983 resultados para Adenocarcinoma gástrico humano
O refluxo duodeno-gástrico (RDG), através do piloro, induz lesões proliferativas gástricas em ratos?
Objetivo: Estudar o desenvolvimento de lesões proliferativas na mucosa gástrica de ratos Wistar submetidos ao refluxo duodeno-gástrico (RDG) através do piloro e, também, avaliar os efeitos da interrupção do RDG sobre o desenvolvimento das mesmas. Métodos: Constituíram-se três grupos experimentais: No CT (n = 20) os ratos foram submetidos a uma gastrotomia; nos grupos RDG54 (n = 16) e RDG36 (n = 14) realizou-se a indução do RDG e, somente no último, interrompeu-se o RDG após 36 semanas. O RDG foi obtido através da realização de anastomose entre o jejuno proximal e a parede gástrica anterior, seguido por secção completa e fechamento das bocas distal e proximal do jejuno a cerca de 1cm antes do início da gastroenteroanastomose. Na 54ª semana do seguimento, todos os ratos foram submetidos à eutanásia. Resultados: Diagnosticaram-se três tipos de lesões proliferativas: na mucosa glandular, a hiperplasia adenomatosa e o adenocarcinoma e, no epitélio escamoso, a hiperplasia escamosa. No grupo CT, não se diagnosticaram lesões proliferativas. Na região da mucosa pilórica dos grupos RDG54 e RDG36, a incidência da hiperplasia adenomatosa foi, respectivamente, de 68,75% e 50% (p > 0,30), enquanto na região da gastroenteroanastomose, de 43,75% no RDG54 e 85,71% no RDG36 (p < 0,05). No epitélio escamoso, a incidência da hiperplasia escamosa no RDG54 e RDG36 foi, respectivamente, de 62,5% e 14,2% (p < 0,001). O adenocarcinoma foi diagnosticado na região da anastomose de uma única peça histológica do RDG54. Através de um sistema de análise digital, determinaram-se as áreas da hiperplasia adenomatosa. Na região da mucosa pilórica, obteve-se mediana de 8,583mm² no RDG54 e de 0,2690mm² no RDG36 (p < 0,001). Na gastroenteroanastomose, obteve-se zero no RDG54 e 0,5295mm² no RDG36 (p > 0,50). Conclusões: O RDG propiciou o desenvolvimento de lesões proliferativas, predominantemente benignas. A interrupção do RDG refreou o crescimento da área da hiperplasia adenomatosa na mucosa pilórica e diminuiu a incidência da hiperplasia escamosa. Na região da gastroenteroanastomose, o procedimento cirúrgico favoreceu a manutenção do processo prolifera tivo, mesmo após a interrupção do RDG através do piloro.
Pós-graduação em Patologia - FMB
Com a finalidade de contribuir para um melhor conhecimento do eventual papel do Papilomavirus humano (HPV) na etiopatogênese do câncer cervical na região norte do Brasil, estudou-se a prevalência do vírus em 228 mulheres portadoras de lesões de cérvix uterina, atendidas no Instituto Ofir Loiola (IOL), em Belém, Pará, no período de março de 1992 a maio de 1996. As pacientes foram submetidas à biópsia de colo uterino, sendo o material coletado encaminhado para histopatologia e pesquisa de HPV por diferentes técnicas laboratoriais. Para fins de análise, as participantes foram distribuídas em 3 grupos, de acordo com o diagnóstico histopatológico. O grupo A foi constituído de 155 mulheres com carcinoma epidermóide invasor ou adenocarcinoma, o grupo B de 54 portadoras de neoplasia intraepitelial cervical grau II ou III (NIC II e NIC 111) e o C, de 19 pacientes com cervicite crônica. Pelas técnicas de PCR e hibridização por dot-blot, registraram-se prevalência de HPV em 70,3%, 63,0% e 36,8% das mulheres reunidas nos grupamentos A, B e C, respectivamente. O tipo de HPV predominante foi o 16, que representou 60,4% das amostras positivas do grupo A e 54,5% daquelas do grupo B. Os HPV tipo 16, 18 e 33 representaram 71,4% dos detectados no grupo C. Em 155 das 228 amostras testadas por PCR, realizou-se também a técnica de hibridização in situ (HIS) com sondas para detectar HPV 6/11, 16/18 e 31/33/35. A prevalência de HPV registrada por essa técnica foi de 17,4%, enquanto que por PCR observou-se, nas mesmas amostras, percentual Positivo de 65,2%. No que diz respeito a outros fatores, também tidos como implicados no desenvolvimento de carcinomas e lesões precursoras em cérvix uterina, verificou-se que cerca de 40% das mulheres dos grupos A e B admitiram iniciação sexual precoce (com 15 anos ou menos). Entretanto, a grande maioria referiu de 1 a 3 parceiros, não caracterizando comportamento sexual promíscuo. Os dados aqui apresentados, a exemplo do que se registrou em outros estudos conduzidos em diversas áreas geográficas, sustentam a hipótese de que o HPV desempenha um importante papel na etiologia dos carcinomas de colo uterino e neoplasias intraepiteliais cervicais. Contudo, investigações adicionais e mais amplas devem ser realizadas, com vistas a uma melhor compreensão das características epidemiológicas da infecção por HPV na Região Amazônica.
Estudou-se a prevalência do papilomavírus humano (HPV) em 228 mulheres portadoras de lesões em cérvice uterina, atendidas no Instituto Ofir Loiola, em Belém, Pará, no período de março de 1992 a maio de 1996. As pacientes foram submetidas à biópsia de colo uterino, sendo o material encaminhado para histopatologia e pesquisa de HPV por PCR e hibridização por dot-blot. Distribuíram-se as participantes em três grupos, conforme diagnóstico histopatológico. O grupo A constituiu-se de 155 mulheres com carcinoma epidermóide invasor ou com adenocarcinoma, o grupo B de 54 portadoras de neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical grau II ou III, e o grupo C de 19 pacientes com cervicite crônica. Observaram-se prevalências de HPV em 70,3%, 63,0% e 36,8% das mulheres dos grupamentos A, B e C, respectivamente, sendo o HPV 16 registrado em 60,4% das amostras positivas do grupo A e 54,5% daquelas do grupo B. Os tipos 16, 18 e 33 representaram 71,4% dos detectados no grupo C.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
El cáncer gástrico es una de las neoplasias malignas más frecuentes a nivel mundial, la segunda causa de muerte por cáncer a nivel mundial, y la octava causa de muerte en los Estados Unidos debido a neoplasias, es por tanto, un problema que afecta tanto a los países desarrollados como a los países en vías de desarrollo. A nivel mundial es más frecuente en la sexta década de la vida, con una incidencia mayor en el sexo femenino, además se han descrito diversos factores de riesgo asociados a la aparición de dicha neoplasia. Dentro de la presentación clínica podemos encontrar la pérdida de peso y el dolor abdominal como las presentaciones clínicas más frecuentes del cáncer gástrico. La mayoría de pacientes son diagnosticados en estadios avanzados de la enfermedad. Con el presente estudio se determinó el comportamiento de los pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer gástrico del Hospital Oncológico del ISSS en el período enero de 2012 a diciembre de 2013, mediante un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal, tomando como población a todos los pacientes con cáncer gástrico del ISSS diagnosticados en dicho periodo. Con los datos obtenidos se concluyó que la edad media de los pacientes con cáncer gástrico es de 63.4 años, los síntomas más frecuentes en pacientes con cáncer gástrico en orden decreciente de frecuencia son dolor abdominal, pérdida de peso, nausea, vómito, melenas y saciedad temprana; al examen físico los hallazgos más frecuentemente reportados son palidez y presencia de masa abdominal palpable; los datos más frecuentemente observados en exámenes de laboratorio son anemia (normo-normo) y alteraciones de AST y ALT. Se diagnostican en un estadio 0= 0%, IA= 1.41%; IB= 5.63%; IIA=14.08%; IIB= 11.27%; IIIA= 18.31%; IIIB= 7.04%; IIIC= 4.23% y IV=38.03%. Además el adenocarcinoma tubular, seguido del carcinoma de células en anillo de sello son los tipos histológicos más frecuentes.
BACKGROUND The transgenic adenocarcinoma of the mouse prostate (TRAMP) model closely mimics PC-progression as it occurs in humans. However, the timing of disease incidence and progression (especially late stage) makes it logistically difficult to conduct experiments synchronously and economically. The development and characterization of androgen depletion independent (ADI) TRAMP sublines are reported. METHODS Sublines were derived from androgen-sensitive TRAMP-C1 and TRAMP-C2 cell lines by androgen deprivation in vitro and in vivo. Epithelial origin (cytokeratin) and expression of late stage biomarkers (E-cadherin and KAI-1) were evaluated using immunohistochemistry. Androgen receptor (AR) status was assessed through quantitative real time PCR, Western blotting, and immunohistochemistry. Coexpression of AR and E-cadherin was also evaluated. Clonogenicity and invasive potential were measured by soft agar and matrigel invasion assays. Proliferation/survival of sublines in response to androgen was assessed by WST-1 assay. In vivo growth of subcutaneous tumors was assessed in castrated and sham-castrated C57BL/6 mice. RESULTS The sublines were epithelial and displayed ADI in vitro and in vivo. Compared to the parental lines, these showed (1) significantly faster growth rates in vitro and in vivo independent of androgen depletion, (2) greater tumorigenic, and invasive potential in vitro. All showed substantial downregulation in expression levels of tumor suppressor, E-cadherin, and metastatis suppressor, KAI-1. Interestingly, the percentage of cells expressing AR with downregulated E-cadherin was higher in ADI cells, suggesting a possible interaction between the two pathways. CONCLUSIONS The TRAMP model now encompasses ADI sublines potentially representing different phenotypes with increased tumorigenicity and invasiveness.
