920 resultados para Action and adventure films


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It is found that the inclusion of higher derivative terms in the gravitational action along with concepts of phase transition and spontaneous symmetry breaking leads to some novel consequence. The Ricci scalar plays the dual role, like a physical field as well as a geometrical field. One gets Klein-Gordon equation for the emerging field and the corresponding quanta of geometry are called Riccions. For the early universe the model removes singularity along with inflation. In higher dimensional gravity the Riccions can break into spin half particle and antiparticle along with breaking of left-right symmetry. Most tantalizing consequences is the emergence of the physical universe from the geometry in the extreme past. Riccions can Bose condense and may account for the dark matter.


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We analyze here the occurrence of antiferromagnetic (AFM) correlations in the half-filled Hubbard model in one and two space dimensions using a natural fermionic representation of the model and a newly proposed way of implementing the half-filling constraint. We find that our way of implementing the constraint is capable of enforcing it exactly already at the lowest levels of approximation. We discuss how to develop a systematic adiabatic expansion for the model and how Berry's phase contributions arise quite naturally from the adiabatic expansion. At low temperatures and in the continuum limit the model gets mapped onto an O(3) nonlinear sigma model (NLsigma). A topological, Wess-Zumino term is present in the effective action of the ID NLsigma as expected, while no topological terms are present in 2D. Some specific difficulties that arise in connection with the implementation of an adiabatic expansion scheme within a thermodynamic context are also discussed, and we hint at possible solutions.


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Mechanical properties of ZnS nanowires and thin films are studied as a function of size and growth direction using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. Using the stress-strain relationship we extract Young's moduli of nanowires and thin films at room temperature. Our results show that Young's modulus of 0001] nanowires has strong size dependence. On the other hand, 01 (1) over bar0] nanowires do not exhibit a strong size dependence of Young's modulus in the size range we have investigated. We provide a microscopic understanding of this behavior on the basis of bond stretching and contraction due to the rearrangement of atoms in the surface layers. The ultimate tensile strengths of the nanowires do not show much size dependence. To investigate the mechanical behavior of ZnS in two dimensions, we calculate Young's modulus of thin films under tensile strain along the 0001] direction. Young's modulus of thin films converges to the bulk value more rapidly than that of the 0001] nanowire.


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Results of a high resolution photoemission and electrochemistry study of Se adsorption Au(111) and Ag(111) surfaces performed by immersion of pristine samples into an aqeuous solution of Na2Se are presented. Cyclic voltammetry on Au shows formation of selenium adsorbed species and the structures observed in reductive desorption are to the atomic and polymeric species observed in XPS. In the case of Au(111) XPS spectra in the Se(3d) region indeed show two main features attributed to Se chemisorbed atomically and polymeric Se-8 features.' Smaller structures due to other types of Se conformations were also observed. The Au(4f) peak line, shape does not show core level, shifts: indicative of Au selenide formation the case of silver, XPS spectra for the Ag(3d) show a broadening of the peak and a deconvolution into Ag-B bulk like Ag-Se components shows that the Ag-Se is located at a lower binding energy, an effect similar to oxidation and sulfidation of Ag. The Se(3d) XPS spectrum is found to be substantially different from the Au case and dominated by atomic type Se due to the selenide, though a smaller intensity Se structure at an energy similar to the Se-8 structure for Au is also observed. Changes in the valence band region. related to Se adsorption are reported.


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En la presente tesis se ha realizado el estudio de primeros principios (esto es, sinhacer uso de parámetros ajustables) de la estructura electrónica y la dinámica deexcitaciones electrónicas en plomo, tanto en volumen como en superficie y en formade películas de espesor nanométrico. Al presentar el plomo un número atómico alto(82), deben tenerse en cuenta los efectos relativistas. Con este fin, el doctorando haimplementado el acoplo espín-órbita en los códigos computacionales que hanrepresentado la principal herramienta de trabajo.En volumen, se han encontrado fuertes efectos relativistas asi como de lalocalización de los electrones, tanto en la respuesta dieléctrica (excitacioneselectrónicas colectivas) como en el tiempo de vida de electrones excitados. Lacomparación de nuestros resultados con medidas experimentales ha ayudado aprofundizar en dichos efectos.En el estudio de las películas a escala nanométrica se han hallado fuertes efectoscuánticos debido al confinamiento de los estados electrónicos. Dichos efectos semanifiestan tanto en el estado fundamental (en acuerdo con estudiosexperimentales), como en la respuesta dieléctrica a través de la aparición y dinámicade plasmones de diversas características. Los efectos relativistas, a pesar de no serimportantes en la estructura electrónica de las películas, son los responsables de ladesaparación del plasmón de baja energía en nuestros resultados.


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This review discusses the processes involved in the decomposition of organic carbon derived initially from structural components of algae and other primary producers. It describes how groups of bacteria interact in time and space in a eutrophic lake. The relative importance of anaerobic and aerobic processes are discussed. The bulk of decomposition occurs within the sediment. The role of bacteria in the nitrogen cycle and the iron cycle, and in sulphate reduction and methanogenesis as the terminal metabolism of organic carbon are described.


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TiO2 and ZrO2 films are deposited by electron-beam (EB) evaporation and by sol-gel process. The film properties are characterized by visible and Fourier-transform infrared spectrometry, x-ray diffraction analysis, surface roughness measure, absorption and laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) test. It is found that the sol-gel Elms have lower refractive index, packing density and roughness than EB deposited films due to their amorphous structure and high OH group concentration in the film. The high LIDT of sol-gel films is mainly due to their amorphous and porous structure, and low absorption. LIDT of EB deposited film is considerably affected by defects in the Elm, and LIDT of sol-gel deposited film is mainly effected by residual organic impurities and solvent trapped in the film.


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4-Aminobenzoic acid (4-ABA) was covalently grafted on a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) by amine cation radical formation in the electrooxidation process of the amino-containing compound. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurement proves the presence of 4-carboxylphenylamine monolayer on the GCE. The redox responses of various electroactive probes were investigated on the 4-ABA-modified GCE. Electron transfer to Fe(CN)(6)(3-) in solutions of various pHs was studied by both cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance analysis on the modified electrode. Changes in the solution pH value result in the variation of the terminal group charge state, based on which surface pK(a) values are estimated. The 4-ABA-modified GCE was used as a suitable charged substrate to fabricate polyoxometalates-consisting (POM-consisting) monolayer and multilayer films through layer-by-layer assembly based on electrostatic attraction. Cyclic voltammetry shows the uniform growth of these three-dimensional multilayer films. Taking K10H3[Pr-(SiMo7W4O39)(2)]. H2O (abbreviated as Pr(SiMo7W4)(2)), for example, the preparation and electrochemical behavior of its monolayer and multilayer film had been investigated in detail. This modification strategy is proven to be a general one suitable for anchoring many kinds of POMs on the 4-ABA-modified GCE.


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Multilayers of Y-type bilayers of pure and mixed erbium palmitate(EP), nonadecanate(Er) and behenate(EB) on CaF2 substrates were prepared by conventional Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) method. II is demonstrated that two systems composed of alternating bilayer of different fatty acid salts are unidimensional superlattices. These LB films were characterized by means of x-ray photoelectronic Spectrometry (XPS), FTIR and x-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements.