994 resultados para Aggressive incidents inside a Montreal barroom involving patrons


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This essay appears in the first book to examine feminist curatorship in the last 40 years. It undertakes an extended reading of Cathy de Zegher's influential exhibition, Inside the Visible, An Elliptical Traverse of 20th Century Art. In, of and From the Feminine (1995) which proposed that modern art should be understood through cyclical shifts involving the constant reinvention of artistic method and identified four key moments in 20th century history to structure its project. The essay analyses Inside the Visible's concept of an elliptical traverse to raise questions about repetitions and recurrences in feminist exhibitions of the early 1980s, the mid 1990s and 2007 asking whether and in what ways questions of feminist curating have been continuously repeated and reinvented. The essay argues that Inside the Visible was a key project in second wave feminism and exemplified debates about women's time, first theorised by Julia Kristeva. It concludes, however, that 'women's time' has had its moment, and new conceptions of feminism and its history are needed if feminist curating is not endlessly to recycle its past. The essay informs a wider collaborative project on the sexual politics of violence, feminism and contemporary art, in collaboration with Edinburgh and one of the editors of this collection.


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This comparative inquiry examines the multi-/bilingual nature and cultural diversity of two distinctly different linguistic and ethnic communities in Montreal – English speakers and Chinese speakers – with a focus on the multi/bilingual and multi/biliterate development of children from these two communities who attend French-language schools, by choice in one case and by law in the other. In both of these communities, children traditionally achieve academic success. The authors approach this investigation from the perspective of the parents’ aspirations and expectations for, and their support of and involvement in, their children’s education. These two communities share key similarities and differences that, when considered together, help to clarify a number of issues involving multi/biliteracy development, socio-economic and linguistic capital, minority/majority language status, mother-tongue support, home–school continuities, and linguistic identity.


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Objective: To evaluate compliance with a legislative ban on smoking inside restaurants by comparing smoking in Sydney restaurants (where it is legally banned) with smoking in Melbourne restaurants (not subject to a legal ban).

Design and participants: Unobtrusive observational study of restaurant patrons, and interviews with restaurant staff, carried out by 159 volunteers.

78 Sydney restaurants with smoke-free indoor environments (as required by legislation) and 81 Melbourne restaurants not subject to legislation preventing smoking. The study took place from 20-31 October 2000.

Intervention: Legislation to ban smoking in indoor areas of restaurants was introduced in New South Wales in September 2000 (about six weeks before our study).

Outcomes: Observed incidents of smoking inside restaurants; staff attitudes to the ban; customer satisfaction as indicated by comments to staff; staff perceptions of restaurant patronage.

No restaurant patrons were seen smoking in 78 Sydney restaurants during 156 hours of observation of 2646 diners, compared with 176 smokers among 3014 Melbourne diners over 154 hours of observation. Thirty-one per cent (24/78) of Sydney restaurants had experienced smokers attempting to smoke indoors after the legislation was introduced; 6% (5/78) reported instances of smokers refusing to stop smoking when asked; 79% (62/78) of restaurants had received favourable comments from patrons about the smoke-free law; 81% (63/78) of restaurant staff interviewed either supported or strongly supported the law. Since introduction of the legislation, 76% of restaurants reported normal trade, 14% increased trade, and 9% reduced trade.

Smoke-free restaurants do not require "smoking police" to enforce bans, present few ongoing difficulties for staff, attract many more favourable than unfavourable comments from patrons, and do not adversely affect trade.


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INTRODUCTION AND AIMS: Few studies have investigated the relationship of barroom aggression with both general and barroom-specific alcohol expectancies. The present study investigated these associations in a rarely studied and high-risk population: construction tradespeople. DESIGN AND METHODS: Male construction tradespeople (n = 211) aged 18-35 years (M = 21.91, SD = 4.08 years) participated in a face-to-face questionnaire assessing general and barroom-specific alcohol expectancies and perpetration of physical and verbal barroom aggression as well as control variables, age, alcohol consumption and trait aggression. RESULTS: Sequential logistic regression analyses revealed that general alcohol-aggression expectancies of courage or dominance were not predictive of either verbal or physical barroom aggression after controlling for age, alcohol consumption and trait aggression. However, barroom-specific alcohol expectancies were associated with both verbal and physical barroom aggression, with positive associations found for expected hyper-emotionality and protective effects for expected cognitive impairment. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: In a population where rates of risky drinking and barroom aggression are high, specific expectations about the effects of drinking in bars may influence subsequent aggressive behaviour in bars. [Zinkiewicz L, Smith G, Burn M, Litherland S, Wells S, Graham K, Miller P. Aggression-related alcohol expectancies and barroom aggression among construction tradespeople. Drug Alcohol Rev 2015;00:000-00].


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International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2012; 22: 310316 Background. Generalized aggressive periodontitis (GAP) in primary teeth is a rare periodontal disease that occurs during or soon after eruption of the primary teeth. An association with systemic diseases is a possibility. Case Report. A 4-year-old Brazilian girl presented with GAP involving the entire primary dentition. The patient and her parents and sister were subjected to microbiological testing to identify the microorganisms involved in the disease. The patient underwent tooth extraction to eradicate the disease and received a prosthesis for the restoration of masticatory function. After the permanent teeth erupted, fixed orthodontic appliances were place to restore dental arch form and occlusion. Conclusions. The results show the importance of an early diagnosis of GAP and of a multidisciplinary approach involving laboratory and clinical management to treat the disease and to restore masticatory function, providing a better quality of life for patients.