Objectives: To investigate the efficacy of progestin treatment to achieve pathological complete response (pCR) in patients with complex atypical endometrial hyperplasia (CAH) or early endometrial adenocarcinoma (EC). Methods: A systematic search identified 3245 potentially relevant citations. Studies containing less than ten eligible CAH or EC patients in either oral or intrauterine treatment arm were excluded. Only information from patients receiving six or more months of treatment and not receiving other treatments was included. Weighted proportions of patients achieving pCR were calculated using R software. Results: Twelve studies met the selection criteria. Eleven studies reported treatment of patients with oral (219 patients, 117 with CAH, 102 with grade 1 Stage I EC) and one reported treatment of patients with intrauterine progestin (11 patients with grade 1 Stage IEC). Overall, 74% (95% confidence interval [CI] 65-81%) of patients with CAH and 72% (95% CI 62-80%) of patients with grade 1 Stage I EC achieved a pCR to oral progestin. Disease progression while on oral treatment was reported for 6/219 (2.7%), and relapse after initial complete response for 32/159 (20.1%) patients. The weighted mean pCR rate of patients with grade 1 Stage I EC treated with intrauterine progestin from one prospective pilot study and an unpublished retrospective case series from the Queensland Centre of Gynaecologic Oncology (QCGC) was 68% (95% CI 45- 86%). Conclusions: There is a lack of high quality evidence for the efficacy of progestin in CAH or EC. The available evidence however suggests that treatment with oral or intrauterine progestin is similarly effective. The risk of progression during treatment is small but longer follow-up is required. Evidence from prospective controlled clinical trials is warranted to establish how the efficacy of progestin for the treatment of CAH and EC can be improved further.
Background: Mitomycin C and etoposide have both demonstrated activity against gastric carcinoma. Etoposide is a topoisomerase II inhibitor with evidence for phase-specific and schedule-dependent activity. Patients and method. Twenty-eight consecutive patients with advanced upper gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma were treated with intravenous (i.v.) bolus mitomycin C 6 mg/m2 on day 1 every 21 days to a maximum of four courses. Oral etoposide capsules 50 mg b.i.d. (or 35 mg b.i.d. liquid) were administered days 1 to 10 extending to 14 days in subsequent courses if absolute neutrophil count >1.5 x 109/l on day 14 of first course, for up to six courses. Results: Twenty-six patients were assessed for response of whom 12 had measurable disease and 14 evaluable disease. Four patients had a documented response (one complete remission, three partial remissions) with an objective response rate of 15% (95% confidence interval (95% CI) 4%-35%). Eight patients had stable disease and 14 progressive disease. The median survival was six months. The schedule was well tolerated with no treatment-related deaths. Nine patients experienced leucopenia (seven grade II and two grade III). Nausea and vomiting (eight grade II, one grade III), fatigue (eight grade II, two grade III) and anaemia (seven grade II, two grade III) were the predominant toxicities. Conclusion: This out-patient schedule is well tolerated and shows modest activity in the treatment of advanced upper gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma. Further studies using protracted schedules of etoposide both orally and as infusional treatment should be developed.
Background Adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction (AEG) as described by Siewert et al. is classified as one entity in the latest (7th Edition) American Joint Cancer Committee/International Union Against Cancer (AJCC/UICC) manual, compared with the previous mix of esophageal and gastric staging systems. The origin of AEG tumors, esophageal or gastric, and their biology remain controversial, particularly for AEG type II (cardia) tumors. Methods We adapted a large prospective database (n = 520: 180 type I, 182 type II, 158 type III) to compare AEG tumors under the new TNM system Pathological variables associated with prognosis were compared (pT, pN, stage, differentiation, R status, lymphovascular invasion, perineural involvement, number of positive nodes, percent of positive nodes, and tumor length), as well as overall survival. Results Compared with AEG type I tumors, type II and type III tumors had significantly (p\0.05) more advanced pN stages, greater number and percentage of positive nodes, poorer differentiation, more radial margin involvement, and more perineural invasion. In AEG type I, 14/180 patients (8%) had[6 involved nodes (pN3), compared with 16 and 30% of patients classified type II and III, respectively. Median survival was significantly (p = 0.03) improved for type I patients (38 months) compared with those with tumors classified as type II (28 months) and type III (24 months). In multivariate analysis node positivity and pN staging but not AEG site had an impact on survival. Conclusions In this series AEG type I is associated with more favorable pathologic features and improved outcomes compared with AEG type II and III. This may reflect earlier diagnosis, but an alternative possibility, that type I may be a unique paradigm with more favorable biology, requires further study. © Société Internationale de Chirurgie 2010.
