947 resultados para Acoustic measurements
This paper reviews a study to determine the maximum rate the acoustic reflex can follow pulsed stimuli in normal hearing subjects and in subjects with Meniere's Syndrome.
This paper reviews a study to determine the maximum rate the acoustic reflex can follow pulsed stimuli in normal hearing subjects and in subjects with Meniere's Syndrome.
Radial profiles are reported of average and rms temperature in a propane flame for the first, second, and third acoustic modes at four different axial positions above the burner in a Rijke-tube combustor. Selected plots of the power spectral density (PSD) of temperature fluctuations are also reported. These radial profiles are then compared to similar ones made in the same flame, but in the absence of the acoustic field. Visual observations and photographs of the flame showed a remarkable change in flame height and structure with the onset of acoustic oscillations. This reduction in flame length, caused by the enhanced mixing due to the acoustic velocity fluctuations, gave rise to higher and lower average and rms temperatures near or well above the burner, respectively. In general, the PSD plots had a broad frequency content. The general trend was a decrease in magnitude with an increase in frequency. All cases presented broad-band peaks at around 5 Hz related to the flame flickering phenomenon. Preferred frequencies were observed in the oscillating PSD plots related to the fundamental frequency as well as subharmonics in the tube. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
The present study sought to assess nasal respiratory function in adult patients with maxillary constriction who underwent surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) and to determine correlations between orthodontic measurements and changes in nasal area, volume, resistance, and airflow. Twenty-seven patients were assessed by acoustic rhinometry, rhinomanometry, orthodontic measurements, and use of a visual analogue scale at three time points: before surgery; after activation of a preoperatively applied palatal expander; and 4 months post-SARME. Results showed a statistically significant increase (p < 0.001) in all orthodontic measurements. The overall area of the nasal cavity increased after surgery (p < 0.036). The mean volume increased between assessments, but not significantly. Expiratory and inspiratory flow increased over time (p < 0.001). Airway resistance decreased between assessments (p < 0.004). Subjective analysis of the feeling of breathing exclusively through the nose increased significantly from one point in time to the next (p < 0.05). There was a statistical correlation between increased arch perimeter and decreased airway resistance. Respiratory flow was the only variable to behave differently between sides. The authors conclude that the SARME procedure produces major changes in the oral and nasal cavity; when combined, these changes improve patients' quality of breathing.
The new Spanish Regulation in Building Acoustic establishes values and limits for the different acoustic magnitudes whose fulfillment can be verify by means field measurements. In this sense, an essential aspect of a field measurement is to give the measured magnitude and the uncertainty associated to such a magnitude. In the calculus of the uncertainty it is very usual to follow the uncertainty propagation method as described in the Guide to the expression of Uncertainty in Measurements (GUM). Other option is the numerical calculus based on the distribution propagation method by means of Monte Carlo simulation. In fact, at this stage, it is possible to find several publications developing this last method by using different software programs. In the present work, we used Excel for the Monte Carlo simulation for the calculus of the uncertainty associated to the different magnitudes derived from the field measurements following ISO 140-4, 140-5 and 140-7. We compare the results with the ones obtained by the uncertainty propagation method. Although both methods give similar values, some small differences have been observed. Some arguments to explain such differences are the asymmetry of the probability distributions associated to the entry magnitudes,the overestimation of the uncertainty following the GUM
Impulse response measurements are carried out in laboratory facilities at Ecophon, Sweden, simulating a typical classroom with varying suspended ceilings and furniture arrangements. The aim of these measurements is to build a reliable database of acoustical parameters in order to have enough data to validate the new acoustical simulation tool which is under development at Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Denmark. The different classroom configurations are also simulated using ODEON Room Acoustics software and are compared with the measurements. The resulting information is essential for the development of the acoustical simulation tool because it will enable the elimination of prediction errors, especially those below the Schroeder frequency. The surface impedance of the materials used during the experiments is measured in a Kundt’s tube at DTU, in order to characterize them as accurately as possible at the time of incorporation into the model. A brief study about porous materials frequently used in classrooms is presented. Wide diferences are found between methods of measuring absorption coefficients and local or extended assumptions. RESUMEN. Mediciones de Respuesta al Impulso son llevadas a cabo en las instalaciones con que cuenta la empresa Ecophon en su sede central de Hyllinge, Suecia. En una de sus salas, se recrean diferentes configuraciones típicas de aula, variando la altura y composición de los techos, colocando paneles absorbentes de pared e incluyendo diferentes elementos mobiliario como pupitres y sillas. Tres diferentes materiales absorbentes porosos de 15, 20 y 50 mm de espesor, son utilizados como techos suspendidos así como