504 resultados para Acaulospora laevis


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The Armadillo family catenin proteins function in multiple capacities including cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion and nuclear signaling. The newest catenin, p120 catenin, differs from the classical catenins and binds to the membrane-proximal domain of cadherins. Recently, a novel transcription factor Kaiso was found to interact with p120 catenin, suggesting that p120 catenin also possesses a nuclear function. We isolated the Xenopus homolog of Kaiso, XKaiso, from a Xenopus stage 17 cDNA library. XKaiso contains an amino-terminal BTB/POZ domain and three carboxyl-terminal zinc fingers. The XKaiso transcript was present maternally and expressed throughout early embryonic development. XKaiso's spatial expression was defined via in situ hybridization and was found localized to the brain, eye, ear, branchial arches, and spinal cord. Co-immunoprecipitation of Xenopus p120 catenin and XKaiso demonstrated their mutual association, while related experiments employing differentially epitope-tagged XKaiso constructs suggest that XKaiso also self-associates. On the functional level, reporter assays employing a chimera of XKaiso fused to the GAL4 DNA binding domain indicated that XKaiso is a transcriptional repressor. To better understand the significance of the Kaiso-p120 catenin complex in vertebrate development, Kaiso knock-down experiments were undertaken, and the modulatory role of p120 catenin in Kaiso function examined during Xenopus development. Using morpholino antisense oligonucleotides to block translation of XKaiso, XKaiso was found to be essential for Xenopus gastrulation, being required for correct morphogenetic movements in early embryogenesis. Molecular marker analyses indicated that one target gene of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, Siamois, is significantly increased in embryos depleted for XKaiso, while other dorsal, ventral, and mesodermal cell fate markers were unaltered. In addition, the non-canonical Wnt-11, known to participate in planar cell polarity/convergent extension processes, was significantly upregulated following depletion of XKaiso. Such increased Wnt-11 expression likely contributed to the XKaiso depletion phenotype because a dominant negative form of Wnt-11 or of the downstream effector Dishevelled partially rescued the observed gastrulation defects. These results show that XKaiso is essential for proper gastrulation movements, resulting at least in part from its modulation of non-canonical Wnt signaling. The significance of the XKaiso-p120 catenin interaction has yet to be determined, but appears to include a role in modulating genes promoting canonical and non-canonical Wnt signals. ^


