciências humanas nas equipes gerontológicas.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a prevalência da hipertensão arterial referida em idosos de Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil, identificando os fatores associados, o uso de serviços de saúde e o conhecimento e as práticas quanto às opções do tratamento. Trata-se de estudo transversal, de base populacional, com amostra de conglomerados, estratificada e em múltiplos estágios. A análise dos dados referentes aos 426 indivíduos (sessenta anos e mais) levou em conta o desenho amostral e o efeito do delineamento. A prevalência de hipertensão foi de 51,8% (46,4% nos homens e 55,9% nas mulheres) e mostrou-se mais elevada em idosos: com menor escolaridade (55,9%), migrantes de outros estados (60,2%) e com sobrepeso ou obesidade (57,2%). Os resultados indicam que os serviços de saúde estão garantindo o acesso ao atendimento médico (71,6% visitam o médico regularmente) e aos medicamentos (86,7% tomam medicamento de rotina), sem distinção de nível sócio-econômico. Persistem, no entanto, desigualdades sociais quanto ao conhecimento e utilização de outras práticas de controle da pressão arterial, como dieta adequada e atividade física, que são insuficientemente utilizadas também pelos segmentos socialmente mais favorecidos.


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Objective. To investigate the epidemiologic profile of elderly persons who do or do not participate in influenza vaccination campaigns and to identify the variables that bear an influence on participation. Method. A cross-sectional population-based study was performed using data on individuals aged 60 years or older who were living in the municipalities of São Paulo, Itapecerica da Serra, Embu, Taboão da Serra, Campinas and Botucatu, Brazil, in 2001 and 2002. A stratified random sample of 1 908 elderly individuals was selected by means of two-stage cluster sampling. Exploratory data analysis was performed, including bivariate analysis and multiple logistic regression. Results. Sixty-six percent of the elderly subjects reported having received vaccination against influenza. After adjustment, the following factors were found to be associated with having received vaccination, based on self-report: age (OR = 1.47; 95% CI = 1.09 to 1.99), self-reported hypertension (OR = 1.39; 95% CI = 1.03 to 1.87) and educational level (OR = 0.64; 95% CI = 0.41 to 0.98). The highest number of vaccinated individuals was observed in the group = 70 years of age and in the hypertension group. Individuals with 9 or more years of schooling reported less adherence to influenza vaccination. Conclusions. The results suggest the need for campaigns to make information on the benefits of influenza vaccination more easily accessible to the elderly and health professionals.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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BACKGROUND: The majority of community-dwelling people 60 years and older are independent and live actively. However, there is little information about elderly persons' views on aging, health and health promotion. METHODS: Therefore, an anonymous, written questionnaire survey was performed in a representative sample of inhabitants from a section of the city of Hamburg, 60 years and older; 5 year intervals, 14 subsamples according to 7 age groups of females and males. RESULTS: Questionnaires from 950 participants (29% response) could be evaluated: mean age 71.5 years, 58% women, 34% living alone, 5% with professional healthcare needs as indicated by status according to German nursing care insurance. Senior citizens' positive attitudes towards aging and health were predominant: 69% of respondents felt young, 85% worried about loss of autonomy in old age. CONCLUSIONS: The results provide evidence indicating potential for improving health-promoting lifestyles in parts of the older population by evaluating and strengthening older persons' competencies and by considering their concerns seriously. These results provide valuable information for future plans in the public-health sector in the city of Hamburg where particular health-promoting actions for elderly persons will be considered.


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Background. The elderly population aged 60 and above is increasing rapidly throughout the world. The aging process affects physical health of individuals, which in turn affects sexuality and sexual activity. However, many elderly adults continue to engage in one or more forms of sexual activities well into their 70s, 80s, and even in 90s. Despite the widespread stereotypes, misconceptions, and negative attitudes surrounding sexuality in elderly adults, it has been found to be an important aspect of the health of the elderly. However, association between the frequency of sexual activity and mental well being among older adults has not been documented in the literature. ^ Methods. To test the hypotheses that mental well being indicators such as depression, anxiety, and stress were inversely associated with greater frequency of sexual intimacy, a secondary data analysis was conducted using the National Social Life Health and Aging Project (NSHAP) using multivariate logistic regression. The NSHAP was a population-based study that was conducted on a national scale including 1455 men and 1550 women aged 57-85.^ Results. Approximately 1430 (54.1%) of the total population reported being sexually intimate in the past 12 months whereas 1481 (45.9%) participants reported that they did not perform any sexual activity in the past 12 months. In addition, approximately 895(31.1%) participants reported engaging in sexual activity ≥ 2-3 times per month with 665 (78.9%) of these participants reported performing vaginal intercourse only, 14(2.0%) oral sex only, and 89(10.5%) reported performing both vaginal intercourse and oral sex. Controlling for socio-demographic characteristics, frequently (≥2-3 times per month) sexually active participants showed lower odds ratio of depression (OR= 0.60; 95%CI = 0.46, 0.78), anxiety (OR= 0.67; 95% CI= 0.53, 0.86), and stress (OR=0.73; 95% CI = 0.6, 0.88) compared to those who had less frequent sexual activity or who had no sexual activity in the past 12 months.^ Conclusion. Lower levels of depression, anxiety, and stress appear to be associated with greater frequency of sexual activity. Public health interventions should focus on educating elderly adults about their sexual health and how to seek medical help for their sexual problems. Public health professionals should also be educated on how to best assess sexual needs of the elderly adults.^


