120 resultados para Aegla platensis


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Effluents containing toxic metals are dangerous and more economical, efficient and environmentally friendly treatments must be studied, with the biosorption process with microbial biomass constituting an efficient solution. Thus, the ability of Spirulina platensis biomass for removing chromium (VI) using passive and active biosorption was evaluated. Inactive microalgae biomass and synthetic solution containing chromium (VI) were used to evaluate important factors in the process and biomass biosorption ability. Results of the experiments showed that microalgae have potential for biosorption of chromium (VI), attaining removal of 100.39 mg g-1, and that pH was the variable with the greatest influence on the process.


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The microalgae biomass production from swine wastewater is a possible solution for the environmental impact generated by wastewater discharge into water sources. The biomass can be added to fish feed, which can be used in the formulation of meat products. This work addresses the adaptation of the microalgae Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira platensis) in swine wastewater and the study of the best dilution of the wastewater for maximum biomass production and for removal of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), ammonia and phosphorous to the microalgae. The cultivation of Spirulina platensis, strain Paracas presented maximum cellular concentrations and maximum specific growth rates in the wastewater concentration of 5.0 and 8.5%. The highest COD removals occurred with 26.5 and 30.0% of wastewater in the medium. The maximum removal of total phosphorous (41.6%), was with 8.5% of wastewater, which is related to the microalgae growth. The results of Spirulina culture in the swine wastewater demonstrated the possibility of using these microalgae for the COD and phosphorous removal and for biomass production.


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Spirulina platensis is a photoautotrophic mesophilic cyanobacterium. Its main sources of nutrients are nitrate, urea, and ammonium salts. Spirulina cultivation requires temperature, light intensity, and nutrient content control. This microalgae has been studied and used commercially due to its therapeutic and antioxidant potential. In addition, several studies have reported its ability to use CO2, its immune activity, and use as an adjuvant nutritive factor in the treatment of obesity. The objective of this study is the production of biomass of S. platensis using different rates of stirring, nitrogen source, amount of micronutrients, and luminosity. A 2(4) experimental design with the following factors: stirring (120 and 140 RPM), amount of nitrogen (1.5 and 2.5 g/L), amount of micronutrients (0,25 and 0,75 mL/L) (11 and 15 W), and luminosity was used. Fermentation was performed in a 500 mL conical flask with 250 mL of culture medium and 10% inoculum in an incubator with controlled stirring and luminosity. Fermentation was monitored using a spectrophotometer (560 nm), and each fermentation lasted 15 days. Of the parameters studied, luminosity is the one with the highest significance, followed by the amount of nitrogen and the interaction between stirring and micronutrients. Maximum production of biomass for 15 days was 2.70 g/L under the following conditions: luminosity15W; stirring, 120 RPM; source of nitrogen, 1.5 g/L; and micronutrients, 0.75 mL/L.


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In biotechnological processes, the culture media components are responsible for high costs and exert a strong influence on the cyanobacteria behavior. The objective of this study was to evaluate the Arthrospira platensis growth potential for biomass production under different cultivation conditions using an experimental design. Three factors that are important for cyanobacteria growth were evaluated: sodium bicarbonate (9 to 18 g/l), sodium nitrate (1.25 to 2.5 g/l), and irradiance (20 to 120 µmol photons/m2.s–1). The results showed that the concentration of NaNO3 in the A. platensis medium can be reduced, resulting in increased concentrations of biomass produced. There was a higher biomass production due to the increase in the concentration of NaHCO3 and irradiance, mainly when these two factors varied tending towards the highest values studied. The results demonstrate the potential to produce Arthrospira platensis with lower costs and effluent generation without affecting cultivation performance.


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There has been an increase in investment in research on new sources of natural pigments for food application. Some cyanobacteria can change the structures responsible for light harvesting and cellular processes according to the wavelength and light intensity. This phenomenon has been described as complementary chromatic adaptation. The present study aimed to investigate the growth of Arthrospira platensis using different light qualities, irradiance, and wavelength by evaluating the production of biomass, proteins, and phycobiliproteins. The occurrence of the chromatic adaptation phenomenon in this cyanobacterium was also investigated. The microorganism used in this study, A. platensis, was grown in a Zarrouk medium under three irradiance levels, 50, 100, and 150 μmol fotons.m–2.s–1 with illumination provided by white and green fluorescent lamps. The condition of 150 µmol fotons.m–2.s–1 white light was the one that promoted the highest biomass production of A. platensis cultures (2115.24 mg.L–1). There was no difference in the production of total protein and total phycobiliproteins under the studied conditions. It is likely that the large supply of nitrogen in the Zarrouk medium was sufficient for cell growth and maintenance, and it supplied the production of accessory pigments composed of protein. Finally, there was no evidence of the complementary chromatic adaptation phenomenon in A. platensis cultivated under green light. Moreover, this condition did not increase phycocyanin production.


