114 resultados para Adrenaline.


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The present study describes the distribution and cellular morphology of catecholaminergic neurons in the CNS of two species of monotreme, the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) and the short-beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus). Tyrosine hydroxylase immunohistochemistry was used to visualize these neurons. The standard A1-A17, C1-C3 nomenclature was used for expediency, but the neuroanatomical names of the various nuclei have also been given. Monotremes exhibit catecholaminergic neurons in the diencephalon (All, A12, A13, A14, A15), midbrain (A8, A9, A10), rostral rhombencephalon (A5, A6, A7), and medulla (A1, A2, C1, C2). The subdivisions of these neurons are in general agreement with those of other mammals, and indeed other amniotes. Apart from minor differences, those being a lack of A4, A3, and C3 groups, the catecholaminergic system of monotremes is very similar to that of other mammals. Catecholaminergic neurons outside these nuclei, such as those reported for other mammals, were not numerous with occasional cells observed in the striatum. It seems unlikely that differences in the sleep phenomenology of monotremes, as compared to other mammals, can be explained by these differences. The similarity of this system across mammalian and amniote species underlines the evolutionary conservatism of the catecholaminergic system. Copyright (C) 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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The concept of a basic (i.e., essential) medical emergency kit suitable for a general dental practitioner varies somewhat between different authorities. A practitioner's choice is also dependant on the proximity of medical aid and the nature of the dental practice. Over recent years the trend has been to restrict the items to a minimum, in the interest of both common sense and safety, for example, just oxygen, adrenaline 1:1000, an oral carbohydrate source, glyceryl trinitrate and aspirin as first options. Ancillary equipment should include an oxygen therapy facemask, a pocket mask and a set of oral (Guedel) airways. Two further medication options for consideration are an aerosol bronchodilator and, in certain circumstances, an injectable antihypoglycaemic agent. This paper provides a selective overview of the subject. An absolute necessity is for dentists to be competent in Basic Life Support skills, and to maintain a complete and current medical history for all patients.


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As respostas pós-juncionais mediadas por adrenorreceptores β2 (ARβ2), responsáveis pelo relaxamento do músculo liso, na veia safena do cão, estão ausentes à nascença. Pelo contrário, no rato recém-nascido já se verifica a estimulação da adenilil ciclase pela activação dos ARβ2. Não existem ainda estudos no coelho recém-nascido. O principal objectivo deste trabalho é avaliar as respostas pós-juncionais mediadas pelos ARβ2 em coelhos recém-nascidos e jovens e relacionar essas respostas com a adrenalina produzida nas glândulas supra-renais. Traçaram-se curvas de dose-resposta à isoprenalina (agonista β) utilizando-se anéis de aorta montados em banho de órgãos isolados ligado a um transdutor de força isométrica. As catecolaminas das supra-renais foram quantificadas por RP-HPLC-ED. Em aortas pré-contraídas com fenilefrina (agonista α1), a isoprenalina causou relaxamento total apenas em coelhos recém-nascidos (n=10). O relaxamento máximo nos coelhos jovens foi de 21±4% (n=23). A potência da isoprenalina foi maior nos recém-nascidos (EC50=1.15×10-8±7.2×10-10 M, n=10) do que nos coelhos jovens (EC50=1.29×10-7 ±4.7×10-9 M, n=23). O relaxamento máximo com isoprenalina, em aortas pré-contraídas com prostaglandina F2α (PGF2α), no grupo de coelhos recém-nascidos foi de 95±3.6% (n=16). O relaxamento máximo nos coelhos jovens foi de 43.7±8.6% (n=9). Na pré-contracção com PGF2α a potência da isoprenalina registou-se maior nos recémnascidos (EC50=9.59×10-9±4.0×10-10 M, n=16) do que nos coelhos jovens (EC50=2.13×10- 8±3.8×10-9 M, n=9), estando concordante com os resultados da pré-contracção com fenilefrina. Nas supra-renais dos recém-nascidos, o conteúdo de noradrenalina foi de 586±128 nmol/mg e da adrenalina foi de 1915±356 nmol/mg (n=4) e nos coelhos jovens foi de 112±12 nmol/mg e de 3644±403 nmol/mg (n=6), respectivamente. As respostas mediadas por ARβ2 no coelho desenvolvem-se mais cedo do que no cão, pois já estão presentes no nascimento. Tal como no rato, no coelho a adrenalina é já a catecolamina em maior quantidade à nascença, enquanto no cão é vestigial. Há uma relação temporal entre a síntese da adrenalina, a única catecolamina biogénica com alta afinidade para os ARβ2 e a maturação das respostas pós-juncionais mediadas por esses receptores. Um protocolo para experiências futuras destinadas a testar esta hipótese, com base no knockdown da Feniletanolamina-N-metiltransferase por RNAi foi elaborado e incluído neste documento.