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In prospective studies it is essential that the study sample accurately represents the target population for meaningful inferences to be drawn. Understanding why some individuals do not participate, or fail to continue to participate, in longitudinal studies can provide an empirical basis for the development of effective recruitment and retention strategies to improve response rates. This study examined the influence of social connectedness and self-esteem on long-term retention of participants, using secondary data from the “San Antonio Longitudinal Study of Aging” (SALSA), a population-based study of Mexican Americans (MAs) and European Americans (EAs) aged over 65 years residing in San Antonio, Texas. We tested the effect of social connectedness, self-esteem and socioeconomic status on participant retention in both ethnic groups. In MAs only, we analyzed whether acculturation and assimilation moderated these associations and/or had a direct effect on participant retention. ^ Low income, low frequency of social contacts and length of recruitment interval were significant predictors of non-completer status. Participants with low levels of social contacts were almost twice as likely as those with high levels of social contacts to be non-completers, even after adjustment for age, sex, ethnic group, education, household income, and recruitment interval (OR = 1.95, 95% CI: 1.26–3.01, p = 0.003). Recruitment interval consistently and strongly predicted non-completer status in all the models tested. Depending on the model, for each year beyond baseline there was a 25–33% greater likelihood of non-completion. The only significant interaction, or moderating, effect observed was between social contacts and cultural values among MAs. Specifically, MAs with both low social contacts and low acculturation on cultural values (i.e., placed high value on preserving Mexican cultural origins) were three and half times more likely to be non-completers compared with MAs in other subgroups comprised of the combination of these variables, even after adjustment for covariates. ^ Long term studies with older and minority participants are challenging for participant retention. Strategies can be designed to enhance retention by paying special attention to participants with low social contacts and, in MAs, participants with both low social contacts and low acculturation on cultural values. Minimizing the time interval between baseline and follow-up recruitment, and maintaining frequent contact with participants during this interval should also be is integral to the study design.^


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Nursing home literature links poor management practices to poor quality of care and resident outcomes. Since Nursing Home Administrators (NHAs) require an array of skills to perform their role, it is important to explore what makes a NHA effective. This research fills a gap in the literature and provides a possible option to improve the quality of care in nursing homes. Purpose of the study. The study examines whether NHAs with advanced education (defined as a Masters degree or more) are associated with better quality of care in licensed nursing homes (NHs). Design and Methods. Data was derived from the CDC’s 2004 National Nursing Home Survey, which is a representative sample of NHs across the US. A Donabedian- inspired structure-process-outcomes study model was created to explain how education relates to quality of care. Quality of care was defined as onsite oral care, employee influenza vaccination rates and staff recognition programs. Statistical analyses included multivariate logistic regression; covariates included facility-level variables used in similar peer-reviewed research but also included select measures from the Area Resource File to control for county-level factors. Results. Descriptive and analytical analyses confirm that NHAs with a Bachelor’s degree, Associate degree or high school diploma perform less well than NHAs with a Masters degree or more. NHAs with advanced education are more likely to have onsite dental care and recognition programs for staff than NHAs with a Bachelor’s degree (or less). Also NHAs with less than graduate education are more likely to provide off-site dental care. Employee vaccination rates are not impacted by education. Adding certification, tenure or years of experience to a NHA with advanced education gives them an advantage. In fact, certification and experience alone do not have a positive relationship to care indicators; however adding these to advanced education produces a significant result. Implications. This research provides preliminary evidence that advanced education for the NHA is associated with better quality of care. If future research can confirm these findings, there is merit in revisiting the qualifications. Education can be a legitimate option to support quality improvement efforts in US nursing homes. ^


