913 resultados para Acute Diarrheal Disease


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Objective: To evaluate the practice of laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) in Italy. Methods: On behalf of the Italian Society of Young Surgeons (SPIGC), an audit of LA was carried out through a written questionnaire sent to 800 institutions in Italy. The questions concerned the diffusion of laparoscopic surgery and LA over the period 1990 through 2001, surgery-related morbidity and mortality rates, indications for LA, the diagnostic algorithm adopted prior to surgery, and use of LA among young surgeons (<40 years). Results: A total of 182 institutions (22.7%) participated in the current audit, and accounted for a total number of 26863 LA. Laparoscopic surgery is performed in 173 (95%) institutions, with 144 (83.2%) routinely performing LA. The mean interval from introduction of laparoscopic surgery to inception of LA was 3.4 ± 2.5 years. There was an emergent basis for 8809 (32.8%) LA procedures (<6 hours of admission); 10314 (38.4%) procedures were performed on an urgent basis (<24 hours of admission); while 7740 (28.8%) procedures were elective. The conversion rate was 2.1% (561 cases) and was due to intraoperative complications in 197 cases (35.1%). Intraoperative complications ranged as high as 0.32%, while postoperative complications were reported in 1.2% of successfully completed LA. The mean hospital stay for successfully completed LA was 2.5 ± 1.05 days. The highest rate of intraoperative complications was reported as occurring during the learning curve phase of their experience (in their first 10 procedures) by 39.7% of the surgeons. LA was indicated for every case of suspected acute appendiceal disease by 51.8% of surgeons, and 44.8% order abdominal ultrasound (US) prior to surgery. A gynecologic counseling is deemed necessary only by 34.5% surgeons, while an abdominal CT scan is required only by 1.5%. The procedure is completed laparoscopically in the absence of gross appendiceal inflammation by 83%; 79.8% try to complete the procedure laparoscopically in the presence of concomitant disease; while 10.4% convert to open surgery in cases of suspected malignancy. Of responding surgeons aged under 40, 76.3% can perform LA, compared to 47.3% surgeons of all age categories. Conclusions: The low response rate of the present survey does not allow us to assess the diffusion of LA in Italy, but rather to appraise its practice in centers routinely performing laparoscopic surgery. In the hands of experienced surgeons, LA has morbidity rates comparable to those of international series. The higher diagnostic yield of laparoscopy makes it an invaluable tool in the management algorithm of women of childbearing age; its advantages in the presence of severe peritonitis are less clear-cut. Surgeons remain the main limiting factor preventing a wider diffusion of LA in our country, since only 47.3% of surgeons from the audited institutions can perform LA on a routine basis.


