957 resultados para Adams, Robert, Sailor.
ROBERT EVAPORATORS in Australian sugar factories are traditionally constructed with 44.45 mm outside diameter stainless steel tubes of ~2 m length for all stages of evaporation. There are a few vessels with longer tubes (up to 2.8 m) and smaller and larger diameters (38.1 and 50.8 mm). Queensland University of Technology is undertaking a study to investigate the heat transfer performance of tubes of different lengths and diameters for the whole range of process conditions typically encountered in the evaporator set. Incorporation of these results into practical evaporator designs requires an understanding of the cost implications for constructing evaporator vessels with calandrias having tubes of different dimensions. Cost savings are expected for tubes of smaller diameter and longer length in terms of material, labour and installation costs in the factory. However these savings must be considered in terms of the heat transfer area requirements for the evaporation duty, which will likely be a function of the tube dimensions. In this paper a capital cost model is described which provides a relative cost of constructing and installing Robert evaporators of the same heating surface area but with different tube dimensions. Evaporators of 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 m2 are investigated. This model will be used in conjunction with the heat transfer efficiency data (when available) to determine the optimum tube dimensions for a new evaporator at a specified evaporation duty. Consideration is also given to other factors such as juice residence time (and implications for sucrose degradation and control) and droplet de-entrainment in evaporators of different tube dimensions.
In 2003 Robert Fardon was the first prisoner to be detained under the Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003 (Qld), the first of the new generation preventive detention laws enacted in Australia and directed at keeping sex offenders in prison or under supervision beyond the expiry of their sentences where a court decides, on the basis of psychiatric assessments, that unconditional release would create an unacceptable risk to the community. A careful examination of Fardon’s case shows the extent to which the administration of the regime was from the outset governed by politics and political calculation rather than the logic of risk management and community protection. In 2003 Robert Fardon was the first person detained under the Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003 (Qld) (hereafter DPSOA), a newly enacted Queensland law aimed at the preventive detention of sex offenders. It was the first of a new generation of such laws introduced in Australia, now also in force in NSW, Western Australia and Victoria. The laws have been widely criticized by lawyers, academics and others (Keyzer and McSherry 2009; Edgely 2007). In this article I want to focus on the details of how the Queensland law was administered in Fardon’s case, he being perhaps the most well-known prisoner detained under such laws and certainly the longest held. It will show, I hope, that seemingly abstract rule of law principles invoked by other critics are not simply abstract: they afford a crucial practical safeguard against the corruption of criminal justice in which the ends both of community protection and of justice give way to opportunistic exploitation of ‘the mythic resonance of crime and punishment for electoral purposes’ (Scheingold 1998: 888).
The purpose of the Boy Scout Movement was to create boys who were honest, obedient to constituted authority and loyal to the King and the British Empire. This thesis examines the influence that Scouting's founder, Lord Robert Baden-Powell, had on the development of Scouting in Queensland in the period 1907 to 1937, and concludes that that influence was profound. Baden-Powell conceived the Boy Scout Movement, and its non-formal educative method as an answer to some of the social, economic, and political problems at the beginning of the twentieth century – a paradigm recognised and acknowledged by educators of the day.
Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma käsittelee kielisidonnaisen huumorin kääntämistä. Ennen itse kääntämisen käsittelyä täytyy kuitenkin määritellä mitä tarkoitetaan käsitteellä kielisidonnainen huumori . Aluksi käsitellään huumoria ja sen ominaisuuksia sekä huumorin ja kulttuuristen, fysiologisten ja sosiaalisten tekijöiden suhdetta. Huumori syntyy kun tietyt odotukset rikotaan, eli toimitaan joidenkin normien vastaisesti. Huumorin eräitä perusperiaatteita ovat ristiriitaisuus ja yhteensopimattomuus. Kielisidonnaisessa huumorissa ristiriitaisuus ja yhteensopimattomuus on havaittavissa kielen tasolla: kieltä käytetään tuottamaan moniselitteinen tai -mielinen koominen ilmaus. Sanaleikki, jossa käytetään yhtä sanaa jolla on yksi tai useampi merkitys, on tyypillinen esimerkki kielisidonnaisesta huumorista. Mutta kielisidonnainen huumori ei rajoitu pelkästään tämänkaltaisiin sanaleikkeihin (engl. pun), vaan kattaa käsitteenä laajemman valikoiman erilaisia kielisidonnaisen huumorin muotoja, esimerkiksi monimerkityksiset nimet, idiomaattisilla ilmauksilla tuotettu huumori, akrostikonit, kirjoituksen konventioita rikkomalla tuotettu huumori jne. Kielisidonnainen huumori on tutkielmassa luokiteltu ja määritelty omaksi huumorin alalajikseen. Kielisidonnaisen huumorin kielellinen