uno de 40 mm es utilizado en forma de paneles. Todas las medidas son realizadas de acuerdo al estándar ISO 3382, utilizando 12 combinaciones de fuente sonora y micrófono para cada configuración, así como respetando las distancias entre ellos establecidas en la norma. El objetivo de toda esta serie de medidas es crear una base de datos de parámetros acústicos tales como tiempo de reverberación, índice de claridad o índice de inteligibilidad medidos bajo diferentes configuraciones con el objeto de que éstos sirvan de referencia para la validación de una nueva herramienta de simulación acústica llamada PARISM que está siendo desarrollada en este momento en la Danmarks Tekniske Universitet de Copenhague. Esta herramienta tendrá en cuenta la fase, tanto en propagación como en reflexión, así como el comportamiento angulodependiente de los materiales y la difusión producida por las superficies. Las diferentes configuraciones de aula recreadas en Hyllinge, son simuladas también utilizando el software de simulación acústica ODEON con el fin de establecer comparaciones entre medidas y simulaciones para discutir la validez de estas ultimas. La información resultante es esencial para el desarrollo de la nueva herramienta de simulación, especialmente los resultados por debajo de la frecuencia de corte de Schroeder, donde ODEON no produce predicciones precisas debido a que no tiene en cuenta la fase ni en propagación ni en reflexión. La impedancia de superficie de los materiales utilizados en los experimentos, todos ellos fabricados por la propia empresa Ecophon, es medida utilizando un tubo de Kundt. De este modo, los coeficientes de absorción de incidencia aleatoria son calculados e incorporados a las simulaciones. Además, estos coeficientes también son estimados mediante el modelo empírico de Miki, con el fin de ser comparados con los obtenidos mediante otros métodos. Un breve estudio comparativo entre coeficientes de absorción obtenidos por diversos métodos y el efecto producido por los materiales absorbentes sobre los tiempos de reverberación es realizado. Grandes diferencias son encontradas, especialmente entre los métodos de tubo de impedancia y cámara reverberante. La elección de reacción local o extendida a la hora de estimar los coeficientes también produce grandes diferencias entre los resultados. Pese a que la opción de absorción angular es activada en todas las simulaciones realizadas con ODEON para todos los materiales, los resultados son mucho más imprecisos de lo esperado a la hora de compararlos con los valores extraidos de las medidas de Respuesta al Impulso. En salas como las recreadas, donde una superficie es mucho más absorbente que las demás, las ondas sonoras tienden a incidir en la superficie altamente absorbente desde ángulos de incidencia muy pequeños. En este rango de ángulos de incidencia, las absorciones que presentan los materiales absorbentes porosos estudiados son muy pequeñas, pese a que sus valores de coeficientes de absorción de incidencia aleatoria son altos. Dado que como descriptor de las superficies en ODEON se utiliza el coeficiente de absorción de incidencia aleatoria, los tiempos de reverberación son siempre subestimados en las simulaciones, incluso con la opción de absorción angular activada. Esto es debido a que el algoritmo que ejecuta esta opción, solo tiene en cuenta el tamaño y posición de las superficies, mientras que el comportamiento angulodependiente es diferente para cada material. Es importante destacar, que cuando la opción es activada, los tiempos simulados se asemejan más a los medidos, por lo tanto esta característica sí produce ciertas mejoras pese a no modelar la angulodependencia perfectamente. Por otra parte, ODEON tampoco tiene en cuenta el fenómeno de difracción, ni acepta longitudes de superficie menores de una longitud de onda a frecuencias medias (30 cm) por lo que en las configuraciones que incluyen absorbentes de pared, los cuales presentan un grosor de 4 cm que no puede ser modelado, los tiempos de reverberación son siempre sobreestimados. Para evitar esta sobreestimación, diferentes métodos de correción son analizados. Todas estas deficiencias encontradas en el software ODEON, resaltan la necesidad de desarrollar cuanto antes la herramienta de simulación acústica PARISM, la cual será capaz de predecir el comportamiento del campo sonoro de manera precisa en este tipo de salas, sin incrementar excesivamente el tiempo de cálculo. En cuanto a los parámetros extraidos de las mediciones de Respuesta al Impulso, bajo ninguna de las configuraciones recreadas los tiempos de reverberación cumplen con las condiciones establecidas por la regulación danesa en materia de edificación. Es importante destacar que los experimentos son llevados a cabo en un edificio construido para uso industrial, en el que, pese a contar con un buen aislamiento acústico, los niveles de ruido pueden ser superiores a los existentes dentro del edificio donde finalmente se ubique el aula. Además, aunque algunos elementos de mobiliario como pupitres y sillas son incluidos, en una configuración real de aula normalmente aparecerían algunos otros como taquillas, que no solo presentarían una mayor absorción, sino que también dispersarían las ondas incidentes produciendo un mejor funcionamiento del techo absorbente. Esto es debido a que las ondas incidirían en el techo desde una mayor variedad de ángulos, y no solo desde ángulos cercanos a la dirección paralela al techo, para los cuales los materiales presentan absorciones muy bajas o casi nulas. En relación a los otros parámetros como índice de claridad o índice de inteligibilidad extraidos de las medidas, no se han podido extraer conclusiones válidas dada la falta de regulación existente. Sin embargo, el efecto que produce sobre ellos la inclusión de techos, paneles de pared y mobiliario sí es analizada, concluyendo que, como era de esperar, los mejores resultados son obtenidos cuando todos los elementos están presentes en la sala en el mismo momento.