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Esta tesis doctoral pretende profundizar en el conocimiento de la ecología de Ulmus laevis Pallas, especie autóctona en peligro de extinción en la Península Ibérica, con el fin de proponer medidas adecuadas para su conservación. Se ha estudiado la distribución natural de la especie atendiendo a aspectos edáficos. Los resultados muestran que U. laevis presenta menor capacidad de acidificación de la rizosfera, menor actividad de la reductasa férrica y menor homeostasis que U. minor Mill. cuando crecen en sustratos con una disponibilidad de hierro limitada. Estas diferencias ayudan a comprender la distribución de ambas especies en la Península Ibérica: U. laevis se ve restringido a suelos ácidos o moderadamente ácidos, mientras que U. minor es capaz de habitar tanto suelos ácidos como básicos. Se han analizado las propiedades hidráulicas y anatómicas de U. laevis, constatando que sus características son favorables en ambientes con gran disponibilidad hídrica y que se trata del olmo ibérico más vulnerable a la cavitación por estrés hídrico, por lo que la aridificación del clima y la pérdida de los freáticos supone un riesgo para sus poblaciones. Para evaluar la capacidad de recuperación de la especie se han estudiado la diversidad y estructura genética espacial de las dos mayores poblaciones españolas. Los resultados evidencian que estas poblaciones mantienen niveles de diversidad equiparables o ligeramente superiores a los europeos, pese a haber sufrido un cuello de botella prolongado durante las glaciaciones y a las reducciones poblacionales recientes. En la actualidad la endogamia no representa un riesgo para estas poblaciones. También se ha analizado la producción, dispersión y predación de semillas en Valdelatas (Madrid). Los resultados han mostrado que el viento dispersa las sámaras a corta distancia (<30 m) y que los años no veceros las probabilidades de establecimiento de regenerado son bajas. Además, la producción de sámaras vanas puede tratarse de un carácter adaptativo que aumenta la eficiencia biológica de la especie, ya que favorece la supervivencia de las semillas embrionadas disminuyendo sus tasas de predación pre- y post-dispersión. La modificación del hábitat de esta especie como consecuencia de las actividades humanas afecta de manera negativa al establecimiento del regenerado. La conservación de esta especie a largo plazo requiere la recuperación de los niveles freáticos y de regímenes hidrológicos que permitan avenidas, ya que estas crean las condiciones adecuadas para el establecimiento de regenerado al eliminar la vegetación preexistente y depositar barro. ABSTRACT Ulmus laevis Pallas is an endangered species in the Iberian Peninsula. Therefore, in order to be able to propose adequate management guidelines for its conservation, this PhD Thesis intends to advance the knowledge on the species ecology in the region. Firstly, the species natural distribution was studied in relation to soil nature. Results show that U. minor Mill. had a higher root ferric reductase activity and proton extrusion capability than U. laevis, and maintained a better nutrient homeostasis when grown under iron limiting conditions. These differences in root Fe acquisition efficiencies proved helpful to understand the distribution of these species in the Iberian Peninsula, where U. laevis is restricted to acid or moderately acid soils, whereas U. minor can grow both in acid and basic soils. Secondly, we studied Ulmus laevis’ xylem anatomy and hydraulic traits. These proved favourable for growing under high water availability, but highly susceptible to drought-stress cavitation. Therefore, this species is vulnerable to the Iberian Peninsula’s aridification. Spatial genetic structure and diversity were evaluated in two of the biggest U. laevis populations in Spain in order to evaluate their recovery capabilities. These populations maintain similar or slightly higher diversity levels than European populations, despite having undergone an ancestral genetic bottleneck and having suffered recent population size reductions. No inbreeding problems have been detected in these populations. Seed production, dispersal and predation were assessed in Valdelatas’ elm grove (Madrid). Despite U. laevis samaras being winged nuts, wind dispersed them short distances from the mother tree (<30 m). The seed shadow models show that non-mast years provide very few chances for the stand to regenerate due to their low full seed flux. Empty samaras deceive pre- and post-dispersal predators increasing full seed survival probabilities. Therefore, empty fruit production might be an adaptive trait that increases plant fitness. Finally, human-induced changes in water-table levels and river regulation may affect U. laevis seed dispersal and regeneration establishment negatively. The long-term conservation and expansion of this species in the Iberian Peninsula requires the recovery of water-tables and of natural hydrological regimes, as flooding eliminates vegetation, creating open microhabitats and deposits mud, creating the ideal conditions for seedling establishment.


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European white elm (Ulmus laevis Pallas) populations are scarce, small and fragmented in the Iberian Peninsula. Due to these characteristics the indigenous status of the species in the region has been questioned, whilst the species? role in Iberian riparian forest ecology has been neglected. Herein we review past studies regarding this species? distribution and ecology in the Iberian Peninsula, with special emphasis on the establishment of conservation priorities. We first present a collection of palaeogeographic, historic and genetic data suggesting that the Iberian Peninsula was a glacial refuge for U. laevis. Secondly, we analyse U. laevis distribution in relation to soil physico- chemical properties and water availability in Spain. Following this, we focus on the reproductive biology of the species, and investigate the effect of masting and empty seed production on predation and regeneration establishment. Finally, based on this knowledge, we propose conservation policies for U. laevis in the Iberian Peninsula.


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Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) mediate both active transport and passive diffusion across the nuclear envelope (NE). Determination of NE electrical conductance, however, has been confounded by the lack of an appropriate technical approach. The nuclear patch clamp technique is restricted to preparations with electrically closed NPCs, and microelectrode techniques fail to resolve the extremely low input resistance of large oocyte nuclei. To address the problem, we have developed an approach for measuring the NE electrical conductance of Xenopus laevis oocyte nuclei. The method uses a tapered glass tube, which narrows in its middle part to 2/3 of the diameter of the nucleus. The isolated nucleus is sucked into the narrow part of the capillary by gentle fluid movement, while the resulting change in electrical resistance is monitored. NE electrical conductance was unexpectedly large (7.9 ± 0.34 S/cm2). Evaluation of NPC density by atomic force microscopy showed that this conductance corresponded to 3.7 × 106 NPCs. In contrast to earlier conclusions drawn from nuclear patch clamp experiments, NPCs were in an electrically “open” state with a mean single NPC electrical conductance of 1.7 ± 0.07 nS. Enabling or blocking of active NPC transport (accomplished by the addition of cytosolic extracts or gp62-directed antibodies) revealed this large NPC conductance to be independent of the activation state of the transport machinery located in the center of NPCs. We conclude that peripheral channels, which are presumed to reside in the NPC subunits, establish a high ionic permeability that is virtually independent of the active protein transport mechanism.


