790 resultados para Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering
This paper presents a new hierarchical clustering algorithm for crop stage classification using hyperspectral satellite image. Amongst the multiple benefits and uses of remote sensing, one of the important application is to solve the problem of crop stage classification. Modern commercial imaging satellites, owing to their large volume of satellite imagery, offer greater opportunities for automated image analysis. Hence, we propose a unsupervised algorithm namely Hierarchical Artificial Immune System (HAIS) of two steps: splitting the cluster centers and merging them. The high dimensionality of the data has been reduced with the help of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The classification results have been compared with K-means and Artificial Immune System algorithms. From the results obtained, we conclude that the proposed hierarchical clustering algorithm is accurate.
Many data are naturally modeled by an unobserved hierarchical structure. In this paper we propose a flexible nonparametric prior over unknown data hierarchies. The approach uses nested stick-breaking processes to allow for trees of unbounded width and depth, where data can live at any node and are infinitely exchangeable. One can view our model as providing infinite mixtures where the components have a dependency structure corresponding to an evolutionary diffusion down a tree. By using a stick-breaking approach, we can apply Markov chain Monte Carlo methods based on slice sampling to perform Bayesian inference and simulate from the posterior distribution on trees. We apply our method to hierarchical clustering of images and topic modeling of text data.
In this paper we study the classification of spatiotemporal pattern of one-dimensional cellular automata (CA) whereas the classification comprises CA rules including their initial conditions. We propose an exploratory analysis method based on the normalized compression distance (NCD) of spatiotemporal patterns which is used as dissimilarity measure for a hierarchical clustering. Our approach is different with respect to the following points. First, the classification of spatiotemporal pattern is comparative because the NCD evaluates explicitly the difference of compressibility among two objects, e.g., strings corresponding to spatiotemporal patterns. This is in contrast to all other measures applied so far in a similar context because they are essentially univariate. Second, Kolmogorov complexity, which underlies the NCD, was used in the classification of CA with respect to their spatiotemporal pattern. Third, our method is semiautomatic allowing us to investigate hundreds or thousands of CA rules or initial conditions simultaneously to gain insights into their organizational structure. Our numerical results are not only plausible confirming previous classification attempts but also shed light on the intricate influence of random initial conditions on the classification results.
This paper proposes max separation clustering (MSC), a new non-hierarchical clustering method used for feature extraction from optical emission spectroscopy (OES) data for plasma etch process control applications. OES data is high dimensional and inherently highly redundant with the result that it is difficult if not impossible to recognize useful features and key variables by direct visualization. MSC is developed for clustering variables with distinctive patterns and providing effective pattern representation by a small number of representative variables. The relationship between signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and clustering performance is highlighted, leading to a requirement that low SNR signals be removed before applying MSC. Experimental results on industrial OES data show that MSC with low SNR signal removal produces effective summarization of the dominant patterns in the data.
S’insérant dans les domaines de la Lecture et de l’Analyse de Textes Assistées par Ordinateur (LATAO), de la Gestion Électronique des Documents (GÉD), de la visualisation de l’information et, en partie, de l’anthropologie, cette recherche exploratoire propose l’expérimentation d’une méthodologie descriptive en fouille de textes afin de cartographier thématiquement un corpus de textes anthropologiques. Plus précisément, nous souhaitons éprouver la méthode de classification hiérarchique ascendante (CHA) pour extraire et analyser les thèmes issus de résumés de mémoires et de thèses octroyés de 1985 à 2009 (1240 résumés), par les départements d’anthropologie de l’Université de Montréal et de l’Université Laval, ainsi que le département d’histoire de l’Université Laval (pour les résumés archéologiques et ethnologiques). En première partie de mémoire, nous présentons notre cadre théorique, c'est-à-dire que nous expliquons ce qu’est la fouille de textes, ses origines, ses applications, les étapes méthodologiques puis, nous complétons avec une revue des principales publications. La deuxième partie est consacrée au cadre méthodologique et ainsi, nous abordons les différentes étapes par lesquelles ce projet fut conduit; la collecte des données, le filtrage linguistique, la classification automatique, pour en nommer que quelques-unes. Finalement, en dernière partie, nous présentons les résultats de notre recherche, en nous attardant plus particulièrement sur deux expérimentations. Nous abordons également la navigation thématique et les approches conceptuelles en thématisation, par exemple, en anthropologie, la dichotomie culture ̸ biologie. Nous terminons avec les limites de ce projet et les pistes d’intérêts pour de futures recherches.