43 resultados para AdHoc
Large scale wireless adhoc networks of computers, sensors, PDAs etc. (i.e. nodes) are revolutionizing connectivity and leading to a paradigm shift from centralized systems to highly distributed and dynamic environments. An example of adhoc networks are sensor networks, which are usually composed by small units able to sense and transmit to a sink elementary data which are successively processed by an external machine. Recent improvements in the memory and computational power of sensors, together with the reduction of energy consumptions, are rapidly changing the potential of such systems, moving the attention towards datacentric sensor networks. A plethora of routing and data management algorithms have been proposed for the network path discovery ranging from broadcasting/floodingbased approaches to those using global positioning systems (GPS). We studied WGrid, a novel decentralized infrastructure that organizes wireless devices in an adhoc manner, where each node has one or more virtual coordinates through which both message routing and data management occur without reliance on either flooding/broadcasting operations or GPS. The resulting adhoc network does not suffer from the deadend problem, which happens in geographicbased routing when a node is unable to locate a neighbor closer to the destination than itself. WGrid allow multidimensional data management capability since nodes' virtual coordinates can act as a distributed database without needing neither special implementation or reorganization. Any kind of data (both single and multidimensional) can be distributed, stored and managed. We will show how a location service can be easily implemented so that any search is reduced to a simple query, like for any other data type. WGrid has then been extended by adopting a replication methodology. We called the resulting algorithm WRGrid. Just like WGrid, WRGrid acts as a distributed database without needing neither special implementation nor reorganization and any kind of data can be distributed, stored and managed. We have evaluated the benefits of replication on data management, finding out, from experimental results, that it can halve the average number of hops in the network. The direct consequence of this fact are a significant improvement on energy consumption and a workload balancing among sensors (number of messages routed by each node). Finally, thanks to the replications, whose number can be arbitrarily chosen, the resulting sensor network can face sensors disconnections/connections, due to failures of sensors, without data loss. Another extension to {WGrid} is {W*Grid} which extends it by strongly improving network recovery performance from link and/or device failures that may happen due to crashes or battery exhaustion of devices or to temporary obstacles. W*Grid guarantees, by construction, at least two disjoint paths between each couple of nodes. This implies that the recovery in W*Grid occurs without broadcasting transmissions and guaranteeing robustness while drastically reducing the energy consumption. An extensive number of simulations shows the efficiency, robustness and traffic road of resulting networks under several scenarios of device density and of number of coordinates. Performance analysis have been compared to existent algorithms in order to validate the results.
In the era of the Internet of Everything, a user with a handheld or wearable device equipped with sensing capability has become a producer as well as a consumer of information and services. The more powerful these devices get, the more likely it is that they will generate and share content locally, leading to the presence of distributed information sources and the diminishing role of centralized servers. As of current practice, we rely on infrastructure acting as an intermediary, providing access to the data. However, infrastructure-based connectivity might not always be available or the best alternative. Moreover, it is often the case where the data and the processes acting upon them are of local scopus. Answers to a query about a nearby object, an information source, a process, an experience, an ability, etc. could be answered locally without reliance on infrastructure-based platforms. The data might have temporal validity limited to or bounded to a geographical area and/or the social context where the user is immersed in. In this envisioned scenario users could interact locally without the need for a central authority, hence, the claim of an infrastructure-less, provider-less platform. The data is owned by the users and consulted locally as opposed to the current approach of making them available globally and stay on forever. From a technical viewpoint, this network resembles a Delay/Disruption Tolerant Network where consumers and producers might be spatially and temporally decoupled exchanging information with each other in an adhoc fashion. To this end, we propose some novel data gathering and dissemination strategies for use in urban-wide environments which do not rely on strict infrastructure mediation. While preserving the general aspects of our study and without loss of generality, we focus our attention toward practical applicative scenarios which help us capture the characteristics of opportunistic communication networks.
