967 resultados para Additive Manufacturing 3D Printing FDM TPU nanocompisiti
Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di mostrare le potenzialità e le possibili soluzioni dell’Additive Manufacturing per l’ottimizzazione di macchine elettriche in risposta al problema delle terre rare. Nel primo capitolo viene presentato lo stato dell’arte dell’Additive Manufacturing mostrando una rapida panoramica delle sue caratteristiche principali, le potenzialità future e i settori di utilizzo. Il secondo capitolo propone le principali tecniche di Stampa 3D per la realizzazione di oggetti evidenziando di ognuna i pregi e i difetti. All’interno del terzo capitolo, viene illustrata la struttura di una macchina elettrica mostrando le varie componenti e presentando delle possibili ottimizzazioni realizzate tramite Additive Manufacturing. Nel quarto capitolo vengono presentati esempi di macchine elettriche complete realizzate attraverso le tecniche dell’Additive Manufacturing. Nel quinto capitolo vengono confrontati un Interior Permanent Magnets motor e un Synchronous Relectance Machine.
This thesis studies the advantages, disadvantages and possibilities of additive manufacturing in making components with internal flow channels. These include hydraulic components, components with cooling channels and heat exchangers. Processes studied in this work are selective laser sintering and selective laser melting of metallic materials. The basic principles of processes and parameters involved in the process are presented and different possibilities of internal channel manufacturing and flow improvement are introduced
The purpose of this study is to find out how laser based Directed Energy Deposition processes can benefit from different types of monitoring. DED is a type of additive manufacturing process, where parts are manufactured in layers by using metallic powder or metallic wire. DED processes can be used to manufacture parts that are not possible to manufacture with conventional manufacturing processes, when adding new geometries to existing parts or when wanting to minimize the scrap material that would result from machining the part. The aim of this study is to find out why laser based DED-processes are monitored, how they are monitored and what devices are used for monitoring. This study has been done in the form of a literature review. During the manufacturing process, the DED-process is highly sensitive to different disturbances such as fluctuations in laser absorption, powder feed rate, temperature, humidity or the reflectivity of the melt pool. These fluctuations can cause fluctuations in the size of the melt pool or its temperature. The variations in the size of the melt pool have an effect on the thickness of individual layers, which have a direct impact on the final surface quality and dimensional accuracy of the parts. By collecting data from these fluctuations and adjusting the laser power in real-time, the size of the melt pool and its temperature can be kept within a specified range that leads to significant improvements in the manufacturing quality. The main areas of monitoring can be divided into the monitoring of the powder feed rate, the temperature of the melt pool, the height of the melt pool and the geometry of the melt pool. Monitoring the powder feed rate is important when depositing different material compositions. Monitoring the temperature of the melt pool can give information about the microstructure and mechanical properties of the part. Monitoring the height and the geometry of the melt pool is an important factor in achieving the desired dimensional accuracy of the part. By combining multiple different monitoring devices, the amount of fluctuations that can be controlled will be increased. In addition, by combining additive manufacturing with machining, the benefits of both processes could be utilized.
A series of polymers capable of self-assembling into infinite networks via supramolecular interactions have been designed, synthesized, and characterized for use in 3D printing applications. The biocompatible polymers and their composites with silica nanoparticles were successfully utilized to deposit both simple cubic structures, as well as a more complex twisted pyramidal feature. The polymers were found to be not toxic to a chondrogenic cell line, according to ISO 10993-5 and 10993-12 standard tests and the cells attached to the supramolecular polymers as demonstrated by confocal microscopy. Silica nanoparticles were then dispersed within the polymer matrix, yielding a composite material which was optimized for inkjet printing. The hybrid material showed promise in preliminary tests to facilitate the 3D deposition of a more complex structure.
tesi di ricerca sulla stampa 3d per il gioiello.