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Os crustáceos decápodos da família Aeglidae são os únicos anomuros que ocorrem em águas continentais, na região subtropical e temperada da América do Sul. Entre as mais de 60 espécies descritas, várias são simpátricas, destacando-se Aegla camargoi Buckup & Rossi, 1977 e Aegla leptodactyla Buckup & Rossi, 1977, que ocorrem no Rio da Divisa, Município de São José dos Ausentes, RS Com o objetivo de obter informações sobre a ecologia trófica das espécies, com ênfase na partição de nicho trófico, os animais foram coletados sazonalmente, em intervalos de 6 horas, por 24 horas. Em laboratório, foi analisado o conteúdo estomacal, utilizando as técnicas de método dos pontos, classificação do grau de repleção estomacal, freqüência de ocorrência, e índice alimentar. A análise indicou que os animais são omnívoros, alimentando-se preferencialmente de macrófitas, insetos imaturos das ordens Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, Coleoptera e Diptera. Aegla leptodactyla mostrou maior preferência por macrófitas, relacionada a sua predominância nos ambientes onde ocorrem em maior abundância. A estimativa de repleção estomacal indicou que as duas espécies alimentam-se em todos os horários. Foram identificados e descritos os principais ossículos e estruturas que compõem o estômago desses crustáceos. Não foram detectadas diferenças na morfologia dos estômagos cardíaco e pilórico das espécies. Ambas possuem estômagos desenvolvidos, com dentes robustos, característicos de animais macrófagos. As peças bucais de ambas espécies, como as mandíbulas, maxilas e maxilípodos foram descritas e comparadas, diferindo apenas em relação ao número de dentes da crista dentata do terceiro maxilípodo. A mandíbula é bem desenvolvida, característica de caranguejos predadores. A largura do nicho trófico de cada espécie foi estimada, mostrando pequenas variações sazonais. A sobreposição de nicho trófico entre as duas espécies ocorre em todas as estações, corroborando os resultados obtidos da análise do conteúdo estomacal. Concluiu-se que as espécies são omnívoras generalistas, partilhando os recursos disponíveis no ambiente.


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar alguns aspectos relacionados à zoogeografia e ecologia dos ostracodes da plataforma interna norte do Rio de Janeiro, próximo à cidade de Cabo Frio. O material de estudo resultou da análise de 43 amostras sedimentológicas coletadas durante a expedição GEOCOSTA RIO II. Este estudo permitiu o reconhecimento de 16 famílias, 49 gêneros, 66 espécies e dois gêneros que permaneceram em nomenclatura indeterminada. A descrição de uma nova espécie, Actinocythereis brasiliensis sp. n., também foi realizada no âmbito do presente trabalho. As famílias mais representativas quanto à abundância e o número de espécies foram Thaerocytheridae e Cytheruridae, respectivamente. A espécie mais constante na área foi Caudites ohmerti e, dentre as com maior dominância estão, Caudites ohmerti, Meridionalicythere? dubia, Callistocythere litoralensis, Paracytheridea bulbosa, Urocythereis dimorphica, Henryhowella inflata, Oculocytheropteron delicatum, Xestoleberis umbonata, Henryhowella macrocicatricosa e Brasilicythere reticulispinosa. As preferências sedimentológicas e batimétricas das espécies são também discutidas neste trabalho. É sugerido que se estenda a distribuição zoogeográfica, um pouco mais ao norte, para sete espécies: Cushmanidea variopunctata, Neocytherideis impudicus, Hemingwayella advena, Hemingwayella sp., Urocythereis dimorphica, Munseyella cornuta e Basslerites costata. A grande maioria das espécies são características da plataforma continental sul, sendo que destas o maior percentual pertence à Subprovíncia Sul-Brasileira. De acordo com a fauna registrada, predominantemente de águas frias, chegamos a conclusão que a sua presença se deve, em grande parte, à influência da ressurgência marinha na área de estudo A proporção sexual foi de 1,19 machos para 1 fêmea. Fêmeas ovígeras encontradas entre abril e setembro e o ingresso de juvenis na população (recrutamento) foi observado em novembro e dezembro de 2000.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper describes a population of Aegla longirostri from Ibicui-Mirim River, Itaara, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, evaluating the size at onset of sexual maturity, relative growth, mean size, size-frequency distribution, sex ratio, ovigerous-rate, and recruitment. Samples were collected monthly from September 1996 to August 1997. Sex, carapace length (CL), cheliped length (ChL), abdomen width (AW), and front width (FW) were recorded for each crab. A total of 586 specimens were collected (277 males, 244 females, and 65 unsexed juveniles). The smallest specimen was 1.5 mm CL and the largest male was 23.8 mm CL. The relative growth analysis and the Mature software showed that the size at onset of sexual maturity was 13.7 mm CL in males and 10.7 mm CL in females. Females were smaller than males and were more abundant in adult classes, whereas males were more representative in juvenile classes. The sex ratio did not differ from 1:1 throughout the collecting period. Recruitment was observed throughout the entire sampling period, but it was higher in the winter months (from June to August). However, ovigerous females were present in spring and summer (from January to April). This population seemed to be at equilibrium during the study period. Recently, this area has been changed because of the construction of a reservoir, and a new study is required to evaluate the present condition of this population of A. longirostri.