Un sistema mobile di comunicazione è un sistema di telecomunicazioni in cui è possibile mantenere la connessione o legame tra due o più utenti, anche nelle situazioni di mobilità totale o parziale degli stessi utenti. I sistemi radiomobili si stanno evolvendo dalla creazione del 1G (prima generazione) al 4G (quarta generazione). I telefoni di ogni generazione si differenziano in quattro aspetti principali : accesso radio, velocità di trasmissione dati, larghezza di banda e sistemi di commutazione. In questa tesi si affronta il tema dei sistemi 5G , negli ambienti terrestri e satellitari , in quanto sono l'ultima evoluzione dei sistemi mobili . Si introduce il passaggio dalla prima alla connessione di quarta generazione , al fine di capire perché 5G sta per cambiare la nostra vita . Quello che mi colpisce è il sito italiano www.Repubblica.it che dice : " con la nuova generazione 5 possiamo affidare le intere porzioni nette di vita". La tecnologia cellulare , infatti , ha cambiato radicalmente la nostra società e il nostro modo di comunicare . In primo luogo è cambiata la telefonia vocale , per poi trasferirsi all' accesso dati , applicazioni e servizi. Tuttavia , Internet non è stato ancora pienamente sfruttato dai sistemi cellulari. Con l'avvento del 5G avremo l'opportunità di scavalcare le capacità attuali di Internet . Il sistema di comunicazione di quinta generazione è visto come la rete wireless reale , in grado di supportare applicazioni web wireless a livello mondiale ( wwww ). Ci sono due punti di vista dei sistemi 5G : evolutivo e rivoluzionario. Dal punto di vista evolutivo, i sistemi 5G saranno in grado di supportare wwww permettendo una rete altamente flessibile come un Adhoc rete wireless dinamica ( DAWN ) . In questa visione tecnologie avanzate, tra cui antenna intelligente e modulazione flessibile , sono le chiavi per ottimizzare le reti wireless ad hoc. Dal punto di vista rivoluzionario, i sistemi 5G dovrebbe essere una tecnologia intelligente in grado di interconnettere tutto il mondo senza limiti . Un esempio di applicazione potrebbe essere un robot wireless con intelligenza artificiale .
This paper studies the problem of determining the position of beacon nodes in Local Positioning Systems (LPSs), for which there are no inter-beacon distance measurements available and neither the mobile node nor any of the stationary nodes have positioning or odometry information. The common solution is implemented using a mobile node capable of measuring its distance to the stationary beacon nodes within a sensing radius. Many authors have implemented heuristic methods based on optimization algorithms to solve the problem. However, such methods require a good initial estimation of the node positions in order to find the correct solution. In this paper we present a new method to calculate the inter-beacon distances, and hence the beacons positions, based in the linearization of the trilateration equations into a closed-form solution which does not require any approximate initial estimation. The simulations and field evaluations show a good estimation of the beacon node positions.
Los Sistemas de SHM o de monitorización de la integridad estructural surgen ante la necesidad de mejorar los métodos de evaluación y de test no destructivos convencionales. De esta manera, se puede tener controlado todo tipo de estructuras en las cuales su correcto estado o funcionamiento suponga un factor crítico. Un Sistema SHM permite analizar una estructura concreta capturando de manera periódica el estado de la integridad estructural, que en este proyecto se ha aplicado a estructuras aeronáuticas. P.A.M.E.L.A. (Phase Array Monitoring for Enhanced Life Assessment) es la denominación utilizada para definir una serie de equipos electrónicos para Sistemas SHM desarrollados por AERNOVA y los Grupos de Diseño Electrónico de las universidades UPV/EHU y UPM. Los dispositivos P.A.M.E.L.A. originalmente no cuentan con tecnología Wi-Fi, por lo que incorporan un módulo hardware independiente que se encarga de las comunicaciones inalámbricas, a los que se les denomina Nodos. Estos Nodos poseen un Sistema Operativo propio y todo lo necesario para administrar y organizar la red Mallada Wi-Fi. De esta manera se obtiene una red mallada inalámbrica compuesta por Nodos que interconectan los Sistemas SHM y que se encargan de transmitir los datos a los equipos que procesan los resultados adquiridos por P.A.M.E.L.A. Los Nodos son dispositivos empotrados que llevan instalados un firmware basado