monimerkityksisyys tekee sen kääntämisestä vaikeampaa kuin sellaisen tekstin, jossa kielen tasolla ei ilmene monimerkityksisyyttä. Tästä syystä kielisidonnainen huumori tarvitsee erilaisen käännösstrategian kuin esimerkiksi tieteellinen teksti. Seuraavaksi käydään aluksi läpi joitakin käännösteorian keskeisiä käsitteitä ja niiden suhdetta ja vaikutuksia kielisidonnaisen huumorin kääntämiseen. Sitten kuvataan kielisidonnaisen huumorin käännösprosessi, joka jakautuu kolmeen osaan: tunnistaminen, analyysi ja kääntäminen. Näiden kolmen pohjalta laaditaan kuuden eri käännösstrategian ryhmä. Kuusi eri päästrategiaa ovat käännössidonnaisen huumorikategorian säilyttäminen, kirjaimellinen käännös, muun tyylikeinon käyttäminen, kompensaatio, poisjättö ja toimitukselliset keinot. Strategiat käydään läpi deskriptiivisesti ja niiden käyttöä valaistaan esimerkkien avulla. Osa päästrategioista jakautuu alastrategioihin, jotka kuvaavat tarkemmin, minkälaisin keinoin lähtökielen kielisidonnainen käännösongelma voidaan siirtää kohdekieleen. Strategiat pyritään kuvaamaan siten, että ne voisivat olla avuksi käännettäessä minkä tahansa kieliparin välillä. Vaikka kuvatut käännösstrategiat käydään läpi deskriptiivisesti, on pyrkii tutkielma myös olemaan avuksi käytännön tilanteissa kielisidonnaista huumoria käännettäessä. Tätä varten on tutkielman lopussa annettu kuvaus yhden kielisidonnaisen huumoriongelman kääntämisprosessista. Yhdistämällä teoria käytäntöön kuvataan käännösprosessiesimerkissä yhden kielisidonnaisen huumoriongelman analyysi-ja kääntämisvaiheet. Tuloksena on viisi erilaista versiota samasta lähtötekstin käännösongelmasta. Tutkielma siis ensinnäkin määrittelee, mitä ja minkälaista on kielisidonnainen huumori sekä luokittelee sen. Toisekseen tutkielma kuvaa sen käännösprosessin ja määrittelee eri käännösstrategiat. Lisäksi esimerkin avulla esitellään eri käännösvaihtoehtoja. Avainsanat: kääntäminen, huumori, sanaleikki, kielisidonnainen
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Total hip replacement is the golden standard treatment for severe osteoarthritis refractory for conservative treatment. Aseptic loosening and osteolysis are the major long-term complications after total hip replacement. Foreign body giant cells and osteoclasts are locally formed around aseptically loosening implants from precursor cells by cell fusion. When the foreign body response is fully developed, it mediates inflammatory and destructive host responses, such as collagen degradation. In the present study, it was hypothesized that the wear debris and foreign body inflammation are the forces driving local osteoclast formation, peri-implant bone resorption and enhanced tissue remodeling. Therefore the object was to characterize the eventual expression and the role of fusion molecules, ADAMs (an abbreviation for A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase, ADAM9 and ADAM12) in the fusion of progenitor cells into multinuclear giant cells. For generation of such cells, activated macrophages trying to respond to foreign debris play an important role. Matured osteoclasts together with activated macrophages mediate bone destruction by secreting protons and proteinases, including matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and cathepsin K. Thus this study also assessed collagen degradation and its relationship to some of the key collagenolytic proteinases in the aggressive synovial membrane-like interface tissue around aseptically loosened hip replacement implants. ADAMs were found in the interface tissues of revision total hip replacement patients. Increased expression of ADAMs at both transcriptional and translational levels was found in synovial membrane-like interface tissue of revision total hip replacement (THR) samples compared with that in primary THR samples. These studies also demonstrate that multinucleate cell formation from monocytes by stimulation with macrophage-colony stimiulating factor (M-CSF) and receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL) is characterized by time dependent changes of the proportion of ADAMs positive cells. This was observed both in the interface membrane in patients and in two different in vitro models. In addition to an already established MCS-F and RANKL driven model, a new virally (parainfluenza 2) driven model (of human salivary adenocarcinoma (HSY) cells or green monkey kidney (GMK) cells) was developed to study various fusion molecules and their role in cell fusion in general. In interface membranes, collagen was highly degraded and collagen degradation significantly correlated with the number of local cells containing collagenolytic enzymes, particularly cathepsin K. As a conclusion, fusion molecules ADAM9 and ADAM12 seem to be dynamically involved in cell-cell fusion processes and multinucleate cell formation. The highly significant correlation between collagen degradation and collagenolytic enzymes, particularly cathepsin K, indicates that the local acidity of the interface membrane in the pathologic bone and soft tissue destruction. This study provides profound knowledge about cell fusion and mechanism responsible for aseptic loosening as well as increases knowledge helpful for prevention and treatment.
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Albert and Elsa Einstein on the beach with Walter Adams; Santa Barbara, California Portraits; Groups
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