936 resultados para Advertisement call


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O sítio de vocalização e os parâmetros acústicos do canto de anúncio foram determinados para 18 espécies de anuros em seis corpos d'água na região noroeste paulista. A freqüência dominante do canto de anúncio foi positivamente correlacionada com o CRC das espécies: as espécies pequenas vocalizaram em uma freqüência mais alta e as maiores vocalizaram em uma freqüência mais baixa. A similaridade nos parâmetros espectrais e temporais do canto de anúncio foi alta entre 94% das espécies registradas. A similaridade no uso do sítio de vocalização foi baixa, apenas 22% das espécies apresentaram alta sobreposição, apesar de cerca de metade das espécies terem sido generalistas no uso de sítio de vocalização. Analisando conjuntamente a similaridade no uso de sítio de vocalização, no hábitat e nos parâmetros do canto de anúncio, a proporção de espécies com alta sobreposição diminui de 94% para 11%, correspondente à sobreposição entre um único par de espécies: Dendropsophus elianeae e D. minutus. Espécies com sobreposição no sítio de vocalização apresentaram segregação nos parâmetros acústicos e, espécies com sobreposição nos parâmetros acústicos tenderam a partilhar sítio de vocalização. Esse resultado sugere a ocorrência de complementaridade de nicho, pois as espécies que ocuparam uma posição similar em uma dimensão tenderam a diferir em outra dimensão. A homogeneidade estrutural dos corpos d'água, a severidade climática da região e o elevado grau de conversão do ambiente natural em áreas de cultivo limitam a abundância das populações e a riqueza de espécies. A baixa sobreposição no sítio de vocalização está, provavelmente, associada a insaturação das comunidades amostradas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A new species of treefrog closely related to Bokermannohyla alvarengai is described from Chapada Diamantina centrally located in the State of Bahia, Brazil. In comparison to B. alvarengai, the new species is smaller in size, with less developed forearm and prepollexes, and smaller tympani. We describe the tadpole, advertisement call and provide information on its natural history. We propose the B. alvarengai group to accommodate this species and the new species described here.


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A new species of leptodactylid frog is described from the Serra das Cabras in São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. The new species is a member of the Hylodes lateristrigatus group and is characterized by its small size and high number of notes per call. Descriptions of the tadpole and advertisement call and information on natural history are provided.


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A new species of leptodactylid frog, Physalaemus atlanticus, is described from Ubatuba, northern coast of São Paulo in southeastern Brazil. The new species belongs to the Physalaemus signifer species group and is characterized by the following set of characters: small size (males 20.1-22.1 mm SVL, females 21.0-23.9 mm SVL); canthus rostralis distinct; dorsal skin texture smooth to slightly rugose; belly orange in life; advertisement call with duration of 0.6-0.84 s and frequency between 0.9-1.8 kHz. Descriptions of the advertisement call and tadpole are provided, as well as information on natural history.


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A new species of treefrog, Hyla luctuosa, is described from the Serra do Japi in southeastern Brazil. The new species is a member of the Hyla circumdata group characterized by large size, large tympanum, and rounded subarticular tubercles on the fingers. Descriptions of the tadpole and advertisement call and information on natural history are provided.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We describe adult morphology, advertisement call, and natural history aspects of a new frog species from riparian habitats alongside intermittent headwater streams in southwestern Cerrado, the second largest biome in Brazil. Presently known from three localities in Mato Grosso State, the new species belongs to the Proceratophrys cristiceps group. It is characterized mainly by small size (adult snout vent length approximately 46 mm), snout rounded in dorsal view and obtuse in lateral view, absence of flared lips, dorsal skin granular, and absence of both postocular swellings and prominent palpebral appendages. The advertisement call of the new species consists of a single note with 19-25 pulses. Calls are repeated at mean intervals of 0.7 sec. Mean dominant frequency is 1,250.2 Hz, with ascendant modulation.


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We describe a new species of Hypsiboas of the Hypsiboas pulchellus species group from highland streams of the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil. Vocalizations, egg-mass, and tadpole are also described. We compared the new species with other species of the Hypsiboas pulchellus species group. The new species is most similar to Hypsiboas semiguttatus, its sister species, and Hypsiboas curupi, from which it differs in advertisement call and larval morphology. We provide information on natural history, phylogenetic relationships, embryos, geographic distribution, and conservation.


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We intended to verify if structural and physiognomical characteristics of water bodies influence on the degree of overlap among calling sites of 23 anurans species, if anuran species use different calling sites in different water bodies, and if there is some relationship between the degree of advertisement call (based on seven call features) and calling site differentiation. Then, we determined calling sites (based in four variables) and recorded the advertisement call for anuran species that occurred in 10 water bodies of northwestern São Paulo State. We also determined the environmental heterogeneity (based in four environmental descriptors) for each water body. Males of most species used similar calling sites in each water body, probably because of the high uniformity of the environment, as a consequence of agricultural impacts on edge vegetation of the studied ponds. Most species (18 out of 19 species) called from different sites in the ponds where they occurred, which can be associated with differences in horizontal and vertical distribution of vegetation in the studied ponds. From the 19 species analyzed, only males of Pseudopaludicola aff. saltica called in sites with the same characteristics in different ponds. Advertisement call of Hylidae species was more similar to each other than were Leiuperidae and Leptodactylidae among themselves. The aquatic/terrestrial anurans (Bufonidae, Leiuperidae, Leptodactylidae and Microhylidae) occupied similar calling sites but presented quite distinct advertisement calls, while Hylidae species presented an inverse pattern: a high similarity on advertisement call features but used different calling sites, which indicates a niche complementarity between physical (calling site use) and acoustic (advertisement call) space use.


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A new species of leptodactylid frog is described from Eldorado, state of Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil. The new species is a member of the Hylodes lateristrigatus group and is characterized by its large size, slightly rugose to rugose dorsal skin texture, robust body, and high number of notes per call. Descriptions of the advertisement call and information on natural history are provided.


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In this work we present a description of the advertisement call of H. jimi, the locality type, and of H. elianeae, until now unknown in the literature. Field activities were carried out from August 1997 through June 1999; recordings were made in two open-area environments in the Botucatu region, São Paulo State. Vocalizations of 100 individuals (49 H. jimi and 51 H. elianeae) were recorded; nine characteristics of the advertisement call were examined. The advertisement calls of both species consist of consecutive series of simple notes with relatively fast repetition rates. Males of H. jimi and H. elianeae presented two patterns of note emission: one emitted by individuals beginning vocalization activity or isolated from the aggregate, and another emitted by males in chorus activity interacting with closely neighboring males. A significant difference was verified in the temporal structure of the two vocalization patterns.


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Vocalizations are important in anuran communication, especially during the breeding season. Calling affects spatial organization of males at breeding sites, promotes attraction of new individuals to the chorus, and attracts mature females for reproduction. We describe four distinct vocalizations (advertisement calls, sporadic calls, and two types of aggressive calls) emitted by adult males of Scinax fuscomarginatus. With the exception of the advertisement call, the remaining descriptions are novel. We also describe calling sites, calling season, and nightly calling activity. Fieldwork was made in a fragment of Cerrado (Estação Ecológica de Itirapina), Municipalities of Itirapina and Brotas, State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. At this ecological station, S. fuscomarginatus exhibits a complex acoustic repertoire, social interactions and a prolonged reproductive pattern similar to observations of congeneric species at other localities. Copyright 2005 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles.


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We describe a new species of hylid frog, Scinax peixotoi, from Queimada Grande Island, southeastern Brazil. The new species belongs to the Scinax perpusillus species group, in which all known forms inhabit bromeliads, and is diagnosed by the following set of characters: moderate-size (males 18.8-20.7 mm SVL, females 22.4-25.1 mm SVL); canthus rostralis distinct; dorsal skin slightly rugose; and a distinct advertisement call with relatively low dominant frequency. The new species is known from a single population on Queimada Grande, an island of 43 ha, approximately 33 km distant from the coast of São Paulo State, where it inhabits scattered patches of bromeliads. The highly specialized and patchy habitat of S. peixotoi, associated with its small range size, make this species highly susceptible to stochastic or anthropogenic habitat disturbances, which could lead it to extinction. Copyright © 2007 Magnolia Press.


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A new species of Sphaenorhynchus, probably closely related to S. surdus, is described from the states of São Paulo, Paraná, and Santa Catarina in the southeast and south of Brazil. This species, Sphaenorhynchus caramaschii sp. nov., is an intermediate species in size within the genus and is characterized by the absence of external tympanum, by the snout from truncate to slightly mucronate in dorsal view and protruding in lateral view, by the presence of a dark line from the snout to the eye, and mainly by differences in the advertisement call (a long call with several notes). It is found in open areas, calling during the wet season of the year, generally, in the deepest area of permanent ponds. Illustrations of the adults, descriptions of the advertisement calls, and a map of geographic distribution of the species are provided. Also, we provide data on the distribution and natural history of S. surdus and describe its advertisement call. Copyright © 2007 Magnolia Press.