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Les efforts investis pour diminuer les risques de développer un infarctus du myocarde sont nombreux. Aujourd’hui les médecins prennent connaissance des divers facteurs de risque connus prédisposant aux syndromes coronariens aigus (SCA) dans le but de prendre en charge les patients «à risque» [1]. Bien que le suivi rigoureux et le contrôle de certains facteurs de risque modifiables aient permis une meilleure gestion des cas de SCA, les cas d’infarctus persistent de manière encore trop fréquente dans le monde. Puisque d’importantes études ont démontré que les SCA pouvaient survenir sans même la présence des facteurs de risque conventionnels [2, 3], les chercheurs se sont penchés sur un autre mécanisme potentiellement responsable de l’avènement des SCA : l’inflammation. L’inflammation joue un rôle prépondérant dans l’initiation, la progression et les complications de l’athérosclérose [4, 5] mais aussi dans les situations post-infarctus [6, 7]. Au cours des dernières années, le contrôle du processus inflammatoire est devenu une cible de choix dans la prévention et le traitement des SCA. Cependant, malgré les efforts investis, aucun de ces traitements ne s’est avéré pleinement efficace dans l’atteinte du but ultime visé par une diminution de l’inflammation : la diminution de la mortalité. Le complément est un système complexe reconnu principalement pour son rôle primordial dans l’immunité [2]. Cependant, lorsqu’il est activé de manière inappropriée ou excessive, il peut être à l’origine de nombreux dommages cellulaires caractéristiques de plusieurs pathologies inflammatoires dont font partie les complications de l’athérosclérose et des événements post-infarctus. Le travail effectué dans le cadre de mon doctorat vise à établir les rôles physiopathologiques du complément dans les interactions de l’axe thrombose-inflammation caractéristiques des SCA dans le but ultime d’identifier des cibles thérapeutiques permettant le développement de nouvelles approches pour la prévention et le traitement de ces pathologies. Les principaux résultats obtenus durant mon cursus suggèrent d’abord que la voie alterne du complément peut représenter une cible thérapeutique de choix dans les maladies coronariennes aiguës puisque l’activation terminale du complément semble y être principalement causée par l’activation du cette voie. De faibles niveaux sériques de MBL (mannan-binding lectin) et une activation terminale négligeable du complément caractérisent plutôt la maladie coronarienne stable. En comparant l’activité relative de chacune des voies du complément chez des cohortes de patients traités ou non par un anticorps spécifique à la protéine C5 du complément (pexelizumab), un second volet démontre quant à lui qu’une inhibition de l’activation du C5 n’a pas d’effet bénéfique majeur sur l’inhibition de la formation du complexe sC5b-9 ou sur les événements cliniques subséquents. Par conséquent, nous avons exploré, à l’aide d’un modèle in vitro, les raisons de l’inefficacité du traitement. Les résultats révèlent que le blocage du C5 avec le pexelizumab inhibe la production de l’anaphylatoxine pro-inflammatoire C5a et du complexe terminal du complément sans toutefois avoir d’effet sur l’apoptose des cellules endothéliales produites induite par le sérum des patients atteints de STEMI. Finalement, une autre section stipule que l’atorvastatine diminue l’activation du complément induite par les plaquettes sanguines chez des patients hypercholestérolémiques, mettant en évidence l’importance du rôle de cette statine dans la réduction des effets délétères de l’activation du système du complément médié par les plaquettes. Ensemble, l’étude du rôle spécifique des différentes voies d’activation du complément dans des contextes pathologiques variés, l’analyse des effets d’une inhibition spécifique de la protéine C5 du complément dans la progression des SCA et la mise en évidence des interactions entre l’activation du complément et les plaquettes activées ont contribué au développement d’une meilleure connaissance des rôles physiopathologiques du complément dans la progression de la maladie coronarienne.


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Ce travail examine les mécanismes de l’immunité innée impliqués dans l’hépatite aiguë virale du modèle murin d’infection par le virus de l’hépatite virale murine de type 3 (MHV-3). Afin de déterminer le rôle du TLR2 dans l’aggravation de l’hépatite, des infections avec le virus MHV-3 ont été réalisées in vivo chez des souris C57BL/6 et des souris déficientes pour le gène tlr2 et in vitro dans des macrophages et des hépatocytes infectés avec le virus MHV-3 et le virus moins virulent MHV-A59. Les niveaux de transcription et de traduction des senseurs microbiens, des interférons (IFN) de type I, des cytokines et/ou des chimiokines ont été évalués par qRT-PCR et ELISA. Les cellules ont été traitées avec des petits ARNs interférants (siRNAs) pour le TLR2 et le CEACAM1a ou mises en présence d’inhibiteurs des voies d’endocytose. Les résultats révèlent le rôle stimulateur du TLR2 pour la réplication virale, la production de cytokines pro-inflammatoires IL-6 et TNF-α et des chimiokines CXCL1, CXCL10 et CCL2. Un nouveau mécanisme d’échappement aux senseurs viraux dépendant du TLR2 a également été mis en évidence dans les macrophages et les hépatocytes lors de l’infection de ces cellules avec le virus MHV-3, et non pas avec le virus moins virulent MHV-A59. Ces différents travaux révèlent un nouveau rôle du TLR2 lors d’infections virales dans l'aggravation de la réponse inflammatoire tout en protégeant le virus des autres senseurs de la réponse immune innée.


