966 resultados para Adriatic Coast (Croatia)
The coastal area along the Emilia-Romagna (ER), in the Italian side of the northern Adriatic Sea, is considered to implement an unstructured numerical ocean model with the aim to develop innovative tools for the coastal management and a forecasting system for the storm surge risk reduction. The Adriatic Sea has been the focus of several studies because of its peculiar dynamics driven by many forcings acting at basin and local scales. The ER coast is particularly exposed to storm surge events. In particular conditions, winds, tides and seicehs may combine and contribute to the flooding of the coastal area. The global sea level rise expected in the next decades will increase even more the hazard along the ER and Adriatic coast. Reliable Adriatic and Mediterranean scale numerical ocean models are now available to allow the dynamical downscaling of very high-resolution models in limited coastal areas. In this work the numerical ocean model SHYFEM is implemented in the Goro lagoon (named GOLFEM) and along the ER coast (ShyfER) to test innovative solutions against sea related coastal hazards. GOLFEM was succesfully applied to analyze the Goro lagoon dynamics and to assess the dynamical effects of human interventions through the analysis of what-if scenarios. The assessment of storm surge hazard in the Goro lagoon was carried out through the development of an ensemble storm surge forecasting system with GOLFEM using forcing from different operational meteorological and ocean models showing the fundamental importance of the boundary conditions. The ShyfER domain is used to investigate innovative solutions against storm surge related hazard along the ER coast. The seagrass is assessed as a nature-based solution (NBS) for coastal protection under present and future climate conditions. The results show negligible effects on sea level but sensible effects in reducing bottom current velocity.
Sandy coasts represent vital areas whose preservation and maintenance also involve economic and tourist interests. Besides, these dynamic environments undergo the erosion process at different levels depending on their specific characteristics. For this reason, defence interventions are commonly realized by combining engineering solutions and management policies to evaluate their effects over time. Monitoring activities represent the fundamental instrument to obtain a deep knowledge of the investigated phenomenon. Thanks to technological development, several possibilities both in terms of geomatic surveying techniques and processing tools are available, allowing to reach high performances and accuracy. Nevertheless, when the littoral definition includes both emerged and submerged beaches, several issues have to be considered. Therefore, the geomatic surveys and all the following steps need to be calibrated according to the individual application, with the reference system, accuracy and spatial resolution as primary aspects. This study provides the evaluation of the available geomatic techniques, processing approaches, and derived products, aiming at optimising the entire workflow of coastal monitoring by adopting an accuracy-efficiency trade-off. The presented analyses highlight the balance point when the increase in performance becomes an additional value for the obtained products ensuring proper data management. This perspective can represent a helpful instrument to properly plan the monitoring activities according to the specific purposes of the analysis. Finally, the primary uses of the acquired and processed data in monitoring contexts are presented, also considering possible applications for numerical modelling as supporting tools. Moreover, the theme of coastal monitoring has been addressed throughout this thesis by considering a practical point of view, linking to the activities performed by Arpae (Regional agency for prevention, environment and energy of Emilia-Romagna). Indeed, the Adriatic coast of Emilia-Romagna, where sandy beaches particularly exposed to erosion are present, has been chosen as a case study for all the analyses and considerations.
La tesi esplora il rapporto tra architettura e acqua, concentrandosi sulle nuove sfide poste dall'innalzamento del livello del mare per i territori marginali come il Basso Ferrarese nel Delta del Po. L'acqua è stata esplorata come elemento fluente e legato alla vita umana attraverso vari aspetti, dall'abitare ai giardini di Barragan, dalle opere di ingegneria romana alle architetture galleggianti. La ricerca ha portato alla creazione di un vocabolario progettuale che comprende relazioni spaziali, funzionali, formali e percettive per sviluppare nuovi scenari futuri. La tesi considera le sfide del cambiamento climatico soprattutto in relazione all’innalzamento del mare, che richiede nuovi approcci progettuali. L'elaborazione di visioni e immaginari utopici, in cui l'acqua diventa materia del progetto, è considerata importante dalla letteratura legata all’ecological urbanism per creare nuovi territori che affrontino le sfide ambientali in modo sostenibile. La ricerca si è concentrata sul Delta del Po e sulla costa adriatica italiana come una delle aree più estese a rischio in Europa. La tesi propone un'immaginario per la composizione futura dello spazio d'acqua che consenta alla persistenza e all'elemento naturale di convivere in armonia. Attraverso esercitazioni progettuali, la ricerca ha esplorato le possibilità compositive dell'area e ha cercato di capire se il sistema di relazioni identificato nella prima fase di ricerca può essere utilizzato per definire nuove possibilità dell'area. In sintesi, la tesi propone nuove riflessioni sul rapporto tra architettura e acqua e suggerisce l'importanza di un approccio sostenibile alle sfide ambientali che devono essere affrontate nei territori marginali. L'immaginario proposto per la composizione futura dello spazio d'acqua si basa su un sistema di relazioni che incoraggia la convivenza dell'uomo con la natura.