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Supported by U. Porto/Santander Totta (IJUP) (PP-IJUP2011-320)


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OBJECTIVE: Studies have demonstrated that methylxanthines, such as caffeine, are A1 and A2 adenosine receptor antagonists found in the brain, heart, lungs, peripheral vessels, and platelets. Considering the high consumption of products with caffeine in their composition, in Brazil and throughout the rest of the world, the authors proposed to observe the effects of this substance on blood pressure and platelet aggregation. METHODS: Thirteen young adults, ranging from 21 to 27 years of age, participated in this study. Each individual took 750mg/day of caffeine (250mg tid), over a period of seven days. The effects on blood pressure were analyzed through the pressor test with handgrip, and platelet aggregation was analyzed using adenosine diphosphate, collagen, and adrenaline. RESULTS: Diastolic pressure showed a significant increase 24 hours after the first intake (p<0.05). This effect, however, disappeared in the subsequent days. The platelet aggregation tests did not reveal statistically significant alterations, at any time during the study. CONCLUSION: The data suggest that caffeine increases diastolic blood pressure at the beginning of caffeine intake. This hypertensive effect disappears with chronic use. The absence of alterations in platelet aggregation indicates the need for larger randomized studies.


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In the present paper we studied the mechanism of the hyperglycemia and hypertension evoked by the intravenous injection of scorpion venom (Tityus bahiensis) in the dog. We used 34 dogs, of both sex, weighing between 4.3 to 22 kg. These animals were divided in 3 groups and the following experiments were performed: in the first group (8 dogs) the animals were adrenalectomized after the intravenous injection of chlorpromazine; in the second group (16 dogs) the animals were injected with ganglionic blocking drugs (9.295 Ciba and hexamethonium); in the third group (10 dogs) the naimals were injected with dibenamine, and in 3 of them the adrenal glands were removed. The dogs of each group were injected intravenously with aqueous extract of 2 telsons of scorpion/kg; the average weight of each telson was 6,5 mg. The following results were obtained: 1) The hyperglycemia evoked by scorpion venom, in adrenalectomized dogs, was inhibited by chlorpromazine; 2) Ganglionic blocking drugs (9.295 Ciba and hexamthonium) were inefective as far as the hyperglycemic and pressor effects of venom are concerned; 3) In the animals treated with dibenamine, the venom produced a fall in blood pressure, both in the controle and in the adrenalectomized. The present experiments suggest that the scorpion venom has, besides the central action already described by other investigators, an adrenergic action, very similar to the adrenaline. On basis of our experiments we think that the adrenergic action is responsible, in part, by the productrion of hyperglycemia and hypertension.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the usefulness of postmortem biochemical investigations in the diagnosis of fatal hypothermia. 10 cases of fatal hypothermia and 30 control cases were selected. A series of biochemical parameters, such as glucose, acetone, 3-beta-hydroxybutyrate, isopropyl alcohol, free fatty acids, adrenaline, growth hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, cortisol, calcium, magnesium, C-reactive protein, procalcitonin as well as markers of renal and cardiac functions were measured in blood, postmortem serum from femoral blood, urine, vitreous and pericardial fluid. The results suggested that deaths due to hypothermia, especially in free-ethanol cases, are characterized by increased ketone levels in blood and other biological fluids, increased adrenaline concentrations in urine, increased cortisol levels in postmortem serum from femoral blood and increased free cortisol values in urine. Increased or decreased levels of other biological parameters are either the result of terminal metabolic changes or the expression of preexisting diseases and may provide information to elucidate the death process on a case-by-case basis.


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Background: Neuroblastoma is a paediatrictumour derived from the neural crest. Biochemical diagnosis and follow up rely on quantitation of urinary catecholamines (dopamine and noradrenaline) and their metabolites vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) and homovanillic acid (HVA) (gold-standard). When combined, these analyses have a sensitivity of 95%. However, they are clearly limited by inaccuracy of urine collection in young children and normalisation of catecholamine concentrations by creatininuria. Recent development in biochemical diagnosis of pheochromocytoma, another neural crest tumour found in adults, shows that plasmatic measurement of methoxylated catecholamines called metanephrines are more sensitive and specific than other biomarkers. Moreover, a study to determine the reference intervals for metanephrines in a pediatric population has recently been completed. The aim of this work is to describe the role of metanephrines monitoring in the follow up of neuroblastoma. Method: This retrospective study included patients with neuroblastoma in whom the following parameters were determined: plasma free and total metanephrines, plasma catecholamines, 24h urinary catecholamines and metanephrines in absolute value and corrected by creatinine, VMA and HVA at the diagnosis and during treatment at the University Hospital of Lausanne (Switzerland). Eleven patients aged between the first day of life and 7 years old were followed between 2005 and 2012. Clinical outcome and biochemical concentrations of the analytes were correlated. Results: At diagnosis, plasma free and total normetanephrines and methoxytyramine have a sensitivity of 100% compared to 85% for the actual gold standard. Metanephrine remain below the upper reference limit as expected since these tumours do not produce adrenaline. The relationship between biochemical markers and clinical outcome is illustrated graphically. Plasma or urinary normetanephrine and methoxytyramine correlate better with the history of the patient than VMA and HVA, as evaluated by ordinal logistic regression. Concentrations of analytes in urine show a better correlation with clinical events when the results are corrected by creatininuria. Conclusion: Normetanephrine and methoxytyramine reflect disease history in neuroblastoma patients and could play a significant role in the follow up of this type of tumour. Formal studies in a sufficient number of patients are needed to confirm this preliminary observation.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the diagnostic potential of urinary metanephrines and 3-methoxytyramine compared to urinary catecholamine determination in diagnosing antemortem cold exposure and fatal hypothermia. 83 cases of fatal hypothermia and 144 control cases were included in this study. Catecholamines (adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine), metanephrines (metanephrine, normetanephrine) and 3-methoxytyramine were measured in urine collected during autopsy. All tested analytes were significantly higher in hypothermia cases compared to control subjects and displayed a generally satisfying discriminative value, thus indicating urinary catecholamines and their metabolites as reliable markers of cold-related stress and hypothermia related-deaths. Metanephrine and adrenaline had the best discriminative value between hypothermia and control cases compared to other tested analytes, though with different sensitivity and specificity. These can therefore be considered the most suitable markers of cold-related stress.


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In order to evaluate the effect of head injury in severely traumatized patients on the response of plasma cortisol, glucagon, insulin, glucose, and FFA as well as urinary N and catecholamines excretions, 36 patients were prospectively studied over 5 consecutive days following injury. They were divided into three groups: group I, severe isolated head injury (n = 14); group II, multiple injury combined with severe head injury (n = 12); group III multiple injury without head injury (n = 10). The results demonstrate similar hormonal and metabolic changes between these three groups of patients, characterized by elevated urinary adrenaline, noradrenaline excretion, increased cortisol, glucagon, insulin plasma levels throughout the study and elevated N urinary excretion with strongly negative N balances during the first 5 days postinjury. A significant correlation was observed between N intake and 5 day cumulated N balance (r = 0.63, p less than 0.001). In addition, N balance was negatively correlated with urinary excretion of adrenaline (r = -0.47, p less than 0.01) and noradrenaline (r = -0.44, p less than 0.05) as well as plasma levels of glucagon (r = -0.44, p less than 0.05). Isolated severe head injury seems to induce a full response in the secretion of the catabolic counterregulatory hormones comparable to that encountered in patients with multiple injury and associated with a marked increase in protein catabolism; additional noncranial major injury does not seem to enhance these responses.