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Las Salas ERA (Enfermedad Respiratoria Aguda) son áreas definidas en las Unidades Primarias de Atención (UPAs), Centros de Atención Médica Inmediata (CAMIs) y de algunas instituciones de segundo nivel, para la atención de pacientes con ERA, que puedan ser manejados con esquemas terapéuticos básicos que en muchas oportunidades se ocupan las salas de observación de urgencias por casos que podrían manejarse en un nivel de complejidad más bajo, pero tampoco pueden ser manejados a nivel domiciliario. La enfermedad respiratoria aguda (ERA) es un conjunto de patologías que afectan el sistema respiratorio, siendo esta una causa muy frecuente de morbilidad y mortalidad en los niños y niñas menores de 5 años, en especial por infección respiratoria aguda (IRA). El pago de la atención integral en las salas ERA a los niños menores de cinco años (población vinculada) de edad corresponde al Fondo Financiero Distrital el cual ha establecido un paquete que incluye valoración médica, valoración con la terapeuta respiratoria, analgésicos, corticosteroides e inhaladores. En el momento en que el médico ordena un examen de laboratorio clínico como ayuda diagnóstica el Fondo Financiero Distrital deja de pagar el paquete completo de prestación de servicios en Salas ERA y paga los medicamentos y dispositivos médicos empleados en la atención de pacientes de manera individual, con esta segunda manera de pago tiene menos ganancias el hospital ya que este debe asumir los costos de la valoración por parte del médico y la terapeuta respiratoria. El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer la magnitud en la solicitud de exámenes de Laboratorio Clínico a los niños menores de cinco años que recibieron atención por parte de la Sala ERA de una Empresa Social del Estado de primer nivel de atención en la ciudad de Bogotá.


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Objetivos: Determinar si existe correlación entre las variables SaFiO2 y PaFiO2 de pacientes con patología respiratoria aguda en la unidad de Cuidado Intensivo Pediátrico, en la Fundación Cardioinfantil en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. Materiales y métodos: Se analizaron las variables cuantitativas con medidas de tendencia central como la media y medidas de dispersión como la desviación estándar. Se utilizó un nivel de confiabilidad del 95% y un poder estimado 80%, para prueba de hipótesis de una proporción. Se realizó un análisis de correlación para medir la fuerza de la relación entre las variables PaO2/FiO2 y SO2/FiO2 a través del coeficiente de correlación. Resultados: Se incluyeron 12 pacientes y se tomaron un total de 65 registros de SO2/FiO2 y PaO2/FiO2 encontrando que existe relación positiva entre las variables SaO2/FIO2 y PaO2/FIO2, la cual es variable dependiendo de la fracción inspirada de oxigeno con el cual se encuentre el paciente. De acuerdo a las observaciones realizadas, la variable SaO2/FIO2 está moderadamente correlacionada (r = 0,602) con la PaO2/FIO2, cuando la FIO2 está entre 0.35 y 0.55; un grado de correlación aceptable (r = 0,319) cuando la FIO2 está entre 0.60 – 0.80 y 0.81 – 1 (r = 0,318). Conclusiones: Los métodos no invasivos en la evaluación de la oxigenación podrían ser una alternativa para el seguimiento clínico en niños con lesión pulmonar aguda o síndrome de dificultad respiratorio agudo. Se requiere de estudios analíticos que brinden una mejor evidencia científica que pueda ser extrapolable a la población infantil objeto de este estudio.


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S'han estudiat 1003 pacients amb el diagnòstic de Malaltia Vascular Cerebral (MVC) aguda ingressats a la unitat de neurologia de l'Hospital Josep Trueta de Girona en el període de gener de 2005 a juliol de 2007. S'ha realitzat un estudi de cohorts prospectiu d'un any en 110 pacients que eren fumadors en el moment de l'ictus. Un elevat percentatge dels pacients afectats de MVC aguda presenten factors de risc vascular que es poden evitar com el consum de tabac o d'alcohol, i factors de risc vascular que cal controlar com la hipertensió, la dislipèmia, la diabetis o la cardiopatia. Només 4 de cada 10 pacients fumadors diagnosticats d'ictus havien abandonat l'hàbit un any després de presentar la MVC aguda. Les variables que millor prediuen la cessació tabàquica en aquests pacients són la localització de la lesió a l'ínsula cerebral i la intenció de deixar de fumar prèvia a l'ictus.