Early diagnosis and the ability to predict the most relevant treatment option for individuals is essential to improve clinical outcomes for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. Adenocarcinoma (ADC), a subtype of NSCLC, is the single biggest cancer killer and therefore an urgent need to identify minimally invasive biomarkers to enable early diagnosis. Recent studies, by ourselves and others, indicate that circulating miRNA s have potential as biomarkers. Here we applied global profiling approaches in serum from patients with ADC of the lung to explore if miRNA s have potential as diagnostic biomarkers. This study involved RNA isolation from 80 sera specimens including those from ADC patients (equal numbers of stages 1, 2, 3, and 4) and age- and gender-matched controls (n = 40 each). Six hundred and sixty-seven miRNA s were co-analyzed in these specimens using TaqMan low density arrays and qPCR validation using individual miRNA s. Overall, approximately 390 and 370 miRNA s were detected in ADC and control sera, respectively. A group of 6 miRNA s, miR-30c-1* (AU C = 0.74; P < 0.002), miR-616(AU C = 0.71; P = 0.001), miR-146b-3p (AU C = 0.82; P < 0.0001), miR-566 (AU C = 0.80; P < 0.0001), miR-550 (AU C = 0.72; P = 0.0006), and miR-939 (AU C = 0.82; P < 0.0001) was found to be present at substantially higher levels in ADC compared with control sera. Conversely, miR-339-5p and miR-656 were detected at substantially lower levels in ADC sera (co-analysis resulting in AU C = 0.6; P = 0.02). Differences in miRNA profile identified support circulating miRNA s having potential as diagnostic biomarkers for ADC. More extensive studies of ADC and control serum specimens are warranted to independently validate the potential clinical relevance of these miRNA s as minimally invasive biomarkers for ADC.
Purpose The LUX-Lung 3 study investigated the efficacy of chemotherapy compared with afatinib, a selective, orally bioavailable ErbB family blocker that irreversibly blocks signaling from epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR/ErbB1), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2/ErbB2), and ErbB4 and has wide-spectrum preclinical activity against EGFR mutations. A phase II study of afatinib in EGFR mutation-positive lung adenocarcinoma demonstrated high response rates and progression-free survival (PFS). Patients and Methods In this phase III study, eligible patients with stage IIIB/IV lung adenocarcinoma were screened for EGFR mutations. Mutation-positive patients were stratified by mutation type (exon 19 deletion, L858R, or other) and race (Asian or non-Asian) before two-to-one random assignment to 40 mg afatinib per day or up to six cycles of cisplatin plus pemetrexed chemotherapy at standard doses every 21 days. The primary end point was PFS by independent review. Secondary end points included tumor response, overall survival, adverse events, and patient-reported outcomes (PROs). Results A total of 1,269 patients were screened, and 345 were randomly assigned to treatment. Median PFS was 11.1 months for afatinib and 6.9 months for chemotherapy (hazard ratio [HR], 0.58; 95% CI, 0.43 to 0.78; P = .001). Median PFS among those with exon 19 deletions and L858R EGFR mutations (n = 308) was 13.6 months for afatinib and 6.9 months for chemotherapy (HR, 0.47; 95% CI, 0.34 to 0.65; P = .001). The most common treatmentrelated adverse events were diarrhea, rash/acne, and stomatitis for afatinib and nausea, fatigue, and decreased appetite for chemotherapy. PROs favored afatinib, with better control of cough, dyspnea, and pain. Conclusion Afatinib is associated with prolongation of PFS when compared with standard doublet chemotherapy in patients with advanced lung adenocarcinoma and EGFR mutations.