en una distribución de Linux para Nodos (o Routers), llamado Openwrt. Que para disponer de una red mallada necesitan de un protocolo orientado a este tipo de redes. Entre las opciones de protocolo más destacadas se puede mencionar: DSDV (Destination Sequenced Distance Vector), OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing), B.A.T.M.A.N-Adv (Better Approach To Mobile Adhoc Networking Advance), BMX (una versión de B.A.T.M.A.N-Adv), AODV (Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector) y el DSR (Dynamic Source Routing). Además de la existencia de protocolos orientados a las redes malladas, también hay organizaciones que se dedican a desarrollar firmware que los utilizan, como es el caso del firmware llamado Nightwing que utiliza BMX, Freifunk que utiliza OLSR o Potato Mesh que utiliza B.A.T.M.A.N-Adv. La ventaja de estos tres firmwares mencionados es que las agrupaciones que las desarrollan proporcionan las imágenes precompiladas del sistema,listas para cargarlas en distintos modelos de Nodos. En este proyecto se han instalado las imágenes en los Nodos y se han probado los protocolos BMX, OLSR y B.A.T.M.A.N.-Adv. Concluyendo que la red gestionada por B.A.T.M.A.N.-Adv era la que mejor rendimiento obtenía en cuanto a estabilidad y ancho de banda. Después de haber definido el protocolo a usar, se procedió a desarrollar una distribución basada en Openwrt, que utilice B.A.T.M.A.N.-Adv para crear la red mallada, pero que se ajuste mejor a las necesidades del proyecto, ya que Nightwing, Freifunk y Potato Mesh no lo hacían. Además se implementan aplicaciones en lenguaje ANSI C y en LabVIEW para interactuar con los Nodos y los Sistemas SHM. También se procede a hacer alguna modificación en el Hardware de P.A.M.E.L.A. y del Nodo para obtener una mejor integración entre los dos dispositivos. Y por ultimo, se prueba la transferencia de datos de los Nodos en distintos escenarios. ABSTRACT. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems arise from the need of improving assessment methods and conventional nondestructive tests. Critical structures can be monitored using SHM. A SHM system analyzes periodically a specific structure capturing the state of structural integrity. The aim of this project is to contribute in the implementation of Mesh network for SHM system in aircraft structures. P.A.M.E.L.A. (Phase Array Monitoring for Enhanced Life Assessment) is the name for electronic equipment developed by AERNOVA, the Electronic Design Groups of university UPV/EHU and the Instrumentation and Applied Acoustics research group from UPM. P.A.M.E.L.A. devices were not originally equipped with Wi-Fi interface. In this project a separate hardware module that handles wireless communications (nodes) has been added. The nodes include an operating system for manage the Wi-Fi Mesh Network and they form the wireless mesh network to link SHM systems with monitoring equipment. Nodes are embedded devices with an installed firmware based on special Linux distribution used in routers or nodes, called OpenWRT. They need a Mesh Protocol to stablish the network. The most common protocols options are: DSDV (Destination Sequenced Distance Vector), OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing), BATMAN-Adv (Better Approach To Mobile Ad-hoc Networking Advance), BMX (a version of BATMAN-Adv) AODV (Ad hoc on-Demand Distance Vector) and DSR (Dynamic Source Routing). In addition, there are organizations that are dedicated to develope firmware using these Mesh Protocols, for instance: Nightwing uses BMX, Freifunk use OLSR and Potato Mesh uses BATMAN-Adv. The advantage of these three firmwares is that these groups develop pre-compiled images of the system ready to be loaded in several models of Nodes. In this project the images were installed in the nodes. In this way, BMX, OLSR and BATMAN-Adv have been tested. We conclude that the protocol BATMAN-Adv has better performance in terms of stability and bandwidth. After choosing the protocol, the objective was to develop a distribution based on OpenWRT, using BATMAN-Adv to create the mesh network. This distribution is fitted to the requirements of this project. Besides, in this project it has been developed applications in C language and LabVIEW to interact with the Nodes and the SHM systems. The project also address some modifications to the PAMELA hardware and the Node, for better integration between both elements. Finally, data transfer tests among the different nodes in different scenarios has been carried out.