La fabbricazione additiva è una classe di metodi di fabbricazione in cui il componente viene costruito aggiungendo strati di materiale l’uno sull’altro, sino alla completa realizzazione dello stesso. Si tratta di un principio di fabbricazione sostanzialmente differente da quelli tradizionali attualmente utilizzati, che si avvalgono di utensili per sottrarre materiale da un semilavorato, sino a conferire all’oggetto la forma desiderata, mentre i processi additivi non richiedono l’utilizzo di utensili. Il termine più comunemente utilizzato per la fabbricazione additiva è prototipazione rapida. Il termine “prototipazione”’ viene utilizzato in quanto i processi additivi sono stati utilizzati inizialmente solo per la produzione di prototipi, tuttavia con l’evoluzione delle tecnologie additive questi processi sono sempre più in grado di realizzare componenti di elevata complessità risultando competitivi anche per volumi di produzione medio-alti. Il termine “rapida” viene invece utilizzato in quanto i processi additivi vengono eseguiti molto più velocemente rispetto ai processi di produzione convenzionali. La fabbricazione additiva offre diversi vantaggi dal punto di vista di: • velocità: questi processi “rapidi” hanno brevi tempi di fabbricazione. • realizzazione di parti complesse: con i processi additivi, la complessità del componente ha uno scarso effetto sui tempi di costruzione, contrariamente a quanto avviene nei processi tradizionali dove la realizzazione di parti complesse può richiedere anche settimane. • materiali: la fabbricazione additiva è caratterizzata dalla vasta gamma di materiali che può utilizzare per la costruzione di pezzi. Inoltre, in alcuni processi si possono costruire pezzi le cui parti sono di materiali diversi. • produzioni a basso volume: molti processi tradizionali non sono convenienti per le produzioni a basso volume a causa degli alti costi iniziali dovuti alla lavorazione con utensili e tempi di setup lunghi.
With the increasing use of medical imaging in forensics, as well as the technological advances in rapid prototyping, we suggest combining these techniques to generate displays of forensic findings. We used computed tomography (CT), CT angiography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and surface scanning with photogrammetry in conjunction with segmentation techniques to generate 3D polygon meshes. Based on these data sets, a 3D printer created colored models of the anatomical structures. Using this technique, we could create models of bone fractures, vessels, cardiac infarctions, ruptured organs as well as bitemark wounds. The final models are anatomically accurate, fully colored representations of bones, vessels and soft tissue, and they demonstrate radiologically visible pathologies. The models are more easily understood by laypersons than volume rendering or 2D reconstructions. Therefore, they are suitable for presentations in courtrooms and for educational purposes.
Objet Geometries Ltd entwickelt und produziert Rapid Prototyping Systeme und Materialien auf Basis der Polyjet-Technologie und bietet diese im internationalen Markt an. Objet ist der „Pionier“ in der Entwicklung der Polyjet-Technologie zur schnellen Erstellung von hochwertigen Modellen aus den 3D-Daten der Design- und CAx-Systeme. Die Oberflächenqualität, die schnelle Reinigung des Supportmaterials mit Hilfe eines Wasserstrahls, die Bauteilqualität hinsichtlich der Genauigkeit sowie die einfache Bedienung der Systeme zu einem hervorragenden Preis/Leistungsverhältnis zeichnen Objet als Marktführer dieser Technologie aus. Die Systeme von Objet sind insbesondere für den Anwender in Design und Engineering konzipiert und können in einer Büroumgebung betrieben werden. Die verwendeten Materialien sind für den Anwender ohne jegliche Gefahr einsetzbar und sind von einem deutschen Institut mit entsprechenden Zertifikaten dokumentiert. Die Produktlinie von Objet ermöglicht im Design und Engineering die Zeiten in der Produktentwicklung erheblich zu reduzieren. Kunden von Objet sind in Nordamerika, Europa, Asien und Australien zu finden, viele von ihnen sind bedeutende Unternehmen aus den Märkten Automobilindustrie, Elektronik/Elektrotechnik, Spielwaren, Medizin, Konsumerprodukte, Schuhindustrie, Schmuckindustrie und vielen anderen Branchen. Objet wurde 1998 gegründet und befindet sich im privaten Besitz. Das Unternehmen wird von Investoren wie der Scitex Corporation sowie von weiteren privaten Investoren, Unternehmer-Kapitalfonden and Kooperationen in USA, Japan, Europa und Israel unterstützt. Aus Wettbewerbsgründen werden Unternehmenszahlen derzeit nicht öffentlich zur Verfügung gestellt. Das Unternehmen beschäftigt zur Zeit weltweit ca. 75 Mitarbeiter und verfügt über eigene Vertriebs- und Servicecenter in den USA und Europa, sowie Vertriebspartnern in der ganzen Welt. Seit Mitte 2001 wurden über 170 Systeme weltweit vermarktet und installiert. Der Vortrag anlässlich der RapidTech wird diese noch recht „junge“ Technologie, deren Vorteile für den Anwender sowie die möglichen Applikationen an Hand von konkreten Beispielen im Detail erläutern.
