847 resultados para Accidents, occupational
O objetivo deste artigo é descrever, através de estratégias metodológicas quantitativas e qualitativas, os acidentes do trabalho ocorridos em três anos numa indústria metalúrgica do interior de São Paulo para compreender suas possíveis causas. Trata-se de um estudo de casos de uma indústria; foram estudados 336 acidentes em três anos, utilizando-se três procedimentos: análise dos registros dos acidentes, entrevistas (166 acidentados) e realização de grupos focais (111 trabalhadores). A proporção de incidência anual dos acidentes foi de 16,9%; 75 casos com afastamento superior a 15 dias; 51,2% ocorreram pela manhã, afetando caldeireiros (48,2%). Entre os entrevistados, escolaridade média de 8,8 anos e idade de 31 a 50 anos (55,4%); 64,5% já haviam sofrido outros acidentes e com maior ocorrência naqueles expostos ao ruído intenso (mais 90 dBA) (53%). Nos grupos focais, identificaram-se percepções e sentimentos dos trabalhadores a respeito dos acidentes que não apareceram nas etapas anteriores. Através dos grupos focais pode-se identificar melhor os fatores que contribuem para os acidentes, como: pressões, realização de horas extras, baixos salários, condições de trabalho precárias e organização do trabalho.
This paper discusses, within the prevaling Brazilian situation, the possibility of applying 'Causal Tree' (CT) method in investigating occupational accidents by safety personnel in the public health services and workers' unions. The method was developed during the seventies in France, for use by plant safety personnel. The authors used this method in Botucatu, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in order to investigate 40 serious occupational accidents that occurred in industrial plants during the second half of 1993, that had been registered by Social Security. In these cases, the predominance of situations in which the lack of safety measures were identified by inspection indicates that in most instances, the use of CT is unnecessary. However, the authors discuss its use by safety personnel from the public health services and workers' unions to investigate certain accidents to contribute to the knowledge base and help overcome the cultural based guilt which, in Brazil, has turned the victim into the person responsible for the accident.
Objective: The implementation of work-related injury prevention policies has been hindered by underreporting of incidents among formal workers, and substantial underreporting among informal workforce. This study aimed at estimating the underreporting of work-related injury in a median-sized city. Methods: A random survey was carried out among residences in the urban area of Brazil. Residents were interviewed about the occurrence of work-related injury to people aged more than nine years in the last 90 days. All incidents reported were double checked in the National Social Security Institute (INSS) records. Results: There were 9,626 residences visited. It was estimated 79.5% (CI 95%: 78.8%-80.3%) of underreporting of work-related injury. Conclusions: Work-related injury reporting is poor in the study location and this may be occurring in other cities. Data suggest the need to build up information systems on Brazilian workers' health. It should incorporate methods, materials and human recourses necessary to recognize, store, analyze, and spread information support injury prevention policies and promote workers' health programs.
The purpose of this study was to verify whether occupational noise exposure is a significant risk factor for work accidents in the city of Piracicaba, São Paulo State, Brazil. This hospital-based case-control study included 600 workers aged 15-60 who suffered typical occupational accidents between May and October 2004 and were seen at the Piracicaba Orthopedics and Trauma Center. The control group comprised 822 workers, aged 15-60, who were also seen at the Center, and either had a non-occupational accident or were accompanying someone who had suffered an accident. A multiple logistic regression model was adjusted with work accident as an independent variable, controlled by covariables of interest such as noise exposure. The risk of having a work accident was about twice as high among workers exposed to noise, after controlling for several covariables. Occupational noise exposure not only affected auditory health status but was also a risk factor for work accidents.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the accidents with biological material among medical students interning in a trauma emergency room and identify key related situations, attributed causes and prevention. METHODS: we conducted a study with a quantitative approach. Data were collected through a questionnaire applied via internet, with closed, multiple-choice questions regarding accidents with biological material. The sample comprised 100 students. RESULTS: thirty-two had accidents with biological material. Higher-risk activities were local anesthesia (39.47%), suture (18.42%) and needle recapping (15.79%). The main routes of exposure to biological material were the eyes or mucosa, with 34%, and syringe needle puncture, with 45%. After contamination, only 52% reported the accident to the responsible department. CONCLUSION: The main causes of accidents and routes of exposure found may be attributed to several factors, such as lack of training and failure to use personal protective equipment. Educational and preventive actions are extremely important to reduce the incidence of accidents with biological materials and improve the conduct of post-exposure. It is important to understand the main causes attributed and situations related, so as general and effective measures can be applied.