Of the many state-of-the-art methods for cooperative localization in wireless sensor networks (WSN), only very few adapt well to mobile networks. The main problems of the well-known algorithms, based on nonparametric belief propagation (NBP), are the high communication cost and inefficient sampling techniques. Moreover, they either do not use smoothing or just apply it o ine. Therefore, in this article, we propose more flexible and effcient variants of NBP for cooperative localization in mobile networks. In particular, we provide: i) an optional 1-lag smoothing done almost in real-time, ii) a novel low-cost communication protocol based on package approximation and censoring, iii) higher robustness of the standard mixture importance sampling (MIS) technique, and iv) a higher amount of information in the importance densities by using the population Monte Carlo (PMC) approach, or an auxiliary variable. Through extensive simulations, we confirmed that all the proposed techniques outperform the standard NBP method.
Emergency management is one of the key aspects within the day-to-day operation procedures in a highway. Efficiency in the overall response in case of an incident is paramount in reducing the consequences of any incident. However, the approach of highway operators to the issue of incident management is still usually far from a systematic, standardized way. This paper attempts to address the issue and provide several hints on why this happens, and a proposal on how the situation could be overcome. An introduction to a performance based approach to a general system specification will be described, and then applied to a particular road emergency management task. A real testbed has been implemented to show the validity of the proposed approach. Ad-hoc sensors (one camera and one laser scanner) were efficiently deployed to acquire data, and advanced fusion techniques applied at the processing stage to reach the specific user requirements in terms of functionality, flexibility and accuracy.
Many practical routing algorithms are heuristic, adhoc and centralized, rendering generic and optimal path configurations difficult to obtain. Here we study a scenario whereby selected nodes in a given network communicate with fixed routers and employ statistical physics methods to obtain optimal routing solutions subject to a generic cost. A distributive message-passing algorithm capable of optimizing the path configuration in real instances is devised, based on the analytical derivation, and is greatly simplified by expanding the cost function around the optimized flow. Good algorithmic convergence is observed in most of the parameter regimes. By applying the algorithm, we study and compare the pros and cons of balanced traffic configurations to that of consolidated traffic, which provides important implications to practical communication and transportation networks. Interesting macroscopic phenomena are observed from the optimized states as an interplay between the communication density and the cost functions used. © 2013 IEEE.
Recent paradigms in wireless communication architectures describe environments where nodes present a highly dynamic behavior (e.g., User Centric Networks). In such environments, routing is still performed based on the regular packet-switched behavior of store-and-forward. Albeit sufficient to compute at least an adequate path between a source and a destination, such routing behavior cannot adequately sustain the highly nomadic lifestyle that Internet users are today experiencing. This thesis aims to analyse the impact of the nodes’ mobility on routing scenarios. It also aims at the development of forwarding concepts that help in message forwarding across graphs where nodes exhibit human mobility patterns, as is the case of most of the user-centric wireless networks today. The first part of the work involved the analysis of the mobility impact on routing, and we found that node mobility significance can affect routing performance, and it depends on the link length, distance, and mobility patterns of nodes. The study of current mobility parameters showed that they capture mobility partially. The routing protocol robustness to node mobility depends on the routing metric sensitivity to node mobility. As such, mobility-aware routing metrics were devised to increase routing robustness to node mobility. Two categories of routing metrics proposed are the time-based and spatial correlation-based. For the validation of the metrics, several mobility models were used, which include the ones that mimic human mobility patterns. The metrics were implemented using the Network Simulator tool using two widely used multi-hop routing protocols of Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) and Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV). Using the proposed metrics, we reduced the path re-computation frequency compared to the benchmark metric. This means that more stable nodes were used to route data. The time-based routing metrics generally performed well across the different node mobility scenarios used. We also noted a variation on the performance of the metrics, including the benchmark metric, under different mobility models, due to the differences in the node mobility governing rules of the models.