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O futebol possui grande representatividade social em diferentes culturas. Porém, a paixão despertada nas torcidas pode gerar comportamentos agressivos e violentos, em um momento que deveria ser de diversão, caracterizando o lazer desviante, o qual ainda não está devidamente esclarecido. Esta pesquisa qualitativa teve como objetivo investigar, nos estudos acadêmicos, o comportamento agressivo das torcidas organizadas e seus desdobramentos no tempo destinado ao lazer. Para tanto, na pesquisa bibliográfica, buscou-se informações em obras de referência, compostas por livros e teses, além da consulta a diferentes bases de dados, com os descritores: lazer, torcidas organizadas, agressividade e violência. Os resultados indicam que, independente da gênese do comportamento agressivo, quando em presença de um grupo, ou dependendo do contexto sociohistórico, da composição das torcidas, da violência integrante da sociedade, da mídia, da má organização esportiva e da impunidade, estes fatores podem afetar mudança no comportamento individual, contribuindo para manifestações agressivas e violentas no âmbito futebolístico em campo e nas torcidas. Este tipo de manifestação pode favorecer a diminuição do público nos estádios, além de repercutir na delimitação das atividades vivenciadas no contexto do lazer. Estas condutas violentas podem, até mesmo, acarretar graves conseqüências nos âmbitos físico e/ou psíquico. Por fim, aponta-se a premência de políticas públicas específicas envolvendo o lazer e os megaeventos.


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Desmoid-type fibromatosis is an uncommon and aggressive neoplasia, associated with a high rate of recurrence. It is characterized by an infiltrative but benign fibroblastic proliferation occurring within the deep soft tissues. There is no consensus about the treatment of those tumors. We present a surgical series of four cases, involving the brachial plexus (two cases), the median nerve and the medial brachial cutaneous nerve. Except for the last case, they were submitted to multiple surgical procedures and showed repeated recurrences. The diagnosis, the different ways of treatment and the prognosis of these tumoral lesions are discussed. Our results support the indication of radical surgery followed by radiotherapy as probably one of the best ways to treat those controversial lesions.


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We report a locally aggressive collagenous myofibroblastic neoplasm of the mandible in an 18-year-old male. Clinically, the lesion presented with rapid growth and irregular mandibular bone destruction. Grossly, the tumor was 10 cm in greatest dimension, light-tan, firm, and involving the posterior one-thirds of the body and inferior half of the left mandibular ramus. Histologically, the lesion was composed of a loose spindle cell proliferation interspersed with periodic dense bands of collagen. The spindle cells reacted positively to smooth muscle actin, calponin, and focally to desmin and were negative for S-100, pan-cytokeratin, CD99, CD34 and caldesmon, supporting myofibroblastic derivation. At our 4 year follow-up, the patient remained free of local recurrence and surgery related complications. The clinicopathologic findings and the differential diagnosis of this lesion is presented and discussed.


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Older people’s travel behaviour is affected by negative or positive critical incidents in the public transport environment. With the objective of identifying such inci- dents during whole trips and examining how travel beha- viour had changed, we have conducted in-depth interviews with 30 participants aged 65–91 years in the County of Stockholm, Sweden. Out of 469 incidents identified, 77 were reported to have resulted in travel behaviour change, 67 of them in a negative way. Most critical incidents were encountered in the physical environment on-board vehicles and at stations/stops as well as in pricing/ticketing. The findings show that more personal assistance, better driving behaviour, and swift maintenance of elevators and escala- tors are key facilitators that would improve predictability in travelling and enhance vulnerable older travellers’ feeling of security. The results demonstrate the benefit of involving different groups of end users in future planning and design, such that transport systems would meet the various needs of its end users.


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This review was requested by the Department of Disabilities and Special Needs for an independent review of allegations of abuse, neglect, and exploitation at SC Mentor, a private provider of residential services for DDSN consumers. An analysis of incidents did not indicate systemic abuse towards consumers inasmuch as the majority of the ANE reporting system contained allegations more akin to staff/facility performance issues and the vast majority of all allegations were unsustained by independent investigations. In the future, DDSN should expand the level of detail in its ANE reporting, which currently only reports total allegations and sustained criminal incidents.


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This paper relates to government initiatives which aim at advancing their country’s economic development and investor attractiveness. It identifies large scale projects that involve collaboration between government and business (termed: large scale collaborative venture – LSCV) as one aspect of competing in the new economy. The study pursued the research proposition that a LSCV can be effectively facilitated by following a theory based process similar to what is used in corporate practice. An approach to managing such ventures is outlined, based on strategic marketing theory applied to a major project, the Multifunction Polis. It is proposed that such an approach may enhance the success of a collaborative venture and thereby help countries participate more successfully in global competition through such ventures.


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Durability issues of reinforced concrete construction cost millions of dollars in repair or demolition. Identification of the causes of degradation and a prediction of service life based on experience, judgement and local knowledge has limitations in addressing all the associated issues. The objective of this CRC CI research project is to develop a tool that will assist in the interpretation of the symptoms of degradation of concrete structures, estimate residual capacity and recommend cost effective solutions. This report is a documentation of the research undertaken in connection with this project. The primary focus of this research is centred on the case studies provided by Queensland Department of Main Roads (QDMR) and Brisbane City Council (BCC). These organisations are endowed with the responsibility of managing a huge volume of bridge infrastructure in the state of Queensland, Australia. The main issue to be addressed in managing these structures is the deterioration of bridge stock leading to a reduction in service life. Other issues such as political backlash, public inconvenience, approach land acquisitions are crucial but are not within the scope of this project. It is to be noted that deterioration is accentuated by aggressive environments such as salt water, acidic or sodic soils. Carse, 2005, has noted that the road authorities need to invest their first dollars in understanding their local concretes and optimising the durability performance of structures and then look at potential remedial strategies.