A methodology has been developed and presented to enable the use of small to medium scale acoustic hover facilities for the quantitative measurement of rotor impulsive noise. The methodology was applied to the University of Maryland Acoustic Chamber resulting in accurate measurements of High Speed Impulsive (HSI) noise for rotors running at tip Mach numbers between 0.65 and 0.85 – with accuracy increasing as the tip Mach number was increased. Several factors contributed to the success of this methodology including: • High Speed Impulsive (HSI) noise is characterized by very distinct pulses radiated from the rotor. The pulses radiate high frequency energy – but the energy is contained in short duration time pulses. • The first reflections from these pulses can be tracked (using ray theory) and, through adjustment of the microphone position and suitably applied acoustic treatment at the reflected surface, reduced to small levels. A computer code was developed that automates this process. The code also tracks first bounce reflection timing, making it possible to position the first bounce reflections outside of a measurement window. • Using a rotor with a small number of blades (preferably one) reduces the number of interfering first bounce reflections and generally improves the measured signal fidelity. The methodology will help the gathering of quantitative hovering rotor noise data in less than optimal acoustic facilities and thus enable basic rotorcraft research and rotor blade acoustic design.
The approach presented in this paper consists of an energy-based field-circuit coupling in combination with multi-physics simulation of the acoustic radiation of electrical machines. The proposed method is applied to a special switched reluctance motor with asymmetric pole geometry to improve the start-up torque. The pole shape has been optimized, subject to low torque ripple, in a previous study. The proposed approach here is used to analyze the impact of the optimization on the overall acoustic behavior. The field-circuit coupling is based on a temporary lumped-parameter model of the magnetic part incorporated into a circuit simulation based on the modified nodal analysis. The harmonic force excitation is calculated by means of stress tensor computation, and it is transformed to a mechanical mesh by mapping techniques. The structural dynamic problem is solved in the frequency domain using a finite-element modal analysis and superposition. The radiation characteristic is obtained from boundary element acoustic simulation. Simulation results of both rotor types are compared, and measurements of the drive are presented.
A novel shear plate was used to make direct bed shear stress measurements in laboratory dam break and swash flows on smooth, fixed, impermeable beds. The pressure gradient due to the slope of the fluid free-surface across the plate was measured using pressure transducers. Surface elevation was measured at five locations using acoustic displacement sensors. Flow velocity was measured using an Acoustic-Doppler Velocimeter and calculated using the ANUGA inundation model. The measured bed shear stress at the dam break fluid tip for an initially dry, horizontal bed was close to twice that estimated using steady flow theory. The temporal variation of swash bed shear stress showed a large peak in landward directed stress at the uprush tip, followed by a rapid decay throughout the uprush flow interior. The peak seaward directed stress during the backwash phase was less than half that measured in the uprush. Close to the still water line, in the region of bore collapse and at the time of initial uprush, favourable pressure gradients were measured. In the lower swash region predominately weak adverse pressure gradients were measured.
The present study details new turbulence field measurements conducted continuously at high frequency for 50 hours in the upper zone of a small subtropical estuary with semi-diurnal tides. Acoustic Doppler velocimetry was used, and the signal was post-processed thoroughly. The suspended sediment concentration wad further deduced from the acoustic backscatter intensity. The field data set demonstrated some unique flow features of the upstream estuarine zone, including some low-frequency longitudinal oscillations induced by internal and external resonance. A striking feature of the data set is the large fluctuations in all turbulence properties and suspended sediment concentration during the tidal cycle. This feature has been rarely documented.
High-resolution measurements of velocity and physio-chemistry were conducted before, during and after the passage of a transient front in a small subtropical system about 2.1 km upstream of the river mouth. Detailed acoustic Doppler velocimetry measurements, conducted continuously at 25 Hz, showed the existence of transverse turbulent shear between 300 s prior to the front passage and 1300 s after. This was associated with an increased level of suspended sediment concentration fluctuations, some transverse shear next to the bed and some surface temperature anomaly.