Purpose Patient-reported symptoms and health-related quality of life (QoL) benefits were investigated in a randomized, phase III trial of afatinib or cisplatin/pemetrexed. Patients and Methods Three hundred forty-five patients with advanced epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutation-positive lung adenocarcinoma were randomly assigned 2:1 to afatinib 40 mg per day or up to six cycles of cisplatin/pemetrexed. Lung cancer symptoms and health-related QoL were assessed every 21 days until progression using the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire C30 and Lung Cancer-13 questionnaires. Analyses of cough, dyspnea, and pain were preplanned, including percentage of patients who improved on therapy, time to deterioration of symptoms, and change in symptoms over time. Results Questionnaire compliance was high. Compared with chemotherapy, afatinib significantly delayed the time to deterioration for cough (hazard ratio [HR], 0.60; 95% CI, 0.41 to 0.87; P = .007) and dyspnea (HR, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.50 to 0.93; P = .015), but not pain (HR, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.62 to 1.10; P = .19). More patients on afatinib (64%) versus chemotherapy (50%) experienced improvements in dyspnea scores (P lt; .010). Differences in mean scores over time significantly favored afatinib over chemotherapy for cough (P lt; .001) and dyspnea (P = .001). Afatinib showed significantly better mean scores over time in global health status/QoL (P = .015) and physical (P = .001), role (P = .004), and cognitive (P lt; .007) functioning compared with chemotherapy. Fatigue and nausea were worse with chemotherapy, whereas diarrhea, dysphagia, and sore mouth were worse with afatinib (all P = .01). Conclusion In patients with lung adenocarcinoma with EGFR mutations, first-line afatinib was associated with better control of cough and dyspnea compared with chemotherapy, although diarrhea, dysphagia, and sore mouth were worse. Global health status/QoL was also improved over time with afatinib compared with chemotherapy.
The ineffectiveness of current design processes has been well studied and has resulted in widespread calls for the evolution and development of new management processes. Perhaps one problem is that with the advent of BIM we are moving from one stage to another without necessarily having resolved all the issues. CAD design technology, if well handled, could have significantly raised the level of quality and efficiency of current processes, but in practice this was not fully realized. Therefore, technology alone can´t solve all the problems and the advent of BIM could result in a similar bottleneck. For a precise definition of the problem to be solved we should start by understanding what are the main current bottlenecks that have yet to be overcome by either new technologies or management processes, and the impact of human behavior related issues despite the advent of new technologies. The fragmented and dispersed nature of the AEC sector and the huge number of small organizations that comprise it would probably be a major limiting factor. Several authors have addressed this issue and more recently IDDS has been defined as the highest level of achievement. However, what is written on IDDS shows an extremely ideal situation on a state to be achieved; it shows a holistic utopian proposition with the intent to create the research agenda to move towards that state. Key to IDDS is the framing of a new management model which should address the problems associated with key aspects: technology, processes, policies and people. One of the primary areas to be further studied is the process of collaborative work and understanding, together with the development of proposals to overcome the many cultural barriers that currently exist and impede the advance of new management methods. The purpose of this paper is to define and delimit problems to be solved so that it is possible to implement a new management model for a collaborative design process.
Radiosensitizing Effect of Electrochemotherapy in a Fractionated Radiation Regimen in Radiosensitive Murine Sarcoma and Radioresistant Adenocarcinoma Tumor Model. Electrochemotherapy can potentiate the radiosensitizing effect of bleomycin, as shown in our previous studies. To bring this treatment closer to use in clinical practice, we evaluated the interaction between electrochemotherapy with bleomycin and single-dose or fractionated radiation in two murine tumor models with different histology and radiosensitivity. Radiosensitive sarcoma SA-1 and radioresistant adenocarcinoma CaNT subcutaneous tumors grown in A/J and CBA mice, respectively, were used. The anti-tumor effect and skin damage around the treated tumors were evaluated after electrochemotherapy with bleomycin alone or combined with single-dose radiation or a fractionated radiation regimen. The anti-tumor effectiveness of electrochemotherapy was more pronounced in SA-1 than CaNT tumors. In both tumor models, the tumor response to radiation was not significantly influenced by bleomycin alone or by electroporation alone. However, electrochemotherapy before the first tumor irradiation potentiated the response to a single-dose or fractionated radiation regimen in both tumors. For the fractionated radiation regimen, normal skin around the treated tumors was damaged fourfold less than for the single-dose regimen. Electrochemotherapy prior to single-dose irradiation induced more damage to the skin around the treated tumors and greater loss of body weight compared to other irradiated groups, whereas electrochemotherapy combined with the fractionated radiation regimen did not. Electrochemotherapy with low doses of bleomycin can also be used safely for radiosensitization of different types of tumors in a fractionated radiation regimen, resulting in a good anti-tumor effect and no major potentiating effect on radiation-induced skin damage. © 2009 by Radiation Research Society.