The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of reports of accidents involving biological material which affected health professionals, especially dental health ones, in a city in the northwestern region of São Paulo State, Brazil. Data collection was conducted through the notification of accidents with biological material from 2007 to 2011. There were 377 notifications, in which 353 (93.6%) had female professionals involved. The most reported type of exposure was the percutaneous in 359 cases (95.2%) followed by blood in 334 cases (88.6%) which is the most mentioned biological material in the reports. Only 21 (5.6%) notifications were from dental staff and occurred mostly with the dentist, 14 times (66.7%) and 16 times (76.2%) during clinical procedures. The prevalence of biological accidents among dental teams was little in this time, which suggests the possibility of underreporting, in addition to being subject to the partial fulfillment of the same.
OBJETIVO: Identificar os acidentes de trabalho com exposição à material biológico ocorridos em um hospital universitário, discutindo os resultados com o processo de implementação das medidas de segurança e saúde dos trabalhadores, exigidas pela Norma Regulamentadora NR-32. MÉTODOS: Estudo exploratório de abordagem quantitativa dos dados. Foram realizados levantamento dos acidentes de trabalho, as entrevistas com o coordenador do Serviço de Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho e a análise de dados documentais do Programa de Prevenção de Riscos Ambientais e do Programa de Controle Médico de Saúde Ocupacional. RESULTADOS: O percentual de acidentes de trabalho reduziu ao longo do período, no qual várias exigências dessa norma foram sendo adotadas. Acidentes com material perfurocortante foram os mais frequentes, não havendo em todos os setores do hospital o oferecimento dos dispositivos de segurança exigidos pela NR-32. CONCLUSÃO: Houve redução de acidentes de trabalho com material biológico no hospital estudado entre 2007 e 2009. Contudo, não é quantitativamente significativa, apesar da implantação de várias diretrizes da NR-32 ao longo dos anos. É necessária a colaboração entre gestores, serviços de segurança e trabalhadores na promoção da saúde no trabalho.
Introdução – Os acidentes de trabalho envolvendo material biológico entre profissionais de saúde são frequentes e constituem um problema de saúde pública, pois representam uma preocupação constante das instituições e dos profissionais de saúde. Os profissionais do pré hospitalar tornam-se mais expostos pela tensão emocional vivida, pela natureza e circunstâncias do seu exercício profissional. Objetivos – Identificar a ocorrência de acidentes ocupacionais com materiais perfurocortantes nos profissionais de saúde do SAMU Maceió; identificar os acidentes mais frequentes, os períodos em que ocorrem e avaliar as condutas tomadas após o acidente. Métodos – Estudo descritivo com orientação analítico-descritiva desenvolvido numa amostra de 40 profissionais de saúde, Enfermeiro socorrista, Técnico Enfermagem e Médicos Socorristas. A recolha de informação foi suportada num questionário elaborado para o efeito. Resultados – A nossa amostra apresentou uma média de idades de 39,2 anos, o sexo feminino foi maioritário com 70,0% e 50,0% trabalha entre 6 a 10 anos na unidade. A maioria dos acidentes perfuro cortantes foram provocados por agulhas (75,0%) e dos quais não resultou incapacidade em 75%. A maioria dos acidentes ocorreram no verão e no turno da noite. Grande número de profissionais (70%) não cumpriu com as normas de procedimentos após o acidente e 80,0% dos profissionais não realizaram a quimioprofilaxia, não cumprindo com o protocolo do Ministérios da Saúde do Brasil. O paciente-fonte foi identificado em 87,5% dos casos mas verificamos uma subnotificação dos acidentes pois 45,0% dos profissionais não o fizeram. Nenhum profissional frequentou formação específica sobre acidentes de trabalho Conclusões – Verificamos uma alta incidência de acidentes perfurocortantes entre os profisionais do SAMU. Existe uma subnotificação do acidente e um déficite nas condutas apropriadas após o acidente. A população estudada necessita de uma maior sensibilização/formação quanto às medidas preventivas de segurança no ambiente de trabalho e motivação para o controle e prevenção dos acidentes ocupacionais no exercício de sua profissão. Palavras-chave: Acidente de trabalho. Materiais biológicos. Materiais perfurocortantes.
Item 499-F-3.
"March 1997."
"September 1987."
"Includes index"
Description based on: 1996; title from caption.
Background: Noise is the most common agent of occupational exposure. It may induce both auditory and extraauditory dysfunction and increase the risk of work accidents. The purpose of this study was to estimate the fraction of accidents attributable to noise occupational exposure in a mid-size city located in southeastern Brazil. Materials and Methods: In this population case-control study, which included 108 cases and 324 controls, the incidence rate ratio of work accidents controlled for several covariables was obtained by classifying occupational noise exposure into three levels, as well as determining the prevalence in each level. Results: Based on these data, the attributable fraction was estimated as 0.6391 (95 CI = 0.2341-0.3676), i.e., 63 of the work accidents that took place in the study site were statistically associated with occupational noise exposure. Discussion: The causes of this association as well as its implications in the prevention of work accidents are discussed.