The importance of vernacular architecture as an integral part of our cultural heritage is often undervalued, and the management of rural constructions of heritage value often requires the application of more flexible and adjusted preservation principles compared to monumental assets. For vernacular architecture, the preservation and consolidation concern not only their physical substance but also their intangible values and purpose in society. More than other heritage values, the vernacular raises the question of prospective functions it can fulfill in contemporary societies without undermining its legacy. This work analyzes the topic by studying the case study of the dry docks on the Balearic Island of Formentera, including abundant documentation of traditional construction techniques and materials realized through a field study, followed by the assessment of threats to and opportunities for vernacular architecture on Formentera, closing with suggestions for the maintenance and potential functions of the dry docks. For this, a comparative case study was introduced: the capanni da pesca at the Adriatic coast of Italy. The suggestions focus on the importance of maintenance for rural heritage, expressed through the creation of a guide for owners of protected dry docks highlighting good and bad practice examples and recurrent works of care. Furthermore, the thesis seeks to raise awareness for the significance of landscape and social factors in the discourse about vernacular heritage sites. Ultimately, different outlines of tourism development are proposed. The idea is to explore rural and sustainable tourism as a tool for territory development and enhancement of the cultural heritage value by helping to prevent the destination's decline through careful evaluation of its limits of acceptable change and identifying beneficial, sustainable scenarios for the future of the heritage asset and the respective community.
Mode of access: Internet.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Marine soft bottom systems show a high variability across multiple spatial and temporal scales. Both natural and anthropogenic sources of disturbance act together in affecting benthic sedimentary characteristics and species distribution. The description of such spatial variability is required to understand the ecological processes behind them. However, in order to have a better estimate of spatial patterns, methods that take into account the complexity of the sedimentary system are required. This PhD thesis aims to give a significant contribution both in improving the methodological approaches to the study of biological variability in soft bottom habitats and in increasing the knowledge of the effect that different process (both natural and anthropogenic) could have on the benthic communities of a large area in the North Adriatic Sea. Beta diversity is a measure of the variability in species composition, and Whittaker’s index has become the most widely used measure of beta-diversity. However, application of the Whittaker index to soft bottom assemblages of the Adriatic Sea highlighted its sensitivity to rare species (species recorded in a single sample). This over-weighting of rare species induces biased estimates of the heterogeneity, thus it becomes difficult to compare assemblages containing a high proportion of rare species. In benthic communities, the unusual large number of rare species is frequently attributed to a combination of sampling errors and insufficient sampling effort. In order to reduce the influence of rare species on the measure of beta diversity, I have developed an alternative index based on simple probabilistic considerations. It turns out that this probability index is an ordinary Michaelis-Menten transformation of Whittaker's index but behaves more favourably when species heterogeneity increases. The suggested index therefore seems appropriate when comparing patterns of complexity in marine benthic assemblages. Although the new index makes an important contribution to the study of biodiversity in sedimentary environment, it remains to be seen which processes, and at what scales, influence benthic patterns. The ability to predict the effects of ecological phenomena on benthic fauna highly depends on both spatial and temporal scales of variation. Once defined, implicitly or explicitly, these scales influence the questions asked, the methodological approaches and the interpretation of results. Problem often arise when representative samples are not taken and results are over-generalized, as can happen when results from small-scale experiments are used for resource planning and management. Such issues, although globally recognized, are far from been resolved in the North Adriatic Sea. This area is potentially affected by both natural (e.g. river inflow, eutrophication) and anthropogenic (e.g. gas extraction, fish-trawling) sources