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar diferentes técnicas multivariadas na caracterização de 35 genótipos de gergelim mediante 769 marcadores RAPD. As distâncias genéticas foram obtidas pelo complemento aritmético do coeficiente de Jaccard e agrupadas pelos métodos hierárquicos do vizinho mais próximo, do vizinho mais distante, das médias aritméticas não ponderadas (UPGMA), do método de otimização de Tocher e análises de coordenadas principais. O agrupamento dos genótipos foi alterado em função dos diferentes métodos usados. Adotando-se a mesma distância genética (0,36) como valor de corte, diferenciaram-se quatro grupos no método do vizinho mais próximo, 13 para o vizinho mais distante, 11 no UPGMA e quatro no Tocher. Entre os métodos hierárquicos, o UPGMA apresentou o melhor ajuste das distâncias originais e estimadas (CCC = 0,89). As análises das coordenadas principais confirmaram a baixa diversidade existente entre os genótipos. A maior divergência ocorreu entre as cultivares Seridó 1 e Arawaca 4, e a menor, entre os genótipos VCR-101 e GP-3314. As três primeiras coordenadas principais contabilizaram 35,13% do total da variabilidade, e 18 autovalores foram necessários para explicar 81% da variação genética. Os métodos UPGMA, de otimização de Tocher, e as análises de coordenadas principais são complementares na formação dos grupos.
One way to organize knowledge and make its search and retrieval easier is to create a structural representation divided by hierarchically related topics. Once this structure is built, it is necessary to find labels for each of the obtained clusters. In many cases the labels have to be built using only the terms in the documents of the collection. This paper presents the SeCLAR (Selecting Candidate Labels using Association Rules) method, which explores the use of association rules for the selection of good candidates for labels of hierarchical document clusters. The candidates are processed by a classical method to generate the labels. The idea of the proposed method is to process each parent-child relationship of the nodes as an antecedent-consequent relationship of association rules. The experimental results show that the proposed method can improve the precision and recall of labels obtained by classical methods. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.
One way to organize knowledge and make its search and retrieval easier is to create a structural representation divided by hierarchically related topics. Once this structure is built, it is necessary to find labels for each of the obtained clusters. In many cases the labels must be built using all the terms in the documents of the collection. This paper presents the SeCLAR method, which explores the use of association rules in the selection of good candidates for labels of hierarchical document clusters. The purpose of this method is to select a subset of terms by exploring the relationship among the terms of each document. Thus, these candidates can be processed by a classical method to generate the labels. An experimental study demonstrates the potential of the proposed approach to improve the precision and recall of labels obtained by classical methods only considering the terms which are potentially more discriminative. © 2012 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.
Background and Aim: The identification of gastric carcinomas (GC) has traditionally been based on histomorphology. Recently, DNA microarrays have successfully been used to identify tumors through clustering of the expression profiles. Random forest clustering is widely used for tissue microarrays and other immunohistochemical data, because it handles highly-skewed tumor marker expressions well, and weighs the contribution of each marker according to its relatedness with other tumor markers. In the present study, we e identified biologically- and clinically-meaningful groups of GC by hierarchical clustering analysis of immunohistochemical protein expression. Methods: We selected 28 proteins (p16, p27, p21, cyclin D1, cyclin A, cyclin B1, pRb, p53, c-met, c-erbB-2, vascular endothelial growth factor, transforming growth factor [TGF]-beta I, TGF-beta II, MutS homolog-2, bcl-2, bax, bak, bcl-x, adenomatous polyposis coli, clathrin, E-cadherin, beta-catenin, mucin (MUC) 1, MUC2, MUC5AC, MUC6, matrix metalloproteinase [ MMP]-2, and MMP-9) to be investigated by immunohistochemistry in 482 GC. The analyses of the data were done using a random forest-clustering method. Results: Proteins related to cell cycle, growth factor, cell motility, cell adhesion, apoptosis, and matrix remodeling were highly expressed in GC. We identified protein expressions associated with poor survival in diffuse-type GC. Conclusions: Based on the expression analysis of 28 proteins, we identified two groups of GC that could not be explained by any clinicopathological variables, and a subgroup of long-surviving diffuse-type GC patients with a distinct molecular profile. These results provide not only a new molecular basis for understanding the biological properties of GC, but also better prediction of survival than the classic pathological grouping.
