995 resultados para Acidification wet bulb


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Female broiler breeder productivity is based on the principles of thermal comfort that are directly related with the microclimate inside the housing. This research had the objective of monitoring the behavior of female broiler breeders, using the technology of radio-frequency, injectable transponders and readers in different existing microclimates inside a small scale distorted housing model. Eight birds with electronic identification were used. Three readers were used, in three different points inside the model: on the floor of the nest, in the passage besides the lateral wall and below the water facility. Dry bulb (DBT), wet bulb (WBT) and black globe (BGT) temperature were measured continuously. The results point out a distinct behavioral pattern of the birds regarding the environment exposition during the experiment. Three probabilistic models of behavior were developed from the recorded data: probabilistic model for the passage use: FP = 1.10 - 0.244 ln(DBT), probabilistic model for the water facility use: FB = 0.398 + 0.00866(DBT), and probabilistic model for the nest use: FN = 2.22 - 0.272 DBT + 0,011 DBT 2 - 0.000144 DBT 3.


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The efficiency of monitoring fertigation by means of porous capsule extractors is directly related to its correct placement, since the nutrients applied through fertigation have different mobility throughout the soil profile. The objective of this study was to evaluate the distributions of NO3, P, and K in the soil solution, when applied in citrus in sandy soil through drip fertigation systems, aiming to define the proper placement of the solution extractors. In order to measure the concentration of ions in the soil solution, the extractors were installed at four different distances (5, 15, 25, and 35 cm) and depths (15, 30, 60, and 90 cm) with an emitter located under the projection of the tree canopy. The experiment was conducted in a Valencia orange orchard on citrumelo Swingle rootstock, in Reginópolis/SP. The experimental design was randomized blocks and the treatment arrangement was a 4 x 4 factorial design with five repetitions. Sixteen soil solution extractors were installed per block, with a total of 80 extractors in the experiment. According to the obtained results, to determine P and K, it is recommended to install the solution extractor at 15 cm horizontal and 30 cm depth from the emitter. For NO3, the extractor recommended placement is 25 cm horizontal and 30 cm depth. The soil solution extractor proved to be a sensitive tool, capable of determining the ions mobility in the wet bulb.


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As the psychrometric method is considered standard for the measurement of relative humidity, many studies have used aspirated thermocouple psychrometers connected to microloggers but, however, they do not detail how the aspiration of the air stream is done. However, one of the major difficulties of aspirated thermocouple psychrometers is to program and to connect it in micrologger, because specific programming and connection are requires, and still some skills in getting accurate measurements. This work aimed to provide the programming and the connection of the aspirated thermocouple psychrometer type T for the CR10X microloggers and CR23X of Campbell Scientific, evaluating the quality of measurements of temperature and air relative humidity in relation the a sensor Vaisala HMP50. The non-continuous measurements were made in the period 2006/09/04 to 2007/07/11 at Jaboticabal, SP. The air temperature measurements were similar between the Vaisala sensors and aspirated thermocouple psychrometer, but the relative humidity measurements were significantly different. The measurements obtained by the aspirated thermocouple psychrometer connected to CR10X micrologger were the most accurate. Using the programming and connection of a micro-fan to suck in the dry and moist bulbs of aspirated thermocouple psychrometer in microloggers models CR10X and CR23X, it is possible to obtain measurements of air temperature with good precision and accuracy, and measurements of air relative humidity with good precision, but accuracy is not always attainable due to the difficulties inherent to the physical processes that occur in the wet bulb, the skill in the use and maintenance of this equipment and the reservoir protection against radiative effects.