of disturbance. Although few studies in this area aimed at understanding which of these processes mainly affect macrobenthos, these have been conducted at a small spatial scale, as they were designated to examine local changes in benthic communities or particular species. However, in order to better describe all the putative processes occurring in the entire area, a high sampling effort performed at a large spatial scale is required. The sedimentary environment of the western part of the Adriatic Sea was extensively studied in this thesis. I have described, in detail, spatial patterns both in terms of sedimentary characteristics and macrobenthic organisms and have suggested putative processes (natural or of human origin) that might affect the benthic environment of the entire area. In particular I have examined the effect of off shore gas platforms on benthic diversity and tested their effect over a background of natural spatial variability. The results obtained suggest that natural processes in the North Adriatic such as river outflow and euthrophication show an inter-annual variability that might have important consequences on benthic assemblages, affecting for example their spatial pattern moving away from the coast and along a North to South gradient. Depth-related factors, such as food supply, light, temperature and salinity play an important role in explaining large scale benthic spatial variability (i.e., affecting both the abundance patterns and beta diversity). Nonetheless, more locally, effects probably related to an organic enrichment or pollution from Po river input has been observed. All these processes, together with few human-induced sources of variability (e.g. fishing disturbance), have a higher effect on macrofauna distribution than any effect related to the presence of gas platforms. The main effect of gas platforms is restricted mainly to small spatial scales and related to a change in habitat complexity due to a natural dislodgement or structure cleaning of mussels that colonize their legs. The accumulation of mussels on the sediment reasonably affects benthic infauna composition. All the components of the study presented in this thesis highlight the need to carefully consider methodological aspects related to the study of sedimentary habitats. With particular regards to the North Adriatic Sea, a multi-scale analysis along natural and anthopogenic gradients was useful for detecting the influence of all the processes affecting the sedimentary environment. In the future, applying a similar approach may lead to an unambiguous assessment of the state of the benthic community in the North Adriatic Sea. Such assessment may be useful in understanding if any anthropogenic source of disturbance has a negative effect on the marine environment, and if so, planning sustainable strategies for a proper management of the affected area.
Due to its environmental, safety, health and socio-economic impacts, marine litter has been recognized as a 21st century global challenge, so that it has been included in Descriptor 10 of the EU MSFD. For its morphological features and anthropogenic pressures, the Adriatic Sea is very sensitive to the accumulation of debris, but data are inconsistent and fragmented. This thesis, in the framework of DeFishGear project, intents to assess marine litter on beaches and on seafloor in the Western Adriatic sea, and test if debris ingestion by fish occurs. Three beaches were sampled during two surveys in 2015. Benthic litter monitoring was carried out in the FAO GSA17 during fall 2014, using a rapido trawl. Litter ingestion was investigated through gut contents analysis of 260 fish belonging to 8 commercial species collected in Western Gulf of Venice. Average litter density on beaches was 1.5 items/m2 during spring, and decreased to 0.8 items/m2 in summer. Litter composition was heterogeneous and varied among sites, even if no significant differences were found. Most of debris consisted of plastic sheets, fragments, polystyrene pieces, mussels nets and cottons bud sticks, showing that sources are many and include aquaculture, land-based activities and local users of beaches. Average density of benthic litter was 913 items/Km2 (82 Kg/Km2). Plastic dominated in terms of numbers and weight, and consisted mainly of bags, sheets and mussel nets. The highest density was found close to the coast, and sources driving the major differences in litter distribution were mussel farms and shipping lanes. Litter ingestion occurred in 47% of examined fish, mainly consisting of fibers. Among species, S. pilchardus swallowed almost all debris categories. Findinds may provide a baseline to set the necessary measures to manage and minimize marine litter in the Western Adriatic region and to protect aquatic life from plastic pollution, even accounting the possible implications on human health.