Da sich Additive Manufacturing (AM) von traditionellen Produktionsverfahren unterscheidet, entstehen neue Möglichkeiten im Produktdesign und im Supply Chain Setup. Die Auswirkungen der Aufhebung traditionellen Restriktionen im Produktdesign werden unter dem Begriff „Design for Additive Manufacturing“ intensiv diskutiert. In gleicher Weise werden durch AM Restriktionen im traditionellen Supply Chain Setup aufgehoben. Insbesondere sind die folgenden Verbesserungen möglich: Reduktion von Losgrössen und Lieferzeiten, bedarfsgerechte Produktion auf Abruf, dezentrale Produktion, Customization auf Ebene Bauteil und kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung von Bauteilen. Viele Firmen investieren nicht selbst in die AM Technologien, sondern kaufen Bauteile bei Lieferanten. Um das Potential der AM Supply Chain mit Lieferanten umzusetzen, entstehen die folgenden Anforderungen an AM Einkaufsprozesse. Erstens muss der Aufwand pro Bestellung reduziert werden. Zweitens brauchen AM Nutzer einen direkten Zugang zu den Lieferanten ohne Umweg über die Einkaufsabteilung. Drittens müssen geeignete AM Lieferanten einfach identifiziert werden können. Viertens muss der Wechsel von Lieferanten mit möglichst geringem Aufwand möglich sein. Ein mögliche Lösung sind AM spezifische E-Procurement System um diese Anforderungen zu erfüllen
Proyecto de Fin de Carrera de Ingenieria Industrial, versando sobre el completo diseño de una impresora 3D
The possibility of designing and manufacturing biomedical microdevices with multiple length-scale geometries can help to promote special interactions both with their environment and with surrounding biological systems. These interactions aim to enhance biocompatibility and overall performance by using biomimetic approaches. In this paper, we present a design and manufacturing procedure for obtaining multi-scale biomedical microsystems based on the combination of two additive manufacturing processes: a conventional laser writer to manufacture the overall device structure, and a direct-laser writer based on two-photon polymerization to yield finer details. The process excels for its versatility, accuracy and manufacturing speed and allows for the manufacture of microsystems and implants with overall sizes up to several millimeters and with details down to sub-micrometric structures. As an application example we have focused on manufacturing a biomedical microsystem to analyze the impact of microtextured surfaces on cell motility. This process yielded a relevant increase in precision and manufacturing speed when compared with more conventional rapid prototyping procedures.
This report is a review of additive and subtractive manufacturing techniques. This approach (additive manufacturing) has resided largely in the prototyping realm, where the methods of producing complex freeform solid objects directly from a computer model without part-specific tooling or knowledge. But these technologies are evolving steadily and are beginning to encompass related systems of material addition, subtraction, assembly, and insertion of components made by other processes. Furthermore, these various additive processes are starting to evolve into rapid manufacturing techniques for mass-customized products, away from narrowly defined rapid prototyping. Taking this idea far enough down the line, and several years hence, a radical restructuring of manufacturing could take place. Manufacturing itself would move from a resource base to a knowledge base and from mass production of single use products to mass customized, high value, life cycle products, majority of research and development was focused on advanced development of existing technologies by improving processing performance, materials, modelling and simulation tools, and design tools to enable the transition from prototyping to manufacturing of end use parts.