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Adult Xenopus laevis frogs made transgenic by restriction enzyme-mediated integration were bred to test the feasibility of establishing lines of frogs that express transgenes. All of the 19 animals raised to sexual maturity generated progeny that expressed the transgene(s). The patterns and levels of expression of green fluorescent protein transgenes driven by a viral promoter, rat promoter, and four X. laevis promoters were all unaffected by passage through the germ line. These results demonstrate the ease of establishing transgenic lines in X. laevis.


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The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in animal cells uses microtubule motor proteins to adopt and maintain its extended, reticular organization. Although the orientation of microtubules in many somatic cell types predicts that the ER should move toward microtubule plus ends, motor-dependent ER motility reconstituted in extracts of Xenopus laevis eggs is exclusively a minus end-directed, cytoplasmic dynein-driven process. We have used Xenopus egg, embryo, and somatic Xenopus tissue culture cell (XTC) extracts to study ER motility during embryonic development in Xenopus by video-enhanced differential interference contrast microscopy. Our results demonstrate that cytoplasmic dynein is the sole motor for microtubule-based ER motility throughout the early stages of development (up to at least the fifth embryonic interphase). When egg-derived ER membranes were incubated in somatic XTC cytosol, however, ER tubules moved in both directions along microtubules. Data from directionality assays suggest that plus end-directed ER tubule extensions contribute ∼19% of the total microtubule-based ER motility under these conditions. In XTC extracts, the rate of ER tubule extensions toward microtubule plus ends is lower (∼0.4 μm/s) than minus end-directed motility (∼1.3 μm/s), and plus end-directed motility is eliminated by a function-blocking anti-conventional kinesin heavy chain antibody (SUK4). In addition, we provide evidence that the initiation of plus end-directed ER motility in somatic cytosol is likely to occur via activation of membrane-associated kinesin.


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The Nucleolar Localization Elements (NoLEs) of Xenopus laevis U3 small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) have been defined. Fluorescein-labeled wild-type U3 snoRNA injected into Xenopus oocyte nuclei localized specifically to nucleoli as shown by fluorescence microscopy. Injection of mutated U3 snoRNA revealed that the 5′ region containing Boxes A and A′, known to be important for rRNA processing, is not essential for nucleolar localization. Nucleolar localization of U3 snoRNA was independent of the presence and nature of the 5′ cap and the terminal stem. In contrast, Boxes C and D, common to the Box C/D snoRNA family, are critical elements for U3 localization. Mutation of the hinge region, Box B, or Box C′ led to reduced U3 nucleolar localization. Results of competition experiments suggested that Boxes C and D act in a cooperative manner. It is proposed that Box B facilitates U3 snoRNA nucleolar localization by the primary NoLEs (Boxes C and D), with the hinge region of U3 subsequently base pairing to the external transcribed spacer of pre-rRNA, thus positioning U3 snoRNA for its roles in rRNA processing.


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The oocyte nuclear antigen of the monoclonal antibody 32-5B6 of Xenopus laevis is subject to regulated nuclear translocation during embryogenesis. It is distributed in the cytoplasm during oocyte maturation, where it remains during cleavage and blastula stages, before it gradually reaccumulates in the nuclei during gastrulation. We have now identified this antigen to be the enzyme S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (SAHH). SAHH is the only enzyme that cleaves S-adenosylhomocysteine, a reaction product and an inhibitor of all S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methylation reactions. We have compared the spatial and temporal patterns of nuclear localization of SAHH and of nuclear methyltransferase activities during embryogenesis and in tissue culture cells. Nuclear localization of Xenopus SAHH did not temporally correlate with DNA methylation. However, we found that SAHH nuclear localization coincides with high rates of mRNA synthesis, a subpopulation colocalizes with RNA polymerase II, and inhibitors of SAHH reduce both methylation and synthesis of poly(A)+ RNA. We therefore propose that accumulation of SAHH in the nucleus may be required for efficient cap methylation in transcriptionally active cells. Mutation analysis revealed that the C terminus and the N terminus are both required for efficient nuclear translocation in tissue culture cells, indicating that more than one interacting domain contributes to nuclear accumulation of Xenopus SAHH.