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Escherichia coli O86:K61 has long been associated with outbreaks of infantile diarrhea in humans and with diarrheal disease in many animal species. Studies in the late 1990s identified E. coli 086:K61 as the cause of mortality in a variety of wild birds, and in this study, 34 E. coli 086:K61 isolates were examined. All of the isolates were nonmotile, but most elaborated at least two morphologically distinct surface appendages that were confirmed to be type I and curli fimbriae. Thirty-three isolates were positive for the eaeA gene encoding a gamma type of intimin. No phenotypic or genotypic evidence was obtained for elaboration of Shiga-like toxins, but most isolates possessed the gene coding for the cytolethal distending toxin. Five isolates were selected for adherence assays performed with tissue explants and HEp-2 cells, and four of these strains produced attaching and effacing lesions on HEp-2 cells and invaded the cells, as determined by transmission electron microscopy. Two of the five isolates were inoculated orally into 1-day-old specific-pathogen-free chicks, and both of these isolates colonized, invaded, and persisted well in this model. Neither isolate produced attaching and effacing lesions in chicks, although some pathology was evident in the alimentary tract. No deaths were recorded in inoculated chicks. These findings are discussed in light of the possibility that wild birds are potential zoonotic reservoirs of attaching and effacing E. coli.


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The Escherichia coli O26 serogroup includes important food-borne pathogens associated with human and animal diarrheal disease. Current typing methods have revealed great genetic heterogeneity within the O26 group; the data are often inconsistent and focus only on verotoxin (VT)-positive O26 isolates. To improve current understanding of diversity within this serogroup, the genomic relatedness of VT-positive and -negative O26 strains was assessed by comparative genomic indexing. Our results clearly demonstrate that irrespective of virulence characteristics and pathotype designation, the O26 strains show greater genomic similarity to each other than to any other strain included in this study. Our data suggest that enteropathogenic and VT-expressing E. coli O26 strains represent the same clonal lineage and that W-expressing E. coli O26 strains have gained additional virulence characteristics. Using this approach, we established the core genes which are central to the E. coli species and identified regions of variation from the E. coli K-12 chromosomal backbone.


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Parasites of wild primates are important for conservation biology and human health due to their high potential to infect humans. In the Amazon region, non-human primates are commonly infected by Trypanosoma cruzi and T rangeli, which are also infective to man and several mammals. This is the first survey of trypanosomiasis in a critically endangered species of tamarin, Saguinus bicolor (Callitrichidae), from the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest. Of the 96 free-ranging specimens of S. bicolor examined 45 (46.8%) yielded blood smears positive for trypanosomes. T rangeli was detected in blood smears of 38 monkeys (39.6%) whereas T. cruzi was never detected. Seven animals (7.3%) presented trypanosomes of the subgenus Megatrypanum. Hemocultures detected 84 positive tamarins (87.5%). Seventy-two of 84 (85.7%) were morphologically diagnosed as T rangeli and 3 (3.1%) as T. cruzi. Nine tamarins (9.4%) yielded mixed cultures of these two species, which after successive passages generated six cultures exclusively of T. cruzi and two of T rangeli, with only one culture remaining mixed. Of the 72 cultures positive for T rangeli, 62 remained as established cultures and were genotyped: 8 were assigned to phylogenetic lineage A (12.9%) and 54 to lineage B (87.1%). Ten established cultures of T. cruzi were genotyped as TCI lineage (100%). Transmission of both trypanosome species, their potential risk to this endangered species and the role of wild primates as reservoirs for trypanosomes infective to humans are discussed. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ruthenium NO donors of the group trans-[Ru(NO)(NH(3))(4)L](n+), where the ligand (L) is N-heterocyclic H(2)O, SO(3)(2 -), or triethyl phosphite, are able to lyse Trypanosoma cruzi in vitro and in vivo. Using half-maximal (50%) inhibitory concentrations against bloodstream trypomastigotes (IC(50)(try)) and cytotoxicity data on mammalian V-79 cells (IC(50)(V79)), the in vitro therapeutic indices (TIs) (IC(50)(V79)/IC(50)(try)) for these compounds were calculated. Compounds that exhibited an in vitro TI of >= 10 and trypanocidal activity against both epimastigotes and trypomastigotes with an IC(50)(try/epi) of <= 100 mu M were assayed in a mouse model for acute Chagas` disease, using two different routes (intraperitoneal and oral) for drug administration. A dose-effect relationship was observed, and from that, the ideal dose of 400 nmol/kg of body weight for both trans-[Ru(NO)(NH(3))(4)isn](BF(4))(3) (isn, isonicotinamide) and trans-[Ru(NO)(NH3) 4imN](BF4) 3 (imN, imidazole) and median (50%) effective doses (ED50) of 86 and 190 nmol/kg, respectively, were then calculated. Since the 50% lethal doses (LD(50)) for both compounds are higher than 125 mu mol/kg, the in vivo TIs (LD(50)/ED(50)) of the compounds are 1,453 for trans-[Ru(NO)(NH(3))(4)isn](BF(4))(3) and 658 for trans-[Ru(NO)(NH(3))(4)imN](BF(4))(3). Although these compounds exhibit a marked trypanocidal activity and are able to react with cysteine, they exhibit very low activity in T. cruzi -glycosomal glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase tests, suggesting that this enzyme is not their target. The trans-[Ru(NO)(NH(3))(4)isn](BF(4))(3) and trans-[Ru(NO)(NH(3))(4)imN](BF(4))(3) compounds are able to eliminate amastigote nests in myocardium tissue at 400-nmol/kg doses and ensure the survival of all infected mice, thus opening a novel set of therapies to try against trypanosomatids.