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In Southern Brazil, Aegla parana Schmitt, 1942 is characterized by a broad distribution throughout the Iguacu River basin, particularly between the southern state of Parana and the northern state of Santa Catarina, preferentially inhabiting streams with rocky substrates. Although there has been an increase in the number of studies about the population biology of Aeglidae, many aspects about the reproductive biology of A. parana are still unknown. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the size at sexual maturity, reproductive seasonality and recruitment of A. parana from November, 2008 to December, 2009, in a tributary of the Iguacu River located in Uniao da Vitoria, Parana, Brazil. Basic environmental factors were investigated to determine their influence on the reproductive cycle of this species. Gonadal stages were characterized macroscopically, and the presence or absence of embryos in females (ovigerous females) from monthly samples was recorded. The entire sample was composed of 436 males and 211 females. Although the smallest ovigerous female was 16.2 mm, the average size (carapace length, CL) at sexual maturity (CL50%) was calculated at 17.4 mm. The greatest percentage of females with developed (mature, near spawning) gonads stage was observed from January to June, 2009, while ovigerous females were recorded from April to July, 2009, after which the reproductive period ended. Recruitment occurred from October to December, 2009. The presence of ovigerous females was negatively correlated with temperature (Spearman, p < 0.05). Females carrying embryos were generally collected during periods of lower temperatures, whereas recruits entered the population during periods of higher temperatures, when food for them is more abundant in the region studied.


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Os crustáceos anomuros do gênero Aegla Leach (1820) são animais bentônicos característicos das águas continentais da América do Sul. Podem ser encontrados em arroios e rios de correnteza, ocultos sob pedras e detritos vegetais. Foram descritas 61 espécies desse gênero, que se encontram distribuídas pela região Neotropical com limites norte no município de Franca, no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil e sul na Ilha de Madre de Diós, na Província de Última Esperanza, Chile. Esses animais são considerados importantes elos nas cadeias alimentares dos ambientes líminicos, atuando como predadores de larvas aquáticas de insetos e são presas de aves, rãs, jacarés e peixes. Podem também ser utilizados como bioindicadores na avaliação de qualidade das águas onde ocorrem, uma vez que são bastante sensíveis a mudanças do ambiente. Apesar do expressivo número de espécies do gênero Aegla descritas, existem poucos estudos sobre sua dinâmica populacional, especialmente no que diz respeito a análises enfocando crescimento relativo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o crescimento relativo da espécie Aegla castro no município de Itatinga, interior do Estado de São Paulo. Os eglídeos foram coletados mensalmente durante um ano (Mar/07 a Fev/08) no município de Itatinga. Os animais amostrados foram obtidos mediante esforço de coleta e armadilhas. Para o primeiro método, os exemplares foram coletados com puçás ou peneiras posicionados próximos a pedras e seixos, os quais foram removidos manualmente para desalojar os animais que porventura estejam ali abrigados. No segundo método, foram instaladas armadilhas iscadas no final do período da tarde e recolhidas na manhã do dia seguinte. Os exemplares capturados tiveram os sexos determinados com base em caracteres sexuais secundários (posição da abertura do par de gonóporos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)