Composition, grain-size distribution, and areal extent of Recent sediments from the Northern Adriatic Sea along the Istrian coast have been studied. Thirty one stations in four sections vertical to the coast were investigated; for comparison 58 samples from five small bays were also analyzed. Biogenic carbonate sediments are deposited on the shallow North Adriatic shelf off the Istrian coast. Only at a greater distance from the coast are these carbonate sediments being mixed with siliceous material brought in by the Alpine rivers Po, Adige, and Brenta. Graphical analysis of grain-size distribution curves shows a sediment composition of normally three, and only in the most seaward area, of four major constituents. Constituent 1 represents the washed-in terrestrial material of clay size (Terra Rossa) from the Istrian coastal area. Constituent 2 consists of fine to medium sand. Constituent 3 contains the heterogeneous biogenic material. Crushing by organisms and by sediment eaters reduces the coarse biogenic material into small pieces generating constituent 2. Between these two constituents there is a dynamic equilibrium. Depending upon where the equilibrium is, between the extremes of production and crushing, the resulting constituent 2 is finer or coarser. Constituent 4 is composed of the fine sandy material from the Alpine rivers. In the most seaward area constituents 2 and 4 are mixed. The total carbonate content of the samples depends on the distance from the coast. In the near coastal area in high energy environments, the carbonate content is about 80 %. At a distance of 2 to 3 km from the coast there is a carbonate minimum because of the higher rate of sedimentation of clay-sized terrestrial, noncarbonate material at extremely low energy environments. In an area between 5 and 20 km off the coast, the carbonate content is about 75 %. More than 20 km from the shore, the carbonate content diminishes rapidly to values of about 30 % through mixing with siliceous material from the Alpine rivers. The carbonate content of the individual fractions increases with increasing grain-size to a maximum of about 90 % within the coarse sand fractions. Beyond 20 km from the coast the samples show a carbonate minimum of about 13 % within the sand-size classes from 1.5 to 0.7 zeta¬? through mixing with siliceous material from the alpine rivers. By means of grain-size distribution and carbonate content, four sediment zones parallel to the coast were separated. Genetically they are closely connected with the zonation of the benthic fauna. Two cores show a characteristic vertical distribution of the sediment. The surface zone is inversely graded, that means the coarse fractions are at the top and the fine fractions are at the bottom. This is the effect of crushing of the biogenic material produced at the surface by predatory organisms and by sediment eaters. lt is proposed that at a depth of about 30 cm a chemical solution process begins which leads to diminution of the original sediment from a fine to medium sand to a silt. The carbonate content decreases from about 75 % at the surface to 65 % at a depth of 100 cm. The increase of the noncarbonate components by 10 % corresponds to a decrease in the initial amount of sediment (CaC03=75 %) by roughly 30 % through solution. With increasing depth the carbonate content of the individual fractions becomes more and more uniform. At the surface the variation is from 30 % to 90 %, at the bottom it varies only between 50 % and 75 %. Comparable investigations of small-bay sediments showed a c1ear dependence of sediment/faunal zonation from the energy of the environment. The investigations show that the composition and three-dimensional distribution of the Istrian coastal sediments can not be predicted only from one or a few measurable factors. Sedimentation and syngenetic changes must be considered as a complex interaction between external factors and the actions of producing and destroying organisms that are in dynamic equilibrium. The results obtained from investigations of these recent sediments may be of value for interpreting fossil sediments only with strong limitations.
Tide gauge (TG) data along the northern Mediterranean and Black Sea coasts are compared to the sea-surface height (SSH) anomaly obtained from ocean altimetry (TOPEX/Poseidon and ERS-1/2) for a period of nine years (1993–2001). The TG measures the SSH relative to the ground whereas the altimetry does so with respect to the geocentric reference frame; therefore their difference would be in principle a vertical ground motion of the TG sites, though there are different error sources for this estimate as is discussed in the paper. In this study we estimate such vertical ground motion, for each TG site, from the slope of the SSH time series of the (non-seasonal) difference between the TG record and the altimetry measurement at a point closest to the TG. Where possible, these estimates are further compared with those derived from nearby continuous Global Positioning System (GPS) data series. These results on vertical ground motion along the Mediterranean and Black Sea coasts provide useful source data for studying, contrasting, and constraining tectonic models of the region. For example, in the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea and in the western coast of Greece, a general subsidence is observed which may be related to the Adriatic lithosphere subducting beneath the Eurasian plate along the Dinarides fault.
In his latest commentary, Associate Senior Fellow Michael Emerson hails Croatia’s accession to the EU as a fine step forward towards the official goal of integration of the whole of the Balkans into the EU. At the same time, he warns of the folly underway of the serious attention being paid by the European Commission to the newest member state’s petition to construct a multi-million euro bridge over a 9-km stretch of Bosnian land (the ‘Neum corridor’) that inconveniently but temporarily interrupts a non-stop drive along Croatia’s Dalmatian coast.