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Respiratory viral infections are one of the next group of diseases likely to be targeted for prevention in childhood by the use of vaccines. To begin collecting necessary epidemiology and cost information about the illnesses caused by these viruses, we conducted a prospective cohort study in 118 Melbourne children between 12 and 71 months of age during winter and spring 2001. We were interested in calculating an average cost per episode of community-managed acute respiratory disease, in identifying the key cost drivers of such illness, and to identify the proportion of costs borne by the patient and family. There were 202 community-managed influenza-like illnesses identified between July and December 2001, generating 89 general practitioner visits, and 42 antibiotic prescriptions. The average cost of community-managed episodes (without hospitalisation) was $241 (95% CI $191 to $291), with the key cost drivers being carer time away from usual activities caring for the ill child (70% of costs), use of non-prescription medications (5.4%), and general practice visits (5.0%). The patient and family met 87per cent of total costs. The lowest average cost occurred in households from the highest income bracket. Acute respiratory illness managed in the community is common, with the responsibility for meeting the cost of episodes predominantly borne by the patient and family in the form of lost productivity. These findings have implications for preventive strategies in children, such as the individual use of, or implementation of public programs using, currently available vaccines against influenza and vaccines under development against other viral respiratory pathogens.


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Drawing on the literatures of history, sociology, epidemiology, and microbiology, this thesis compares syphillis with human immunodeficiency virus, with special reference to the social and historical factors likely to be relevant to the control or eradication of acquired imune dificiency syndrom (AIDS). The sudden appearance of a new disease causing suffering and death in a community, engenders apprehension and fear which is often manifested as hysteria against, and vilification of, those who have the disease. This fear is greatly increased should the disease be sexually-transmitted. Syphilis in a venereal form, occured in Europe toward the end of the 15th Century. Initially it was an acute, fulminating disease which rapidly spread through Europe and Asia. Attempts to control the disease have gone through periods of either partial successes or massive failures and have ended in frustration for the authorities. When the syndrome of acquired immune deficiency (AIDS) was first reported, it was seen in Western countries in homosexual men. However, as non-homosexual community members and children became infected, it became apparent to authorities that a pandemic was accurring. Within a few years, the disease was identified worldwide. Isolation of the virus (HIV-1), and development of test for detection of carriers, plus restoration of clean blood and blood-product supplies, have reassured the community to some extent. The history of syphilis shows that neither the epidemiological medical, nor the economic political approaches to disease control work, although there are positive aspects resulting from both. It is social responses that will offer the most hope in the long term for the control of AIDS and other sexually-transmitted diseases.