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The role of growth hormone (GH) in amphibian metamorphosis is ambiguous based on experiments in which mammalian GH was administered to tadpoles and frogs. We have reexamined the effects of GH by producing transgenic Xenopus laevis that overexpress the cDNA encoding X. laevis GH. These transgenic tadpoles take the same length of time to reach metamorphosis as control tadpoles, but the transgenic tadpoles are twice as large. After metamorphosis, the transgenic frogs grow at a greatly accelerated rate and develop skeletal abnormalities reminiscent of acromegaly. The transgenic frogs are larger than mature frogs in a few months and die in about 1 year. At as early as 10 months of age, the males have mature sperm. We conclude that the growth-promoting effects of GH in this amphibian closely resemble those described for mammals. Although excess GH increases the size of the tadpole, it does not alter the developmental programs involved in metamorphosis.


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Prolactin (PRL) is widely considered to be the juvenile hormone of anuran tadpoles and to counteract the effects of thyroid hormone (TH), the hormone that controls amphibian metamorphosis. This putative function was concluded mainly from experiments in which mammalian PRL was injected into tadpoles or added to cultured tadpole tissues. In this study, we show that overexpression of ovine or Xenopus laevis PRL in transgenic X. laevis does not prolong tadpole life, establishing that PRL does not play a role in the life cycle of amphibians that is equivalent to that of juvenile hormone in insect metamorphosis. However, overexpression of PRL produces tailed frogs by reversing specifically some but not all of the programs of tail resorption and stimulating growth of fibroblasts in the tail. Whereas TH induces muscle resorption in tails of these transgenics, the tail fibroblasts continue to proliferate resulting in a fibrotic tail that is resistant to TH.


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Transcription factors belonging to the CCAAT-enhancer binding protein (C/EBP) family have been implicated in the regulation of gene expression during differentiation, development and disease. Autoregulation is relatively common in the modulation of C/EBP gene expression and the murine and human C/EBPα genes have been shown to be auto-activated by different mechanisms. In the light of this finding, it is essential that autoregulation of C/EBPα genes from a wider range of different species be investigated in order to gauge the degree of commonality, or otherwise, that may exist. We report here studies that investigate the regulation of the Xenopus laevis C/EBPα gene (xC/EBPα). The –1131/+41 promoter region was capable of directing high levels of expression in both the human hepatoma Hep3B and the Xenopus kidney epithelial A6 cell lines, and was auto-activated by expression vectors specifying for xC/EBPα or xC/EBPβ. Deletion analysis showed that the –321/+41 sequence was sufficient for both the constitutive promoter activity and auto-activation and electrophoretic mobility shift assays identified the interaction of C/EBPs and Sp1 to this region. Although deletion of either the C/EBP or the Sp1 site drastically reduced the xC/EBPα promoter activity, multimers of only the C/EBP site could confer autoregulation to a heterologous SV40 promoter. These results indicate that, in contrast to the human promoter and in common with the murine gene, the xC/EBPα promoter was subject to direct autoregulation. In addition, we demonstrate a novel species-specific action of Sp1 in the regulation of C/EBPα expression, with the factor able to repress the murine promoter but activate the Xenopus gene.


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Two important features of amphibian metamorphosis are the sequential response of tissues to different concentrations of thyroid hormone (TH) and the development of the negative feedback loop between the pituitary and the thyroid gland that regulates TH synthesis by the thyroid gland. At the climax of metamorphosis in Xenopus laevis (when the TH level is highest), the ratio of the circulating precursor thyroxine (T4) to the active form 3,5,3′-triiodothyronine (T3) in the blood is many times higher than it is in tissues. This difference is because of the conversion of T4 to T3 in target cells of the tadpole catalyzed by the enzyme type II iodothyronine deiodinase (D2) and the local effect (cell autonomy) of this activity. Limb buds and tails express D2 early and late in metamorphosis, respectively, correlating with the time that these organs undergo TH-induced change. T3 is required to complete metamorphosis because the peak concentration of T4 that is reached at metamorphic climax cannot induce the final morphological changes. At the climax of metamorphosis, D2 expression is activated specifically in the anterior pituitary cells that express the genes for thyroid-stimulating hormone but not in the cells that express proopiomelanocortin. Physiological concentrations of T3 but not T4 can suppress thyrotropin subunit β gene expression. The timing and the remarkable specificity of D2 expression in the thyrotrophs of the anterior pituitary coupled with the requirement for locally synthesized T3 strongly support a role for D2 in the onset of the negative feedback loop at the climax of metamorphosis.