The study of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous deposits (Higueruelas, Villar del Arzobispo and Aldea de Cortés Formations) of the South Iberian Basin (NW Valencia, Spain) reveals new stratigraphic and sedimentological data, which have significant implications on the stratigraphic framework, depositional environments and age of these units. The Higueruelas Fm was deposited in a mid-inner carbonate platform where oncolitic bars migrated by the action of storms and where oncoid production progressively decreased towards the uppermost part of the unit. The overlying Villar del Arzobispo Fm has been traditionally interpreted as an inner platform-lagoon evolving into a tidal-flat. Here it is interpreted as an inner-carbonate platform affected by storms, where oolitic shoals protected a lagoon, which had siliciclastic inputs from the continent. The Aldea de Cortés Fm has been previously interpreted as a lagoon surrounded by tidal-flats and fluvial-deltaic plains. Here it is reinterpreted as a coastal wetland where siliciclastic muddy deposits interacted with shallow fresh to marine water bodies, aeolian dunes and continental siliciclastic inputs. The contact between the Higueruelas and Villar del Arzobispo Fms, classically defined as gradual, is also interpreted here as rapid. More importantly, the contact between the Villar del Arzobispo and Aldea de Cortés Fms, previously considered as unconformable, is here interpreted as gradual. The presence of Alveosepta in the Villar del Arzobispo Fm suggests that at least part of this unit is Kimmeridgian, unlike the previously assigned Late Tithonian-Middle Berriasian age. Consequently, the underlying Higueruelas Fm, previously considered Tithonian, should not be younger than Kimmeridgian. Accordingly, sedimentation of the Aldea de Cortés Fm, previously considered Valangian-Hauterivian, probably started during the Tithonian and it may be considered part of the regressive trend of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous cycle. This is consistent with the dinosaur faunas, typically Jurassic, described in the Villar del Arzobispo and Aldea de Cortés Fms.
Nephrops norvegicus is a sedentary bottom-dwelling crustacean that represents one of the main commercial species exploited in the Adriatic Sea (Central Mediterranean). An evaluation of the status of this important resource is thus extremely important in order to manage it in a sustainable way. The evaluation of N. norvegicus is complicated by several issues, mainly: (i) the complex biology and behaviour of the species itself, (ii) the presence of subpopulations with different biological traits within the same stock unit. Relevant concentration of N.norvegicus occurs within the Pomo/Jabuka Pits area which is characterised by peculiar oceanographic and geophysical conditions. This area represented for a long time an important fishing ground shared by Italian and Croatian fleets and recently a Fishery Restricted Area (FRA) was established there. The aim of the present study is to perform for the first time an evaluation of the status of the N.norvegicus subpopulation inhabiting the Pomo/Jabuka Pits also accounting for the possible effects on it of the management measures. To achieve this, the principal fisheryindependent and fishery-dependent dataset available for the study area were firstly analysed and then treated. Data collected by the CNR-IRBIM of Ancona through both indirect (“UWTV”) and direct (trawling) methods were refined by means of a revision of the time series and related biases, and a modelling approach accounting for environmental and fishery effects, respectively. Commercial data for both Italy and Croatia were treated in order to obtain landings and length distributions for the Pomo area only; an historical reconstruction of data starting from 1970 was carried out for both countries. The obtained information was used as input for a Bayesian length-based stock assessment model developed through the CASAL software; the flexibility of this model is recommended for N.norvegicus and similar species allowing to deal with sex- and fleet-based integrated assessment method
Increased tourist activity in coastal regions demands management strategies to reduce impacts on rocky shores. The highly populated coastal areas in southeastern Brazil are an example of degradation caused by development of industry and tourism. Among different shore impacts, trampling has been intensively studied, and may represent a significant source of stress for intertidal fauna. A randomised blocks design was applied to experimentally study the effects of two different trampling intensities on richness, diversity, density and biomass of the rocky shore fauna of Obuseiro beach, Guarujá, southeastern Brazil. Blocks were distributed in two portions of the intertidal zone, dominated respectively by Chthamalus bisinuatus (Cirripedia) and Isognomon bicolor (Bivalvia). Blocks were trampled over three months, simulating the vacation period in Brazil and were monitored for the following nine months. Results indicate that Chthamalus bisinuatus is vulnerable to trampling impacts. Richness, diversity and turn-over index tended to be higher in trampled plots four months after trampling ceased. In general, results agree with previous trampling studies, suggesting that even low intensities of trampling may cause some impact on intertidal communities. Management strategies should include isolation of sensitive areas, construction of boardwalks, visitor education and monitoring programmes. In Brazil, additional data obtained from experimental studies are necessary in order to achieve a better understanding of trampling impacts on rocky shore communities.
The tolerance to the combined effects of temperature and salinity was investigated in the interstitial isopod Coxicerberus ramosae (Albuquerque, 1978), a species of intertidal zone of sandy beaches in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The animals were collected on Praia Vermelha Beach. The experiments lasted 24 h and nine salinities and seven temperatures were used for a total of 63 combinations. Thirty animals were tested in each combination. The species showed high survival in most of the combinations. The temperature of 35 ºC was lethal and at 5 ºC, the animals tolerated only a narrow range of salinities. The statistical analyses showed that the effects of temperature and salinity were significant on the survival, which confirmed the euryhalinity and eurythermy of this species.