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Water is essential to life and all living organisms and their supply is necessary for economic development and quality of life of human populations, but their quality has been altered by human actions. In semi-arid northeast, the water is an issue of concern, especially its quality. This region is common to the construction of reservoirs that capture rain water, streams and temporary rivers in search of ease this situation, being intended for various purposes. Water scarcity is a limiting factor for the economic and social development of the region and contributes to the maintenance of waterborne diseases. About 80% of diseases that occur in developing countries are infected by waterborne pathogens. Therefore, this study aimed to determine in two environments that are part of semilênticos Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves reservoir, and a stretch of the river Assu, all located in the semiarid RN, the occurrence of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria; check the conceptions of teachers and health workers about the issues "waterborne diseases" and "bacteria" and a diagnosis of diarrheal diseases that affect the population in some municipalities of the semi-arid region of RN from a survey of epidemiological data. For identification of bacteria using commercial kits and the diagnosis of diarrheal disease was based on information from databases. The previous conceptions of teachers and health workers were obtained through questionnaires. The results confirmed the presence of opportunistic bacteria in the studied area, showing the importance of monitoring water quality. There was an under-reporting of cases of diarrhea pointing out flaws in the monitoring of Diarrheal Diseases and indicating the need to improve it. It was felt also the need to implement educational activities on topics dealt with both with teachers and health workers, since they were identified misconceptions on the subject


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A infecção por influenza A, subtipo H1N1, é considerada uma doença viral aguda e importante causa de doença respiratória. As crianças foram consideradas como um dos grupos de risco, devido à imaturidade do sistema imunológico. A fisioterapia pode atuar na prevenção e no tratamento das doenças respiratórias em crianças, utilizando-se de diversas técnicas e procedimentos terapêuticos. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever o atendimento de fisioterapia em crianças internadas em um hospital-escola com diagnóstico/suspeita de infecção por H1N1. Estudo do tipo descritivo de relato de casos em série realizado por meio de análise de prontuário. Investigados 14 prontuários de crianças com mediana de idade de 1 ano e 5 meses, 10 do sexo masculino e 4 do feminino. A manifestação clínica mais frequente foi esforço respiratório, seguida por tosse, febre, coriza, vômitos e dor no corpo. As técnicas de fisioterapia mais realizadas foram respiratórias, seguidas de cinesioterapia, orientações para os pais, suporte de oxigênio e estímulo ao (DNPM). O tempo médio de internação foi de 4,57 dias. Algumas crianças somavam ao diagnóstico/suspeita de infecção por H1N1 diagnósticos e doenças associadas. A fisioterapia realizada foi principalmente no sentido de melhorar a mecânica respiratória por meio de técnicas desobstrutivas e outras condutas respiratórias, porém preocupação com mobilizações, orientações para os pais e desenvolvimento motor também foi destacada.


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Neste trabalho, são relatados dois casos de morte súbita por doença de Chagas aguda em caninos da zona rural de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Os cães, um macho Pit Bull com nove meses (canino 1) e uma fêmea Labrador Retriever com dois anos (canino 2), morreram em janeiro de 2005 e maio de 2008, respectivamente. As necropsias revelaram aumento cardíaco em ambos os casos. O coração do canino 2 apresentou formato globoso com múltiplas áreas pálidas na musculatura cardíaca, mais evidentes no ventrículo direito e câmaras cardíacas dilatadas, principalmente as da direita. Ao exame histológico, ambos os casos apresentaram alterações semelhantes caracterizadas por infiltrado inflamatório difuso não-purulento acentuado, predominantemente linfocitário intersticial. Nas fibras miocárdicas, havia grande número de pseudocistos, repletos de formas amastigotas do Trypanosoma cruzi. Ao teste sorológico TESA-blot, amostra do canino 2 foi positiva para anticorpos IgM e IgG anti-T.cruzi, achado característico da fase aguda da miocardite chagásica. Os resultados indicam que a doença de Chagas deve ser investigada em casos de morte súbita em cães na região Sul do Brasil e que a espécie pode servir como reservatório e sentinela da doença em humanos.