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INTRODUCTION: Intraosseous access is increasingly recognised as an effective alternative vascular access to peripheral venous access. We aimed to prospectively study the patients receiving prehospital intraosseous access with the EZ-IO(®), and to compare our results with those of the available literature. METHODS: Every patient who required an intraosseous access with the EZ-IO from January 1st, 2009 to December 31st, 2011 was included. The main data collected were: age, sex, indication for intraosseous access, localisation of insertion, success rate, drugs and fluids administered, and complications. All published studies concerning the EZ-IO device were systematically searched and reviewed for comparison. RESULTS: Fifty-eight patients representing 60 EZ-IO procedures were included. Mean age was 47 years (range 0.5-91), and the success rate was 90%. The main indications were cardiorespiratory arrest (74%), major trauma (12%), and shock (5%). The anterior tibia was the main route. The main drugs administered were adrenaline (epinephrine), atropine and amiodarone. No complications were reported. We identified 30 heterogeneous studies representing 1603 EZ-IO insertions. The patients' characteristics and success rate were similar to our study. Complications were reported in 13 cases (1.3%). CONCLUSION: The EZ-IO provides an effective way to achieve vascular access in the pre-hospital setting. Our results were similar to the cumulative results of all studies involving the use of the EZ-IO, and that can be used for comparison for further studies.


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Delayed recovery has been advocated to limit the postoperative stress linked to awakening from anesthesia, but data on this subject are lacking. In this study, we measured oxygen consumption (V(O2)) and plasma catecholamine concentrations as markers of postoperative stress. We tested the hypothesis that delayed recovery and extubation would attenuate metabolic changes after intracranial surgery. Thirty patients were included in a prospective, open study and were randomized into two groups. In Group I, the patients were tracheally extubated as soon as possible after surgery. In Group II, the patients were sedated with propofol for 2 h after surgery. V(O2), catecholamine concentration, mean arterial pressure (MAP), and heart rate (HR) were measured during anesthesia, at extubation, and 30 min after extubation. V(O2) and noradrenaline on extubation and mean V(O2) during recovery were significantly higher in Group II than in Group I (V(O2) for Group I: preextubation 215 +/- 46 mL/min, recovery 198 +/- 38 mL/min; for Group II: preextubation 320 +/- 75 mL/min, recovery 268 +/- 49 mL/min; noradrenaline on extubation for Group I: 207 +/- 76 pg/mL, for Group II: 374 +/- 236 pg/ mL). Extubation induced a significant increase in MAP. MAP, HR, and adrenaline values were not statistically different between groups. In conclusion, delayed recovery after neurosurgery cannot be recommended as a mechanism of limiting the metabolic and hemodynamic consequences from emergence from general anesthesia. IMPLICATIONS: In this study, we tested the hypothesis that delayed recovery after neurosurgery would attenuate the consequences of recovery from general anesthesia. As markers of stress, oxygen consumption and noradrenaline blood levels were higher after delayed versus early recovery. Thus, delayed recovery cannot be recommended as a mechanism of limiting the metabolic and hemodynamic consequences from emergence after neurosurgery.


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Objectives: To compare the clinical anesthetic efficacy of 0.5% bupivacaine and 4% articaine (both with 1:200.000 adrenaline) for anterior maxillary infiltration in healthy volunteers. Material and methods: A triple-blind split-mouth randomized clinical trial was carried out in 20 volunteers. A supraperiosteal buccal injection of 0.9 ml of either solution at the apex of the lateral incisor was done in 2 appointments separated 2 weeks apart. The following outcome variables were measured: latency time, anesthetic efficacy (dental pulp, keratinized gingiva, alveolar mucosa and upper lip mucosa and tissue) and the duration of anesthetic effect. Hemodynamic parameters were monitored during the procedure. Results: Latency time recorded was similar for both anesthetic solutions (p>0.05). No statistically significant differences were found in terms of anesthetic efficacy for dental pulp, keratinized gingiva or alveolar mucosa. Articaine had a significant higher proportion of successful anesthesia at 10 minutes after infiltration in lip mucosa and lip skin (p=0.039). The duration of anesthesia was 336 minutes for bupivacaine and 167 minutes for articaine. (p<0.001). No significant hemodynamic alterations were noted during the procedure. Conclusions: Articaine and bupivacaine exhibited similar anesthetic efficacy for maxillary infiltrations. The duration of anesthesia was longer with the bupivacaine solution, but lip anesthesia was better with articaine