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Purpose of the Study: This study evaluated the prevalence of periodontal disease between Mexican American elderly and European American elderly residing in three socio-economically distinct neighborhoods in San Antonio, Texas. ^ Study Group: Subjects for the original protocol were participants of the Oral Health: San Antonio Longitudinal Study of Aging (OH: SALSA), which began with National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding in 1993 (M.J. Saunders, PI). The cohort in the study was the individuals who had been enrolled in Phases I and III of the San Antonio Heart Study (SAHS). This SAHS/SALSA sample is a community-based probability sample of Mexican American and European American residents from three socio-economically distinct San Antonio neighborhoods: low-income barrio, middle-income transitional, and upper-income suburban. The OH: SALSA cohort was established between July 1993 and May 1998 by sampling two subsets of the San Antonio Heart Study (SAHS) cohort. These subsets included the San Antonio Longitudinal Study of Aging (SALSA) cohort, comprised of the oldest members of the SAHS (age 65+ yrs. old), and a younger set of controls (age 35-64 yrs. old) sampled from the remainder of the SAHS cohort. ^ Methods: The study used simple descriptive statistics to describe the sociodemographic characteristics and periodontal disease indicators of the OH: SALSA participants. Means and standard deviations were used to summarize continuous measures. Proportions were used to summarize categorical measures. Simple m x n chi square statistics was used to compare ethnic differences. A multivariable ordered logit regression was used to estimate the prevalence of periodontal disease and test ethnic group and neighborhood differences in the prevalence of periodontal disease. A multivariable model adjustment for socio-economic status (income and education), gender, and age (treated as confounders) was applied. ^ Summary: In the unadjusted and adjusted model, Mexican American elderly demonstrated the greatest prevalence for periodontitis, p < 0.05. Mexican American elderly in barrio neighborhoods demonstrated the greatest prevalence for severe periodontitis, with unadjusted prevalence rates of 31.7%, 22.3%, and 22.4% for Mexican American elderly barrio, transitional, and suburban neighborhoods, respectively. Also, Mexican American elderly had adjusted prevalence rates of 29.4%, 23.7%, and 20.4% for barrio, transitional, and suburban neighborhoods, respectively. ^ Conclusion: This study indicates that the prevalence of periodontal disease is an important oral health issue among the Mexican American elderly. The results suggest that the socioeconomic status of the residential neighborhood increased the risk for severe periodontal disease among the Mexican American elderly when compared to European American elderly. A viable approach to recognizing oral health disparities in our growing population of Mexican American elderly is imperative for the provision of special care programs that will help increase the quality of care in this minority population.^


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Purpose: Self-neglect (SN) is the inability to maintain self-care needs. It is thought that older adults who have impaired executive function (EF) develop the inability to do self-care and to protect themselves. The specific aims were to (1) determine the feasibility of using multiple EF measures with community-dwelling elders with SN, (2) identify changes in EF between baseline and 5-months in community-dwelling elders with SN who receive 50,000 IU or 400 IU of oral vitamin D monthly and (2) explore changes in specific dimensions of EF between the groups. ^ Methods: Fifty adults, 65 years of age and older, were recruited from Adult Protective Services with confirmed SN. A research nurse administered the following tests at baseline and five-months: Delis-Kaplan Card Sort Test (D-KEFS), Executive Interview (EXIT 25), CLOX Drawing Test (CLOX I, II), Trails Making Test A and B (TMT A & B) and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Demographic data was collected at baseline and serum 25-OHD levels were collected at baseline and five-months. ^ Results: Older adults with SN were more likely to fail the CLOX1 and D-KEFS, while passing the MMSE, CLOX II, TMT A & B and the EXIT 25. At five-months, the only statistically significant difference between groups was in the TMT A & B test scores; the control group did better than the treatment group. There was a non-significant increase in serum vitamin D levels for both groups and no difference between groups. ^ Conclusions: Results from this study provide support that individuals who SN will complete a battery of EF tests and that they exhibit the following impairments consistent with executive dysfunction: 'concept generation', 'planning', 'inhibition', and 'spatial working memory'. Utilizing only one EF measure in individuals with intact cognition may result in unidentification of individuals with executive dysfunction, thus delaying necessary treatment. Future studies should attempt to determine different etiologies of executive dysfunction and determine if early treatment can prevent or reverse SN. ^ Key Words: Self-neglect, Executive Dysfunction, Executive Function, Adult Protective Services, Community-dwelling, Vitamin D ^


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This report was prepared by the Illinois Dept. on Aging and has been submitted to the Illinois General Assembly as required under Public Act 95-565.