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The factors that have influence on the energy consumption of a small air conditioning system that are worth mentioning are the efficiencies of the compressor, evaporator and condenser, the form that the refrigerant flow is controlled, the fan model used, and climatic conditions. Within the climate issue, an interesting factor is that the relative humidity when it comes to the effect that it causes, especially in the performance of the air condenser, which generally is not considered in the projects. This study aims to evaluate the influence of humidity on the coefficient of system performance (COP), seeking to quantify their influence when it happens. The tests were performed on a testing bench, mounted at the Laboratory for Energy Efficiency (LAMOTRIZ) UNESP-Campus Guaratinguetá. In the study, the wet bulb temperature was ranged, keeping the rotation of the scroll compressor with application of a frequency inverter in its best performance. The test bench is provided with a supervisory system of data collection that is also able to control all functions of the bench. In the results, there was a significant influence, particularly when comparing high humidity conditions with low humidity, noting that only over 65% relative humidity is that significant changes are observed in the COP of the system. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The thermocouple is used for obtaining the air temperature with sensitivity and optimum precision, beyond great advantage over the mercury or alcohol thermometer, because it generates electrical signals that can be stored in automated systems. However, when it comes to obtaining the relative humidity from thermocouple, it is needed caution due to other factors involved. In this study two sets of thermocouple psychrometers, aspirated and no-aspirated were evaluated, relative to a Vaisala set, from 17 to 31/01/2008 (15 days). From measurements of dry and wet bulb temperatures, the relative humidity value was obtained, and it was possible to compare them with the Vaisala set measurements. The two types of psychrometers showed precision and accuracy in measurements of air temperature, and only precision in measurements of relative humidity, being that the aspirated psychrometer presented more precision. Despite the no-aspirated psychrometer has lesser precision in measurements, it is more robust because it is independent of a 12 VDC micro-fan, making it, a sensor with lesser risk of inadequate measures. Both aspirated and no-aspirated psychrometers do not measure accurately the relative air humidity during night period.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This work assessed homogeneity of the Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG) weather station climate series, using various statistical techniques. The record from this target station is one of the longest in Brazil, having commenced in 1933 with observations of precipitation, and temperatures and other variables later in 1936. Thus, it is one of the few stations in Brazil with enough data for long-term climate variability and climate change studies. There is, however, a possibility that its data may have been contaminated by some artifacts over time. Admittedly, there was an intervention on the observations in 1958, with the replacement of instruments, for which the size of impact has not been yet evaluated. The station transformed in the course of time from rural to urban, and this may also have influenced homogeneity of the observations and makes the station less representative for climate studies over larger spatial scales. Homogeneity of the target station was assessed applying both absolute, or single station tests, and tests relatively to regional climate, in annual scale, regarding daily precipitation, relative humidity, maximum (TMax), minimum (TMin), and wet bulb temperatures. Among these quantities, only precipitation does not exhibit any inhomogeneity. A clear signal of change of instruments in 1958 was detected in the TMax and relative humidity data, the latter certainly because of its strong dependence on temperature. This signal is not very clear in TMin, but it presents non-climatic discontinuities around 1953 and around 1970. A significant homogeneity break is found around 1990 for TMax and wet bulb temperature. The discontinuities detected after 1958 may have been caused by urbanization, as the observed warming trend in the station is considerably greater than that corresponding to regional climate.


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Pregnant sows confinement systems were created in order to maximize the productivity, however there are problems concerning the animal welfare. The aim of this research was to evaluate pregnant sows in outdoors and in confinement systems in relation to the thermal environment and physiological animal responses. The experiment was conducted in a commercial farm in Monte Mor city, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The physiological evaluation was performed by recording physiological variables, such as respiratory frequency and skin temperature. Furthermore, variables like dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, and black globe temperature were also evaluated to characterize the ambient by means of enthalpy and black globe humidity index. In each treatment six animals were evaluated. The experimental design was completely randomized in a split-plot version whose averages were compared by the Tukey test. The findings of the experiment revealed higher values for all the bioclimatic variables in the confined treatment. Hence, the outdoor system provided better thermal conditioning for pigs, resulting in a lower heat stress.


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Agricultural workers are exposed to various risks, including chemical agents, noise, and many other factors. One of the most characteristic and least known risk factors is constituted by the microclimatic conditions in the different phases of work (in field, in greenhouse, etc). A typical condition is thermal stress due to high temperatures during harvesting operations in open fields or in greenhouses. In Italy, harvesting is carried out for many hours during the day, mainly in the summer, with temperatures often higher than 30 degrees C. According to ISO 7243, these conditions can be considered dangerous for workers' health. The aim of this study is to assess the risks of exposure to microclimatic conditions (heat) for fruit and vegetable harvesters in central Italy by applying methods established by international standards. In order to estimate the risk for workers, the air temperature, radiative temperature, and air speed were measured using instruments in conformity with ISO 7726. Thermodynamic parameters and two more subjective parameters, clothing and the metabolic heat production rate related to the worker's physical activity, were used to calculate the predicted heat strain (PHS) for the exposed workers in conformity with ISO 7933. Environmental and subjective parameters were also measured for greenhouse workers, according to ISO 7243, in order to calculate the wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT). The results show a slight risk for workers during manual harvesting in the field. On the other hand, the data collected in the greenhouses show that the risk for workers must not be underestimated. The results of the study show that, for manual harvesting work in climates similar to central Italy, it is essential to provide plenty of drinking water and acclimatization for the workers in order to reduce health risks. Moreover, the study emphasizes that the possible health risks for greenhouse workers increase from the month of April through July.