Point Distribution Models (PDM) are among the most popular shape description techniques and their usefulness has been demonstrated in a wide variety of medical imaging applications. However, to adequately characterize the underlying modeled population it is essential to have a representative number of training samples, which is not always possible. This problem is especially relevant as the complexity of the modeled structure increases, being the modeling of ensembles of multiple 3D organs one of the most challenging cases. In this paper, we introduce a new GEneralized Multi-resolution PDM (GEM-PDM) in the context of multi-organ analysis able to efficiently characterize the different inter-object relations, as well as the particular locality of each object separately. Importantly, unlike previous approaches, the configuration of the algorithm is automated thanks to a new agglomerative landmark clustering method proposed here, which equally allows us to identify smaller anatomically significant regions within organs. The significant advantage of the GEM-PDM method over two previous approaches (PDM and hierarchical PDM) in terms of shape modeling accuracy and robustness to noise, has been successfully verified for two different databases of sets of multiple organs: six subcortical brain structures, and seven abdominal organs. Finally, we propose the integration of the new shape modeling framework into an active shape-model-based segmentation algorithm. The resulting algorithm, named GEMA, provides a better overall performance than the two classical approaches tested, ASM, and hierarchical ASM, when applied to the segmentation of 3D brain MRI.
We have undertaken two-dimensional gel electrophoresis proteomic profiling on a series of cell lines with different recombinant antibody production rates. Due to the nature of gel-based experiments not all protein spots are detected across all samples in an experiment, and hence datasets are invariably incomplete. New approaches are therefore required for the analysis of such graduated datasets. We approached this problem in two ways. Firstly, we applied a missing value imputation technique to calculate missing data points. Secondly, we combined a singular value decomposition based hierarchical clustering with the expression variability test to identify protein spots whose expression correlates with increased antibody production. The results have shown that while imputation of missing data was a useful method to improve the statistical analysis of such data sets, this was of limited use in differentiating between the samples investigated, and highlighted a small number of candidate proteins for further investigation. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
© 2014 Cises This work is distributed with License Creative Commons Attribution-Non commercial-No derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-BC-ND 4.0)
We have used microarray gene expression profiling and machine learning to predict the presence of BRAF mutations in a panel of 61 melanoma cell lines. The BRAF gene was found to be mutated in 42 samples (69%) and intragenic mutations of the NRAS gene were detected in seven samples (11%). No cell line carried mutations of both genes. Using support vector machines, we have built a classifier that differentiates between melanoma cell lines based on BRAF mutation status. As few as 83 genes are able to discriminate between BRAF mutant and BRAF wild-type samples with clear separation observed using hierarchical clustering. Multidimensional scaling was used to visualize the relationship between a BRAF mutation signature and that of a generalized mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation (either BRAF or NRAS mutation) in the context of the discriminating gene list. We observed that samples carrying NRAS mutations lie somewhere between those with or without BRAF mutations. These observations suggest that there are gene-specific mutation signals in addition to a common MAPK activation that result from the pleiotropic effects of either BRAF or NRAS on other signaling pathways, leading to measurably different transcriptional changes.
Evidence exists that repositories of business process models used in industrial practice contain significant amounts of duplication. This duplication may stem from the fact that the repository describes variants of the same pro- cesses and/or because of copy/pasting activity throughout the lifetime of the repository. Previous work has put forward techniques for identifying duplicate fragments (clones) that can be refactored into shared subprocesses. However, these techniques are limited to finding exact clones. This paper analyzes the prob- lem of approximate clone detection and puts forward two techniques for detecting clusters of approximate clones. Experiments show that the proposed techniques are able to accurately retrieve clusters of approximate clones that originate from copy/pasting followed by independent modifications to the copied fragments.
This paper is devoted to the analysis of career paths and employability. The state-of-the-art on this topic is rather poor in methodologies. Some authors propose distances well adapted to the data, but are limiting their analysis to hierarchical clustering. Other authors apply sophisticated methods, but only after paying the price of transforming the categorical data into continuous, via a factorial analysis. The latter approach has an important drawback since it makes a linear assumption on the data. We propose a new methodology, inspired from biology and adapted to career paths, combining optimal matching and self-organizing maps. A complete study on real-life data will illustrate our proposal.