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The x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) zinc K-edge steps for intact stages I,II and V,VI Xenopus laevis oocytes demonstrate that the zinc concentration is about 3 and 1 mM, respectively. However, the chi(k) function for the early stage oocytes differs markedly from that for the late one. Analysis of the XAFS data for stage I,II oocytes indicates that zinc is bound to 2.0 +/- 0.5 sulfur atoms at an average coordination distance of 2.29 +/- 0.02 angstroms and 2.0 +/- 0.5 nitrogen or oxygen (N/O) atoms at 2.02 +/- 0.02 angstroms. In marked contrast, in stage V,VI oocytes, zinc is bound to 4.1 +/- 0.4 N/O atoms at an average distance of 1.98 +/- 0.01 angstroms. Our previous studies demonstrated that 90% of the zinc in stage VI oocytes is sequestered within yolk platelets, associated with a single molecule, lipovitellin, the proteolytically processed product of vitellogenin. XAFS analysis of yolk platelets, lipovitellin, and vitellogenin demonstrates that zinc is bound to 4.0 +/- 0.5 N/O ligands at an average distance of 1.98 +/- 0.01 angstroms in each case, identical to that of stage V,VI oocytes. The higher shell contributions in the Fourier transforms indicate that two of the N/O zinc ligands are His in both stage V,VI and I,II oocytes. The results show that in stage I,II oocytes, there is a high concentration of a zinc protein whose zinc coordination site likely is composed of (His)2(Cys)2, such as, e.g., TFIIIA. As the oocytes develop, the predominant zinc species becomes one that exhibits the (His)2(N/0)2 zinc site found in lipovitellin. Hence, the ligands to the zinc atoms in intact oocytes and the changes that take place as a function of oogenesis and after their fertilization, during embryogenesis, now can be examined and explored.


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Genes that are up- and down-regulated by thyroid hormone in the tail resorption program of Xenopus laevis have been isolated by a gene expression screen, sequenced, and identified in the GenBank data base. The entire program is estimated to consist of fewer than 35 up-regulated and fewer than 10 down-regulated genes; 17 and 4 of them, respectively, have been isolated and characterized. Up-regulated genes whose function can be predicted on the basis of their sequence include four transcription factors (including one of the thyroid hormone receptors), an extracellular matrix component (fibronectin) and membrane receptor (integrin), four proteinases, a deiodinase that degrades thyroid hormone, and a protein that binds the hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing factor, which has been implicated in controlling thyroid hormone synthesis in Xenopus tadpoles. All four down-regulated genes encode extracellular proteins that are expressed in tadpole epidermis. This survey of the program provides insights into the biology of metamorphosis.


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We have studied the functional consequences of a mutation in the epithelial Na+ channel that causes a heritable form of salt-sensitive hypertension, Liddle disease. This mutation, identified in the original kindred described by Liddle, introduces a premature stop codon in the channel beta subunit, resulting in a deletion of almost all of the C terminus of the encoded protein. Coexpression of the mutant beta subunit with wild-type alpha and gamma subunits in Xenopus laevis oocytes resulted in an approximately 3-fold increase in the macroscopic amiloride-sensitive Na+ current (INa) compared with the wild-type channel. This change in INa reflected an increase in the overall channel activity characterized by a higher number of active channels in membrane patches. The truncation mutation in the beta subunit of epithelial Na+ channel did not alter the biophysical and pharmacological properties of the channel--including unitary conductance, ion selectivity, or sensitivity to amiloride block. These results provide direct physiological evidence that Liddle disease is related to constitutive channel hyperactivity in the cell membrane. Deletions of the C-terminal end of the beta and gamma subunits of rat epithelial Na+ channel were functionally equivalent in increasing INa, suggesting that the cytoplasmic domain of the gamma subunit might be another molecular target for mutations responsible for salt-sensitive forms of hypertension.