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Our aim is to describe the acute effects of catecholamines/β-adrenergic agonists on contraction of non-fatigued skeletal muscle in animals and humans, and explain the mechanisms involved. Adrenaline/β-agonists (0.1-30 μm) generally augment peak force across animal species (positive inotropic effect) and abbreviate relaxation of slow-twitch muscles (positive lusitropic effect). A peak force reduction also occurs in slow-twitch muscles in some conditions. β2 -Adrenoceptor stimulation activates distinct cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases to phosphorylate multiple target proteins. β-Agonists modulate sarcolemmal processes (increased resting membrane potential and action potential amplitude) via enhanced Na(+) -K(+) pump and Na(+) -K(+) -2Cl(-) cotransporter function, but this does not increase force. Myofibrillar Ca(2+) sensitivity and maximum Ca(2+) -activated force are unchanged. All force potentiation involves amplified myoplasmic Ca(2+) transients consequent to increased Ca(2+) release from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). This unequivocally requires phosphorylation of SR Ca(2+) release channels/ryanodine receptors (RyR1) which sensitize the Ca(2+) -induced Ca(2+) release mechanism. Enhanced trans-sarcolemmal Ca(2+) influx through phosphorylated voltage-activated Ca(2+) channels contributes to force potentiation in diaphragm and amphibian muscle, but not mammalian limb muscle. Phosphorylation of phospholamban increases SR Ca(2+) pump activity in slow-twitch fibres but does not augment force; this process accelerates relaxation and may depress force. Greater Ca(2+) loading of SR may assist force potentiation in fast-twitch muscle. Some human studies show no significant force potentiation which appears to be related to the β-agonist concentration used. Indeed high-dose β-agonists (∼0.1 μm) enhance SR Ca(2+) -release rates, maximum voluntary contraction strength and peak Wingate power in trained humans. The combined findings can explain how adrenaline/β-agonists influence muscle performance during exercise/stress in humans.


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Striatal adenosine A2A receptors (A2ARs) are highly expressed in medium spiny neurons (MSNs) of the indirect efferent pathway, where they heteromerize with dopamine D2 receptors (D2Rs). A2ARs are also localized presynaptically in cortico-striatal glutamatergic terminals contacting MSNs of the direct efferent pathway, where they heteromerize with adenosine A1 receptors (A1Rs). It has been hypothesized that postsynaptic A2AR antagonists should be useful in Parkinson's disease, while presynaptic A2AR antagonists could be beneficial in dyskinetic disorders, such as Huntington's disease, obsessive-compulsive disorders and drug addiction. The aim or this work was to determine whether selective A2AR antagonists may be subdivided according to a preferential pre- versus postsynaptic mechanism of action. The potency at blocking the motor output and striatal glutamate release induced by cortical electrical stimulation and the potency at inducing locomotor activation were used as in vivo measures of pre- and postsynaptic activities, respectively. SCH-442416 and KW-6002 showed a significant preferential pre- and postsynaptic profile, respectively, while the other tested compounds (MSX-2, SCH-420814, ZM-241385 and SCH-58261) showed no clear preference. Radioligand-binding experiments were performed in cells expressing A2AR-D2R and A1R-A2AR heteromers to determine possible differences in the affinity of these compounds for different A2AR heteromers. Heteromerization played a key role in the presynaptic profile of SCH-442416, since it bound with much less affinity to A2AR when co-expressed with D2R than with A1R. KW-6002 showed the best relative affinity for A2AR co-expressed with D2R than co-expressed with A1R, which can at least partially explain the postsynaptic profile of this compound. Also, the in vitro pharmacological profile of MSX-2, SCH-420814, ZM-241385 and SCH-58261 was is in accordance with their mixed pre- and postsynaptic profile. On the basis of their preferential pre- versus postsynaptic actions, SCH-442416 and KW-6002 may be used as lead compounds to obtain more effective antidyskinetic and antiparkinsonian compounds, respectively.